
  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @영어마을
    @영어마을  7 днів тому

    용감한 작은 토끼
    옛날 옛적에, 베니라는 작은 토끼가 있었어요. 베니는 작았지만 매우 용감했어요. 그는 아름다운 숲에서 가족과 친구들과 함께 살고 있었죠.
    어느 날, 큰 나무 근처에서 놀고 있던 베니는 덤불 뒤에 숨어있는 커다란 여우를 보았어요. 그 여우는 베니의 친구들을 잡으려고 기다리고 있었죠. 베니는 친구들에게 경고해야 한다는 것을 알았어요.
    베니는 할 수 있는 한 빨리 달렸어요. "달려! 달려!" 베니는 친구들에게 외쳤어요. "여우가 있어!"
    친구들은 재빨리 도망쳤지만, 베니는 뒤에 남았어요. 그는 여우가 그들을 따라오지 않도록 확인하고 싶었거든요. 여우는 베니를 보고 그를 쫓기 시작했어요. 베니는 무서웠지만 포기하지 않았어요.
    베니는 나무 사이를 달리고, 돌 위를 넘고, 개울을 뛰어넘었어요. 여우는 빨랐지만, 베니는 더 빨랐어요. 마침내 여우는 지쳐서 쫓아가는 것을 멈췄어요.
    베니는 친구들에게 돌아갔어요. 그들은 모두 안전했고, 이는 베니의 용기 덕분이었어요. "고마워, 베니!" 친구들이 말했어요. "네가 우리를 구했어!"
    그날 이후로, 베니는 숲에서 가장 용감한 토끼로 알려졌어요. 비록 그는 작았지만, 그의 용기는 컸어요.

  • @영어마을
    @영어마을  7 днів тому

    The Brave Little Rabbit
    Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit named Benny. Benny was small, but he was very brave. He lived in a beautiful forest with his family and friends.
    One day, while playing near the big tree, Benny saw a large fox hiding behind a bush. The fox was waiting to catch Benny's friends. Benny knew he had to warn them.
    Benny ran as fast as he could. "Run! Run!" he shouted to his friends. "There’s a fox!"
    His friends quickly ran away, but Benny stayed behind. He wanted to make sure the fox would not follow them. The fox noticed Benny and began to chase him. Benny was scared, but he didn't give up.
    Benny ran through the trees, over rocks, and jumped over a stream. The fox was fast, but Benny was faster. Finally, the fox got tired and stopped chasing him.
    Benny went back to his friends. They were all safe, thanks to Benny’s bravery. "Thank you, Benny!" his friends said. "You saved us!"
    From that day on, Benny was known as the bravest rabbit in the forest. Even though he was small, his courage was big.