Joe Rogan Experience

  • Опубліковано 17 гру 2024


  • @stephenholmgren405
    @stephenholmgren405 6 годин тому +679

    Joe shining a light on political corruption is always a welcome podcast.

    • @ellenfarnsworth7111
      @ellenfarnsworth7111 6 годин тому +1

      Haha court jester joe(rogain) shills for the corruption.

    • @ellenfarnsworth7111
      @ellenfarnsworth7111 5 годин тому +13

      yeah a shilling light.

    • @sthubbins4038
      @sthubbins4038 5 годин тому

      You mean, ballwashing political corruption? Rogan is FoxNews with tattoos.

    • @sthubbins4038
      @sthubbins4038 5 годин тому +9

      @@ellenfarnsworth7111 Joe is FoxNews with tattoos.

    • @carlsmith8176
      @carlsmith8176 5 годин тому +14

      Literally shining his lights on someone who went to jail for corruption lol

  • @lorchid23
    @lorchid23 5 годин тому +252

    Just the mere fact that this man ended up in prison, while the Clintons remain free, says EVERYthing.

    • @AKdaJuiceGuy
      @AKdaJuiceGuy 3 години тому +12

      You either play ball or the powers that be ensure that you will never play again.

    • @trkddy
      @trkddy 3 години тому

      And Rapist Trump

    • @jonathansoko1085
      @jonathansoko1085 3 години тому

      The Clinton's have don't nothing wrong. Grow up

    • @scottmccluremcclure3916
      @scottmccluremcclure3916 2 години тому +1

      When the Clinton's go to jail , I'm going to grab my chest and start talking to Elizabeth!

    • @EmEsjay1
      @EmEsjay1 2 години тому +2

      Why would the Clinton’s be in prison?

  • @michaelbobadilla
    @michaelbobadilla 7 годин тому +1007

    Shout out to Brendan schaub for not being on this podcast

    • @bigben42
      @bigben42 6 годин тому +23

      Shoutout to Brendan Schaub for being the absolute man, what a mensch

    • @vianneydeltoro1269
      @vianneydeltoro1269 6 годин тому +27

      Shoutout to Michael, hate is strong this morning. Life has to be going great for you, huh. 😂😂

    • @SubjectiveFunny
      @SubjectiveFunny 6 годин тому +15

      Get over Shaub, he will never love you back..

    • @kane2440
      @kane2440 6 годин тому +11

      @@vianneydeltoro1269 must be even worse for you lol

    • @michaelbobadilla
      @michaelbobadilla 6 годин тому +22

      @@vianneydeltoro1269 nice try schaub 🤓

  • @JCSuperSpeed
    @JCSuperSpeed 7 годин тому +446

    Ignore Mike Baker's texts and get Kash Patel next!

    • @Magic-gt4pl
      @Magic-gt4pl 6 годин тому +41

      But if we can only have one: Ignore Mike Baker's texts

    • @nick_timberreef
      @nick_timberreef 6 годин тому +28

      Baker is compromised 100%

    • @Jaden-m2k
      @Jaden-m2k 6 годин тому +3

      3 Replies

    • @MAkAVeLlIiii
      @MAkAVeLlIiii 6 годин тому +3

      Baker and Rogan will drop a double interview now because he's so highly requested

    • @Mile-long-list
      @Mile-long-list 6 годин тому +5

      Bots. Pathetic bots 😅

  • @BenM81
    @BenM81 5 годин тому +271

    In the mid-2000s, I was an inspector on a City of Chicago construction project. We placed sidewalks on Mr. Rod’s block. It was a hot summer day, and his lovely wife, Patti, brought out bottled water for the crew. Such a small, kind gesture, even after all these years, I still recall it.

    • @Wembley41687
      @Wembley41687 4 години тому +9

      They were always nice in the neighborhood. I lived a few blocks away and was walking to the brown line stop for school. He was jogging down sunnyside with an SUV following him. He took a big swig of water and spit it out and then looked up and saw me. He smiled and told me good morning and to enjoy me day.

    • @Grendel-cc2yw
      @Grendel-cc2yw 4 години тому +2

      He's such a nice guy. He offered me fent when I held the door for him at the local McDonald's. It was strong too

    • @jacobott3382
      @jacobott3382 4 години тому +3

      I remember an exact experience just like yours but it wasn’t Mr. Rod lol, I work as a construction inspector for an engineering firm in NJ. Around 2022 I was in this fancy neighborhood watching hot mix asphalt get laid and some lady came outside to give us FRESH lemonade and even made us grilled cheese sandwiches which she asked if we wanted any. Best work day ever I’ll never forget her and the conversation we had.

    • @konker420
      @konker420 4 години тому +6

      I remember when he withheld money from a childrens hospital. But, ya know, you got a bottle of water.

    • @IDGreatDaneLady
      @IDGreatDaneLady 4 години тому +6

      I was a State employee and I remember the day he got arrested. Thank you for having him on your show. It's finally the other side of the story we never heard. OBama is the worst thing that ever happened to our country.

  • @Shortstacksandticktacks
    @Shortstacksandticktacks 4 години тому +25

    I'll never forget in December of 2008 when Rod joined a sit-in of window manufacturing workers in Chicago protesting Bank of America for refusing to uphold their end of a contract. This is right before both Democrats and Republicans bailed out the banks and threw Rod in prison. I'm so happy his time for redemption has finally come.

  • @BeckFamilyShenanigans
    @BeckFamilyShenanigans 5 годин тому +150

    Who else thinks Joe & Jamie deserve some kind of public service award for all of the enlightenment they create?

    • @realcrazyeight
      @realcrazyeight 5 годин тому +6

      They got 200 million. I think they've been rewarded enough 😂

    • @AdamFukinSmithComedy
      @AdamFukinSmithComedy 5 годин тому +3

      You just gave them it mate, this comment of yours will be gratification for them enough.

    • @ellenfarnsworth7111
      @ellenfarnsworth7111 5 годин тому +1

      yeah it could be called the court jester joe, king of the c u c k s award.

    • @ellenfarnsworth7111
      @ellenfarnsworth7111 5 годин тому +1

      @@AdamFukinSmithComedy Call it the court jester joe award

    • @lordgranolah707
      @lordgranolah707 5 годин тому

      Joe doesnt read a single comment tho unfortunately 😂 it sucks really wish he did​@AdamFukinSmithComedy

  • @robwindsor6373
    @robwindsor6373 4 години тому +23

    Suffering is the greatest teacher, no matter what that suffering is or where you have to suffer. 7 years in prison taught me the same thing that Rod explains. One of the hardest and best, life-changing experiences in my entire life.

    • @kellystarlight7025
      @kellystarlight7025 4 години тому +1

      Proud of you, keep going!!

    • @dongatello6969
      @dongatello6969 3 години тому

      Do you mind if you share more of your story? I’m just curious

    • @BearBig70
      @BearBig70 2 години тому

      Indeed Rob. Overcoming with the grace of God, is like having a superpower over living life on life's terms.✌️🙏💯

    • @theexterminator1
      @theexterminator1 2 години тому

      Me too but took 2 bids to figure it out

  • @PiotrKlecyngier
    @PiotrKlecyngier 7 годин тому +475

    That’s the most random guest I never expected that

    • @killerbern666
      @killerbern666 6 годин тому +8

      he had fetterman

    • @Ybo111
      @Ybo111 6 годин тому +1

      Blagojevich literally calls himself a "Trumpocrat". Is it really surprising that Trump's biggest dickrider right now would invite him on the podcast? 😂

    • @ThizardOfOzz
      @ThizardOfOzz 5 годин тому

      @@killerbern666 who is fat man?

    • @sthubbins4038
      @sthubbins4038 5 годин тому +10

      Joe is speedrunning the entire RNC.

    • @PiotrKlecyngier
      @PiotrKlecyngier 5 годин тому +4

      @@killerbern666 that was not as random as this I’m still lil shocked

  • @daveydod
    @daveydod 5 годин тому +259

    Just when you think you hate Obama enough, you hear this and you realize that you never will.

    • @UnlinearX
      @UnlinearX 5 годин тому +30

      It’s impossible to have enough hate for oBama. Theres no bottom to that abyss

    • @kellystarlight7025
      @kellystarlight7025 4 години тому

      And his wife,,, school children are suffering with her shitty no nutritional value food program

    • @Godoffi
      @Godoffi 4 години тому

      @@UnlinearX ah stop it. billy bush and biden 100 times worse.
      trump no1 obama top 5 presidents of all time.
      let the racism go just like oj.
      same thing with diddy and the like.
      get fauci and bidens son the real criminals.
      hatred and jealousy will get you nowhere.....
      have a nice day

    • @buddymoore6504
      @buddymoore6504 3 години тому

      it wasn't just Obama, its worse than anyone can imagine, me included
      I don't think we will ever get to the bottom of how bad America has been exploited
      Every time someone tries to make a difference, or comes after actual corruption the blob comes for you

    • @rashadzellner1298
      @rashadzellner1298 3 години тому +3

      Or every president unless you have a special bias 🍤

  • @wunerwaffles
    @wunerwaffles 7 годин тому +293

    As a Chicagoland native my jaw dropped when I seen Rod. 😮

  • @MatthewRossi-u6g
    @MatthewRossi-u6g 7 годин тому +108

    This guy went through it and kept his cool. The ultimate set up

  • @sonnyyeah
    @sonnyyeah 5 годин тому +49

    I would have never found his story without Rogan

    • @jgobroho
      @jgobroho 3 години тому +7

      He was on Tucker a few weeks ago and that was the first time I got to hear how screwed over he had been.

    • @CatDadHossDelgado
      @CatDadHossDelgado 3 години тому +1

      @@jgobrohosame, such a sad and crazy story

    • @rayrodrigo3999
      @rayrodrigo3999 3 години тому

      He did an interview with dj Vlad as well.

    • @mantisxxx3656
      @mantisxxx3656 2 години тому

      Chicago politics is full of fascinating and horrifying stories..

  • @jopo7996
    @jopo7996 7 годин тому +329

    In the balance of the universe, all of Joe's lost hair went to this guy.

      @REBELATIONSPODCAST 6 годин тому +7

      What? But, sure, true.😂

    • @herpd
      @herpd 6 годин тому +15

      bro is embezzling hair from somewhere

    • @Kewrock
      @Kewrock 6 годин тому +4

      Looks like Charles Bronson (AKA Charles Buchinsky).

    • @aussie4065
      @aussie4065 6 годин тому +4

      God works in mysterious wars

    • @DaveWasThereMan
      @DaveWasThereMan 6 годин тому +2

      I'm 2 minutes in and haven't seen him yet

  • @johnk1529
    @johnk1529 6 годин тому +88

    Blagoyevich should have his own show. Great voice, calm demeanor, explains things smartly, sense of humor etc etc. Dude is golden.

    • @DaveWasThereMan
      @DaveWasThereMan 5 годин тому +6

      You are what's wrong with America. No one needs a damn show. Stop listening to people.

    • @realcrazyeight
      @realcrazyeight 5 годин тому

      Smartly 😂

    • @PattyAnneSwafford
      @PattyAnneSwafford 5 годин тому +1

      He had a radio show I think.

    • @kingsuperbus
      @kingsuperbus 5 годин тому

      He slayed late night back in the day

    • @johnk1529
      @johnk1529 5 годин тому

      @@PattyAnneSwafford I think I recall that too, now that you mention it. Thanks

  • @Zeevolts
    @Zeevolts 6 годин тому +133

    At least it’s not Mike Baker. I can only hear about Mudstomp and Slugnut for so long.

    • @dodgeman432
      @dodgeman432 6 годин тому +7

      Oh bro he is definitely coming back soon it’s been building 😂 😂

    • @TheHappyAccidentsPodcast
      @TheHappyAccidentsPodcast 6 годин тому +8

      Bro, Mike Baker is the least interesting guest

    • @BA-pz3lo
      @BA-pz3lo 6 годин тому +1


    • @ianhamilton639
      @ianhamilton639 5 годин тому +4

      you prob just willed mike baker into next episode.. all it takes is a whisper in the universe and he pops up out of nowhere

    • @TheBrules2
      @TheBrules2 5 годин тому +5

      You mean the guy who says NOTHING for 3 hours? Mike sucks.

  • @MrMando
    @MrMando 5 годин тому +22

    Huge respect to this man. What a mad time he's had, and still a decent respectable dude. An inspiration.

  • @primafacie5029
    @primafacie5029 6 годин тому +47

    Great guest whose story needs to go more public

  • @snap-summary
    @snap-summary 7 годин тому +205

    00:01 - Introduction to the Podcast
    02:02 - Corruption and Politics
    06:59 - The Wiretap Controversy
    15:17 - Political Statements and Misunderstandings
    19:00 - The Justice System's Allegations
    24:44 - Corruption and Consequences
    30:20 - Prison Life and Learning the Ropes
    39:42 - Obama's Influence and Political Intrigue
    44:28 - The Emotional Impact of Imprisonment
    45:21 - Media Frenzy and the Final Goodbye
    56:00 - Life Behind Bars: Joining the Prison Community
    1:00:18 - The System and Power Dynamics
    1:00:21 - Politics and Hollywood Parallels
    1:03:51 - The Dark Side of Law Enforcement
    1:08:18 - Reflections on Faith and Adversity
    1:15:22 - The Cult Story and Its Aftermath ‍
    1:17:02 - The Impact of the iPhone
    1:20:59 - Reflections on Jail and Personal Growth
    1:30:28 - Fighting and Life Lessons
    1:36:34 - Training Routines and Mental Health
    1:44:54 - Trump, Self-Love, and Toughness
    1:45:27 - America's Unique Opportunities
    1:48:57 - The Journey of Life
    1:54:51 - Politics and Personal Life
    2:00:30 - Serbia and U.S. Relations
    2:02:09 - The Political Industrial Complex
    2:09:43 - Women’s Rights and Government Control
    2:15:32 - Inconsistencies in Choices
    2:20:54 - Ricky Ross's Redemption Journey
    2:29:36 - Political Narratives and Community Needs
    2:30:35 - Education and Accountability in America
    2:38:08 - Connecting Crime and Education
    2:43:48 - Rehabilitation in Prisons
    2:45:38 - Inmate Intervention Story
    2:46:55 - Life After Prison
    2:47:44 - Book Publishing Journey
    Made with

    • @DerFroschsCrackedEgg
      @DerFroschsCrackedEgg 7 годин тому

      No one is using your garbage ass site.

    • @MrHammerman97
      @MrHammerman97 6 годин тому +5

      Your comment is before the video even came out...

    • @DerFroschsCrackedEgg
      @DerFroschsCrackedEgg 6 годин тому +1

      @MrHammerman97 it doesn't take a genius to figure out what is going on.

    • @wondwosen3735
      @wondwosen3735 6 годин тому +2

      Mr Bot!

    • @kane2440
      @kane2440 6 годин тому +2

      @@DerFroschsCrackedEgg how does a bot instantly know this

  • @sharlagardner
    @sharlagardner 5 годин тому +11

    I remember he stood with the workers in a Chicago ..workers co-op furniture plant. THEN, he got in legal trouble. I always thought he was punished for that by the establishment. Our family NEVER believed he was guilty. Good to see him on your show.

  • @KathyZant
    @KathyZant 5 годин тому +45

    Former IL resident. I remember what they did to Rod. It was one of my first wake up calls that Obama wasn't what we thought. Oy, politics.
    Looking forward to listening to this.

    • @evfields24
      @evfields24 5 годин тому +6

      He was literally on tape trying to sell the senate seat lmao

    • @KathyZant
      @KathyZant 5 годин тому

      @ lmao go back to your msm lair

    • @dougmcquaid3927
      @dougmcquaid3927 5 годин тому

      ​@@evfields24so many simps in the comments for crooked politicians like Blago, only because he supports Trump. Fuckin preposterous 😂😂

    • @ownandbehappy
      @ownandbehappy 4 години тому +3

      ​@@evfields24 go back and listen to him talk about that. I bet you'll change your mind

  • @joeyb2899
    @joeyb2899 6 годин тому +74

    I live a couple blocks from Rod. He’s a friendly dude. Always use to shake his hand during Halloween. He’d be outside passing out candy (true story).

    • @andrem4877
      @andrem4877 6 годин тому +3

      Why don't you shake his hand anymore?

    • @joeyb2899
      @joeyb2899 5 годин тому +11

      @@andrem4877I’m an adult now so I don’t really trick or treat anymore haha

    • @andrem4877
      @andrem4877 5 годин тому +2

      @@joeyb2899 haha fair enough, I thought you were walking your kids or something

    • @joeyb2899
      @joeyb2899 5 годин тому +2

      @@andrem4877 o yea no I was a kid at the time. To be fair tho to this day you’ll still see rod running through the neighborhood. Id never ask him to stop I’m sure if I did he would. Huge runner, guy was always jogging through Horner Park.

    • @krustymoco3
      @krustymoco3 5 годин тому +2

      I met him at Union Station while he was campaigning for governor. Very nice and chill dude.

  • @jondaniel6948
    @jondaniel6948 7 годин тому +57

    The legend himself. Illinois in the house!

  • @samblackwell8308
    @samblackwell8308 5 годин тому +55

    American politics is such a game of thrones

    • @willman9567
      @willman9567 5 годин тому +1


    • @jakejaxon98
      @jakejaxon98 4 години тому +4

      Watch "House of Cards" if you haven't yet. It can't be too far from how it really is

  • @josephmorales7497
    @josephmorales7497 6 годин тому +28

    Wow Chicagoan here. Never thought I'd hear from this guy on Joe Rogan. Very interesting

    • @WestSideGorilla1980
      @WestSideGorilla1980 6 годин тому

      It's gross. Joe is just ignorant having this scumbag on. I love Joe and joey diaz but this is eeesh

    • @FunnyDougy
      @FunnyDougy 2 години тому +1

      Same here. He's a politician in Illinois, none of them are innocent.

    • @angelaseymour4464
      @angelaseymour4464 Годину тому

      What do you and Funny Doughy think about him?
      Then and now?
      Just wondering.

  • @xtothezbeltran5991
    @xtothezbeltran5991 6 годин тому +32

    As a fellow Chicagoan, I’m here for this 😂.

    • @theMcWOPPER
      @theMcWOPPER 4 години тому

      You said it sister 👏

  • @stefanmilosevic8664
    @stefanmilosevic8664 7 годин тому +125

    As a Serb from Chicago I'm stoked AF for this 😅🇷🇸 bout to be epic lol

    • @Tanaka1943
      @Tanaka1943 6 годин тому

      As a croatian and learning about all his crimes. I must say, I'm not surprised Mfkrs😂

    • @ScapeStream
      @ScapeStream 6 годин тому +12

      Same! I was so excited to see him as a guest

    • @euttdsiggh2783
      @euttdsiggh2783 6 годин тому

      Знаш ти добро који

    • @alexandarmilo
      @alexandarmilo 6 годин тому +2

      @@ScapeStream +1

    • @alexandarmilo
      @alexandarmilo 6 годин тому +3

      His family roots are from my town🙂

  • @ZChoate
    @ZChoate 4 години тому +23

    29:58 As a citizen of Illinois, our former governor convicted felon explaining to Rogan what "chomo" means is peak 2024

    • @betokendollcrotchorourke6007
      @betokendollcrotchorourke6007 4 години тому +2


    • @andrem4877
      @andrem4877 3 години тому +1

      The funniest part is joe pretending like he doesn't know what it means, similar to the bombing of Serbia when it was brought up. I notice he does that alot in his interviews

  • @completesentences2125
    @completesentences2125 6 годин тому +39

    I lived a majority of my life in Southern Illinois. Rod was in the wrong place at the wrong time when the system was creating Obama.

  • @jland12
    @jland12 6 годин тому +35

    For all he's been through, he's still got a healthy head of hair

    • @thedude1982
      @thedude1982 3 години тому +1

      Dyed. Was full blown Grey when he got out

    • @franklin7387
      @franklin7387 Годину тому

      Looks more like a rug to me

  • @lebradpass5287
    @lebradpass5287 6 годин тому +32

    Tornado hit my small town in Illinois in 2004. Rod landed his helicopter in the high school parking lot & walked around. He was very welled liked for being a governor.
    I believe that same helicopter was later sold to Kobe.

  • @joshuabutler9996
    @joshuabutler9996 5 годин тому +19

    1:00:25 Remember Schummer said " six was from Sunday to get you"

  • @HillBilly1905
    @HillBilly1905 5 годин тому +18

    Rod is great! Tucker opened my eyes to his story.

  • @angrymadscientist
    @angrymadscientist 5 годин тому +18

    Psalm 35:4
    "Let those who seek to kill me be disgraced and humiliated; let those who plan to harm me be turned back and ashamed."

  • @celticfiddle7605
    @celticfiddle7605 6 годин тому +7

    I want to buy your book Ron! Your story is very compelling. Your telling of the day you kissed your daughters goodbye touched my heart and the tears welled up in my eyes. You thought that you were alone, but many of us were thinking about you that day. It turns out Donald John Trump was also thinking about you. Perhaps he was thinking of you when he himself faced the inquisition years later. Perhaps your example of integrity strengthened him.

    • @kellystarlight7025
      @kellystarlight7025 4 години тому

      Sometimes we hold others arms up when they can’t hold on much longer.. thank you. Like Aaron and Hur did for Moses. We never know who is secretly praying for us.

  • @DianaDenton-u8u
    @DianaDenton-u8u 5 годин тому +28

    Iam born and raised in Illinois, and a Trump supporter! This is a great interview. God bless you Rod.

  • @stingray427man
    @stingray427man 6 годин тому +50

    Oh shit, he wasn’t kidding when he said he looks at Obama differently now 😂

    • @sonnyboy1618
      @sonnyboy1618 6 годин тому +14

      Once you see through their new shit, it makes you go back and question their old shit.
      And now we are shit experts.

    • @andrewc5068
      @andrewc5068 5 годин тому

      @@sonnyboy1618 when the winds of shit are coming look out for the shitacanes

    • @konker420
      @konker420 4 години тому

      He says what ever he has to. He's a lying piece of garbage

    • @bigmac6033
      @bigmac6033 4 години тому

      @@sonnyboy1618this comment is what I’ve been thinking about a lot recently

  • @Rdarrell571
    @Rdarrell571 4 години тому +8

    I do not usually comment on podcasts.
    I have not ever heard of Ron, or his story. However, I love this episode. It hit me while watching, I have witnessed Rogan going from a nonbeliever, to a believer in Christ, over time.
    His perspective has changed. I am so encouraged! He has such an influence over people.
    Bless Joe Rogan

    • @kellystarlight7025
      @kellystarlight7025 4 години тому +1

      I noticed this also! Isn’t it beautiful? Jesus just keeps chasing!!

  • @jakestoneking4688
    @jakestoneking4688 6 годин тому +41

    All I want for Christmas is an Alex Jones pod

  • @GK-2253
    @GK-2253 5 годин тому +6

    Thank you Rod for taking a few minutes to highlight the homeland! 👍☦️

  • @Jinx19766
    @Jinx19766 5 годин тому +8

    Joe should be up for a Nobel Peace Prize. Who has done more work in breaking down barriers? Who has done more work in bringing people together?

    • @NJDEVILz86
      @NJDEVILz86 3 години тому

      Yeah,trading the merchant of death for a bball player on weed charges
      Now that's peace!

    • @ellenfarnsworth7111
      @ellenfarnsworth7111 3 години тому +1

      Haha ok fanboy court jester joe is a shill.

  • @raymondgriffis8197
    @raymondgriffis8197 5 годин тому +3

    Amazing interview... Thank you Joe for giving this man the platform to tell his story. I wasnt aware of him or his story and happen to hear it in the background and before i knew it i was sitting on the couch with my wife and and watching along on the living room tv totally engaged and spending time as a family that was much needed.

  • @victorrothschild4203
    @victorrothschild4203 7 годин тому +57

    😂😂.. you had Rod on . An Illinois legend.. 😂

    • @bendalton5221
      @bendalton5221 7 годин тому +7

      another corrupt Democrat... at least they caught this one and threw him in jail

    • @ChicagoMike85
      @ChicagoMike85 6 годин тому +5

      @@bendalton5221no he’s not. This guy is better than 99.9% of politicians

    • @ChicagoMike85
      @ChicagoMike85 6 годин тому

      @@bendalton5221the fact that you still think it’s just dems are corrupt shows how weak minded you are too btw

    • @victorrothschild4203
      @victorrothschild4203 6 годин тому +2

      @@ChicagoMike85 word..

    • @bendalton5221
      @bendalton5221 2 години тому

      @@ChicagoMike85 bullshit.... what, he was set up because he says so???? I would expect no other comment from a guy from Chicago like yourself.... Chicago, the land of scum and villainy

  • @Eu383uehdhdu
    @Eu383uehdhdu 5 годин тому +10

    This guy has so much serenity in his voice considering all he went through.

    • @0rnery0verwatch
      @0rnery0verwatch 3 години тому

      When you know what the truth is... when you know you're innocent... all you need is patience. That goes a long way to maintaining mental clarity and our good nature.

  • @MrUltraworld
    @MrUltraworld 6 годин тому +35

    If ever someone got screwed it's this guy.

    • @TheSmallmouthAngler
      @TheSmallmouthAngler 6 годин тому

      He screwed himself being a CROOKED FK

    • @siberwolf33
      @siberwolf33 5 годин тому

      He was selling his senate seat. Maybe other people are guilty but he isn't innocent. They have the guy on audio tape.

    • @KathyZant
      @KathyZant 5 годин тому +3

      I wonder how many other people got screwed that never got a chance to speak up.

    • @MrUltraworld
      @MrUltraworld 4 години тому +3

      @@KathyZant Many I'm afraid.

    • @siberwolf33
      @siberwolf33 3 години тому

      @MrUltraworld No no no no no. Blagojevic is a scumbag and I see him as not all that different from Pelosi. A corrupt politician who should be serving life for government corruption and stealing from American taxpayers. I'm surprised at Joe on this one. He deserves no sympathy.

  • @Drone_Disclosure
    @Drone_Disclosure 6 годин тому +13

    Almost 1000 new views per min. Joe you are the best!

  • @prestonparker2839
    @prestonparker2839 7 годин тому +104

    We want Alex Jones

    • @LudiCrust.
      @LudiCrust. 6 годин тому +2

      Educate yourself…

    • @kleinka9
      @kleinka9 6 годин тому +3

      I think Joe can only handle so much of Alex. Alex usually drinks too much and Joe is left trying to keep everything on the rails.

    • @sstills951
      @sstills951 6 годин тому

      Alex Jones the British TV presenter? Or Alex Jones the American soothsayer?

    • @JimZimDim
      @JimZimDim 6 годин тому

      Alex Jones is a puppet for the you-know-whos. Why do you think he avoids any discussion surrounding ✡?

    • @jeffo4817
      @jeffo4817 6 годин тому

      @@kleinka9 This is all just hype. Joe Biden brought peace to the Middle East within the last month and everybody knows it. Will never get his proper due until probably 50 years from now where he will be seen as one of the greatest presidents ever.

  • @terryh5334
    @terryh5334 5 годин тому +7

    I remember this well and I was a democrat at the time and took in every word. Nice to hear the other side of the story and sorry for Rod's struggle.

    • @GM6.7
      @GM6.7 5 годин тому

      So many in the comment section are closed-minded meat puppets

    @COZEBOY 5 годин тому +5

    Let it be this podcast when I'm all faded to have to understand all these tangents of corruption is wild. Love this podcast for always having guests. I may or may not agree with you, but I enjoy to hear/see the story told.

  • @Ruth-h8l
    @Ruth-h8l 2 години тому +2

    Joe you are absolutely on form in this interview.

  • @stykessavant
    @stykessavant 2 години тому +3


  • @markwriter2698
    @markwriter2698 6 годин тому +22

    So let’s say we give Rod the benefit of doubt. After watching what the legal system tried with Trump, what person would even consider politics. My father was in politics on the state level and he and his family were threatened all the time.

    • @turdfergusonoutdoors5070
      @turdfergusonoutdoors5070 4 години тому +2

      Politics is a Dirty, Nasty game my friend…..ill just stay a simpleton and work for a living😂

    • @sthubbins4038
      @sthubbins4038 3 години тому +1

      @@markwriter2698 “I just need you to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we need.”
      Trump skated because every single judge he got, he had personally hired. 😂 Corruption on a scale never before seen.

    • @EdHughes-dv6ds
      @EdHughes-dv6ds 2 години тому +1

      @sthubbins I watch The View too.

    • @sthubbins4038
      @sthubbins4038 Годину тому

      @@EdHughes-dv6ds Question: Do you think it should be legal for someone to have their criminal case judged by a person they directly hired?

  • @jopo7996
    @jopo7996 6 годин тому +60

    He may be innocent, but clearly Rod's hair has committed multiple crimes without his knowledge.

    • @dodgeman432
      @dodgeman432 6 годин тому +2

      It’s like from the 70s or something 😂

    • @aussie4065
      @aussie4065 5 годин тому

      The real Reason they locked HIM up

    • @chrisrollins52
      @chrisrollins52 4 години тому +2

      "Hot Rod" does a mean Elvis Impersonation. Hair & all...... That's at least one of those crimes!🤣

  • @hiroehayes593
    @hiroehayes593 4 години тому +4

    Bravo Blago ! Awesome interview / conversation Joe , as always 😎

  • @bradleyroth5352
    @bradleyroth5352 7 годин тому +13

    The man is a legend!

  • @pattimcintyre9347
    @pattimcintyre9347 6 годин тому +43

    Trump needs to find a spot for Rod! He is full MAGA and it will piss Obama off!

    • @KarklinPumpkin
      @KarklinPumpkin 5 годин тому +1

      And that, folks, is the entire point of the MAGA movement. To "piss off Obama". Soon us educated republicans will take back the party from the knuckle dragging mororns who think this guy eill magically lower grocery prices and magically convince landlords to make less money

    • @HillBilly1905
      @HillBilly1905 5 годин тому +3


    • @SC-gm3ry
      @SC-gm3ry 4 години тому +3

      Yes, something childish, it fits Trump perfectly.

    • @actrue9712
      @actrue9712 4 години тому

      @@SC-gm3ryObama the childish one and libs too 💀💀💀💀

    • @benzamg32m68
      @benzamg32m68 4 години тому

      Ah ha ha, great idea...tit for tat and will expose Obama maybe?

  • @ricksanchez5696
    @ricksanchez5696 7 годин тому +35


  • @Kiko6Kiko
    @Kiko6Kiko 6 годин тому +9

    Everytime i hear stories like this. It reminds me of prison break series and the government conspiracy. Realizing everything there was in the series is actually happening in real life

    • @kennethpierson82
      @kennethpierson82 3 години тому +1

      Prison break was an awesome show. Better than it's time for sure. Great cast too.

  • @DianeLasek
    @DianeLasek 4 години тому +3

    I loved Rod's interview on Tucker Carlson and now I get another chance to enjoy this one.

    @TBRCHUD 4 години тому +2

    Illinois resident. Rod was WAY less corrupt than anyone else in this state.

  • @jland12
    @jland12 7 годин тому +12

    I remember him appearing on Letterman saying "if I was guilty why would I be coming on this show and defending myself? I would be hiding somewhere." It wasn't a convincing defense at the time.

  • @ZachGoller-pl5xp
    @ZachGoller-pl5xp 4 години тому +2

    Had no clue who this guy was. Two hours in and I won’t miss a minute of it. Fascinating.

  • @muziekmindtwister
    @muziekmindtwister 6 годин тому +14

    They should make a movie about it. Great story

  • @danielv7737
    @danielv7737 2 години тому +2

    Top 3 best interviews ever

  • @willman9567
    @willman9567 6 годин тому +6

    Valerie Jarrett is who Roseanne got in trouble with.

  • @canvasback6627
    @canvasback6627 7 годин тому +30

    Rob helped the duck hunters in Southern Illinois with pushing the season back til Thanksgiving in the 2000s, thanks for that!

    • @1jw298
      @1jw298 6 годин тому +4

      Sounds heroic……..

    • @WestSideGorilla1980
      @WestSideGorilla1980 6 годин тому +1

      He tried to outlaw .50bmg rifles ect. He's a traitor.

    • @kellystarlight7025
      @kellystarlight7025 4 години тому +1

      It’s the little things that make us feel heard.

  • @kelliesuggs93
    @kelliesuggs93 6 годин тому +6

    Ah. Yes 👏🏼. I love when Joe does an episode on exposing the political corruption 😃

  • @daniellem1838
    @daniellem1838 4 години тому +4

    On the topic of abortion…”Who am I as a man?”
    The father.

  • @jaredstueckel
    @jaredstueckel 2 години тому +2

    Been in Illinois for 34 years and never thought Rod would be on this podcast, what an episode!

  • @ramtron1775
    @ramtron1775 5 годин тому +5

    We used to call him "Mayor Quimby" from Simpsons. 😂 this guy was absolutely corrupt. Come on. It was common knowledge in Chicago.

    • @GM6.7
      @GM6.7 5 годин тому +1

      He isn't Chicago he was the governor. Not all of Illinois is Chicago, but we get it. Obama started this whole thing, and when Biden wouldn't play ball, Obama stabbed him in the back. Rod definitely walked that line but didn't cross it

    • @ramtron1775
      @ramtron1775 5 годин тому +2

      @GM6.7 nah, yeah, Rod was a great guy. Never did nothing to nobody and loves his mother. 🤣

    • @GM6.7
      @GM6.7 4 години тому +1

      @ramtron1775 That's not what I said. We can acknowledge politicians' lies because that's the job, but we've all watched 8 years of Obama and Trump and then Obama thru Biden.

  • @brontesegard8305
    @brontesegard8305 3 години тому +1

    Life long Chicagoan, voted both times for Governor B. He and Daley were great together and what was done to him is evil! No one in Chicago believed he was guilty and I am SO sorry there was nothing we could do to stop it! Thank you SO much Governor Blagojevich for your and your family's service and sacrifice!
    God bless all with health, healing, peace, prosperity, protection, love and salvation,

  • @fancyhitchpin8675
    @fancyhitchpin8675 5 годин тому +3

    No matter what you think of what he is saying, good or bad, never, under any circumstances, trust any Illinois governor..ever.

  • @airrik2653
    @airrik2653 3 години тому +2

    "Do you want us to become a banana Republic, just because you don't like Trump?" What a great line Joe! 😂
    Excellent interview, that's what real journalism is!

  • @lewislewis8350
    @lewislewis8350 5 годин тому +5

    I really enjoyed this podcast. I'm embarrassed to say this completely changed my mind about Mr. Blagojevich. Makes me wonder how many other people the media and government have poisoned me against.

  • @TheDiveSummaries
    @TheDiveSummaries 6 годин тому +13

    Timestamp details or ask Q&A 👇
    0:00 - Political Corruption Insights: Former governor claims political persecution, compares his case to Trump's legal battles
    10:26 - The Role of Media in Politics: Media misrepresents private conversations, influencing public perception and legal outcomes
    20:50 - Prison Life and Its Challenges: Judge blocked tapes, leading to a perceived rigged trial and unjust conviction
    36:14 - Reflections on Justice System: Concerns over FBI honesty, Obama's alleged involvement, and media portrayal during imprisonment
    46:40 - Prison Experience and Celebrity Status: Felt surreal entering prison as a celebrity; Trump showed unexpected support
    50:01 - Navigating Prison Culture: Segregation enforced for safety; inmates pressured to join racial groups for protection
    54:07 - Finding Faith in Darkness: In prison, found solace in Bible study amid despair and isolation
    57:08 - The Fight Against Corruption: Alleged misuse of federal law enforcement for political leverage against Obama, undermining justice
    1:00:04 - The Role of Power in Justice: Power dynamics in justice lead to fear, corruption, and abandonment
    1:02:06 - The Nature of Political Cowardice: Politicians and law enforcement often become corrupted by systemic influences and environments
    1:05:18 - The Importance of Free Speech: Personal crisis led to spiritual growth through daily Bible reading in prison
    1:09:34 - Spiritual Growth Through Adversity: Adversity reveals profound truths, challenging cynicism and fostering belief in a higher power
    1:12:02 - The Search for Higher Meaning: False prophets exploit spiritual seekers, leading to cults and societal manipulation
    1:16:29 - The Impact of Technology: The iPhone's invention is deemed one of humanity's most impactful technological advancements
    1:19:15 - Resilience and Purpose in Prison: Finding purpose in prison through fitness and family dedication
    1:22:49 - The Evolution of Media Narratives: Independent media figures like Tucker Carlson challenge mainstream's limited, profit-driven narratives
    1:25:39 - The Dangers of False Prophets: Intelligent people often overestimate their expertise in unrelated fields, leading to misguided confidence
    1:29:12 - Life Lessons from Combat Sports: Overcoming fear through martial arts, transitioning from bullied to competitive fighter
    1:33:32 - Weight Loss Struggles: Extreme methods led to exhaustion; realized unsustainable, tried vegetarianism, gained weight
    1:34:05 - Training Regimen Insights: Daily routine: school, quick meal, travel, technique drills, sparring, heavy bag work
    1:35:57 - The Evolution of Training: Heavy bag drills, sparring, and weightlifting evolved boxing training, improving strength and conditioning
    1:37:35 - Mental Health Through Exercise: Regularly doing difficult tasks enhances brain resilience and eases emotional pain
    1:39:34 - The Power of Hard Work: UFC fighters like Daniel Cormier are both friendly and incredibly skilled competitors
    1:40:41 - The Duality of Fighters: Tommy Hearns: fierce in the ring, gentle and God-fearing personally
    1:41:50 - Political Commentary on Trump: Criticism of left-wing reactions to Trump's alleged assassination attempt, emphasizing his love for America
    1:44:50 - America’s Global Perception: America admired for personal freedom and opportunities, attracting people worldwide
    1:46:15 - The Complexity of Socialism: Critiques socialism for discouraging individual success and promoting equality of outcome over effort
    1:48:41 - The Journey Over the Destination: Embrace the journey, not the destination; success is in the pursuit and growth
    1:50:51 - The Importance of Redemption: Struggling with past mistakes, seeking a new beginning and purpose in life
    1:52:23 - Criminal Justice Reform Advocacy: Discusses political aspirations, family support, and the impact of incarceration on relationships
    1:54:58 - The Puppy Protection Act: Discusses criminal justice reform, highlighting unfair sentencing and systemic bias against the black community
    1:57:01 - Serbia's Historical Context: U.S. and NATO bombed Serbia in 1999 to force Kosovo's independence
    2:00:31 - The Political Industrial Complex: Deep State and entrenched interests hinder political change and reform efforts
    2:02:56 - The Challenges of Change: Government mindset prioritizes special interests over public, hindering reform efforts
    2:05:02 - The Role of Media in Politics: Media's unified support for candidates can mislead public perception and undermine democracy
    2:07:59 - Women's Rights and Control: Fear of losing women's rights fueled by media and political strategies
    2:10:32 - The Complications of Abortion: Concerns over data privacy and state laws affecting women's reproductive rights
    2:12:36 - Trust and Power Dynamics: Abortion debate highlights complex power dynamics, personal autonomy, and differing beliefs
    2:15:03 - The Nature of Redemption: Discusses inconsistencies in personal freedoms, face tattoos, and the need for mercy and redemption
    2:17:41 - Stories of Kindness in Crime: Bank robber's kindness to elderly woman during heist reduces his prison sentence
    2:19:53 - The Potential in Everyone: Freeway Ricky Ross, a resourceful ex-convict, exemplifies untapped potential
    2:20:12 - Freeway Ricky Ross Story: Illiterate drug kingpin became lawyer in prison, reduced life sentence, released in 2009
    2:24:18 - Second Chances and Foundations: Advocates for addressing root causes of incarceration, not just imprisoning more people
    2:28:54 - Crime, Education, and Solutions: Address gang violence, reform education, and overcome political obstacles for real change
    2:34:33 - Reforming Education and Crime: Teachers unions and coalitions hinder education reform; crime and education are interconnected
    2:39:13 - Personal Experience and Advocacy: Critiques mass incarceration, advocates for criminal justice reform, and questions private prison profit motives
    2:43:10 - Reflections and Future Plans: Former governor shares prison experiences, music as escape, and self-publishing book
    Ask questions or read bullets as you watch:

  • @200wattstudio8
    @200wattstudio8 5 годин тому +4

    The SEVEN-FIVE is a fantastic doc. Incredibly compelling

  • @Ruth-h8l
    @Ruth-h8l 3 години тому

    Justice is not meant to be violent. Joe you have been through so much you have built so much courage within yourself. Well done.

  • @serotonin_shock
    @serotonin_shock 5 годин тому +858

    Day 27 and Joe still hasn’t pulled up the diddy vict interview on my channel 😭 maybe he involved in this too?

    • @christinasturm2285
      @christinasturm2285 5 годин тому

      Hold on what there is a interview???

    • @ducstar12
      @ducstar12 5 годин тому +1

      Keep it up bro we with you

    • @StonedApe93
      @StonedApe93 5 годин тому

      Viewed your channel and there’s absolutely nothing there of any substance. Stop coat tailing Rogan & other mainstream podcast to inflate your own channel. Loser

    • @quentinpence9137
      @quentinpence9137 5 годин тому

      This real?

    • @TerribleOG
      @TerribleOG 5 годин тому +1

      why should he give you the time of day? we know Diddy did it, he already locked up.

  • @lynnfid5582
    @lynnfid5582 3 години тому +1

    I love Rod Blagojavich! I’m a conservative and a Trump voter… I lived in Illinois when Rod was governor, I wasn’t a fan at the time, but when he was arrested for the corrupt BS, I became a true fan of his. I cheered when Trump pardoned him. Thank you Trump for helping this man. It makes me sick to think about the time he missed with his girls and wife. Hoping Trump is successful cleaning out the swamp this time around. ❤🇺🇸

  • @canadianalien370
    @canadianalien370 6 годин тому +4

    So, what’s the going rate for a pardon now?
    …asking for a friend.

  • @hawlikd
    @hawlikd 5 годин тому +4

    Great interview!

  • @BrianCarter-q9p
    @BrianCarter-q9p 7 годин тому +10

    This is gonna be a fun one

  • @jmoose9547
    @jmoose9547 3 години тому +3

    Art Bell would be proud.. "What was that noise ?...No interference in signals tolerated 😅

  • @iii-n1s
    @iii-n1s 6 годин тому +8

    corruption gon corrupt

  • @celticfiddle7605
    @celticfiddle7605 5 годин тому +6

    This was very enjoyable to hear Joe's beginnings as a young man fight training.

  • @LewisFarewell
    @LewisFarewell 6 годин тому +10

    Rod pardoned by Trump because their hair are brothers.

  • @MooseheadStudios
    @MooseheadStudios 2 години тому

    10/10 episode. This is an episode that makes me proud to have listened to Rogan since the start.

  • @runek100
    @runek100 7 годин тому +11

    The absolute unit of a hair

    • @NJDEVILz86
      @NJDEVILz86 3 години тому +1

      Motocross helmet

  • @emcarnahan
    @emcarnahan 2 години тому +1

    Loved his interview with Tucker, so excited to see this here ☺️

  • @whatthef4222
    @whatthef4222 5 годин тому +4

    All people sitting in prison are innocent. just ask them.

  • @celticfiddle7605
    @celticfiddle7605 5 годин тому +2

    Thank you Joe for having this good man on to tell his story. May God bless him with a good life in the future.

    • @konker420
      @konker420 5 годин тому

      Good man? Withholding millions from a childrens hospital? Research this pile of garbage before you say that

  • @mindsetmotivation9124
    @mindsetmotivation9124 7 годин тому +17

    From Chicago this will definitely be interesting

  • @justxjoshin
    @justxjoshin 6 годин тому +2

    As someone who fled illinois to Texas. I'm actually interested in this.

  • @Gmac2991
    @Gmac2991 7 годин тому +14

    I think Jamie fell on the keyboard when writing this guys name in the title.

  • @battery781
    @battery781 6 годин тому +4

    I have been dreaming about this episode!

  • @segamegadrive3903
    @segamegadrive3903 7 годин тому +7

    Dude is literally THE SWAMP, everybody riding him in comments LOL at you

  • @SevA-p7z
    @SevA-p7z 2 години тому

    He's talking about Callen LMAO🤣🤣🤣 I'm literally on the floor 1:25:47

  • @MrDoommeredith
    @MrDoommeredith 5 годин тому +4

    How long til we see Joe Rogan interview a A.I robot …….. that gonna be crazy man.

  • @robertoliphant930
    @robertoliphant930 6 годин тому +3

    Merry Chrismas ..J R....

  • @lucas4736
    @lucas4736 6 годин тому +4

    Blagooooooo Ravenswood’s very own, name dropping all the Illinois and Chicago dirty insiders!