"Boo!" Jumpscare Compilation

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • I hope you like this compilation and don't forget to subscribe!


  • @Littleanimationgamer-Hobbs
    @Littleanimationgamer-Hobbs Місяць тому +94

    0:40 Jerry: A-boo! 0:45 Also jerry: A-boo! 0:52 Also jerry again: BALALALALALALAH! Got me laughing😂😂😂😂

  • @jacobyearout9654
    @jacobyearout9654 Місяць тому +45

    0:10 hey🤨BOO AHHH😨 🤣🤣🤣

  • @Animeguy300
    @Animeguy300 Місяць тому +23

    Awesome video almost time for Halloween 🎃

  • @michaelaliceajr.7308
    @michaelaliceajr.7308 Місяць тому +15

    Great compilation, bro. For Halloween of Course

  • @CameronCochran-e3y
    @CameronCochran-e3y Місяць тому +44

    3:28 monster inc I watched that movie last night

  • @mcpingas
    @mcpingas Місяць тому +12

    so glad these videos exist

  • @MoltenUprisingMK
    @MoltenUprisingMK Місяць тому +12

    Boo who? Don't cry!
    I like how you made this one specifically for Halloween.

  • @BlakeHawkinsVA
    @BlakeHawkinsVA Місяць тому +10

    A good collection for Halloween :)

  • @davidalexander306
    @davidalexander306 Місяць тому +34

    3:41 Dumbo, 3:50 Mulan, 3:55 Bambi, 3 Disney films in a row. And that's excluding Pixar.

    • @agustinananini-paez6849
      @agustinananini-paez6849 Місяць тому +1


    • @davidalexander306
      @davidalexander306 Місяць тому

      @agustinananini-paez6849 No! I meant EXCLUDING. None of the 3 Disney films I mentioned are Pixar. All 3 are PURE DISNEY. You can tell. Pixar is all 3d map and models, never the flat pictures kind of films. If there is an occurrence in the universe of Pixar, it's Monsters Inc.

    • @agustinananini-paez6849
      @agustinananini-paez6849 Місяць тому

      @@davidalexander306 Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. Give it a rest, will ya, jerkface?

  • @Kadendrawmaster310
    @Kadendrawmaster310 Місяць тому +13

    0:42 Jerry: A BOO!
    Toms cousin: 🫣
    Jerry: 😜
    Toms cousin: 😵‍💫🫥

  • @anniebanzon1471
    @anniebanzon1471 Місяць тому +8

    great Halloween compilation!🎃👍

  • @StopSpiderMan
    @StopSpiderMan Місяць тому +69

    "I Love You" compilation video on February for Valentines day

    • @EduCarrasco-me1vv
      @EduCarrasco-me1vv Місяць тому +9

      Yeah that's the Spongebob SquarePants
      Customer: Hello
      Patrick: I love You
      (Close the Door)

    • @blestmusician2a.k.a.robert263
      @blestmusician2a.k.a.robert263 Місяць тому +4

      @@StopSpiderMan What about adding this part to the compilation: Persona girls saying “I love you”?

    • @vincentbrito6233
      @vincentbrito6233 Місяць тому +4

      I love that

    • @stemi67
      @stemi67 Місяць тому +1

      Lois: i love you.
      Peter: f** off.

    • @joshball9421
      @joshball9421 Місяць тому +1

      @@StopSpiderMan AAAARIIIIIN!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

  • @BeautyGoddess-cz6cz
    @BeautyGoddess-cz6cz Місяць тому +19

    Happy Halloween, David!!! :)

  • @romygarcia809
    @romygarcia809 Місяць тому +24

    Spongebob and Patrick:Boo!!!💛🩷0:57
    Wreck it Ralph:Boo!!!✊👊🤛3:16
    Pinkie Pie:Boo!!!🩷😁5:31
    Rainbow Dash:Boo!!!🩵🌈8:20

    • @tarryteeth
      @tarryteeth 27 днів тому +5

      Batman: Boo!! 🦇 👨 5:43 5:49

  • @BrainMax_
    @BrainMax_ Місяць тому +24

    "Characters struck by lightning" compilation

  • @maesonroode4969
    @maesonroode4969 Місяць тому +10

    “HEADS UP!” Compilation.

  • @andrewmontgomery5621
    @andrewmontgomery5621 Місяць тому +21

    Perfect for Halloween 🎃 Happy Halloween everyone!

  • @svxd7369
    @svxd7369 Місяць тому +31

    My favorites are Muppets Most Wanted, The Ghost and Molly McGee, Cuphead, Monsters Inc, and SpongeBob

  • @davidalexander306
    @davidalexander306 Місяць тому +7

    This guy gathers examples from movies, TV shows, and even videogames. I like that.

  • @carolynvitek754
    @carolynvitek754 Місяць тому +6

    (giggles) I love the part when Monstar Blanko scared Porky Pig "Hey, little pig." Boo." that got me since I was 7 years old.

  • @jaycehernandez6907
    @jaycehernandez6907 Місяць тому +15

    2:34 Freddy Fazbear?!

  • @crossovertrainfan8345
    @crossovertrainfan8345 Місяць тому +10

    I hope you could do other compilations for others like "You were saying?", "Gotcha", and "Where do you think you're going?"

  • @kaylagaymon4873
    @kaylagaymon4873 Місяць тому +23

    My favorites are Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, Monsters Inc, Casper, Dumbo, the Ghost and Molly McGee, Space Jam, My Little the Lion King

  • @JerrardJDDavis-gy9hh
    @JerrardJDDavis-gy9hh Місяць тому +16

    Are You Kidding Me/You've Got To Be Kidding Me Compilation

  • @tylerbuck1900
    @tylerbuck1900 Місяць тому +14

    Where's Aquamarine (2006) scene

  • @travisbost469
    @travisbost469 Місяць тому +14

    Don’t forget Power Rangers Turbo when Tommy scared that green monster thing

  • @nersesbrawl7111
    @nersesbrawl7111 Місяць тому +12

    3:51 I was waiting for this moment! I even flinched once from it. Really like a jumpscare from fnaf

  • @dylantriantis6005
    @dylantriantis6005 Місяць тому +10

    Honorable mention: The song “Boo Boo Choo Choo” from Thomas and Friends

  • @RobertDister
    @RobertDister Місяць тому +10

    Boo to Scared is So Funny😂🤣

  • @yinthedraconequus4818
    @yinthedraconequus4818 Місяць тому +20

    1:25 That’s scary as hell.

  • @blestmusician2a.k.a.robert263
    @blestmusician2a.k.a.robert263 Місяць тому +36

    Happy Halloween, everyone!

  • @matthewgersch1901
    @matthewgersch1901 Місяць тому +18

    You Forgot How The Grinch Stole Christmas 2000 When The Grinch Says Boo To The Whoville People

  • @EduCarrasco-me1vv
    @EduCarrasco-me1vv Місяць тому +8

    Spongebob SquarePants
    0:57 Spongebob and Patrick: "Boo!"
    0:58 Mr Krabs SCREAMS 😵‍💫

    • @amitaikatz5929
      @amitaikatz5929 Місяць тому

      I gotta get outta here!
      *Tries going out to the entrance, but the door's won't open*

    • @jeremywhitehead1633
      @jeremywhitehead1633 Місяць тому

      SpongeBob: You can't escape, Krabs, we glued the doors shut.

    • @amitaikatz5929
      @amitaikatz5929 Місяць тому

      @jeremywhitehead1633 Mr. Krabs: You'll never get me!
      *Tries crashing through the window, but gets sligshoted back*

    • @jeremywhitehead1633
      @jeremywhitehead1633 Місяць тому

      @@amitaikatz5929 Patrick: Nice try, Krabs, but we replaced all the glass with rubber.

    • @BorisTheAnimal-p5y
      @BorisTheAnimal-p5y Місяць тому

      [Mr. Krabs dives into the toilet, but gets stuck. He pulls himself out and sits on the floor, dazed.]
      SpongeBob: Too late, Krabs, we've already clogged all the toilets!
      [the toilet is stuffed with toilet paper. Mr. Krabs cowers in a corner]

  • @RobertDister
    @RobertDister Місяць тому +11

    Freddy Krueger From A Nightmare On Elm Street 2010 Says Boo And Nancy Screaming So Funny🤣

  • @philipdo1582
    @philipdo1582 Місяць тому +11

    “Boo” I made you look

  • @nakicastanuela3360
    @nakicastanuela3360 Місяць тому +10

    1:44 1:48 2:23 2:41 2:48 2:56 6:43 these are my favorite movies and shows of my favorite characters said boo

  • @Littleanimationgamer-Hobbs
    @Littleanimationgamer-Hobbs Місяць тому +9

    1:29 Ghost: Ehe.... Boo?
    Everyone: *Screaming*
    Everyone: *Runs away*
    Me: Why do they all run away?

  • @TomboyEmerald2K6
    @TomboyEmerald2K6 Місяць тому +14

    Request: "Hulk Smash" Compliation

  • @jordanstarman2053
    @jordanstarman2053 Місяць тому +4

    I love these jump scares! Some of them made me Jump! Perfect for Halloween!

  • @camilekirk6014
    @camilekirk6014 Місяць тому +14

    0:57 Scared da world out of Le K!

  • @tarryteeth
    @tarryteeth Місяць тому +22

    Happy Halloween🎃💀🧛‍♂️🧛‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧙🦇🍬👻👹👺😈👿🤡

  • @skullkiller7109
    @skullkiller7109 Місяць тому +29


  • @crocodilechrism8659
    @crocodilechrism8659 Місяць тому +15

    Is there going to be a "Boo!" jeering compilation?

  • @Chrisy45054
    @Chrisy45054 Місяць тому +13

    0:17 I think he actually said _"BOOM!",_ not "BOO!"

    • @darkerfalcon3747
      @darkerfalcon3747 Місяць тому

      It counts as "BOO!" since he creeped out them.

  • @omaripoulson7024
    @omaripoulson7024 Місяць тому +8

    “Get Back To Work!” Compilation

  • @divinevideos1
    @divinevideos1 Місяць тому +6

    1:48 LMAO 🤣

  • @hadanhaight5204
    @hadanhaight5204 Місяць тому +7

    Cool video

  • @joshuatewolde1837
    @joshuatewolde1837 Місяць тому +6

    “Happy Halloween” Complication OR “Trick or Treat” Complication

  • @bendonovan9244
    @bendonovan9244 Місяць тому +6

    0:52 Jerald Jinx Mouse, stop!

  • @donivanlopez139
    @donivanlopez139 Місяць тому +6

    "BOO!" 👻

  • @eaglesfan226
    @eaglesfan226 Місяць тому +9

    You’ve been watching too many movies

  • @LittlePwnageMusicFan
    @LittlePwnageMusicFan Місяць тому +7

    Honorable Mentions:
    The Backyardigans - It's Great To Be A Ghost
    Tyrone: Boo!
    Others: **screaming**
    Ghost (1990)
    Sam: **writes "Boo" on a foggy mirror**
    Willy: **shoots the mirror**
    ???: Boo! Hahaha! Made you jump!

    • @lancearnold54
      @lancearnold54 6 днів тому

      Team Fortress 2
      Spy: Boo! You repulsive bushman.

  • @damolasonubi6010
    @damolasonubi6010 Місяць тому +5

    Kickin it
    Frank(dressed as a clown): Say goodbye goldilocks
    Milton: I'm little boy blue.
    Jack kicks up from the ground and grabs the frank's arm before he could punch milton. Frank: What are you doing? I'm a clown. you're afraid of me?. Jack: I am, but that's my friend( flips the frank over his shoulders in a judo move as he lands on his back before turning to last two black dragon clowns) Boo!

  • @EduCarrasco-me1vv
    @EduCarrasco-me1vv Місяць тому +6

    There's something missing of "Boo!" Jumpscare from:
    - The Loud House: Jeers For Fears and Left of the Dark

  • @Venjix5
    @Venjix5 Місяць тому +10

    Also, could you make a compilation of a different "Boo!"? You know like the angry audience shouting "Boooo!" at someone?

  • @anthonyjones9010
    @anthonyjones9010 Місяць тому +4

    Not gonna lie that jack-o’-lantern from the trick-or-treat cartoon with Donald Duck scared me at the end as a kid. 😮😅

  • @Idonotlikepeanutbutter832
    @Idonotlikepeanutbutter832 Місяць тому +9

    Can you do a compilation of mistletoe kisses for any day in December?

  • @mr.incredible730
    @mr.incredible730 Місяць тому +4

    Can You Do I Saw That! Compilation Video?

  • @simpsonsrus7176-u8e
    @simpsonsrus7176-u8e Місяць тому +6

    4:55 - 5:05
    What movie is that?
    At first i thought it was Carpool but then i boticed that's a different kid and not Travis.
    Also the dad isn't Daniel.
    I'm not sure if this is Carpool or some other movie.

  • @FahadLamiHD4D
    @FahadLamiHD4D Місяць тому +6

    *wears a hannya mask*

  • @UumaZooma
    @UumaZooma Місяць тому +9

    What about a video on villains secret gets recorded cliche as a compilation video? Examples:
    Transformers One movie
    Sonic Boom- Eggman's Tomatoe Sauce episode
    Coco movie
    Disney's Iwaju- episode 5

  • @Kianthesimpsonsfanatic2023
    @Kianthesimpsonsfanatic2023 Місяць тому +7

    Can you do a “Surprise!” Compilation.

  • @alexdopson7569
    @alexdopson7569 Місяць тому +6

    Billy the bull: nothing can scare me, there someone be hind me right.
    (Turn around)
    Diamond bear: he BOO
    Billy the bull: ahhhhhhhhhhh

  • @Venjix5
    @Venjix5 Місяць тому +6

    "Boring!" compilation video please

  • @lancearnold54
    @lancearnold54 7 днів тому +1

    Daniel Witwicky: (walks through a dark woodland before stopping and turning around to see if someone is following him) Hello? Mom? Dad? Optimus? Arcee? Bumblebee? Anyone? (walks backwards slowly until he bumps into something made of metal and turns his head to see Megatron behind him)
    Megatron: Boo!
    Daniel: (screams and runs away from the frightening Decepticon leader)

  • @catdragon4561
    @catdragon4561 Місяць тому +5

    U should do a "How did that get in there?" compilation. Don't worry, it's just a suggestion.

  • @myoung352
    @myoung352 Місяць тому +5

    White fang: you scared me Ronno

  • @GageGonzales-Smith
    @GageGonzales-Smith Місяць тому +6

    What happened to cat and the hat movie

  • @fatimaabdullah8454
    @fatimaabdullah8454 Місяць тому +11

    Superman references please

  • @harrisongerdes7078
    @harrisongerdes7078 Місяць тому +3

    there was also Tigger saying it in Winne the Pooh: Boo to you too

  • @joshuatewolde1837
    @joshuatewolde1837 Місяць тому +4

    “ I Have No Choice/You Leave Me No Choice/There’s No Choice” Complication

  • @OfficialSnapDragon
    @OfficialSnapDragon Місяць тому +5

    4:55 100% my favourite
    And also 5:06
    Don’t forget 2:43

  • @RexfromIslaNublar
    @RexfromIslaNublar Місяць тому +5

    3:50 Shanyu was exactly who I was waiting for

  • @TeletubbiesWorldsAlike
    @TeletubbiesWorldsAlike Місяць тому +5

    What shows have the characters scare everyone by saying boo

  • @Bondrewd-21712
    @Bondrewd-21712 Місяць тому +3

    Boo is like- OOGA BOOGA!

  • @Megatronus101
    @Megatronus101 Місяць тому +4

    In episode 8 of Hazbin Hotel, Adam jumscares Charlie and slaps her across the face.

  • @RyanMcbain-q3h
    @RyanMcbain-q3h Місяць тому +5

    I don't get it compilation in November.

  • @simontudtud4004
    @simontudtud4004 Місяць тому +6

    Woah. you scare me But Good Job Excellent 💯 point 🎉❤🌈🧡💛💚💙💜

  • @davidalexander306
    @davidalexander306 Місяць тому +4

    Right from the start I see a familiar example. Of course this guy is going to include a DreamWorks example and a Disney example. You can't not include examples from them. This guy even included a Don Bluth film in his Jurassic Park reference compilation. I appreciate that, especially since Don Bluth movies and tv really need more attention.

  • @lugialover2496
    @lugialover2496 Місяць тому +3

    The vulture said *BOOM!*

  • @angelocudiamat3643
    @angelocudiamat3643 Місяць тому +3

    Pinocchio: boo 👻! 0:25

  • @TeletubbiesWorldsAlike
    @TeletubbiesWorldsAlike Місяць тому +4

    I know Teletubbies is one of them because of the boo shouters segments

  • @josiahpurtee1156
    @josiahpurtee1156 Місяць тому +4

    7:48 My favorite

  • @deanonessimo4052
    @deanonessimo4052 Місяць тому +1

    Don't forget the scene where Animal jumpscares Gonzo in the epilogue of Muppet Babies' The Great Cookie Robbery, the scene where Katrina Stoneheart jumpscares the viewer at the end of her song in Pound Puppies' Garbage Night Musical, etc.

  • @markbraley9361
    @markbraley9361 16 днів тому +1

    Ah yes! My number one personal favorite full-length animated feature Disney (Tuesday, October 16, 1923-) film ever since I was 3 years old (Monday, October 21, 2002-Monday, October 20, 2003), "Pinocchio" (Friday, February 23, 1940), at 0:21.

  • @BaxterAndLunala
    @BaxterAndLunala Місяць тому +1

    I was totally expecting Master Chief scaring that Grunt.

  • @kodyandrewmaxwell3580
    @kodyandrewmaxwell3580 Місяць тому +3

    Frieda Nevelstein: Boo!
    Millward Waltrip: (screams)
    Count von Bire: Boo!
    The Harpmillers: (all scream)
    Monty & Sid: Boo!
    Little boy: (screams)

    • @lancearnold54
      @lancearnold54 6 днів тому +1

      Master Chief: Boo!
      Grunt: (screams)

  • @caleblaw59
    @caleblaw59 Місяць тому +3

    "Freeze!" Compilation

  • @tawanatomlin4164
    @tawanatomlin4164 Місяць тому +2

    If anyone has seen 2:34, one of the plushies is Freddy Fazbear from Five Nights at Freddy's

  • @eaglesfan226
    @eaglesfan226 Місяць тому +2

    “You get no sympathy from me!”

  • @tarryteeth
    @tarryteeth Місяць тому +5

    You forgot the croods, madagascar, the jungle book 1967

  • @GLMEntertainment2002
    @GLMEntertainment2002 Місяць тому +3

    Where did this come from at 2:05?

  • @mlpartclub412
    @mlpartclub412 Місяць тому +3

    “I am not your mother/father” compilation, please?

  • @davidlimasxd7801
    @davidlimasxd7801  Місяць тому +15

    What was your favorite "Boo!" Jumpscare in this compilation?

    • @lukevidal2986
      @lukevidal2986 Місяць тому +4


    • @Arrowverse2014
      @Arrowverse2014 Місяць тому +5


    • @andrewmontgomery5621
      @andrewmontgomery5621 Місяць тому +4

      Deadpool and The Simpsons

    • @kaylagaymon4873
      @kaylagaymon4873 Місяць тому +5

      Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, Monsters Inc, Casper, Dumbo, the Ghost and Molly McGee, Space Jam and the Lion King

    • @simpsonsrus7176-u8e
      @simpsonsrus7176-u8e Місяць тому +4

      Dexter's Laboratory - Quiet Please
      The Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror VI.

  • @colinjackson-xn9ro
    @colinjackson-xn9ro Місяць тому +4

    1:27 (chuckles) boo?

  • @jamesthereallyusefulredeng4162
    @jamesthereallyusefulredeng4162 Місяць тому +1

    "Screams and punches Ronno real hard"

  • @DiscoJockey-nw7qk
    @DiscoJockey-nw7qk Місяць тому +3

    SUPRISE! compilation

  • @federicoguevaraavalos515
    @federicoguevaraavalos515 Місяць тому +2

    7:48 Hotel Transilvania 2