Cool video! What for armor and the weapon? In particular interests magic stones in them. As in exile at me displays one, and in statisticians I see absolutely another.
Hi Fang, Can you tell me how do you weave? I mean do you use button for autoattack when you try to weave or you just make a delay beatween pushing skills. Can you tell me what key button do you have set for autoattack? thx in advance
Fang what's your skill rotation?I know that assassin doesn't have a skill rotation,btw what skill do u usually use on a target and which skill u don't use?Gz for the video u are awesome
The best Assassin from Taiwan I've seen in youtube.
The best Assassin from Taiwan I've seen in youtube.(2)
Pretty sick at 2:55! One of the best assassins
very good! gz! old assasin player here :D
that last kill was cool af
Cool video! What for armor and the weapon? In particular interests magic stones in them. As in exile at me displays one, and in statisticians I see absolutely another.
just amazing!
Pretty good:) loved the music
Hi Fang, Can you tell me how do you weave? I mean do you use button for autoattack when you try to weave or you just make a delay beatween pushing skills. Can you tell me what key button do you have set for autoattack? thx in advance
He has a good pc, as assasin a good net and a good pc require to weave..and he probably has customized the skill keys lol xd
This is awsome dude!
Fang what's your skill rotation?I know that assassin doesn't have a skill rotation,btw what skill do u usually use on a target and which skill u don't use?Gz for the video u are awesome
what skills is that u make to teleport or jump closer them? and i dont mean ambush
so much magic accuracy ;x
You are amazing sin:3
great vid, ty for sharing
Thank you ^ ^"
which skins are those awsome looking weapons? :)
Fang tell me why do you use dagger sword and not dagger dagger
= =拍的不錯喔 馬波 留
He has gone to serve in the military.
Hi, for PvP you how much physical attack and critical?
You are PRO ! ( what´s the long stun youˇve did to the gladiator ? 11:00 )
Dope af
order you jungel?
or what is she saying
10:00 ooa+killer's eye+slayer :D
sick !!!
Rly good assa
I only use a dagger with sword
Красава,from russia
放假還是會回來看得,捲加料理 不加破綻 暴擊門檻950
udyr jungle?
my eye's hurt X____X
Китайские крабы, кто за то что на руофе играют в 100 раз лучше, палец вверх!
你全身複合阿 武器也是 超機車 by殺人魔
殺人兇器 0O0
Holy flying fuck!!
宵月 嫩喔
Aion 2 day launcher -.-
Он мой кумир сука :D
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