I always admire and deeply respect Prof. Kishore Mahbubani's political and economic comments that are always objective, realistic, in-depth, and also embracing the global dynamic perspectives making his statements are very solid, insightful, and visionary (e.g., "Asian Century" in the 21st century). Bravo, Prof. Kishore ! BTW, the host should make his remarks and questions more concise, please. Thank you.
所以說,害人之心不可有,防人之心不可無。這次恐怖襲擊無異於打開了潘朵拉盒子,各國勢必加強進口電子設備的管控和檢測,中國更不能例外。近年中國政府要求各部門盡量使用國產電腦,逐步淘汰美國的處理器、作業系統和其他外國製的資料庫軟件。如今看來,此舉是很有必要的,過去中國科技發展相對落後,電腦和電子設備不如人,不得不使用外國產品,而今天中國各種軟硬件設備已逐漸成熟完善,沒有理由繼續使用外國產品。 美國商務部長雷蒙多曾聲稱,「北京能讓美國道路上數百萬輛中國車同時熄火」。無意中透露了老美的陰謀 原文網址:強詞有理:喪心病狂 | 東方日報 | 要聞港聞 orientaldaily.on.cc/content/news/odn-20240920-0920_00184_003/ israel such cruel behaviour ,(while USA strongly support him) then do you are so foolish not to doubt that USA have do such thing secretly and use the conspirarcy when USA tear face with china ?therefore asia war may happen very soon!
When you praise the dozen who are advocateur of Asian Century, you have forgotten the thousands or millions who have the same sentiment but not expressing in book.
戰败戰勝都好,亞洲人民知道戰爭只為大多数人帶有不幸,只有一少数人得益. 你估計自己是在那一邊!
I always admire and deeply respect Prof. Kishore Mahbubani's political and economic comments that are always objective, realistic, in-depth, and also embracing the global dynamic perspectives making his statements are very solid, insightful, and visionary (e.g., "Asian Century" in the 21st century). Bravo, Prof. Kishore !
BTW, the host should make his remarks and questions more concise, please. Thank you.
An old Lion King will never surrender its Kingdom and pride members. The Hegemonic US is in that terminal phase now
A wise man
根據World Data Lab的數據,中產階級-家庭人均日消費在11美元到110美元之間-今年在全世界約有37.5億人。預計到2030年印度和中國將有約7.5億人口進入中產階級。 多麼驚人的數據。。。 中國、印尼、越南、南韓湧現了一個龐大的亞洲中產階級,這對美國來說是件好事嗎?
原文網址:強詞有理:喪心病狂 | 東方日報 | 要聞港聞 orientaldaily.on.cc/content/news/odn-20240920-0920_00184_003/
israel such cruel behaviour ,(while USA strongly support him) then do you are so foolish not to doubt that USA have do such thing secretly and use the conspirarcy when USA tear face with china ?therefore asia war may happen very soon!
When you praise the dozen who are advocateur of Asian Century, you have forgotten the thousands or millions who have the same sentiment but not expressing in book.
字幕 字幕 拜託😂
講真 一戰 二戰都係歐洲爆發 歐洲佬從來未有反思點解
Canto English is hard to understand 🙄
还..有..谁 !?