Who You Say I Am Dance- CMFI Young Women

  • Опубліковано 24 кві 2020
  • Who am I?
    This is one of the Many questions we face at one time or another. We would even go to great heights and great depth for this little piece of knowledge: identity - placing our identity on our position in our family, our job titles, our academic achievements, our success, on our ‘special friend’. We place our worth on temporal things; things that at any time could be stripped away from us. Then what remains? Who am I?
    John 1:12
    "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."
    The answer is right there in of us - Believe.!
    Isaiah 53
    • He was despised and rejected so that we could be loved and accepted.
    • He was beaten and bruised so we could be made whole.
    • He was whipped so that we could be healed.
    We are Who He says we are.
    God knows who we are.
    Creation Knows who we are.
    Even the devil knows who we are.
    It is time we know who we are and understand our worth. Through Christ, we are accepted into the Family of our Heavenly Father.
    Big Vinaka Vakalevu to my sisters For all the effort they have put in this video. Kemudou na rosi ❤❤ Love and Appreciate you all so much❤❤❤