  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @OfficialBigSteve
    @OfficialBigSteve 2 роки тому +636

    Do a tutorial on how to do different hairlines , receding lines , U/V shape lines , creating hairlines, repairing hairlines, and dealing with people thinning .

    • @Faded_By_Des
      @Faded_By_Des 2 роки тому +40

      Yes there not many videos about people with receding hairlines or massive peaks

    • @RiqLDN
      @RiqLDN 2 роки тому +37

      @@Faded_By_Des facts just perfectly symmetrical dark hairlines lol

    • @patmartin6114
      @patmartin6114 2 роки тому +36

      Exactly, we need real every day hair videos

    • @tercial
      @tercial 2 роки тому +3

      @@patmartin6114 you a Barber?

    • @flex5752
      @flex5752 2 роки тому +3

      You do it

  • @dennislawson3383
    @dennislawson3383 2 роки тому +35

    Real talk...I got my license in 2019 at Belmont Correctional institution and our Barber school is called Eastern Horizon. Our instructors actually let us watch 360Jeezy to help educate us and learn our skill and it really made a big difference. Jeezy your amazing and we all at Eastern Horizon got mad love for you. I'm talking about real talk...they can't comment but they watching and learning and having fun. Your a true inspiration

  • @yass_9184
    @yass_9184 2 роки тому +160

    I've been following you since 2016 from France it's heavy what you're doing thanks to you I learned to cut

  • @pashkenzmusicug8374
    @pashkenzmusicug8374 2 роки тому +9

    Man am a barber from uganda and your tutorial has helped me change the game in my area bigup

    @MOONFACEFLOW Рік тому

    The Nike wrap is on fleek 🔥🔥

  • @johnnydotz
    @johnnydotz 2 роки тому +1

    This "Eye of the Tiger" beat hits different @ 5am EST! 😎

  • @Journeyman89
    @Journeyman89 2 роки тому +99

    Im officially gonna follow my dream and become an elite barber. I've been cutting my own hair over 13 years scared to take a chance for what I really want. That stops today. THANK YOU FOR THE INSPIRATION

    • @BornOnASaturday
      @BornOnASaturday 2 роки тому +7

      Proud of you man

      @ABLAZEEXPO 2 роки тому +5

      Hope you took action and did it man keep going till you get to where you wanna go because that’s only way it’s gone happen

    • @Journeyman89
      @Journeyman89 2 роки тому +4

      @@ABLAZEEXPO Thank You I've been getting my skills up and just found out about s school I can actually afford its a bit of a drive but I'm going to sign up this weekend. Thank You for checking in

    • @trippin9298
      @trippin9298 2 роки тому +2

      @@Journeyman89 hope you signed up and are on your way

    • @BigMikey007
      @BigMikey007 2 роки тому +4

      @@Journeyman89 So how is it going so far? 🤔

  • @banxlv4923
    @banxlv4923 2 роки тому +27

    Bro you teach me something every time I watch your videos. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that didn’t like the product build up when applying the hair holding spray

    • @yopauly580
      @yopauly580 2 роки тому +4

      Skip the spray and towel , using alcohol duz the same thing 👌🏽

  • @mikedog5289
    @mikedog5289 2 роки тому +6

    Love how you broke it down it makes it far easy to understand the why’s behind the lineup process

  • @FoodOfSatisfaction
    @FoodOfSatisfaction Рік тому +3

    This guy is a miracle, helps me through school and being out in the streets cutting hair, thanks brother🙏🏿

  • @socallous
    @socallous 2 роки тому

    my man be saving lives

  • @Frass420
    @Frass420 2 роки тому +5

    Appreciate the knowledge brother…. JAH kno thanks to your teachings I’ve learned how to cut my hair and my sons… when I watch your vids now it makes me wanna repeat what I just seen….Remain humble stay blessed!!!

  • @earlitymeproductionz
    @earlitymeproductionz 2 роки тому

    Damn that beat hard af....cut fire too bro💯💯

  • @joshuajimenez8821
    @joshuajimenez8821 2 роки тому +11

    Tbh Jeezy, I think I like your more serious approaches like this when it comes to education. As always, I appreciate the nuggets my g. Also, I appreciate the camera being on you when you emphasize something important. My guy 💪💪💈💈

  • @ericpoole7442
    @ericpoole7442 2 роки тому +1

    Jeezy deserves any and every accolade you can think of. Droppin gems on top of gems.

  • @Ayejayy30
    @Ayejayy30 2 роки тому +3

    Always learning to better my craft watching your vids working on my master barbers license as we speak when you gotta love for this ain just some your doing it’s a passion and a life style

  • @bootsmakeovers6900
    @bootsmakeovers6900 2 роки тому +1

    Bless you Jezzy! your channel has helped me grow as a barber and cosmetologist.

  • @JimmyGotVlogz
    @JimmyGotVlogz 2 роки тому +1

    The 🐐 when it comes to dropping knowledge on cutting hair ‼️🔥🔥🔥

  • @jrawblue24
    @jrawblue24 2 роки тому

    That beat it LIT 🔥 w that “Eye of the tiger” sample!!!!

  • @QdAbArBeR
    @QdAbArBeR 2 роки тому +3

    (8:45) 360 Jeezy said, " To Make the HAIRCUP pop!!!"
    Tonque Twister of the day!!!

  • @Jervelle01
    @Jervelle01 2 роки тому

    Got Dizzam Jezzy. He is super clean. I appreciate your talent and teaching

  • @rudy8blends67
    @rudy8blends67 2 роки тому +1

    bro the camera quality is insane!!!!🤟🏼

  • @AbdullaAbdulla-bd5sy
    @AbdullaAbdulla-bd5sy 2 роки тому

    You and Jorge Zapeta have been the most helpful in turning me to become a good barber. So thank you.

  • @readyizfreddy3540
    @readyizfreddy3540 2 роки тому

    I think cutting in and out explaining is so dope explaining exactly what is going on while your watching and getting a personal perspective and understanding while everything is being done why it’s being done.

  • @tosinbalogun1013
    @tosinbalogun1013 2 роки тому

    I love the extended intro.
    Always singing it when doing my sons hair.

  • @joaquincorro8746
    @joaquincorro8746 2 роки тому +5

    Hi Jeezy!! I always wondered why you never gave seminars in all these years to share your knowledge, beyond that thank you for continue doing it for free. I would like to know what is your opinion on this ❤️

  • @hitmancutz6105
    @hitmancutz6105 2 роки тому +1

    Eye of the tiger remix is fire 🔥🔥

  • @Leksy_kutz
    @Leksy_kutz 2 роки тому +3

    So happy having you as my mentor all the way from Nigeria.... Through you and all your tutorials I'm able to give all my clients nice and dope kutz 😊

  • @Kato83849
    @Kato83849 2 роки тому

    Those are the freshest T-Liners I ever seen

    @AJCLIPS. 2 роки тому

    The haircut is so crispy it looks a lil strange.. mans got talent bruh

  • @gotnitro4329
    @gotnitro4329 2 роки тому +18

    This video was much needed there’s not enough line up videos on UA-cam thanks for blessing us mane 🙏🏾

    @MOONFACEFLOW Рік тому

    U a god In this industry bro! No offense bro but can u check your audio levels? To hear your voice enough I gotta turn it up then when the music cuts in it's extremely loud and off balance bruh..

  • @eyesite24
    @eyesite24 2 роки тому

    Come'on Jeezy. Let that intro bop.....tryn'na get my bounce on...Lol. Good video as usual🔥🔥

  • @lamm7656
    @lamm7656 2 роки тому +1


  • @brothernumpcee
    @brothernumpcee 2 роки тому

    Your video quality and production is unmatched!

  • @juanygaleano162
    @juanygaleano162 2 роки тому +2

    Love the video it helped a lot . Can you do a video on how to line up and shave the mustache area I always fine it very difficult and sometimes cut the client

  • @zoeboy1338
    @zoeboy1338 2 роки тому

    Crazy I’ve been watching 360jeezy videos when he was @20k subs and till this day he’s still entertaining!!

  • @juliegraham3804
    @juliegraham3804 2 роки тому +2

    Like I said and I don't care who don't like it but you are the best barber out there 360jeezy God bless 🔥👍💯

  • @tjtyson7660
    @tjtyson7660 2 роки тому +8

    I personally don’t care about the enhancements because after every cut I take a shower anyways but thank you bro & your cuts really be clean. I watched you while teaching myself how to cut my own hair

  • @evidenceanene8059
    @evidenceanene8059 2 роки тому +76

    I showed this video to my barber today before he cut my hair because I couldn't risk it any more🤦‍♂️

    • @petebarr780
      @petebarr780 2 роки тому +14

      That's funny lol

    • @Relax_Rombey
      @Relax_Rombey 2 роки тому +4


    • @Relax_Rombey
      @Relax_Rombey 2 роки тому +2

      u fr?

    • @dadon5175
      @dadon5175 2 роки тому +25

      Damn lol. He tell you get up out his chair after that?

    • @nikoleirene9549
      @nikoleirene9549 2 роки тому +2

      Lmaoooooo I know that’s right!!!!! Ain’t nobody got time!!

  • @chriswilliams2452
    @chriswilliams2452 2 роки тому

    You really the GOAT bruh! Been a subscriber since the OG days. Your growth has been incredible bro. Salute

  • @savedbygrace4535
    @savedbygrace4535 2 роки тому

    bro that music and the times that it drop had me like aye!!

  • @kullidbarber2756
    @kullidbarber2756 2 роки тому +4

    Clean Tapper with a Crispy line up 💈🔥thank you for the tips always taking note ❤👑

  • @meltell2210
    @meltell2210 Рік тому +1

    4:09 is crucial!

  • @Stonez1512
    @Stonez1512 2 роки тому +11

    I never liked enhancements after a cut. That’ll be gone as soon as I go home and take a shower. Just give me a cut and save the spraying and penciling for your next customer… I’m good!
    Love your videos as usual!

  • @ZellMusic
    @ZellMusic 2 роки тому

    Very informative Jeezy thanks 🙏🏽

  • @lovedabarber1726
    @lovedabarber1726 2 роки тому

    JEEZY!!!!🗣🗣 I commend you! This is free GAME.
    I went to a barber convention with Hunt, Buff, and get beamed and I asked a question asking,” why is it that most of the barbers that are ON TOP (pause) tend to SELL the knowledge rather than HELP the new generation”
    They told me,” the game is to be sold not to be told” smh I feel them! I realized there’s teachers to get paid and there are TEACHERS to ENLIGHTE!!
    Thank you for being an enlightener bro.

  • @BrodieGamez
    @BrodieGamez 2 роки тому

    Im glad the spay isn’t overwhelming and the Pen wasn’t thick as hell…….(nice) looks neat and natural

  • @jadenkaymore9221
    @jadenkaymore9221 2 роки тому

    Ben here since u was posting vids on getting waves I was in 5th grade 8 years ago

  • @curriestrickland5077
    @curriestrickland5077 Рік тому +1

    360 your the best at what you do

  • @meloworld5973
    @meloworld5973 2 роки тому +2

    I can see jeezy opening his own barber school 💪🏾🔥

  • @zbk1948
    @zbk1948 2 роки тому

    Practice doesn’t make perfect it makes better there is no perfection

  • @ewright2167
    @ewright2167 2 роки тому

    360 beats be 🔥 fr

  • @360kuts
    @360kuts 2 роки тому

    Please jeezy do a video on how you edit your videos!! We dieing for it 😩😩

  • @Purgg
    @Purgg 2 роки тому +1

    🔥 Transformation

  • @rayman1269
    @rayman1269 2 роки тому +5

    Hey jeezy did u know if u spray got2be on the hairline before the fibers it makes your line extra crispy. Try it, my whole shop does it

  • @thesbg92
    @thesbg92 2 роки тому

    Nice tutorial, Jeezy! Shout out to Hustle Dream Production for the beat!

  • @rjsmoovee
    @rjsmoovee 2 роки тому

    Word Jeezy taught me how to cut in 2016💯

  • @Adam1Malachi
    @Adam1Malachi 2 роки тому +6

    I wish more barbers would humble themselves and watch these videos to improve their craft. There are too many subpar barbers out there who stubborn and set in their ways. They're not as good as they think they are and their work shows. They're average at best and can only cut a few styles.

  • @dorianaustin8026
    @dorianaustin8026 2 роки тому

    Good stuff Jeezy, cleaning the skin exfoliating is very important...

  • @cushturah
    @cushturah 2 роки тому

    Cut is flawless !!!

  • @TheRandyjoe32
    @TheRandyjoe32 2 роки тому +8

    Bro ...... Good stuff ... Great lesson Jeezy. The learners out there have an excellent avenue on the techniques needed to strive. Blessings my brother.

  • @Jeromecuts
    @Jeromecuts 2 роки тому +2

    Those liners Jeezy where u get them from

  • @tresorvova6170
    @tresorvova6170 Рік тому

    How do you position yourself when you do this
    Thank u so much for your tutorials

  • @enriqueloaiza3676
    @enriqueloaiza3676 2 роки тому +2

    love these jeezy keep going 🔥

  • @jacquelinesmith5477
    @jacquelinesmith5477 2 роки тому +1

    Nice Hair teaching jeezy love it
    Can you also teach on come overs how to do them how much hair to cut
    Good video jeezy

  • @blackboydeelonbie3918
    @blackboydeelonbie3918 2 роки тому

    Best teacher ever
    Your boi from Zim

  • @elzieg9168
    @elzieg9168 2 роки тому

    Keep Representing For Barbers! 💈💪🏿

  • @fee9971
    @fee9971 2 роки тому

    I’m about to try this on my son!!!! I’m hype!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! 🥰🥰🥰❤️

  • @TheWashWay
    @TheWashWay 2 роки тому

    Great tutorial! The camera quality is immaculate. Would you mind sharing camera details?

  • @rashadwillingham5447
    @rashadwillingham5447 Рік тому

    Thank you for this video bro I’m in barber school and trying to perfect my line ups 💈💈💈

  • @mwangikaranja2357
    @mwangikaranja2357 2 роки тому

    Big up man! Very informative. What's that black spray exactly?

  • @tonyhylt
    @tonyhylt 2 роки тому +23

    Those are some super nice lineups. Just makes the existing hairline pop. My issue has been once I hit 40 maybe my natural hairline is thinning but every single barber has been going past my hairline and creating a new one pushing me back in the process. So I'll wolf and go a few months without a lineup to grow back what was pushed back and even line my own hair up just to feel comfortable enough to get lined up again and be pushed back AGAIN.🤣

    • @Zone6nick
      @Zone6nick 2 роки тому +3

      Smh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @thetanking1846
      @thetanking1846 2 роки тому +3

      Change your barber lol

    • @keithr.hammonds6653
      @keithr.hammonds6653 2 роки тому +3

      Facts 💯 It’s amazing you still have to tell someone not to push your hairline back…

    • @C_itsNemo
      @C_itsNemo 2 роки тому +1

      I hate when that happens

    • @birdygaming9318
      @birdygaming9318 Рік тому

      same thing what happened to me when i went to the usa from 242 but a line up is called i shap up where im from so everytime i go the barber they push back my hairline so i put my own clippers so i can grow my shape line back .

  • @sauce_t8707
    @sauce_t8707 2 роки тому +3

    Barbering done changed a lil since I was a lil dawg. Enhancement and the pencil done really helped a lot of people. Especially young barbers. You could do a C+ lineup and turn it into an A++ with 2 sprays and a pencil. Having that safety net take a lot of stress of a lot of barbers.

    • @MisterMachete
      @MisterMachete 2 роки тому +3

      Facts meanwhile I’m sticking to the old school ways bcuz once they wash their hair you’ll see loose hairs and the lineup isn’t sharp as you thought lol ,I’ve seen this happen in the shop a few times

    • @sauce_t8707
      @sauce_t8707 2 роки тому

      @@MisterMachete yea me too bro. I respect those that use enhancements but I prefer that classic ash line, true fade, and the detail needed for a natural line. It’s art to me

    • @DMCdaJUICE
      @DMCdaJUICE 2 роки тому

      All that stuff sucks I still going to a barber cuz he kept using that crap all barbers that use that are crap

    • @djallstyle
      @djallstyle 2 роки тому

      There’s nothing wrong with knowing & mastering both techniques. I do agree, if you only can make a line up sharp with enhancements, you may be lost in the matrix… BARBERS!!! Please make sure the cut is fire before you stay consistent w/this.. Your client will appreciate you in the long run..

    • @DominicBenoit
      @DominicBenoit 2 роки тому

      these enhancement makes these dudes today look like a fairies. only women should be getting these tings done.

  • @deebrown5744
    @deebrown5744 2 роки тому

    I of the 🐅 remix was fire fam..big up with the line up..

  • @damegotvisuals
    @damegotvisuals 2 роки тому

    Can't wait til Flight see this 😂 dope video 🔥

  • @AngelahHarvey
    @AngelahHarvey 2 роки тому

    What type of air compressor do you use ? it’s not in the Description box. Thank you so much for the info I appreciate you

  • @n23391
    @n23391 2 роки тому +1

    If Jeezy can answer or any experience barber, What is the best brand for a clippers and trimmer? Should I get a set?

    @TAELOGICS 2 роки тому

    I like the setup this background is better then just being at ur house

  • @naimsalahuddin-bey2919
    @naimsalahuddin-bey2919 2 роки тому

    A master at work here. Honors to you☝🏾🇲🇦🐫

  • @Nfrn0Blaz3
    @Nfrn0Blaz3 2 роки тому +1

    Madd Respect King..... 🇹🇹

  • @mr2neat255
    @mr2neat255 2 роки тому +1

    I’ve need a video like this thanks king

  • @tonygray6351
    @tonygray6351 2 роки тому

    I really injoy whiching you're work,Great Job!

  • @MarRackRunning
    @MarRackRunning 2 роки тому

    Can you make a playlist for upcoming barber or ppl who wanna learn how to cut

  • @joshuaaskew5598
    @joshuaaskew5598 2 роки тому +1

    Sharp clippers and potent alcohol. That's all I need.

  • @PeterKizito-x7u
    @PeterKizito-x7u 20 днів тому

    Nice cut, I’m also a barber 💈 learning more from your videos

  • @infamous1ao
    @infamous1ao 2 роки тому +3

    Very informative video, BEAT WAS 🔥🔥🔥

  • @jasonnicholas3502
    @jasonnicholas3502 2 роки тому

    Great vid As always jezzy oh yea clean polo too stay blessed

  • @playboyranking2209
    @playboyranking2209 2 роки тому

    Keep on breaking the rules 🅿️🔥

  • @danjohnson889
    @danjohnson889 Рік тому

    That polo color hard

  • @incomparablekingboss8867
    @incomparablekingboss8867 2 роки тому

    My styles of cutting my customers hair changes anytime I learn from you BOSS🙌 so I use this opportunity to say biggest thanks to🙏❤️

  • @johnnynavarrete7847
    @johnnynavarrete7847 2 роки тому +1

    What up...do u know anyone from Austin tx that cut like you

  • @jamesholley8228
    @jamesholley8228 Рік тому

    I love this guy great energy

  • @bettyricks7033
    @bettyricks7033 2 роки тому

    My man you are it I love your videos.

  • @javianjohnson8746
    @javianjohnson8746 2 роки тому +1

    Sick cut man 🔥

  • @dubfromcali
    @dubfromcali 2 роки тому

    I’ve seem so many people do the lineup behind the ear and its so wide it kills me i like how he doesn’t go so far up behind the ear he’s near the ear and doesn’t look like he tried to lineup around the ear but behind it nice!

  • @MohamedAli-or8zn
    @MohamedAli-or8zn 2 роки тому

    Bro, which spray gun do you use ?? You’re looks like it hits everytime !!

  • @dericrussell3500
    @dericrussell3500 2 роки тому

    @360jeezy do yu do hands on teaching barbering

  • @stevenkeys3404
    @stevenkeys3404 2 роки тому +1

    Love the brush bro it just came in 👍🏾

  • @joserosa3438
    @joserosa3438 2 роки тому

    Loved the rocky mix bro🔥as usual really good nuggets to use bro. I appreciate you!