Opening 10 Old Pokemon Bargain Bin Boxes!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @DolanDarker
    @DolanDarker Рік тому +3393

    I sure am glad this video is not made for kids and plainly states that, I'm sure youtube will also acknowledge this

  • @TurlesfromDBZ
    @TurlesfromDBZ Рік тому +6005

    i love him pulling the most expensive card he pulled his entire career and didnt even notice. clasic moefoe moment right here. so unbelievably on brand

  • @benschutte1564
    @benschutte1564 Рік тому +2325

    I love that he was more excited about a 5 dollar full art trainer than a 900 dollar card

    • @pokepowerofarceus6658
      @pokepowerofarceus6658 Рік тому +69

      He got even more excited when he pulled the full art mega Charizard than the alt art…..

    • @maniakb416
      @maniakb416 Рік тому +11

      When did he pull the 900 dollar card, and why didn't he notice?

    • @samuell24
      @samuell24 Рік тому +36

      @@maniakb416he pulled a 1300 dollar card, lati tag team. There was no 900 dollar card

    • @L1SA1L
      @L1SA1L Рік тому +43

      @@samuell24 I'm assuming old mate is Murican and is pricing it in USD....

    • @DOC_951
      @DOC_951 Рік тому +12

      @@samuell24he’s talking about in USD not AUS prices

  • @metakarp_
    @metakarp_ Рік тому +1074

    My jaw literally dropped when you pulled that tag team latios/latias! Wow, what a find! And from some old bargain bin box you've had in storage for ages!

    • @wellfuckyoumr
      @wellfuckyoumr Рік тому +2

      Sucks it’s so off center. The mega Charizard looks perfect tho

    • @msthecommentator2863
      @msthecommentator2863 Рік тому +74

      Me: "Oh, yeah. That's gonna be a good couple hundred easy-"
      Screen: $1300
      Me: 😳

    • @Metagross555
      @Metagross555 Рік тому

      ​@@msthecommentator2863AND IT KEEPS GOING UP

  • @SpenceysCollectibles824
    @SpenceysCollectibles824 Рік тому +1703

    Fun fact: the mangled box actually has 2 extra evolutions packs. In Max’s 100 burning shadows pack opening he was 2 packs short, so he took out 2 burning shadows from the box and stuck some evolutions in there lol

  • @JeffWatch
    @JeffWatch Рік тому +174

    Welcome to JeffWatch 2023!
    Number of Jeffs in this episode: 4
    3:41 - 2 Jeffs
    20:02 - 2 Jeffs

  • @ravioli6394
    @ravioli6394 Рік тому +1094

    Love max’s kids focused videos

    • @DecayedPony
      @DecayedPony Рік тому +80

      Yeah, Whenever Maxmoefoe uploads a new video, I get my 5 year old to watch with, He loves pokemons

    • @JunshiTV
      @JunshiTV Рік тому +31

      truly the best youtube kids creator out there

    • @thomasvantschip5725
      @thomasvantschip5725 Рік тому +14

      They should play maxmoefoe videos during recess

    • @KootenaiKing
      @KootenaiKing Рік тому +8

      Right. I feel very comfortable throwing my nephews and nieces in front of the laptop watching good ol Max.

    • @jimjam1766
      @jimjam1766 Рік тому +1

      im so focused rn homie 😩

  • @TheShut1
    @TheShut1 Рік тому +32

    33:20 I think you owe Venusaur an apologize after he dropped this nice card for you at the end.

  • @boneham1189
    @boneham1189 Рік тому +187

    I’ve never felt so much joy of seeing that the massive legend has returned!

  • @TheTupMan
    @TheTupMan Рік тому +44

    I am so glad to be watching this content creator who creates content NOT MADE FOR KIDS. The way he talks is SO ADULT and NOT CHILDFRIENDLY AT ALL. Keep on making this fantastic content that is NOT AIMED AT A YOUNGER AUDIENCE IN ANY WAY.

  • @JunshiTV
    @JunshiTV Рік тому +131

    That Latias and Latios is INSANE!! Congrats Max 💙

  • @bosssssss
    @bosssssss Рік тому +223

    casually pulls a 1300 card and wishes for another art

    • @jamesgraves9858
      @jamesgraves9858 Рік тому +19

      As he said in the video. No one really cared about that card when the set released lol Everyone critiquing his reaction wasn't in the hobby then. This card... no one cared about it.

  • @Joe.Rogan.
    @Joe.Rogan. Рік тому +38

    Man.. coming back strong. Probably one of his best Pokemon opening videos he's done in a while.

  • @MonMaple
    @MonMaple Рік тому +16

    Man what a blast from the past! A lot of these sets were from around when I first started opening pokémon cards

    • @DrawinskyMoon
      @DrawinskyMoon Рік тому +2

      I feel old with this comment. I’ve opened packs back during ex hidden legends and delta species.

    • @MonMaple
      @MonMaple Рік тому +1

      @@DrawinskyMoon yeah haha i didn’t start when I was a kid, i only really started in college. I would imagine lots of OG openers are watching. For me, anything pre-2020 feels like a lifetime ago!

    • @SuedeashPokemon
      @SuedeashPokemon 12 днів тому

      @@MonMaple Same here! I bought DP and BW as a kid (or rather, had them bought for me) but didn't start collecting until I went to uni and had some money. That was around the time of early Sun/Moon with a lot of the later XY sets still in full circulation.

  • @mattman64419
    @mattman64419 Рік тому +11

    Man Max opening the 2014 boxes brings me back to the 2014 Japan vlogs, wish he made more videos like that again!

  • @evankalmokoff6401
    @evankalmokoff6401 Рік тому +14

    I love the subtle pause after the energy was revealed.😂

  • @TheSamazoid
    @TheSamazoid Рік тому +39

    These were some of my favourite videos to rewatch during the dark age, so glad to see it back

  • @dawnpokemontrainer
    @dawnpokemontrainer Рік тому +10

    Max, it’s always exciting to see a new video from you.
    It’s refreshing to not hear about if this were graded and getting hung up on the dollar value. You bring the joy and excitement of finding what you like.
    Keep up the fun openings.
    Congrats on all the great pulls!

  • @adamw.5491
    @adamw.5491 Рік тому +623

    Max just casually pulling one of the best cards. 😂

    • @msthecommentator2863
      @msthecommentator2863 Рік тому +32

      And then promptly begging the next pack for a good card 😅 only Max

    • @moistman5074
      @moistman5074 Рік тому +7

      And he’s saying that the art on it isn’t the best😂

    • @adamw.5491
      @adamw.5491 Рік тому +1

      @@msthecommentator2863 right? I was laughing so hard.

    • @ashtonedwards2913
      @ashtonedwards2913 Рік тому +1


    • @TheHolyMrNut
      @TheHolyMrNut Рік тому


  • @cattaca7176
    @cattaca7176 Рік тому +7

    I really like these random "bargain bin" episodes. Cards, toys, whatever, it's always entertaining. Amazing pulls too!

  • @ColoradoWzrd
    @ColoradoWzrd Рік тому +24


  • @CASyHD.
    @CASyHD. Рік тому +10

    God this Opening was cool, not only pulling an INSANE alt Art Tag Team Latios and Latias but also pulling all 3 Megas out of Random ass Bargain Boxes. A Moment worth to be saved for the afterworld.

  • @Doritoreos
    @Doritoreos Рік тому +66

    The series I wasn’t expecting to return but I am as happy as a goblin finding GOLD!!

  • @lonelycubonetradingco
    @lonelycubonetradingco Рік тому +41

    Dude you went nuts on these pulls! CONGRATS MAX!

  • @justsomekirbowithoutamusta1852
    @justsomekirbowithoutamusta1852 Рік тому +11

    Regarding Tag Team Alt Arts: They were low for years until someone decided they were cool again, bought them up and suddenly everyone wanted them

  • @Spitty1569
    @Spitty1569 Рік тому +13

    The pulls from this video were insane, congrats Max! Hearing X&Y being close to vintage makes me feel so old now lol

  • @TwicebakedJake
    @TwicebakedJake Рік тому +73

    Those definitely aren't bargains anymore that's for sure!

  • @ililililiililiililililiili2064

    I haven’t watched max in over 2 years and it’s good to see he still does the jeff jeff thing still I love that 😭

  • @AndytoWood
    @AndytoWood Рік тому +9

    I'm 6 years old and love these videos made for me, just like the cake baking tutorials Max used to make!

  • @Bbfishman
    @Bbfishman Рік тому +7

    that last pack was perfectly timed. couldn't have planned it better

  • @greeny1033
    @greeny1033 Рік тому +9

    The tag-team cards have had a real resurgence in the market lately, even just a year or two ago that latias and latios card was worth far far far cheaper, its crazy...

  • @nikkechu
    @nikkechu Рік тому +8

    Tag team cards have been sky rocketing in price!! It's so funny that you pulled the best card out of the set and didnt realise it at first :D

  • @BeefyTanks
    @BeefyTanks Рік тому +156

    The greatest TCG creator on UA-cam. I love you dude.

    • @madlad847
      @madlad847 Рік тому +4

      is that stalin making a heart shape with his fingers?

    • @potetoesman
      @potetoesman Рік тому

      @@madlad847based profile pic!

    • @BeefyTanks
      @BeefyTanks Рік тому

      @@madlad847 yes, as if he had an Instagram

    • @BeefyTanks
      @BeefyTanks Рік тому +1

      @@madlad847 I play world of Tanks so his favor is needed

  • @Tu_Tall
    @Tu_Tall Рік тому +9

    This is probably my favorite video of Max’s lol I gasped at the Latios team up card and he’s just “meh” died laughing when his edit came in about the value 😂😂😂😂

  • @crazyeyesc.s1143
    @crazyeyesc.s1143 10 місяців тому +5

    He wasn't lying. It's 2024 ! It's been 8 months!!!

  • @andersonsorto7524
    @andersonsorto7524 Рік тому +1

    8:52 anyone remember this from when he opened 100 packs of burning shadows because he only had 98 pack and he needed two more so he robbed the team skull pin collection box because it it had two burning shadows packs and he placed two Evoluations packs in there for fun.

  • @cmantheboi2745
    @cmantheboi2745 Рік тому +10

    Max just wanted to let you know that ever since you started to upload again I got back into Pokémon cards! I've been getting really good pulls as well! Keep up the good content and hopefully you can solve the issue with the age rating on your videos!

  • @chloegomez7326
    @chloegomez7326 Рік тому +7

    The luck he had on this video is insane! I love these videos ^^

  • @chaoticexistences
    @chaoticexistences Рік тому +16

    You can’t joke like that max, don’t leave us again

  • @Accyber
    @Accyber Рік тому +2

    So glad my favourite kid’s content creator has gotten back to uploading again this year

  • @AnthonyGilmore-qp9bc
    @AnthonyGilmore-qp9bc Рік тому +27

    I needed this so badly. made a bad day good instead. thanks max.

    • @tonyg6139
      @tonyg6139 Рік тому +4

      When I posted this comment (from my laptop account) I had just started the video and had no idea he would pull so many bangers. Just dropping by to say I’m glad I was here for this today. whoever you are reading this, I wish you Big Nut luck. 💗

  • @igglywompus
    @igglywompus 7 місяців тому +1

    3:15 I love that subtle editing lmao

  • @Origamigryphon
    @Origamigryphon Рік тому +5

    Max: "Magcargo!"
    Me, thinking: Please say it please say it -
    Max: "At least, I hope it does."
    Me: YESSS

  • @EDRVerano
    @EDRVerano Рік тому +1

    1:59 that "Nice" reply, you can tell the man is pissed

  • @chaennieluv7891
    @chaennieluv7891 Рік тому +6

    Dude my jaw dropped seeing the latias Latios gx… was not expecting goblin man to pull that one today

  • @Hossyboy420
    @Hossyboy420 Рік тому +2

    This is the content that made me find ur channel really, nice to see all of these old boxes

  • @art2norrman872
    @art2norrman872 Рік тому +3

    These boxes are so nostalgic for me. Thank you mister Max

  • @HeyItsReni
    @HeyItsReni Рік тому +10

    Probably the most impressive thing max has done in a long time 24:38

  • @spicytaco9266
    @spicytaco9266 Рік тому +4

    THE BOY IS BACK! Congrats on the sick pulls Max!

  • @KJC143
    @KJC143 Рік тому +1

    @7:08 I can't believe you don't have more commentary on that Machoke artwork, honestly 🤣

  • @Reallycoolguyyyy
    @Reallycoolguyyyy Рік тому +6

    Some of these boxes being over a decade old absolutely blows my mind. Got lots of this stuff as a gift when I was younger

  • @tjsoyden173
    @tjsoyden173 Рік тому +1

    You know you love someone’s videos when you routinely like their videos as soon as you start watching :D

  • @DeathStreak419
    @DeathStreak419 Рік тому +12

    The Venusaur that Max pulled at around 20:00 is probably the rarest card I own 😂😅

  • @J_Dubb1
    @J_Dubb1 Рік тому +18

    Damn, MoeFoe openings never disappoint Good to see ya back my man.

  • @tmattice
    @tmattice Рік тому +3

    Man that tag team come up, cant believe its that off center thought omg I would be devastated lmao, either way still massive hit, congrats!

  • @BiakSkull
    @BiakSkull Рік тому +2

    12:11 fell for a classic blunder

  • @VeksTCG
    @VeksTCG Рік тому +6

    insane opening!!!!! that tag team pull... and a zardy boi!

  • @lularockthenation6818
    @lularockthenation6818 Рік тому +2

    Is video is kind of like a throwback. This made me happy 👍. Thanks max!

  • @victorvalnad5340
    @victorvalnad5340 Рік тому +8

    I love Bargain Bin series! ❤

  • @gemminttcg
    @gemminttcg Рік тому +1

    3:06 Max... based on this pull, please let me welcome you. To the FULL ART TRAINER COLLECTORS CLUB 🎉

  • @yumcherrypies
    @yumcherrypies Рік тому +5

    XY sets are always a treat to open
    Back when the chase cards were only full arts, and not impossible to pull alt arts

  • @EpsilonThirteen
    @EpsilonThirteen Рік тому +1

    3:45 I'm sorry. Is that a Tobuscus reference? in MY Maxmoefoe video?

  • @eddyfazly
    @eddyfazly Рік тому +6

    Max's luck is on another level for sure lol

  • @Meghannnnnnnnn
    @Meghannnnnnnnn Рік тому +12

    I love the chaotic and aggressive way you open packs and go through the cards. It's truly beautiful not to mention refreshing. Keep doing you max. I know you're gonna rule the world one day 👊🏻

    • @voltairearouet1374
      @voltairearouet1374 Рік тому +2

      "the chaotic and aggressive way you open packs" People really get amazed by the most trivial shit.

    • @Meghannnnnnnnn
      @Meghannnnnnnnn Рік тому

      @@voltairearouet1374 get a life

  • @slimpickin7999
    @slimpickin7999 Рік тому +4

    Only max can open up semi vintage and knock it out of the park. Insane luck bub! Postcard 7.7 deck sleeves 9.4

  • @ejreyesph
    @ejreyesph Рік тому

    we need you back max!
    your non-chalant style is such a breath of fresh air.

  • @daviebroy9174
    @daviebroy9174 Рік тому +3

    Legend has it that Max has the greatest luck of all time.

  • @rooseph7152
    @rooseph7152 Рік тому +1

    I love this wholesome, child friendly content

  • @cleefke2.09
    @cleefke2.09 Рік тому +4

    can you maybe do a grading video where you send your best pulls and then reveal the grade? would be awesome!

  • @Dandy_
    @Dandy_ Рік тому +2

    Old packs like these are peak content, thank you father

  • @amilate3753
    @amilate3753 Рік тому +6

    There’s gotta be a dude who works for UA-cam who has an insane vendetta against Max

  • @RootDragon04
    @RootDragon04 Рік тому +1

    So nice of Maxmofoe making content for the kids

  • @nickjoel5258
    @nickjoel5258 6 місяців тому +4

    Where have you been max? I don't like pokemon, but i love your videos! Come back!

  • @BrockitGaming
    @BrockitGaming Рік тому

    3:15 that edit with the music for energy haha

  • @MattFrault
    @MattFrault Рік тому +13

    Dude…the latios latias pull is insane!! So cool seeing some of these packs being opened again

  • @viscount8388
    @viscount8388 Рік тому +1

    Real fans know that max loves latias and latios so that card must be an extra special treat for him

  • @kelcollin
    @kelcollin Рік тому +7

    i almost passed out seeing the latias and latios and how unbothered he seemed lmao

  • @olivialee2900
    @olivialee2900 Рік тому +1

    I definitely screamed when latias latios got pulled and laughed when Max had no clues 😂 classic moefoe moment for sure

  • @johjok4645
    @johjok4645 Рік тому +3

    beautiful. old videos with idubbbz and filthyfrank made me feel like a different person while watching, love hearing your voice. everything comes to an end sometime, nothing last forever. your videos are awesome. My nuts are hangin' out

  • @Necromediancer
    @Necromediancer Рік тому +1

    The Kyogre pack was the Pokemon of my childhood. That holo Blaziken was my absolute favorite card in elementary (has it really been that long? Pokemon was big in my 5th grade and I'm in my 2nd year of college now). That was absolutely nostalgia for me.

  • @jakemelvin8473
    @jakemelvin8473 Рік тому +4

    I was shocked that he pulled that tag team card- even more shocked he wasn’t shocked! Lmfao well done my guy ! 🤑🤑🤑

  • @Aarameshi
    @Aarameshi Рік тому +2

    That latios and latias card is a pretty card and a nice addition to any collection tbh

  • @Goochbag8
    @Goochbag8 Місяць тому +5

    I love Cold Ones, but I need more of this so I can justify my egregious spending on Pokemon TCG Pocket.

  • @cotyomega7372
    @cotyomega7372 Рік тому +2

    Wow congrats on the big pull man I am loving the fact that you had no idea until you edited your video. I literally gasped as it appeared it your hands.. 😅

  • @uraveragejoe99
    @uraveragejoe99 Рік тому +11

    Love how casually Max opens up these expensive ass boxes lmao. Also bro freaking over a 5 dollar card and then pulling that other one 😭

  • @JJOEY91
    @JJOEY91 Рік тому +1

    Bro this took me back to 2017-2018 max openings

  • @NightmareZ34
    @NightmareZ34 Рік тому +3

    Just casually applies pressure and snaps a nearly 10 year old kyogre figure

  • @TheBlazingpsycho
    @TheBlazingpsycho Рік тому +2

    Missed your videos, and this video did not let me down. And the pulls man, just wow. All this time they were sitting inside your closet =D

  • @BryceJoel924
    @BryceJoel924 20 днів тому +5

    I miss you come back

  • @ndartehkewl1282
    @ndartehkewl1282 Рік тому +1

    1:46 man this is some Sisyphus shit how cooked is their brain that they don't get the hint to FIX THE GODDAMN ISSUE

  • @ChelseaZimmerman-g2o
    @ChelseaZimmerman-g2o Рік тому +8

    That Latias and Latios is INSANE!! Congrats Max . Dude you went nuts on these pulls! CONGRATS MAX!.

  • @Julie-do2dr
    @Julie-do2dr Рік тому

    dude opens old seemingly forgotten boxes and then unknowingly pulls the most expensive tag team GX card. never change, max.

  • @pokenuggetgaming3636
    @pokenuggetgaming3636 Рік тому +3

    I like how max opens the boxes like a small child would... absolutely tearing it to pieces

  • @sebastiancompton2511
    @sebastiancompton2511 Рік тому +1

    15:55 Deoxyeez nuts

  • @alexEMP1
    @alexEMP1 Рік тому +15

    Banger of a video max. That specific card pull was awesome. I remember evolutions literally being on clearance at my local target and Walmart and I never budged. Regretting that now lol. Also it sucks that UA-cam is treating you like that. Will definitely be buying some merch to support you.

  • @medusaluna8331
    @medusaluna8331 Рік тому

    Please never get rid of the “Jeff, Jeff” sound when you hit the cards. I remember in an older video you thought of changing it to something else and I am always afraid you will change it. But I love it! It makes me laugh every time even though I know it’s gonna happen.

  • @sam-astaroth
    @sam-astaroth 16 днів тому +4

    About to be 2025, Max.

  • @josephdrollette8573
    @josephdrollette8573 Рік тому

    I am a elementary school teacher and I love showing Max's videos to kids.

  • @shambles4444
    @shambles4444 Місяць тому +8

    i want more pokemon max

    • @okbenzo1948
      @okbenzo1948 Місяць тому +1

      A year I have waited and a year i wait still…

  • @KA1SZN
    @KA1SZN Рік тому +2

    The tobuscus edit went krazy

    • @KA1SZN
      @KA1SZN Рік тому +2

      23:17 had me in shock...