• @owenpurvis2633
    @owenpurvis2633 Рік тому +13

    Excellent presentation. Great information coming from real science; following the evidence and the Bible.

  • @stuartofblyth
    @stuartofblyth Рік тому +9

    When I worked as an analytical chemist we used many forms of instrumental analysis. Prior to carrying out a test we ALWAYS had to calibrate the instrument with known standards. When I went for a blood test a year or so ago the reading was way too high. I was told the reading was unreliable and could not be recorded because the instrument was only calibrated for the therapeutic range. So my question is simply "How are rockageometers calibrated?"

  • @roberta7187
    @roberta7187 Рік тому +12

    Billions of years always sounded wrong to me. Like something inside was just telling me it is wrong.

  • @FrankPCarpi
    @FrankPCarpi Рік тому +2

    I hope that I can make it to the museum some day soon. Thank you for presenting the actual scientific investigative reporting clearly and concisely. That's what real science sounds like.

  • @velvetnightmare3133
    @velvetnightmare3133 Рік тому +3

    I know a geologist and I'm so thankful that you gave us this video because I can approach him by at least saying Hey this is an interesting view on the age of the Earth you might take a look.

  • @throckmortensnivel2850
    @throckmortensnivel2850 2 місяці тому

    A small fact. In order to cover the earth with water, so no mountaintop was above water, it would take about 4.5 billion cubic kms of water. All of the existing water in the oceans is about 1.35 billion cubic kms of water. For the global flood to have happened as Dr. Clarey says it did would require about three times as much water as exists today. So the question is, where did the water go when the flood was over?

  • @Lance.West4
    @Lance.West4 Рік тому +19

    Billions of years ago is the Geniuses 1:1 of atheism. If you take away "in the beginning, God created," our entire foundation crumbles. The same thing happens to them if you take away Billions of years ago. And they know it

    • @newcreationinchrist1423
      @newcreationinchrist1423 Рік тому


    • @alfredosanchez-onate5179
      @alfredosanchez-onate5179 10 місяців тому +3

      No, because we don't believe in it, we see it through evidence. It's a relatively new theory too. Consider this: what makes your religion the right one? How is it that animism in Africa is not the correct religion, but European Catholicism is? Because they have more followers? Christianity is based completely off of belief and not thought or logic. What makes the stories in the bible true? Because you believe it is? What if I told you many of those stories are based on older religion's beliefs. A belief system is not the same as a set of theories based on evidence.

    • @Lance.West4
      @Lance.West4 10 місяців тому

      @alfredosanchez-onate5179 To say there is no evidence for the Bible shows you're ignorance of the topic. Archaeologists have proven time and time that the stories in the Bible are correct. They've never proved one wrong.
      Now I'm a reasonable person. You can believe whatever you want. My problem with atheist is the hypocrisy about belief. You claim not to have faith and don't believe, yet you BELIEVE in all kinds of THEORIES. Many theories, evidence pointed to years ago, are now proven wrong. So science will throw out new theories based on some computer models they call evidence. They will always have some theory because if they don't, you might think for yourself.* To the religion of science that is blasphemy. They are no different from the Catholic church, which did terrible things. I'm not a fan of organized religion either. Instead of burning at the stake, they get anyone who dares to think differently, fired, black listed, canceled, etc. It actually henders science not to be able to think freely. Look up the Christian Nobel peace prize winners in science. It will surprise you.. Would you say they are ignorant?
      So you believe in your theories, I'll have my theories. At the end of the day, we both have faith, whether you admit it or not.
      Good day.

    • @Harris19941
      @Harris19941 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@alfredosanchez-onate5179you mentioned its not a believe but fact based on evidence and instead of providing the evidence you went on to talk about Christianity and other religions
      make that make sense

    • @FraudulentEarth68
      @FraudulentEarth68 8 місяців тому

      @@alfredosanchez-onate5179 Religion is false - no one detests religion more than Jesus Christ himself. The church is within your heart, that's where the Holy Spirit resides. The very first religion was created by the fallen entities that blackened man's hearts and taught them the secrets of the Creator then twisted them into black magic. Babylonian sun worship through the serpent's tongues is very much alive today and manipulates ALL religions throughout the earth. Religion is the root of ALL wars - DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!!

  • @nothing_in_the_woods
    @nothing_in_the_woods 6 місяців тому

    This is amazing. I am just picturing how the pre-flood mammals were hoarding all the mountain tops and making sure those nasty T-Rex and brontosaurus can't get up to the top of the highest mountains to escape the flood.

  • @noneyabidness9644
    @noneyabidness9644 7 місяців тому

    Indeed, hand-waving is common in sciences. I remember when I was doing a Chem I lab, and my bicarbonate solution after drying was statistically significantly heavier than before drying.
    So, I got the professor, a doctor of chemistry, to guide me and point out any flaws I may be making.
    We used multiple high precision scales to get weights prior during and after drying was complete, and each time it gained 10-20% in weight.
    The final powder was 30% heavier than the beginning paste. That happened twice in a row.
    His explanation? "Do you think the laws of physics are at fault? It is human error." To OBSERVABLE evidence of the laws of physics being falsified in that experiment being run twice, with the same result, each time.

  • @zerosteel0123
    @zerosteel0123 Рік тому +2

    Love these videos!

  • @richvitale3831
    @richvitale3831 4 місяці тому

    Dr. Clarey you need to go on Joe Rogan podcast.

  • @ibperson7765
    @ibperson7765 11 місяців тому

    7:25 whats the difference in the two ?

  • @Twin172
    @Twin172 6 місяців тому

    And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, …

  • @mrazyone
    @mrazyone 3 місяці тому

    Have to disagree with ths launching. Greek usage carried up lifted up or bearing up.. obtaining..

  • @blank-964
    @blank-964 8 днів тому


  • @stefanmud991
    @stefanmud991 Рік тому +2

    Please explain the problem regarding the heat created by the rapid tectonic movement and the rapid nuclear decay.

    • @mmaimmortals
      @mmaimmortals Рік тому

      Same here. I’m curious what they are claiming.

    • @mmaimmortals
      @mmaimmortals Рік тому

      I do know what the accelerated decay is about.
      It’s the tectonic plate movement that I’m interested in.
      The accelerated decay has to do with the excess helium found in zircons in granite by the RATE team.
      Supposedly 1.5 billion years worth of accelerated decay that would have “boiled off the ocean 23 times”.
      It was a valid prediction and subsequent discovery pertaining to the helium and not having enough time to escape the zircons in either 4400 or 6000 years.
      To be fair, creation experts are the ones that identified this “problem”.
      But I have serious doubts that it’s really an issue at all.
      1) the zircons were from basement rock from Creation Week, as I understand it. So it can’t be a real heat problem.
      2) It seems more likely to me that this is an example of accelerated fusion, which is a rapid cooling event, not a heat producing event.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 5 місяців тому

      There is huge friction in quick tectonic moves.

    • @stefanmud991
      @stefanmud991 5 місяців тому

      @@mmaimmortals No the accelerated decay is not the movenent of tectonic plates.
      But nuclear decay.
      Which is an even bigger problem for YEC to explain than tectonic plates.

    • @mmaimmortals
      @mmaimmortals 5 місяців тому

      Thank you, Stefan.
      I know what accelerated decay is.
      It's only a "problem" for those YEC that think it has anything to do with the Flood.
      I am YEC and I don't think the idea of accelerated decay is warranted at all, and especially not where it pertains to the Flood.
      If it fits anywhere, it would be with Creation Week, but I still don't think that it's accelerated nuclear decay that we see in the zircons with excess helium.
      As of today, I still haven't heard of a legitimate heat problem pertaining to the Flood.
      All of the claims made so far either don't apply at all, or are the product of imagination rather than legitimate physics.

  • @freddiefreihofer7716
    @freddiefreihofer7716 3 місяці тому

    The Biblical Flood happened 4500 years ago, according to Dr. Clarey at 5:20. At 25:35 he uses a standard fossil chart (arranged by millions of years of stratifications!) to show the fossils of primitive creatures that perished in the Biblical Flood. Notice that there is NOT ONE fossil of any of the humans or millions of cows, horses, sheep, goats, ducks, geese, whales, crows, hawks or myriad other creatures that perished in this Flood.

  • @jounisuninen
    @jounisuninen 5 місяців тому

    This is all so irrefutable ... I can hardly wait until creationism is an official discipline beside Darwinism in schools and universities. Let children and youth decide themselves what to believe.

  • @changstein
    @changstein 11 місяців тому +1

    “He is the son of God. He is God.”
    Well which one is it?
    The Bible never once says that Christ is God. It says that he is the “image of the invisible God”. It also says that he is a man several times.
    “There is one God, the Father, out of whom all is, and one Lord, Jesus Christ” 1 cor 8:6
    There is only one God. Christ is lesser than God (John 14:28)

    • @rjbbrown
      @rjbbrown 11 місяців тому +2

      Let’s make it easy for you:
      In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬
      “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬
      There is only one God, and He existed from before time and space as a triune God.
      Are you following?
      God became flesh…
      Jesus is God in the flesh.

    • @changstein
      @changstein 11 місяців тому

      Look at the green of John 1:1 - God is “Ton theon” or The God, one and only.
      The Wors is described as the green “theos” which means “a god” or “divine”.
      Paul uses this same green word “theos” in Philippians 3:18 to describe a the power of gluttony.
      There is a distinct difference between Ton Theon and theos - we can back this up with the rest of scripture, in which Christ is distinctly called a man, a mediator between man and God, lesser than God, and not omniscient. I can get you verses for all these claims.
      How can Christ be a mediator between God and man if he is God? Illogical.
      Christ is the IMAGE of the invisible Father - col. 1:15
      God is invisible, Christ is not - case closed.

    • @changstein
      @changstein 11 місяців тому

      Greek, not green

    • @torrinolte8280
      @torrinolte8280 10 місяців тому +1

      Jesus called Himself God, which is why the Pharisees picked up rocks to stone Him because He called Himself God.
      The Trinity is the word we use to title the Godhead: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. One God, three distinct Persons in the Trinity.
      Are you a Christian?

    • @changstein
      @changstein 10 місяців тому

      Link the verse you reference, please.
      Jesus also says: “why do you call me good? There is none good but One, that is God” mark 10:18
      Paul says: “there is one God, the Father, from whom all things came, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came” 1 cor 8:6
      Christ refers to God as “my God and my Father” John 20:17
      I believe exactly what the Bible says, so no, I’m not a Christian

  • @SuperManning11
    @SuperManning11 8 місяців тому +1

    This is simply sad. The information and interpretation of science is simply categorically false. Is not the glory of God portrayed as well in the expression of our God-given intelligence and ability to piece together the facts as we find them? Our holy books need to focus on looking forward. As we understand more about our universe, we take ourselves closer to a true understanding of God, not by looking backwards and trying to squeeze an interpretation of the Bible into existing theology.

  • @lynnasche5147
    @lynnasche5147 3 місяці тому +1

    This person should not have a PhD !!!

  • @danwaters303
    @danwaters303 7 місяців тому

    Oh the craziness of religious fanaticism and rationalization.

    • @jounisuninen
      @jounisuninen 5 місяців тому

      Let alone atheistic fanaticism and rationalization. You know - "everything appeared from nothing by nothing, against the natural laws we revere ..."