There has always been something about Blair and Carly's demeanor that reminds me so much of each other. I liked when Blair was temporarily on GH afterr the demise of OLTL and her and Carly had some scenes together, they connected so well. They are so similar that I bet they could have been besties if the characters from OLTL had been allowed to stay on GH. Neither of them has ever really had a girlfriend. ADA Hughes was cute. I always wanted him to be the answer to the break up between John and Evangeline. I think he would UK ld have really hated that connection.
Van/REG did a great job in this scene! Bonus: John watching her in action...yea!
There has always been something about Blair and Carly's demeanor that reminds me so much of each other. I liked when Blair was temporarily on GH afterr the demise of OLTL and her and Carly had some scenes together, they connected so well. They are so similar that I bet they could have been besties if the characters from OLTL had been allowed to stay on GH. Neither of them has ever really had a girlfriend. ADA Hughes was cute. I always wanted him to be the answer to the break up between John and Evangeline. I think he would UK ld have really hated that connection.