Pretty cool coincidence that Biker Mice from Mars and Street Sharks got new figures in the same year as the TMNT 40th anniversary. (They were both inspired by it after all)
When i was younger i used to have one of these guys! Weirdly i found it outside on a rainy day just laying randomly in the grass behind my house. No one was around so i took it. I used to bring it everywhere with me.
I do agree about the paint, I think that's something they need to tighten up. But the figures really do shine as just being well made, competently articulated toys. There's enough good that you want to see where they go from here.
I’m from Australia so only way to get them is online and hope the paint jobs are decent this is the first review that has noticeably bad pant jobs I’ve seen 😒
What I really like about this is how cartoon accurate they are! For me it is really important because it adds to that nostalgia since these guys are one of my favorites when I was a kid in the 90's!
For 30 $ these are pretty good figures. Also Throttle's eyes look weird without glasses because he is supposed to be completely blind mouse who needs special glasses that restores his eyesight.
I LOVE these guys, so far I only have Throttle and Vinnie, haven't seen Modo yet but I'll grab him when I do. This is how all toy lines should be, for $5 more than a Marvel Legend and this much quality? I don't even have fond memories of the show but these are just dope figures.
First comment on your channel as I just subscribed after watching the Keepgoing Studio Black Ghost review. I love your energy and style. Plus you’re reviewing stuff most aren’t. Thank you for that! I was skeptical about getting these, but the nostalgia and your review sorta pushed me. I think I might wait for another batch to come out around the time they release the bikes however. Hoping there’s a possibility of fixing the loose joints and paint mishaps. But then again, Biker Mice From Mars is uncover popular. So there’s a chance they might a hard find once word of mouth starts popping. Which may lead me into getting a run of these the next time I’m out. Also, I can’t remember a time in the cartoon where Throttle revealed his eyes, but after seeing your review of him without his glasses, we now know why 🫢😂🤣 Great review and thanks again!
I have all three and the paint is a lot better than the ones you got. I got them from Crowemag Toys in Raleigh and they were the only ones they had. if I had known they were going to be carried at Walmart, I would have waited. The paint is really good on them, so I guess I got lucky. I will say that the eyes are pretty wonky on the alternate heads for all 3. For a new company, I don’t think it gets much better. There’s a lot of potential here, and I cannot wait to see where they go from here.
@@matthewjoyner1595 woah, that’s awesome. I’m just down the road. Those weren’t, by chance, the set that came from a smoke-friendly home and going to a smoke-friendly home are they? (I was there when they were sold)
Awesome review, as always! And I love your honesty, without completely just dumping on the figures. I lucked out with the ones I got. Very minimal paint defects, though there were a few minor ones on my Modo's chest piece. And some paint chipping, too. But, I still love em!
From a visual standpoint these are nice overall.. I feel it’s a missed opportunity to not have them paired with their individual motorcycles. Awesome review from one who is new toys while unboxing nostalgia!
You DID get the "Bunny Girl"! I can see her in the back! I can't WAIT to watch your video where you recreate all the greatest moments from 'Daicon IV'!!! XD
I was a Saturday morning cartoon homeboy for this show so I was excited to get these on pre-order. I did not observe paint issues on the level you professed but in fairness wasn't doing a review. I personally loved the nostalgia of seeing their accessories (the random unique weapons) get revitalized from the original release. Just like how the NECA Gargoyle line added fun accessories here & there to their figures from the original 90's toys. The separate helmeted heads are a huge plus that I don't think gets enough love, because I remember it being a pain to get the helmets to stay on the heads of the original figures because their red antenna had to be pushed down inside their heads. My big gripe about this series is the same as McFarlane's DC multiverse because they are very tall against standard 6" figures & don't look like they belong. They must be 7" scale at least by my estimation. Still, I will likely get the bikes & heard via SDCC the line is getting a second wave of characters.
I was trying these at a local comic store by me. They had opened figures on the display with the boxed ones. I have to say, they actually felt pretty good, I was impressed. I wasn't heavy into these characters as a kid, but I really do like these figures. I'd like to get them at some point, and display them alongside my tmnt figures. Nice review and I love your work!
I have Vinnie and Modo so far and I’ll say your review is pretty much spot on. Flawed but fun figures. Modo is so much taller than Vinnie. Hopefully can find Throttle soon.
I need the bikes for sure. It’s weird how these look like the toys I had until you showed the vintage version and it’s like oh yeah they were suuuper basic 😮
Got em Love Em. Despite any "Flaws" they amy contain. Nostalgia be darned. Just an awesome show I loved as a kid and still do! That and These will probably be the Last Toys/Figures they make in My Lifetime so..Buying Em Up!
I was super excited this past Monday to see these at Walmart… until I picked them up. Your paint apps look better than any of the ones I found. Idk, I want to like these but can’t look past the bad paint. Definitely gonna be keeping an eye out to see if they improve.
I spy an Aileen and her... "bike"! Looking forward to your review of them! Curious to see what your thoughts are on the "Cyclone Bunny". I liked her but the bike was more glorified accessory/stand and less something she can ACTUALLY ride without damaging her lovely legs.
I picked up throttle about 4 days ago at my local Walmart probably go back and get the other two and when it comes down to the bikes I'm just going to go ahead and just give them my own bikes that I've been picking up from hobby lobby
damn sub button didn't light up.... because I am already subscribed... MOVING ON! Throttle isn't "going full psycho" he's blind without his glasses. You're picking on a fictional character with a REAL disability! COME ON MAN! YOU NEVER PICK ON PROFESSOR X! DON'T START NOW! You posing; thank you! The use of other 6 inch scale bikes is hilarious, thank you.
Already have them and they are great! My only problem is that Vinnie's eyes are a little dead to me... 😅 I was a huge fan of them back in the 90s and heard that there will be a reboot or a new series.
These figures look awesome. But I have no personal attachment to them. I remember seeing the commercials, for the cartoon and the toys, I don't remember actually watching the cartoon or having action figures. As a result I will be passing on these action figures.
Again, you could probably remove that excess plastic ("flashing") with a designated hobby knife/model-maker's kit. they're for sale online pretty cheap. ; )
Excellent video sir! Was leaning toward getting Modo, but the single joint robo arm still has me iffy. Where did you get the bicycle you had Vinnie riding? Keep up the great content brother!
I just saw these guys at Walmart and wanted to pick one up because they look cool but 30$ is too much for me unfortunately lol hopefully one day I get one
Haha, you got that Snail Shell bunny girl? I’m still waiting for them to make one that speaks to me. I’m only getting one. Anyway, I had these figures back in the day. What set them apart was articulation cause they had to stand and ride their motorcycles. Modo was my favorite. I’m not a fan of gimmicks but the toys had some of the best.
The quality control on the paint is annoying, but I always like to compare things to what the big dog Hasbro is offering at the same price. Keeping that in mind most Marvel Legends deluxe figures don't have that much paint and accessories. While it's not perfect it's more than Hasbro would give you for the same price.
I don’t think I ever watched the show when I was a kid. It is interesting that Nacelle is run by the Toys that Made Us fellow, one would think they would make a better effort to make high quality figures, I’m disappointed by how subpar the paint is, or even the excess plastic on the figures, especially on that alternate head for Throttle. I think they’ve made a very OK start at making toys, even NECA’s quality was bad for a while. I’m interested to see what other properties they make figures for though. Thanks for the review!
Yeah, definitely would expect better from him, but who knows what that whole ordeal looks like on the back end. They are working on the Cowboys of MooMessa or whatever it is
You can find these mice in your electronics department. *or, behind a glass window door under lock & key in my local store.😵💫🤣🤣* Still love em though!🐭
These mice are hot! Curious why the vest left such marks on Throttle's torso...did they paint the vest black instead of just casting it in black? Have you been able to remove the marks? Thanks!
I do remember watching this cartoon as a kid but am no where near high enough on the nostalgia meter to get these. I REALLY wany someone to do an affordable version of Samurai Pizza Cats as loved that show more than BMFM & those characters look awesome. But the only decent versions available are £200 upwards now. Need Super7 or Ramen Toys to pick up that license and do a decent line.
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Do you remember if the shoulders were looser after you put them back on, or somehow acted differently? I'd hate to leave permanent damage on my only figures I hardly got from overseas.
I love the figures, but i feel like the bikes aren't nearly as detailed as the originals, which is kind of a bummer. My old ones as a kid had chrome painting. I didn't get any bad painting on my figures, though.
just found some in stock and mine came defected, the yellow clear helmet plate to throttles helmet was missing and i didnt realize till i got it all n all a fun fig
I'd personally be disappointed with all the flaws at that price point, but I get it's their first foray into figure-making. They do look nice at a glance, and your review shows off the functionality of the articulation as always. Was surprised how fast these left the shelves of my local Walmart- they had 3 of each one day & down to a single figure the next. Not a particularly densely populated area either. Why was I there 2 days in a row, you ask? Well, I was looking for Tatsu, and who said it was only 2 days in a row, huh? Stop making such a big deal out of it, ok? Geez.
I have no attachment to this franchise. It was just another TMNT knock-off and it wasn't self aware so there was just no charm to be found for me. I do think these figures look solid though, a promising start for Nacelle. And they're proving that a niche product doesn't need to cost 55 bucks or whatever to be viable.
One warning. The quality control of Nacelle is completely trash. My local store got 7 or 8 figures of each Biker Mice, what i saw: Vinnie - 3 figures with big problems, one with the shoulders misplaced and fitted upside down (the righ one was on the left side), another with the right shoulder correct and the left one misplaced , and another with two right thighs. Throttle - 4 of figures with the left leg longer than the right by almost half a centimer, besides that one with two left lower legs, one with a squared cut in the neck, and 3 of them with lose heads in the box. Modo seems the one with less mistakes just really bad paint in all of them. And you think yours have flaws lol.
Why are these guys even a thing. Yeah I remember having the toy and I have glimpses of a TV show memory, but it's not like anyone cares about this brand. Could anyone even name one of these dudes? If one of them is named Mike then brofuggforreal!? This is pure nastalgia. Like bottom of the bin nastalgia.
Hey like your review but watching the bikermice from mars I would just get Vinnie modo is my favorite but the robot arm my opinion I would've liked it better if it was double joined
Pretty cool coincidence that Biker Mice from Mars and Street Sharks got new figures in the same year as the TMNT 40th anniversary. (They were both inspired by it after all)
@@oscrmc8496 pretty crazy
@@NostalgiaUnboxed I know it's also Street Sharks 30th anniversary but I'm not sure about Biker Mice
When i was younger i used to have one of these guys! Weirdly i found it outside on a rainy day just laying randomly in the grass behind my house. No one was around so i took it. I used to bring it everywhere with me.
That’s awesome. Yard toys are the best. Had a couple like that
I do agree about the paint, I think that's something they need to tighten up. But the figures really do shine as just being well made, competently articulated toys. There's enough good that you want to see where they go from here.
@@Starfig definitely
I’m from Australia so only way to get them is online and hope the paint jobs are decent this is the first review that has noticeably bad pant jobs I’ve seen 😒
What I really like about this is how cartoon accurate they are! For me it is really important because it adds to that nostalgia since these guys are one of my favorites when I was a kid in the 90's!
A great series
The three of them on the scooter was *so* perfect. I may pick up Throttle if I see it. I remember we had a toy of him. Thank you for the review!
@@HidamariBread thank you!
For 30 $ these are pretty good figures. Also Throttle's eyes look weird without glasses because he is supposed to be completely blind mouse who needs special glasses that restores his eyesight.
Well that makes sense!
12:24 WHOA NELLY! That's some PG-13 stuff right there! 13:31 OH MAMA!
I grabbed all 3 from a local toy store. I like 'em. 'Nuff said.
Isn't that how YOU eat your hot dogs??
Such a great review!!! ❤❤❤ I love Biker Mice, I’m super excited for its resurgence this year!!! These figures look great!! 😊
Hope it's a good resurgence. Need these bikes to be great!
I LOVE these guys, so far I only have Throttle and Vinnie, haven't seen Modo yet but I'll grab him when I do. This is how all toy lines should be, for $5 more than a Marvel Legend and this much quality? I don't even have fond memories of the show but these are just dope figures.
Hope you find him soon enough
Can’t wait to get my hands on these!!!!
Don't wait! haha2
Where can I get some blast effects like those??
@@jessevillagomez7440 marvel legends black widow movie figure
@@NostalgiaUnboxed thanx a lot would’ve of never guessed!!!! Keep up the great videos!!!!
LOL at Throttle riding Squirrel Girl's bike! 11:24
Walking Mice from Mars 👀
Hitchhiking Mice lol
@@NostalgiaUnboxed 😂🍻
First comment on your channel as I just subscribed after watching the Keepgoing Studio Black Ghost review.
I love your energy and style. Plus you’re reviewing stuff most aren’t. Thank you for that!
I was skeptical about getting these, but the nostalgia and your review sorta pushed me. I think I might wait for another batch to come out around the time they release the bikes however. Hoping there’s a possibility of fixing the loose joints and paint mishaps.
But then again, Biker Mice From Mars is uncover popular. So there’s a chance they might a hard find once word of mouth starts popping. Which may lead me into getting a run of these the next time I’m out.
Also, I can’t remember a time in the cartoon where Throttle revealed his eyes, but after seeing your review of him without his glasses, we now know why 🫢😂🤣
Great review and thanks again!
@@lowell3270 the good news is they showed a listing on their site that has both the mice and the bikes together. That might be the best route
I have all three and the paint is a lot better than the ones you got. I got them from Crowemag Toys in Raleigh and they were the only ones they had. if I had known they were going to be carried at Walmart, I would have waited. The paint is really good on them, so I guess I got lucky. I will say that the eyes are pretty wonky on the alternate heads for all 3. For a new company, I don’t think it gets much better. There’s a lot of potential here, and I cannot wait to see where they go from here.
@@matthewjoyner1595 woah, that’s awesome. I’m just down the road. Those weren’t, by chance, the set that came from a smoke-friendly home and going to a smoke-friendly home are they? (I was there when they were sold)
Awesome review, as always!
And I love your honesty, without completely just dumping on the figures. I lucked out with the ones I got. Very minimal paint defects, though there were a few minor ones on my Modo's chest piece. And some paint chipping, too. But, I still love em!
@@willtyrighteous yeah, even with the problems they are still good figures. And thank you!
Great review! biker mice is so nostalgic…. i see Aileen on the background , excited for that review 😂
Coming soon!
From a visual standpoint these are nice overall.. I feel it’s a missed opportunity to not have them paired with their individual motorcycles. Awesome review from one who is new toys while unboxing nostalgia!
@@hussles the bikes are coming and they will be offering combo packs of them AND the bike together
John Nostalgia strikes again
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Have you seen the new alien, it’s pretty good
I love your bike substitutions 😂😂😂 still the best figure channel ever!
Thank you!
You DID get the "Bunny Girl"! I can see her in the back! I can't WAIT to watch your video where you recreate all the greatest moments from 'Daicon IV'!!! XD
Haha, yes, from that show that I definitely am aware of 😂
More like, Pedestrian Mice from Mars! Boom, got'em.
I was a Saturday morning cartoon homeboy for this show so I was excited to get these on pre-order.
I did not observe paint issues on the level you professed but in fairness wasn't doing a review.
I personally loved the nostalgia of seeing their accessories (the random unique weapons) get revitalized from the original release. Just like how the NECA Gargoyle line added fun accessories here & there to their figures from the original 90's toys.
The separate helmeted heads are a huge plus that I don't think gets enough love, because I remember it being a pain to get the helmets to stay on the heads of the original figures because their red antenna had to be pushed down inside their heads.
My big gripe about this series is the same as McFarlane's DC multiverse because they are very tall against standard 6" figures & don't look like they belong. They must be 7" scale at least by my estimation.
Still, I will likely get the bikes & heard via SDCC the line is getting a second wave of characters.
From what I see online they are pretty tall. Shortest being 6'4", so I guess it's right. They do feel pretty massive compared to other lines though
I repeat the April part many times, so good bro
Haha thanks
I was trying these at a local comic store by me. They had opened figures on the display with the boxed ones. I have to say, they actually felt pretty good, I was impressed. I wasn't heavy into these characters as a kid, but I really do like these figures. I'd like to get them at some point, and display them alongside my tmnt figures. Nice review and I love your work!
Thank you very much
I love the Scooter Hamsters from Jupiter!
@@Quirky_Robo hahaha the best
I have Vinnie and Modo so far and I’ll say your review is pretty much spot on. Flawed but fun figures. Modo is so much taller than Vinnie. Hopefully can find Throttle soon.
Hope so!
Those questionable poses... especially at 12:24
How do YOU eat hotdogs??
@@NostalgiaUnboxed not on my knees or double fisting them lol
Throttle on his knees about to throat 2 dogs 😂😂😂!
How do YOU eat hot dogs??
@@NostalgiaUnboxed behind closed doors!
Oh hell yeah! Great video like always keep up the amazing work!
Thank you very much
I need the bikes for sure. It’s weird how these look like the toys I had until you showed the vintage version and it’s like oh yeah they were suuuper basic 😮
They did a good job of hitting that vintage feel but new
Got em Love Em. Despite any "Flaws" they amy contain. Nostalgia be darned. Just an awesome show I loved as a kid and still do! That and These will probably be the Last Toys/Figures they make in My Lifetime so..Buying Em Up!
That's true!
this is my SATURDAY Morning Cartoon, Biker Mice From Mars.❤
my goodness I'm Getting old...💀
we all are haha
I was super excited this past Monday to see these at Walmart… until I picked them up. Your paint apps look better than any of the ones I found. Idk, I want to like these but can’t look past the bad paint. Definitely gonna be keeping an eye out to see if they improve.
I really hope they do. Especially with the bikes coming. They will have a combo pack of bike and figure. Maybe those will be better
🙏Can't wait for the review for the item in the background Johnny!🧑🎤🕵💃🕺
Soon enough!
Ok fine I’ll buy them!!
@@madhatterreviews6705 don’t do it
I ❤ that!!! 🤩
great review bro, and you kept it honest too. What bikes did you put them on?
Scooter is from Marvel Legends Squirrel Girl (repainted) and a bicycle from Temu
Just so you know the sub button doesn’t light up anymore
@@andrewhizer8886 for anyone? I know it won’t for people already subscribed
I spy an Aileen and her... "bike"! Looking forward to your review of them! Curious to see what your thoughts are on the "Cyclone Bunny". I liked her but the bike was more glorified accessory/stand and less something she can ACTUALLY ride without damaging her lovely legs.
@@Helblind you’re not far off! One thing I did find is that it can be taken apart and connected to the RB17 Sea Wolf to make a new thing
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Ooo... I was wondering what those extender things were for! Now I'm really hyped!
i lovem there smooth in articulation
Those eyes lol 😳
Yeah lol
Eileen and Cyclone Bunny incoming!
you know it!
I picked up throttle about 4 days ago at my local Walmart probably go back and get the other two and when it comes down to the bikes I'm just going to go ahead and just give them my own bikes that I've been picking up from hobby lobby
I saw they will be releasing the bikes with each figure as well as alone. Might be a combo to save, but I didn't look at the price
damn sub button didn't light up.... because I am already subscribed... MOVING ON! Throttle isn't "going full psycho" he's blind without his glasses. You're picking on a fictional character with a REAL disability! COME ON MAN! YOU NEVER PICK ON PROFESSOR X! DON'T START NOW!
You posing; thank you! The use of other 6 inch scale bikes is hilarious, thank you.
😂😂 thank you for this
I finally bought my Bmfm figures
It was hard and they're sitting next to
Me as I watch your review.
That’s great! The bikes release soon
I see you with that Snail Shell Bunny girl. Good figure; I just got her myself.
Review coming soon
Already have them and they are great! My only problem is that Vinnie's eyes are a little dead to me... 😅 I was a huge fan of them back in the 90s and heard that there will be a reboot or a new series.
I know they have new comics. New show could be fun
My guy, I was just waiting on your review to hit the trigger 🎉🎉🎉
@@Dhotsause haha thanks
New comic too
heck yeah
I paid $45 for mine at a comic shop cos I'm a chump. I don't regret it, because these were my favorite when I was a kid.
Haha, no regrets
These figures look awesome. But I have no personal attachment to them. I remember seeing the commercials, for the cartoon and the toys, I don't remember actually watching the cartoon or having action figures. As a result I will be passing on these action figures.
Smart to pass when you can!
They got a bad review but I had unlimited hours of fun with these guys. Also I had the same TMNT bike I put them on that caught me off guard.
haha nice
11:25 ok, that got an unintentional chuckle out of me, where is the vespa from?
Repainted the one that comes with Marcel legends squirrel girl
Again, you could probably remove that excess plastic ("flashing") with a designated hobby knife/model-maker's kit. they're for sale online pretty cheap. ; )
Yeah, but no cheating for reviews!
@@NostalgiaUnboxed I'm not selling. It's just that excess mold-flashing drives me absolutely INSANE! LOL! (but true) XD
Excellent video sir! Was leaning toward getting Modo, but the single joint robo arm still has me iffy. Where did you get the bicycle you had Vinnie riding? Keep up the great content brother!
@@Carlos_D_Cactus thank you. It’s still worth it with that elbow. Not really a concern. Bicycle is from Temu
Thanks for clarifying, & I just renewed my channel membership. Love your videos brother!
@@Carlos_D_Cactus very much appreciated! Thank you
i dont know if its me but i had the originals and they were great ! the antenas even retract so you would need an extra head just for the helmet
Oh yeah! That was a great feature for the time
How did you get the jackets off? Do you need to remove the arms?
oh my gosh so cool defenetly gonna get at least one
Nostalgic unboxing I thought you got kipnnap from the previous toy hunt video😂🤣
That was 11 months ago lol
How do they feel in hand plastic or premium or in the middle
the "feel" is fine. Not cheap
those figures are perfection, what else do you want bro ? and also they are quiet economic !
@@josephzanabria9369 😂 “perfection”
I gotta say, it's pretty disappointing Modo doesn't have the pop-out forearm blaster he had in the cartoon.
I noticed they went more with copying the old toys than the show. I would love more show-focused details like you're saying
@@NostalgiaUnboxed The old toy had it though, it flipped up via a little hinge
Came to take a look at the Mice, couldn't keep from staring at the bunny figure in the back 😂
Haha, that review will be soon
I just saw these guys at Walmart and wanted to pick one up because they look cool but 30$ is too much for me unfortunately lol hopefully one day I get one
@@sonnychavez6282 hopefully! I feel like they will sell for less used
Haha, you got that Snail Shell bunny girl? I’m still waiting for them to make one that speaks to me. I’m only getting one. Anyway, I had these figures back in the day. What set them apart was articulation cause they had to stand and ride their motorcycles. Modo was my favorite. I’m not a fan of gimmicks but the toys had some of the best.
Haha, yeah. Her and her bike will be out soon
Need me more third party 5k toys reviews !!!
That's almost all I do
The quality control on the paint is annoying, but I always like to compare things to what the big dog Hasbro is offering at the same price. Keeping that in mind most Marvel Legends deluxe figures don't have that much paint and accessories. While it's not perfect it's more than Hasbro would give you for the same price.
@@AlphaProto that’s fair
I don’t think I ever watched the show when I was a kid. It is interesting that Nacelle is run by the Toys that Made Us fellow, one would think they would make a better effort to make high quality figures, I’m disappointed by how subpar the paint is, or even the excess plastic on the figures, especially on that alternate head for Throttle. I think they’ve made a very OK start at making toys, even NECA’s quality was bad for a while. I’m interested to see what other properties they make figures for though. Thanks for the review!
Yeah, definitely would expect better from him, but who knows what that whole ordeal looks like on the back end. They are working on the Cowboys of MooMessa or whatever it is
You can find these mice in your electronics department.
*or, behind a glass window door under lock & key in my local store.😵💫🤣🤣*
Still love em though!🐭
I wish more stores locked these collectibles up lol. Better than using those wired alarm things that squish the boxes
Awesome 🔥🔥
🔥 There he is! And with a profile pic haha
"You CAN watch it here," I meant. Whoops! XD
@@BuckarooBanzai84 lol
Where did you get the moped bike from?
repainted the Squirrel Girl scooter
These mice are hot! Curious why the vest left such marks on Throttle's torso...did they paint the vest black instead of just casting it in black? Have you been able to remove the marks? Thanks!
I haven’t tried to mess with those marks at all. Some of it just feels like they rushed it
I do remember watching this cartoon as a kid but am no where near high enough on the nostalgia meter to get these. I REALLY wany someone to do an affordable version of Samurai Pizza Cats as loved that show more than BMFM & those characters look awesome. But the only decent versions available are £200 upwards now. Need Super7 or Ramen Toys to pick up that license and do a decent line.
Those would be fun!
I'm very curious now. How do you make those mice topless? Do you have to remove the arms somehow? Is it safe?
Heat up the joints with hot water or a hair dryer. Pull from the shoulder (I commented earlier but it won't go through so you might get 2)
@@NostalgiaUnboxed Do you remember if the shoulders were looser after you put them back on, or somehow acted differently? I'd hate to leave permanent damage on my only figures I hardly got from overseas.
I love the figures, but i feel like the bikes aren't nearly as detailed as the originals, which is kind of a bummer. My old ones as a kid had chrome painting. I didn't get any bad painting on my figures, though.
We shall see when the final item arrives. Chrome plating (or vac metal) isn't very common these days
just found some in stock and mine came defected, the yellow clear helmet plate to throttles helmet was missing and i didnt realize till i got it all n all a fun fig
@@BByDarth dang. That’s a bummer
What's the scooter/moped in the video? Kinda cool with all three on it and i kinda wanna replicate it
@@Shaolin_Soccer_ repainted scooter from the marvel legends squirrel girl
@NostalgiaUnboxed thanks!
I'd personally be disappointed with all the flaws at that price point, but I get it's their first foray into figure-making. They do look nice at a glance, and your review shows off the functionality of the articulation as always.
Was surprised how fast these left the shelves of my local Walmart- they had 3 of each one day & down to a single figure the next. Not a particularly densely populated area either.
Why was I there 2 days in a row, you ask? Well, I was looking for Tatsu, and who said it was only 2 days in a row, huh? Stop making such a big deal out of it, ok? Geez.
Why are you busy typing this out when you could be going back to Walmart to check again???
Toy Nacelle is fron the Nacelle Comapny they make Toys That Maade Us, Movies That Made Us in Netflix, Behind the Attraction on Disney+.
Love it
I have no attachment to this franchise. It was just another TMNT knock-off and it wasn't self aware so there was just no charm to be found for me. I do think these figures look solid though, a promising start for Nacelle. And they're proving that a niche product doesn't need to cost 55 bucks or whatever to be viable.
@@joehodgson9217 That’s very true!
One warning. The quality control of Nacelle is completely trash.
My local store got 7 or 8 figures of each Biker Mice, what i saw:
Vinnie - 3 figures with big problems, one with the shoulders misplaced and fitted upside down (the righ one was on the left side), another with the right shoulder correct and the left one misplaced , and another with two right thighs.
Throttle - 4 of figures with the left leg longer than the right by almost half a centimer, besides that one with two left lower legs, one with a squared cut in the neck, and 3 of them with lose heads in the box.
Modo seems the one with less mistakes just really bad paint in all of them.
And you think yours have flaws lol.
@@crazyninjaturtle3 they certainly need to get ahold of this
13:33 you're wrong for that one lol
How else do you do it?
It's now how you do it but why
What is the scale?
6 inch I guess
I see that you have the bunny firgure in the back I would love a review to see if it’s worth the money
That will be out this week
Am i disappointed with the QA? Yes
Do i still want them? Absolutely
Be vocal about the IP, but also be vocal about the quality we want to see.
Stop it! You're not stupid! Just unique. Hehehe
I cant wait to get my bunny girl. When are you opening her?
Been editing it already. Going to try to add more to this video than usual
@@NostalgiaUnboxed look forward to seeing it. I want mine really bad. Who did you go thru, if you dont mind me asking?
@@redboone1509 5ktoys as always lol
@@NostalgiaUnboxed I am going to have to switch my preorder to them instead of bbts
@@NostalgiaUnboxed hopefully I can get my order in before they sale out. I cant get it til friday
Can you review the Coser Toys Abyss knight? 🥺
I don't know
What’s that behind ya 🤔
Coming soon
Why are these guys even a thing. Yeah I remember having the toy and I have glimpses of a TV show memory, but it's not like anyone cares about this brand. Could anyone even name one of these dudes? If one of them is named Mike then brofuggforreal!? This is pure nastalgia. Like bottom of the bin nastalgia.
Hmm. That’s dumb
Hey like your review but watching the bikermice from mars I would just get Vinnie modo is my favorite but the robot arm my opinion I would've liked it better if it was double joined
@@bradleydunkentell5900 it bends pretty far regardless
Modo from bikermice from mars his robotic arm is a single been it's not a double joined elbow like the rest of mice
Are you the guy that donates to RDC world on twitch?
@@Ruisu01 I am not
If this company is making this show pls pls will a company make mummies alive pls.
haha what a choice!
Bicycle Mice from Mars?
lol, exactly