@@Alolan.Vulpix.Getting.Railed due to a technicality. A murderer can get off if evidence is found without a warrant or the officer didn't follow protocol. Doesn't mean he isn't a murderer.
I like that the white shadow doesn't seem to be malicious in any way. Just observant, pragmatic, and objective. I think that's whats actually scary about him.
@@snackgod8291 showing up to him as a kid at least gaslights him into believing as such. When he gets older and his childhood becomes fuzzy he will view it as a figment of his imagination, whether it was or not
@Shin Shaman cosby is free because hes blind and have dementiated and cant make a full sentence, dude is more baked in the head than biden, probably doesnt even remember he went to jail😂
@Shin Shaman Cosby's a rapist and Kelly's a pedophile, both got off scott free because they have more money and power than even most white celebrities do.
@@xenodude4718 So much money that they got jailtime anyway, yeah? So much power that they were unanimously doubted for committing such acts and their cases couldn't lead to anything, huh?
The footprints thing is such an overused cliche. Most surfaces dont even LEAVE footprints. If you ever walk on regular dirt, grass, or concrete, you wont even leave a footprint because you're simply not heavy enough to dent the ground. Only soft surfaces like snow, mud, and sand consistently leave tracks.
I think I'd say he was the only one that truly understood hueys motivations though they didn't "fight" for the same thing he gets him because he's studying and monitoring him not quite an enemy but an overseer
I'd argue that Jazmine counts. He could be mean to her and they didn't share a lot of interests, but they still liked each other. She was distraught when he went back to Chicago in Wingmen (season 1) and she was the only non-Freeman that Huey put in his apocalypse plan in The Fried Chicken Flu (season 3).
For those who crave a good story and wanted white shadow to continue, realize that he served his purpose and that YOU are living in the conclusion of his message.
The show is a representation of our world. Truths about us, weather we like em or not. Especially about blk folks. The message in general is that those who think to far outside the box will be considered a threat. Regardless of race. When you watch this show, you gotta filter out the comedy and realize there is a point to all of it. Even the hard truth against blks and the truth in favor for em. Unfortunately the hard truths about blacks despite the racist banter are banned and they involve uncle ruckus. At the end of the day, you guys would be real surprised what the government deems domestic terrorism. Their are many groups of ALL nations, cultures and race.
@@lordgargamel4124 dont forget how he mentions no one understands huey, its because most people assume they are like huey, like a ton of hood dudes ironically, believe they are like, when their really like riley.
@@lordgargamel4124 I agree with you and would add another part of it is that we aren’t supposed to know, Huey himself is not entirely certain if he’s real and no one else acknowledges his existence. If we assume that White Shadow represents Huey’s paranoia towards the state and their attempts to monitor and potentially silence him then one could view him as an almost Lovecraftian monster. Huey’s enemy is at the end of the day society and White Shadow gives that enemy a face and a personality even. Macgruder could have had the agent be antagonistic or straight out evil but Instead had him be friendly and even approachable. If we assume White Shadow is real the Macgruder seems to be saying: even good people can propagate systemic evils.
According to the DVD commentary The White Shadow is actually real. Knowing of Huey’s superhuman skills such as martial-arts power in the level of anime for kickball and fighting the Hateocracy it was decided he be observed. Knowing the psychological profile the agent reveals himself knowing it will only cause paranoia and possibly lead to him slipping up.
"just because my job is to watch your every move ease drop on every conversation and monitor your every email doesn't mean we can't be friends" Our own FBI agent: he right you know
The interesting thing about the White Shadow besides Huey hallucinating is that he's a projection of more than just Huey's fears of the government. Huey almost always gives off the impression of an infamous revolutionary, yet he asks the White Shadow, "Why me?" Huey would never say that in any other episode because he is thoroughly convinced - and so are we because he's often the narrator and this world is surreal - that the Man is out to get him. Also since the White Shadow isn't real, it's as though Huey's question is an admittance of self-doubt: doubt about his own importance as well as his ability to change the world. Additionally, since hallucinations come from within, it's like a small part of Huey is a white government agent: the Yin to Huey's otherwise dominant Yang.
If he really is a figment, then it's ultimately a reflection of how he perceives himself. "I'm so dangerous the Government is watching me" Huey you're 14.
@@Shockguey But he's made national news twice in the series. Barack Obama distanced himself from Huey during his 2008 campaign after the McCain campaign claimed the two to be connected, and when Huey reacted to Obama's election with "eh" he became a national target of hate from the black community. If this all actually happened, then the show is firmly within the bounds of a surrealist satire. But in "The Real" he's asking a paranoia-born hallucination if he is important enough to be watched by the government. In that moment, Huey becomes an unreliable narrator. Just as Huey questions reality, we can question the reality of what we see on screen.
Factor in his nightmare about Stinkmeaner as the Blind Ninjas Samurai and you start to realize how deeply Huey's psychosis over his brother and Grandfather's livelihood really goes
"Those two need their own sitcom" And in the following seasons, Robert and Riley get more screentime as main characters while Huey is relegated to a supporting role most of the time
Most wasted character potential honestly. This could of been a plot for the end of the story giving a huge message to everybody showing that the government and society can control you while you're within it. Huey learns that all parts of society with control over it have to be originated outside society itself or are there own society itself. The Boondocks gives the secret of how people or a group can get known or big. It also shows how society can control or impact people's roles. I'll make an analogy on this soon.
Other comments point this out, but I really think this character was a huge wasted opportunity. It would’ve been nice if he had been recurring, almost if he could represent Huey’s conscious, or a sane person to talk to in a world full of Rileys and grandads
This agent is Huey’s alternative personality with some maturity and few dynamic truths to see the world better than his original beliefs, opening new directions with fears, regards, and anything unknown beyond my understanding, hope he is on Huey side for peace.😢
the only reasons i can think of as to why they'd want huey to be one of them is that it makes it easier for them to set him up to die or they're hoping to control him. I don't see our government hiring a radicalized anti-capitalist to be one of them for genuine purposes.
@@DIGITALGH05T I don’t know…sometimes having someone doesn’t agree with you can be an asset to capture or fight a larger group. How often are friends with enemies of our enemies? How often do we deal with “the lesser of two evils”? Huey could easily be used to bring down a larger group. A trade: funding for a program you wish (inner city education, business development in a neighborhood needing it, policies to have troubled youth avoid prison, end human slavery -“There is no pony!”) And in exchange you help us take down a more annoying or radical person-like say the man who claims to be for rights-but exploits blacks with high interest car loans? After all the car person could lead to sleazy loan operators. They could lead to organized crime syndicates. All by helping fix up a blighted neighborhood or proxy, Huey F, helped a lot more.
@@DIGITALGH05T have you ever seen the Black Mirror episode 15 million merits? One of the best ways that the social order subverts "radical" ideas is by coopting them and then neutralizing them. Consider how most civil rights leaders were anti-capitalist, but once the government and the powerful became pro-civil rights they were able to control what aspects of their ideology we remember.
I think he had a back story that was much like Huey's. Thats my head-canon and I'm sticking to it. I will not elaborate (unless someone asks, then I will)
@@MightyGreenLantern17 Dangit, okay you drive a hard bargain. "White Shadow" could've been a sort of revolutionary when he was younger. You know: Fired up to bring justice for the Minority against the White Man and his malicious system. Ready to undo the capitalist and wealthy benefiting way of life to help establish a fair and non-exploitative economy. Always ready to dive in to save the innocent civilian from the abusive police. He probably studied all the latest and most obscure literature, contemplated the most fringe philosophies of justice, and the most sophisticated tactics of the activists he knew. For all we know, he might've been Muslim for a while. Woke. An activist, a radical, and if need be then he might have embraced being a terrorist. But, the similarities between him and Huey end there. Sometime later in his life, he left the cause. He did it Possibly due to repeated failure, or seeing one injustice quelled only for more to emerge. It could be that seeing the ease with which The Man recovered from damage, and resisted any serious concession to revolutionary change broke hi. Or even worse yet, observing that the system was able to recruit even the formerly oppressed drove him to cynicism. And perhaps from there, he came to a conclusion that he simply cannot fight the system. And, if you can't beat it, you may as well join it and bury yourself fathoms deep into it by being part of the most elite of its enforcers. It was more comfortable and better paying than his extremist career, anyways. It didn't hurt that the CIA was eager to onboard persons with "Expertise". Today, Its not that the White Shadow believes in The System or the government he serves. Its that he cynically accepts it as a given that it always gets what it wants, and will brush aside resistance. So, its better to simply let things happen. That The White Shadow (quiet meaningful name, really) is advising Huey to do something else with his life and ignore societal problems is rather sweet, in a crooked sense. He just doesn't want to see that kid hurt himself, like he did once.
I'm assuming he's the mouthpiece for Aaron McGruder, if you really think about it. If the creator of The Boondocks wants to appear in his own creation he would've done it by now being on the same level as the late great Stan Lee.
Everyone on stuck on the Cosby line while I'm sitting here stunned at "You can't fight the future don't waste your life trying" forgot how deep this show was.
White shadow wasn't a person or agency; White shadow was the feeling in our hearts. That slow creeping dread as the soulless drones of the state violate our privacy, White shadow is that drip feed of anxiety that you are silently observed, measured and judged. White Shadow loams over all our shoulders, his unblinking one way mirrored stare.
Imagine, The White Shadow's mission turns out to be attempting to recruit Huey as a government operative. Huey turns out to be their most talented guy. Huey is horrified as he sees this vision of the future.
Nah....after the proud family reboot fuckery it probably be more fake woke political bs and less Huey and more Jenkins....it's best to leave things in past
I think Huey took a lot of comfort in the existence of WS. After all, he was always listening. Even if he was "just" a delusion, he was someone that Huey could put the burden of a cold, distant system on and represent in the form of a man he could deeply respect, even if they were diametrically opposed. In a way, WS's existence confirmed Huey's worldview and, real or not, gave him a degree of certainty that he was important enough to both gaslighting.
The reason he doesn't get more screentime is to make ambiguous _how_ sane Huey is in the first place. The show gets to play it both ways, where Huey _is_ a highly competent domestic terrorist with justified cause and a contact with the US government and _is also_ a ten year old with an overactive imagination. The white shadow showing up in an episode and never being remarked on again plays into that. This works as is.
“If you ever wanna talk.. Remember, I’m always listening” See that whole episode made me think that Huey just had one of those government spies that just kept watching his every move because Huey just knows too much, and be telling things that people don’t wanna know, and needs to know. Like they’re trying to keep him in check, but people in the comments saying a whole different thing like the white shadow is just Huey’s paranoia manifested
Yeah he is right, his character is clearly exposition, he has easily explained huey's character from that first quote, its hilarious cause people love to compare themselves to huey, knowing nothing about him as he says, so in that way, huey plays an illusion on most people.
i like to think the white shadow is a reflection of Huey's thoughts; a means for him to think. Examples would include the way Huey perceives him, his acceptance of his presence and the way the shadow talks just like Huey with a splash of mockery towards people Huey's interacted with. What purpose he may have served or will serve has yet to be seen but my head canon is all i can go on.
I totes believe Huey isn't imagining this. It just makes so much sense that they have someone of this calibre spying on him, considering gramps history and Huey being who he is I'd expect no less.
I like the learning talk part, it’s true and has a big point in reality, imagination is smarter than real human who seek perfection, even I have something minor in my own life, but he is definitely right at all, Agent White Shadow
Interesting how The Black Panther Party severely underestimated their growing influence, meanwhile this organization had more eyes and ears on them from FBI, CIA, etc. than they could have perceived from such humble beginnings among impoverished citizens nationally.
Feds watch everyone regardless of affiliation but I have the utmost certainty that they give a shit you’re attempting to make their efforts appear lawful or legitimate.
@@n.e.g.u.s Fucc the fbi, bunch of old fat bbtchz,.., I’ll take on anyone from the fbi im a str8 up gangsta cuhzz I shoot those mfers up n smoke a fat 1 while im at it while doggyin any bad btch cuhzzz in a mfing gangsta cuhripp cuzhz
Maybe this was McGruder knowing that the more popular Boondocks Tv series got, the more Huey’s Character would be silenced. Hence why the agent says granddad and Riley should have their own sitcom. The Boondocks ended up suffering from Huey being “retired” but that’s what happens when Hollywood gets a hold of our favorite content. This could have been McGruder accepting the TV show’s fate.
When I was younger, I thought it would have been funny if Boondocks actually took place in the matrix universe, and the world we see is one of the older iterations of the matrix system, and the white shadow was an older version of the agents/sentinels.
I think the last appearance is interesing. Huey adopts his "Don't fight the future..." mantra in the ending of the episode (in contrast to agent flowers. I wonder if that reflects the feelings of the writing team?
3:00 ya know once on a government watchlist you don't necessarily ever leave it, they just kinda forget about it wit time, unless you make dem really curious
"Cosbyness is next to godliness" aged like milk lol
What do you have against bill cosby?
@@Alolan.Vulpix.Getting.Railed He’s a diddler?
@@MoSalahFanEire the charges got dropped and cosby is free, if he was a diddler wouldn't he be in jail rn?
Yes, it turned into a fine cheese, its even funnier now
@@Alolan.Vulpix.Getting.Railed due to a technicality. A murderer can get off if evidence is found without a warrant or the officer didn't follow protocol. Doesn't mean he isn't a murderer.
I like that the white shadow doesn't seem to be malicious in any way. Just observant, pragmatic, and objective. I think that's whats actually scary about him.
Yes an enemy that comes off as non threatening only to have they're true intention be subterfuge is a dangerous enemy
And the fact that he randomly pops up on Huey at any given moment
Kinda think about it. I'm guessing white shadow is a part of hueys mind and personality
@@snackgod8291 showing up to him as a kid at least gaslights him into believing as such. When he gets older and his childhood becomes fuzzy he will view it as a figment of his imagination, whether it was or not
@@noname-bu1ux imma need to rewatch the entire show again to catch the small details
"If you ever wanna talk, remember, I'm always listening" is the coldest line
Yeah that whole interaction wasn't even really funny errie actually and I love it for that this show can be pretty psychological at times
damn I just got that
This whole episode is cold bruh it’s deeper than we really think
“ Just Because You Are Paranoid Doesn’t Mean We Are Not Out To Get You “
We all underestimate ourselves
Just Because You’re Not Supposed To Capitalize Every Word In A Sentence Doesn’t Mean I Won’t Anyways
The capitalization of this sentence might have sterilized me, so thank you.
@@Spootnik Have Some Insurance, Just In Case.
“Just because you’re paranoid, don’t mean they’re not after you” -Kurt Kobian on “Territorial Pissings”
everybody saying "Cosbyness is next to godliness" has aged terribly but I think it just adds a whole new layer to the comedy
Yeah i agree
It retroactively adds more depth to the character.
@Shin Shaman cosby is free because hes blind and have dementiated and cant make a full sentence, dude is more baked in the head than biden, probably doesnt even remember he went to jail😂
@Shin Shaman Cosby's a rapist and Kelly's a pedophile, both got off scott free because they have more money and power than even most white celebrities do.
@@xenodude4718 So much money that they got jailtime anyway, yeah?
So much power that they were unanimously doubted for committing such acts and their cases couldn't lead to anything, huh?
"I've come up with a name for you: The White Shadow"
"Mm, I am white. I am shadowing you. It's very clever."
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?
Doesn't seem like it to me
He is voiced by John C McGinley aka Dr Cox soooo
That was his intent
@@vakar9779 he's voices quite a few characters in TV & games
Didn't hear it overtly, but could've been
cant have a Freeman without a shadowy figure in a suit monitoring them at all times can we?
Wake up, and smell the ashes.
Didn’t realize Morgan Freeman was being stalked
@@nikhilbhavani981 by the paparazzi of course
They monitor us all
@@lemuelseale1640they also hide under your bed and move stuff around in my cupboard at night
The truth is Huey doesn’t want to know. He never checks for footprints.
He never reaches out to touch him
The footprints thing is such an overused cliche. Most surfaces dont even LEAVE footprints. If you ever walk on regular dirt, grass, or concrete, you wont even leave a footprint because you're simply not heavy enough to dent the ground. Only soft surfaces like snow, mud, and sand consistently leave tracks.
@@OGXenos Are not the footprints the fat from the fingertips?
@@calamitoso0066 what the actual fuck are you talking about
@@AdamuCinema oh sorry, I was thinking about fingerprints.
I always loved the background voices in this show
"If this house... is not done in TEN MINUTES I'M GONNA FREAK OUT"
Same, made the show feel real and the funny banter they say makes me laugh.
In the Scared Straight episode: "TEAR dat ass up!" 😂
@@raksh9 dude The fucking
"Nah man I'm telling you they getting b1tches in here. Soon as we get the b1tches, I'll stop tapping YO ass" lmaoooo
The voices in the prison “You will get raped” scene were great.
@@Tigerman1138 pause lol
Ironically, the only real friend Huey had.
When you just want someone to listen, so your imaginary friend is an FBI agent who listens to everything you say
I think I'd say he was the only one that truly understood hueys motivations though they didn't "fight" for the same thing he gets him because he's studying and monitoring him not quite an enemy but an overseer
I'd argue that Jazmine counts. He could be mean to her and they didn't share a lot of interests, but they still liked each other. She was distraught when he went back to Chicago in Wingmen (season 1) and she was the only non-Freeman that Huey put in his apocalypse plan in The Fried Chicken Flu (season 3).
For those who crave a good story and wanted white shadow to continue, realize that he served his purpose and that YOU are living in the conclusion of his message.
Can you elaborate?
Fr i wanna know
The show is a representation of our world. Truths about us, weather we like em or not. Especially about blk folks. The message in general is that those who think to far outside the box will be considered a threat. Regardless of race.
When you watch this show, you gotta filter out the comedy and realize there is a point to all of it. Even the hard truth against blks and the truth in favor for em. Unfortunately the hard truths about blacks despite the racist banter are banned and they involve uncle ruckus.
At the end of the day, you guys would be real surprised what the government deems domestic terrorism. Their are many groups of ALL nations, cultures and race.
@@lordgargamel4124 dont forget how he mentions no one understands huey, its because most people assume they are like huey, like a ton of hood dudes ironically, believe they are like, when their really like riley.
@@lordgargamel4124 I agree with you and would add another part of it is that we aren’t supposed to know, Huey himself is not entirely certain if he’s real and no one else acknowledges his existence. If we assume that White Shadow represents Huey’s paranoia towards the state and their attempts to monitor and potentially silence him then one could view him as an almost Lovecraftian monster. Huey’s enemy is at the end of the day society and White Shadow gives that enemy a face and a personality even. Macgruder could have had the agent be antagonistic or straight out evil but Instead had him be friendly and even approachable. If we assume White Shadow is real the Macgruder seems to be saying: even good people can propagate systemic evils.
“Cosbyness is close to godliness”
Oh boy that…. that did NOT age well 🤦♂️😰
Texas? Literally JUST said the same thing lol
Didn't it, though.
Yatzer Hara.
Aged like milk
I’m pretty sure biblical times would agree with Cosby on most things.
Honestly that makes it more hilarious.
According to the DVD commentary The White Shadow is actually real. Knowing of Huey’s superhuman skills such as martial-arts power in the level of anime for kickball and fighting the Hateocracy it was decided he be observed. Knowing the psychological profile the agent reveals himself knowing it will only cause paranoia and possibly lead to him slipping up.
I finally realized that’s John C McGinley. This show just got a little better than it already is
That's Dr.Cox
I fucking knew I recognized that voice. It was the occasional off beat pause in his speech.
I didn't know the name when you said it, but I immediately thought of the guy from scrubs. Then it was. lol
Dude it literally just hit me watching it, too. Can't believe it took me a fucking decade to figure it out lmao
Was my 2nd choice I thought it was James Woods
"just because my job is to watch your every move ease drop on every conversation and monitor your every email doesn't mean we can't be friends"
Our own FBI agent: he right you know
Such a cool character. Very Agent Smith and I think they captured that perfectly. From his effectiveness all the way down to his apathy
Astute you are
well he isn't real, he actually is a hallucination of Huey.
That's what he would want you to believe.
So that's huey's stand
he'll be the most powerful stand user once he learns to control it. even stronger than Jotaro, Pucci, and Giorno.
@@marcohako8940 pucci bottoming for dio, so he’s not stronger than pucci lol.
@@Yasmeentea thank you for telling me you're absolutely fucking stupid without saying it explicitly.
@@Yasmeentea pucci is a power bottom
...Why is his Stand a Fed?
Disappointed that no one has ripped or recreated White Shadows theme yet, one of the best songs in the show for the most fascinating character.
idk where you find it too
On it now
@@Walk1ngParAd0xXever got it?
The interesting thing about the White Shadow besides Huey hallucinating is that he's a projection of more than just Huey's fears of the government.
Huey almost always gives off the impression of an infamous revolutionary, yet he asks the White Shadow, "Why me?" Huey would never say that in any other episode because he is thoroughly convinced - and so are we because he's often the narrator and this world is surreal - that the Man is out to get him. Also since the White Shadow isn't real, it's as though Huey's question is an admittance of self-doubt: doubt about his own importance as well as his ability to change the world.
Additionally, since hallucinations come from within, it's like a small part of Huey is a white government agent: the Yin to Huey's otherwise dominant Yang.
If he really is a figment, then it's ultimately a reflection of how he perceives himself.
"I'm so dangerous the Government is watching me"
Huey you're 14.
@@Shockguey But he's made national news twice in the series. Barack Obama distanced himself from Huey during his 2008 campaign after the McCain campaign claimed the two to be connected, and when Huey reacted to Obama's election with "eh" he became a national target of hate from the black community. If this all actually happened, then the show is firmly within the bounds of a surrealist satire. But in "The Real" he's asking a paranoia-born hallucination if he is important enough to be watched by the government. In that moment, Huey becomes an unreliable narrator. Just as Huey questions reality, we can question the reality of what we see on screen.
Huey P. Newton, a prominent figure and leader within The Black Panther Party is who inspired this character in Boondocks.
Exactly. His subconscious is that of a government secret agent.
Factor in his nightmare about Stinkmeaner as the Blind Ninjas Samurai and you start to realize how deeply Huey's psychosis over his brother and Grandfather's livelihood really goes
I love how casually he defines “trick” and then just keeps going lmfao
Greatest definition of a trick....ever.
Watching this episode I was just so into those parts. It's a terrible shame they didn't keep it going.
"Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean we're out to get you." Its really underrated.
*we’re NOT out to get you
@@EJ-bn3tc Some are lol it's about paranoia because the majority aren't.
@@legendteller4893 No, you misquoted what was said in the clip....
its a reference to a nirvana song
@@quentin4518Territtorial Pissings, but Nirvanas lyrics might be a reference itself
If you notice closely, White Shadow is just a white version of Grandad. Same haircut and everything.
he doesn't have the same haircut
@@tjrouhibjr Look closely
@@darkpaw1522 they look completely different dude, grandad doesn’t even have a full head of hair
@@SpeedosAndTheGun Same facial structure. He even quotes grandad.
@@darkpaw1522 no dude. He’s look was based off agent smith from matrix
Hearing Dr Cox explain what a trick is soothes my soul
You're grandfather and I have the same weakness. It's bitches.
Man I love this show
Nobody could play a sly secret spy better than Dr. "Freakin" Cox
Ya betcha Debbie!
"Those two need their own sitcom"
And in the following seasons, Robert and Riley get more screentime as main characters while Huey is relegated to a supporting role most of the time
Worst thing to happen to the show
@@venicec3310 smh, White Shadow became a writer on the show
I definitely noticed that, Season 1 is just a different vibe which I love
Most wasted character potential honestly. This could of been a plot for the end of the story giving a huge message to everybody showing that the government and society can control you while you're within it. Huey learns that all parts of society with control over it have to be originated outside society itself or are there own society itself. The Boondocks gives the secret of how people or a group can get known or big. It also shows how society can control or impact people's roles. I'll make an analogy on this soon.
Personally, I like the theory that the White Shadow is a very elaborate figment of Huey's imagination, a manifestation of his paranoia if you will.
@@anxietywave8735 that a good idea also
@@anxietywave8735 That's called paranoid schizophrenia.
Society can control people too like democrats and republicans.
@@MaxiusTheGod no, it's called DID.
I never knew the guy who played Dr Cox in scrubs was also in Boondocks 😁
Donald Faison (Turk) played Tobias/Catcher Freeman in a different episode.
Abusing other people’s illusions is an underappreciated art.
Other comments point this out, but I really think this character was a huge wasted opportunity. It would’ve been nice if he had been recurring, almost if he could represent Huey’s conscious, or a sane person to talk to in a world full of Rileys and grandads
It wasn't Riley and grandad that were the problem
@@gtitboij2586 everyone is a bit crazy man
I guess...🤷🏾♂️
“I’m too old to be sneaking around.”
*is a ninja*
"Im white, im shadowing you. Its very clever."😂😂
Everyone needs a shadowy stranger in their life.
Did this plot ever go anywhere? If not then what a shame
nah it didn't go anywhere
@@lordmaniel3603 Maybe it did…and you didn’t notice.
Like a black father abandoning his kid
@@Wojtek_Ch 😦 💀
@@Wojtek_Ch lul
Doc cox lmaooo
Perfect isn't he?
"Why dont you go ahead and tell them that when they're waterboarding you "
It's classic 👌 we'd say the same thing down here in NK 🤣🤣
He’s hilarious, but also weirdly still intimidating.
"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean we're not out to get you."
That last line is for the ages right there. XD
This agent is Huey’s alternative personality with some maturity and few dynamic truths to see the world better than his original beliefs, opening new directions with fears, regards, and anything unknown beyond my understanding, hope he is on Huey side for peace.😢
that's a good way to point it......
They sent an agent to watch huey because they looking to have him be a top government agent
the only reasons i can think of as to why they'd want huey to be one of them is that it makes it easier for them to set him up to die or they're hoping to control him.
I don't see our government hiring a radicalized anti-capitalist to be one of them for genuine purposes.
@@DIGITALGH05T I don’t know…sometimes having someone doesn’t agree with you can be an asset to capture or fight a larger group.
How often are friends with enemies of our enemies?
How often do we deal with “the lesser of two evils”?
Huey could easily be used to bring down a larger group.
A trade: funding for a program you wish (inner city education, business development in a neighborhood needing it, policies to have troubled youth avoid prison, end human slavery -“There is no pony!”)
And in exchange you help us take down a more annoying or radical person-like say the man who claims to be for rights-but exploits blacks with high interest car loans?
After all the car person could lead to sleazy loan operators. They could lead to organized crime syndicates.
All by helping fix up a blighted neighborhood or proxy, Huey F, helped a lot more.
@@DIGITALGH05T have you ever seen the Black Mirror episode 15 million merits? One of the best ways that the social order subverts "radical" ideas is by coopting them and then neutralizing them. Consider how most civil rights leaders were anti-capitalist, but once the government and the powerful became pro-civil rights they were able to control what aspects of their ideology we remember.
Perhaps the White Shadow is, himself, looking for an apprentice?
@@CorundumDevil you said "something something join the darkside"
True true🤣🤣🤣
White shadow should have gotten so much more time. Would have been good for the show
I think he was a figment of hueys imagination
I think he had a back story that was much like Huey's. Thats my head-canon and I'm sticking to it. I will not elaborate (unless someone asks, then I will)
@@4thHorsemam possibly, but that could have added to Huey's character, and still made more interesting events in the show
@@jasonbelstone3427 elaborate please
Dangit, okay you drive a hard bargain.
"White Shadow" could've been a sort of revolutionary when he was younger. You know:
Fired up to bring justice for the Minority against the White Man and his malicious system. Ready to undo the capitalist and wealthy benefiting way of life to help establish a fair and non-exploitative economy. Always ready to dive in to save the innocent civilian from the abusive police. He probably studied all the latest and most obscure literature, contemplated the most fringe philosophies of justice, and the most sophisticated tactics of the activists he knew. For all we know, he might've been Muslim for a while. Woke. An activist, a radical, and if need be then he might have embraced being a terrorist.
But, the similarities between him and Huey end there. Sometime later in his life, he left the cause. He did it Possibly due to repeated failure, or seeing one injustice quelled only for more to emerge. It could be that seeing the ease with which The Man recovered from damage, and resisted any serious concession to revolutionary change broke hi. Or even worse yet, observing that the system was able to recruit even the formerly oppressed drove him to cynicism. And perhaps from there, he came to a conclusion that he simply cannot fight the system.
And, if you can't beat it, you may as well join it and bury yourself fathoms deep into it by being part of the most elite of its enforcers. It was more comfortable and better paying than his extremist career, anyways. It didn't hurt that the CIA was eager to onboard persons with "Expertise".
Today, Its not that the White Shadow believes in The System or the government he serves. Its that he cynically accepts it as a given that it always gets what it wants, and will brush aside resistance. So, its better to simply let things happen.
That The White Shadow (quiet meaningful name, really) is advising Huey to do something else with his life and ignore societal problems is rather sweet, in a crooked sense. He just doesn't want to see that kid hurt himself, like he did once.
He's like the side quest in video games that always gives you experience points but not money.
The most underrated n 🐐 quote:
“Is this a trick?”
“No a trick is a mf who b out spending money on these bitches”
I'm assuming he's the mouthpiece for Aaron McGruder, if you really think about it. If the creator of The Boondocks wants to appear in his own creation he would've done it by now being on the same level as the late great Stan Lee.
nope. that sounds wack
I thought Aaron McGruder was black
Huey is his mouthpiece
Appearing only seasons 1 and 3 (not 1 through 3)
While this is a comedy, there are serious topics about the episode about reality and illusion.
Everyone on stuck on the Cosby line while I'm sitting here stunned at "You can't fight the future don't waste your life trying" forgot how deep this show was.
hearing Dr. Cox say mother fucker and bitches n the same sentence completes my life
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean we aren't out to get you" darn that's a line for the ages
what does he mean by that?
White shadow wasn't a person or agency; White shadow was the feeling in our hearts. That slow creeping dread as the soulless drones of the state violate our privacy, White shadow is that drip feed of anxiety that you are silently observed, measured and judged.
White Shadow loams over all our shoulders, his unblinking one way mirrored stare.
Wait til you find out about Gangstalking and targeted individuals
White Shadow was the friends we made along the way?
He's the temptation in all of us to slip into paranoid psychotic delusion.
This animation makes me feel that invincible is going to appear flying the sky
It made me expect fights and dark scenes that never came
@@smolsnek3835 there were plenty of fights and dark scenes in boondocks what?
“You enjoy abusing people’s illusions i respect that it’s thankless work”
Imagine, The White Shadow's mission turns out to be attempting to recruit Huey as a government operative. Huey turns out to be their most talented guy. Huey is horrified as he sees this vision of the future.
This show really needs to come back.
Hopefully this guy comes back for the reboot.
They pulled the plug last i heard
what reboot? lol
@@nore5888 They we’re indeed attempting to do one, but with the death of Granddad’s VO John Witherspoon 🛑 IT X
Nah....after the proud family reboot fuckery it probably be more fake woke political bs and less Huey and more Jenkins....it's best to leave things in past
These clips have aged both like fine wine AND spilled milk.
I didn't realize the voice was Dr.Cox until that UNMISTAKABLE laugh of his. Lmfao (and until I read the description lol)
As a kid I had imaginary enemies, while he has a spy that spies him because they think his ideals make him a domestic terrorist.
“Those 2 need their own sitcom”
Basically every season after this lol.
Third _and_ fourth wall break
One of the greatest mysteries in the boondocks next to Riley and Huey’s parents
I think Huey took a lot of comfort in the existence of WS. After all, he was always listening. Even if he was "just" a delusion, he was someone that Huey could put the burden of a cold, distant system on and represent in the form of a man he could deeply respect, even if they were diametrically opposed. In a way, WS's existence confirmed Huey's worldview and, real or not, gave him a degree of certainty that he was important enough to both gaslighting.
i love how i started reading the comics in the newspaper as a kid but had no idea what this show was about when it aired on adult swim.
There are too many lines that gives away that this is Dr. Cox.
John C. McGinley is great
Ohhhh come on!
The laugh at 1:24 immediately told me this was Dr. Cox when I first saw this episode 😂🤣😂. He has a very distinct laugh.
1:43 I like to think he's just clinging to the boxes on the dolly after hitching a ride
It's a shame this character never got any more exploration. It would have been nice to have another sane voice in the show besides Huey
The reason he doesn't get more screentime is to make ambiguous _how_ sane Huey is in the first place. The show gets to play it both ways, where Huey _is_ a highly competent domestic terrorist with justified cause and a contact with the US government and _is also_ a ten year old with an overactive imagination.
The white shadow showing up in an episode and never being remarked on again plays into that. This works as is.
One of the best cartoons ever made
“If you ever wanna talk.. Remember, I’m always listening”
See that whole episode made me think that Huey just had one of those government spies that just kept watching his every move because Huey just knows too much, and be telling things that people don’t wanna know, and needs to know. Like they’re trying to keep him in check, but people in the comments saying a whole different thing like the white shadow is just Huey’s paranoia manifested
Yeah he is right, his character is clearly exposition, he has easily explained huey's character from that first quote, its hilarious cause people love to compare themselves to huey, knowing nothing about him as he says, so in that way, huey plays an illusion on most people.
i like to think the white shadow is a reflection of Huey's thoughts; a means for him to think. Examples would include the way Huey perceives him, his acceptance of his presence and the way the shadow talks just like Huey with a splash of mockery towards people Huey's interacted with. What purpose he may have served or will serve has yet to be seen but my head canon is all i can go on.
"If your grandad has one weakness it's bitches... of course they're my weakness too."
I totes believe Huey isn't imagining this. It just makes so much sense that they have someone of this calibre spying on him, considering gramps history and Huey being who he is I'd expect no less.
I used to think he really was just a part of Huey's mind, but that last part where we see him and he DOES warn him!
This guy was like Death from Red Dead Redemption
I like the learning talk part, it’s true and has a big point in reality, imagination is smarter than real human who seek perfection, even I have something minor in my own life, but he is definitely right at all, Agent White Shadow
This show was way ahead of its time. I miss it and mad they canceled the reboot.
I just imagine Dr. Cox saying these lines to his patients
Huey only has three good friends. They are Jasmine, White Shadow, and the spirit of Ghostface Killah 🤣
So this guy is the “My FBI agent” meme incarnate 😂😂
Hueys calls it when he realizes that he is a figment of his imagination. Huey needed white shadow to confirm to himself he was on the right path
"If your Grandad has one weakness, it's bitches.
Course they're my weakness too"
This show was too good… 🥺
"You enjoy abusing people's illusions."
I respect that 💯
Finished the Boondocks on May 12th 2023
Huey was so intelligent that he had spy’s watching him at a young age , he wasn’t a threat but still that’s the message in itself
Interesting how The Black Panther Party severely underestimated their growing influence, meanwhile this organization had more eyes and ears on them from FBI, CIA, etc. than they could have perceived from such humble beginnings among impoverished citizens nationally.
Feds watch everyone regardless of affiliation but I have the utmost certainty that they give a shit you’re attempting to make their efforts appear lawful or legitimate.
@@n.e.g.u.s Fucc the fbi, bunch of old fat bbtchz,.., I’ll take on anyone from the fbi im a str8 up gangsta cuhzz I shoot those mfers up n smoke a fat 1 while im at it while doggyin any bad btch cuhzzz in a mfing gangsta cuhripp cuzhz
Maybe this was McGruder knowing that the more popular Boondocks Tv series got, the more Huey’s Character would be silenced. Hence why the agent says granddad and Riley should have their own sitcom. The Boondocks ended up suffering from Huey being “retired” but that’s what happens when Hollywood gets a hold of our favorite content. This could have been McGruder accepting the TV show’s fate.
I wish my fed would have chats like this with me, like why hide- I know they exist, just come out with it.
FBI getting a lil too personal nowadays lol
When I was younger, I thought it would have been funny if Boondocks actually took place in the matrix universe, and the world we see is one of the older iterations of the matrix system, and the white shadow was an older version of the agents/sentinels.
course theyre my weakness too 💀💀💀
Perry, what are you doing? The Hospital needs you.
I…need you.
Omg that doesn't mean we can't be friends line was totally cox
This is some great symbolism.
White Shadow sounds like Dr. Cox from Scrubs
At first i thought he was his imagination until i heard the worker said "excuse me, coming through."
My idol Dr. Bill Cosby… Man if only they knew back then
Maybe they did.
I think the last appearance is interesing. Huey adopts his "Don't fight the future..." mantra in the ending of the episode (in contrast to agent flowers. I wonder if that reflects the feelings of the writing team?
3:00 ya know once on a government watchlist you don't necessarily ever leave it, they just kinda forget about it wit time, unless you make dem really curious