The Dragon "Imperial Series" originate from the Gunze Sangyo kits from Japan. I believe Gunze may have sold or licensed the molds to Dragon or perhaps DML just pirated them. I lived in Okinawa in the 90's and still have several original Gunze and Dragon Imperial kits in my stash today.
It's the other way around, many of the Gunze kits were produced by dragon and Gunze did the distribution in select markets. Gunze did the same with the Esci M60 kits, but at times Gunze would add some extra aftermarket bits like on the M60 they threw in cast metal ERA plates
Yeah I've seen their sets. I though it was innovative to cast the sets with that rusty colored resin. However I was unable to find the ausf.J manifolds, so I just tooled up my own
Great video!
Glad you were good on your word bringing those tracks back 😂😂
I keep my promises lol
Hi John, The 2 or 4 steel wheels, per side, were added on the Jagdpanzer IV L/70 as it was very front heavy and the rubber wheels failed too readily.
Guderian's duck looking pretty menacing! What a great model!
The Dragon "Imperial Series" originate from the Gunze Sangyo kits from Japan. I believe Gunze may have sold or licensed the molds to Dragon or perhaps DML just pirated them. I lived in Okinawa in the 90's and still have several original Gunze and Dragon Imperial kits in my stash today.
It's the other way around, many of the Gunze kits were produced by dragon and Gunze did the distribution in select markets. Gunze did the same with the Esci M60 kits, but at times Gunze would add some extra aftermarket bits like on the M60 they threw in cast metal ERA plates
Are those ejector pin marks on the travel lock?
yup older dragon kits arent the same quality-wise as modern kits
When is the next armortek update
King tiger update should drop by the end of next week
There’s a company in Russia called Moskit that makes nice metal exhaust for different 1/35 scale armor and they sell a bunch of them on eBay
Yeah I've seen their sets. I though it was innovative to cast the sets with that rusty colored resin. However I was unable to find the ausf.J manifolds, so I just tooled up my own
I just found this exact version, albeit with different box art for £20. That's about $37. Very cheap.
cool, enjoy your build!
May i suggest remiving the the crackling plastic bags before showing
the whole point of the unboxing is to go through it as you would when you get the same kit