Something I try to impress on my friends who write epic (for lack of a better word) sci-fi is that humans didn’t evolve to the top of the food chain, we made it to somewhere in the middle before we achieved our higher cognitive functions (pattern recognition et al) and started to think and problem solve. Even with more creationist-leaning storytelling (which sci-fi has a _lot_ of, funny enough) the human body is the vessel of the mind and spirit, yes, and it is a _deeply flawed_ vessel.
Something I try to impress on my friends who write epic (for lack of a better word) sci-fi is that humans didn’t evolve to the top of the food chain, we made it to somewhere in the middle before we achieved our higher cognitive functions (pattern recognition et al) and started to think and problem solve. Even with more creationist-leaning storytelling (which sci-fi has a _lot_ of, funny enough) the human body is the vessel of the mind and spirit, yes, and it is a _deeply flawed_ vessel.