Have you been able to determine when you reached your 75% purity? What changed in your Soul consciousness, refinement of your intellect, power, perception of the world,...??? Because Baba does not talk about the period between 50% and 75% of his purity. I imagine that when Baba started organizing the sakar murlis in 1964 he must have reached his 75% Purity.
Thank you very much for this input.
Good to see you divine sister in a bk uniform with a batch 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Moi aussi, je ne regrette rien. Om shanti
Have you been able to determine when you reached your 75% purity? What changed in your Soul consciousness, refinement of your intellect, power, perception of the world,...??? Because Baba does not talk about the period between 50% and 75% of his purity. I imagine that when Baba started organizing the sakar murlis in 1964 he must have reached his 75% Purity.
The percentage will continue to change until your final moment, the final test paper will reveal it.