ASMR The MOST Effective Video For Sleep (100% Chance)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DennisASMRYT
    @DennisASMRYT  Рік тому +74

    Hope you enjoy this ultra relaxing video! Thanks for all the love on the recent videos :)

    • @smaragd118
      @smaragd118 Рік тому


    • @wyomma551
      @wyomma551 Рік тому

      Please continue, you bring such peace and sleep,also those tingles are so relaxing!!

    • @sophiethao3311
      @sophiethao3311 Рік тому

      More light triggers please!!!

    • @rafoalexanyan6678
      @rafoalexanyan6678 Рік тому


    • @rafoalexanyan6678
      @rafoalexanyan6678 Рік тому


  • @annisadangela1232
    @annisadangela1232 Рік тому +31

    0:00- 2:06: Intro🧑🏻‍🦱👋🏻
    2:07-7:30: Pumpkin tapping 🟠
    7:31-10:46: Keyboard tapping ⌨️
    10:47-13:47: Light triggers🔦
    13:48- 14:31: Light triggers with hand movements 🔦👐🏻
    14:32-15:23: Light triggers 🔦
    15:26- 19:36: Rainbow caterpillars 🌈🐛🐛 (Fred and George)
    19:40-23:10: ASMR chicken 🐔
    23:11-23:40: Outro 🧑🏻‍🦱👋🏻

    • @tired_chicken
      @tired_chicken Рік тому +2

      They’re slugs tho, not caterpillars🤙🏻

    • @tomakowow_
      @tomakowow_ Рік тому +1

      ​@@tired_chickenslugs have shelf

    • @tired_chicken
      @tired_chicken Рік тому +1

      @@tomakowow_ no those are called snails 🐌, they’re called slugs, you can also hear Dennis call them slugs

    • @ryanparker9275
      @ryanparker9275 8 місяців тому


  • @mxdry.
    @mxdry. Рік тому +49

    dennis never fails to make the best videos honestly.

  • @neveracloud
    @neveracloud Рік тому +9

    Tingles up the back of my neck spreading like the branches of a tree turning into gentle fireworks in my brain with your “fall asleep” prompt…so perfectly simple and yet potently relaxing. Thank you!

  • @sharonK3281
    @sharonK3281 Рік тому +5

    My favorite bedtime routine is finding your latest video and setting it up to loop throughout the night and I sleep for hours if my ear pods stay charged. You get better each video you do. Thank you.

  • @ak-vw4jw
    @ak-vw4jw Рік тому +3

    how is every single one of his videos even better than the one before? how is Dennis SO extremely talented?🧡

  • @aklayton101
    @aklayton101 Рік тому +15

    He's a Professional Tingle Meister that can put millions of people to sleep and dont you forget it! Respect! 😊

  • @jz6491
    @jz6491 11 місяців тому

    The pumpkin thing is the absolute best. I could definitely do a couple of uninterrupted hours of this. Great voice, great stuff. Thank you

  • @trinitychastain5028
    @trinitychastain5028 Рік тому

    i would love to see an asmr tour of your asmr set up! maybe the way it has grown with your asmr experience!

  • @domantaszukauskas4901
    @domantaszukauskas4901 Рік тому +6

    The combination of mouth sounds and triggers is utterly amazing! E.g., 16:52, 18:20, 19:20, ... Could we have a vid like this? 😊

  • @falconandthemoon
    @falconandthemoon Рік тому +2

    Percussive ASMR… just tappin’ on a pumpkin, followed by a keyboard. Who knew they could be the source of all this aural pleasure!

  • @Cookie.Duality
    @Cookie.Duality Рік тому +2

    Yes again a keyboard!! (best trigger of all time) give me keyboard sounds and i directly fall a sleep

  • @tangawanga1226
    @tangawanga1226 Рік тому +6

    Love your videos Dennis! Thanks for helping us get to sleep 😁

  • @KingMomo_1st
    @KingMomo_1st Рік тому +1

    Every day with a new video from Dennis is a good day! 😊

  • @safiyasulaiman5626
    @safiyasulaiman5626 Рік тому

    The elegant background the plain t shirts lighting the blue eyes the soothing voice ....classy asmr! U rmy favourite!

  • @wyomma551
    @wyomma551 Рік тому +1

    Dennis has always been a comfort and I will always be subscribed ❤

  • @davidc.2878
    @davidc.2878 Рік тому

    Dennis is the best and the funniest ASMR guy.

  • @hannahsmith3863
    @hannahsmith3863 Рік тому

    Tomorrow is the first day of my senior internship, and this is going to let me sleep enough to get up at 5am! Thank you :)

  • @jirokyoka4367
    @jirokyoka4367 Рік тому +1

    WHAT WAS THE FACE AFTER "i may not be a professional" IM ROLLIN

    @TOKUSATSU_MONK Рік тому

    I really love the thumbnail pictures you use for your videos lately🙂

  • @jefferymuffinsbobmarley6128

    we started selling pumpkin donuts again & now the pumpkin tapping :O fall is in season

  • @Nini.-684
    @Nini.-684 Рік тому +4

    Hey Owen, I've been a silent whatcher for quite a wile, but with these last videos I realy needed to thank you! I still rebember when I started whatching you back in 2019, untill now you've made an incredible work putting us to sleep. So yeah, thank you so so much for the content you've created to help us relax. 🤍

  • @requiem9926
    @requiem9926 Рік тому

    recently discovered your channel after falling asleep to one of your videos! Keep it up!

  • @leafyeditss
    @leafyeditss Рік тому +9

    if Dennis’s channel is extremely 👇underrated c’mon get him to 1.04m

  • @deniseseminoff6847
    @deniseseminoff6847 Рік тому

    Your my favorite ASMR channel. I enjoy watching and listening to your videos to help me sleep. 😊

  • @hinatahyuga5475
    @hinatahyuga5475 Рік тому

    This made me so sleepily finally

  • @rampagenelson9658
    @rampagenelson9658 Рік тому

    I enjoy his Bob Ross Rp videos i hope he makes another someday!

  • @ItsFabian.m
    @ItsFabian.m Рік тому +13

    His face at 0:29 😅

  • @apt13podcast74
    @apt13podcast74 Рік тому

    Dude, not sure if you’ll see this, but I wanna say- I’ve been consistently using your videos for the last 3 years almost every single night to help me fall asleep. It’s become a staple in my nightly routine. I’ll admit, I’ve hopped around the hallways of UA-cam to some different ASMRtists from time to time, but I always find my way back to this channel for one very specific reason- you’re the best at what you do. No question about it. So, thank you. Thank you for the hard work you put into your videos, and for being such a incredible content creator. Stay awesome!!

  • @megwills7426
    @megwills7426 Рік тому

    Man can cause tingles with a tiny little FLASHLIGHT like wth 😂😭

  • @bielbiel167
    @bielbiel167 Рік тому

    Dennis your asmr relax me a lot

  • @michaelh7037
    @michaelh7037 Рік тому +1

    So glad for the video Dennis. And well done on the million mark 👏 😂🏆


    Bro thanks Alot I always sleep from this vid

  • @Take_A_Gander
    @Take_A_Gander Рік тому

    My man brought out a whole pumpkin.🎃👍🏻

  • @greenyellow9737
    @greenyellow9737 Рік тому +1

    🎉 your whispers are on point. ❤

  • @tired_chicken
    @tired_chicken Рік тому +2

    100% chance to sleep? I don’t believe tha- 💤

  • @agr8guywv
    @agr8guywv 7 місяців тому

    Awesome dude ❤ love your videos

  • @Sam_Svit
    @Sam_Svit Рік тому

    Frankly, for the first time I’ve got so much of pleasure from the tapping. The one on a pumpkin is now the best for me😯😮❤️

  • @stefani.danielle
    @stefani.danielle Рік тому

    Wooo loving this color scheme!! 😊

  • @BarnaT-f7t
    @BarnaT-f7t Рік тому

    my mom just got home so this is perfect

  • @guillermobernal9840
    @guillermobernal9840 Рік тому +1

    Hit that spot that he did. Knocked out in minutes.

  • @itsmej378
    @itsmej378 Рік тому

    You truly are gifted!!

  • @lizchinchilla7830
    @lizchinchilla7830 Рік тому +1

    Always the best videos for tingles🫶🫶 I would love to see some personal attention videos

  • @thenightowl97
    @thenightowl97 Рік тому +1

    Only Dennis can use a Pumpkin to make us tingly 😌👌

  • @nooralharhoosh4588
    @nooralharhoosh4588 Рік тому

    ''Just tappin on a pumpkin'' 😂😂😂

  • @MindMirth_Facts
    @MindMirth_Facts Рік тому +1

    Bro called us zombies😭 so we should bite him first 💀 Anyways thanks for making this video ❤

  • @paulschild8924
    @paulschild8924 Рік тому

    Dennis pls make a just light or visual trigger video 🙏

  • @Aboodi
    @Aboodi Рік тому

    Good night 😴💤

  • @ssonislim
    @ssonislim Місяць тому

    had to pull this vid back up bc of the pumpkin 💯

  • @UwU-r1f
    @UwU-r1f Рік тому

    19:44 this actually SCARED me forgot you can mke faces 🤣

  • @maicoaudi
    @maicoaudi Рік тому

    thank you Dennis you are absolutely awesome! i will comment anytime for you. Thanks for reading. and thank you for taking care of our sleep

  • @JJNova
    @JJNova Рік тому

    Have you ever thought of skin tapping? Or like tapping on your body? I find it very relaxing the sounds that it makes

  • @TheUnbotheredTexan
    @TheUnbotheredTexan 10 місяців тому


  • @liamg2063
    @liamg2063 Рік тому +1

    Can you do another video with the baseball please!!

  • @gitismita418
    @gitismita418 9 місяців тому

    Hi Dennis. How r u?? Hope u r happy and well 🤗🤗

  • @wrigglywinner6143
    @wrigglywinner6143 Рік тому

    Thank you for these incredible videos! ❤️

  • @mika5827
    @mika5827 Рік тому

    This video is something beautiful 😴

  • @Sam_Svit
    @Sam_Svit Рік тому

    Like the light trigger. Don’t know why)

  • @Aboodi
    @Aboodi Рік тому +1

    Love you 😘

  • @MrSavvoudd
    @MrSavvoudd Рік тому

    Yooo perfect timing

  • @smaragd118
    @smaragd118 Рік тому

    Maybe it could be a summer edition in which you use summer items

  • @Corymr
    @Corymr Рік тому

    I typically need sleep drugs to sleep that easy i did not take any that night for the first time in years and i fell asleep so fast 😅it was the besr night of sleep i had in years

  • @Reign1986
    @Reign1986 Рік тому

    I like your videos. Greetz from Germany

  • @anniek1
    @anniek1 Рік тому

    Hand and mouth sounds stay superiour

  • @analysuares5520
    @analysuares5520 Рік тому

    Gratidão muito obrigadaaaaa ❤🤩🙏🙂💙👑

  • @sheisntyou
    @sheisntyou Рік тому

    that’s my cue goodnight everybody !!

  • @youtubefanlasvegas7219
    @youtubefanlasvegas7219 Рік тому

    Am I getting the Fred and George reference right? 🧑🏻‍🦰🧑🏻‍🦰

  • @rezrider21
    @rezrider21 Рік тому

    Spooky season is coming! 😂

  • @bqlo
    @bqlo Рік тому

    hey dennis, great video you have here! anyways funny question but whats your fav bible verses that i should start my day with after i wake up from this sleepy video haha!

    • @DennisASMRYT
      @DennisASMRYT  Рік тому +2

      “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
      This verse. It’s a good reminder that even though we will never be perfect, the Lord will continue to have mercy on us every day.

    • @bqlo
      @bqlo Рік тому

      @@DennisASMRYT thank you so much!

  • @yorkshirelassdiaries4841
    @yorkshirelassdiaries4841 Рік тому

    4:35 🇬🇧😴🙏 please help me to sleep Denis

  • @landrybeck
    @landrybeck Рік тому

    I should be getting sleepy but he’s just so handsome!!!

  • @aklayton101
    @aklayton101 Рік тому

    He wants a fan film! Red alert🚨

  • @3lfeon
    @3lfeon Рік тому +1

    what's with that face 😂 0:29

  • @liyaaa4876
    @liyaaa4876 Рік тому

    does it hurt the pumpkin ?

  • @xxxx-zx1gv
    @xxxx-zx1gv Рік тому

    1:40 10:48

  • @mariahpasquale305
    @mariahpasquale305 Рік тому

    Great video

  • @chloeradle8578
    @chloeradle8578 Рік тому

    black tshirt 🖤 > white tshirt

  • @AlexandruArgyo
    @AlexandruArgyo Рік тому

    Bro i lov u❤

  • @125blondi
    @125blondi Рік тому

    Why is this man so beautiful 😍😍

  • @jsrproductions9628
    @jsrproductions9628 Рік тому

    A pumpkin 🤙🏻

  • @lightninga4247
    @lightninga4247 Рік тому

    Pause it at 0:29 😂

  • @izzylevinson4590
    @izzylevinson4590 Рік тому +1

    I love

  • @SleepyBike-iy1mz
    @SleepyBike-iy1mz 5 місяців тому

    Please can you do a speaking asmr❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😢😊

  • @TheRedGlint4427
    @TheRedGlint4427 9 місяців тому

    On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero…

  • @jordanpeters910
    @jordanpeters910 Рік тому

    It’s hard to look away from that face and even harder to stay awake with that voice

  • @zetateal6428
    @zetateal6428 Рік тому

    So is your name Owen? Or Dennis

  • @0x-keldi
    @0x-keldi 3 місяці тому

    Where did he go ?

  • @rennightwalker2134
    @rennightwalker2134 Рік тому

    My ipad can fold like the keyboard

  • @jeanetteryan6571
    @jeanetteryan6571 Рік тому +1


  • @我主也
    @我主也 Рік тому


  • @jrach18
    @jrach18 Рік тому


  • @xxxx-zx1gv
    @xxxx-zx1gv Рік тому

    W vid

  • @ishacharan_20
    @ishacharan_20 Рік тому

    It's all good till the damn ads ruin my sleep 😢

  • @jodiarias3073
    @jodiarias3073 Рік тому

    I may not look like a professional…🤪

  • @ROLan_01
    @ROLan_01 Рік тому


  • @ROLan_01
    @ROLan_01 Рік тому


  • @ROLan_01
    @ROLan_01 Рік тому


  • @lynlivingston4945
    @lynlivingston4945 Рік тому

    Mid roll adverts at twice the normal volume kinda take away the soothing vibes of the video....😢

  • @CansusJordan
    @CansusJordan Рік тому


  • @ballybally2951
    @ballybally2951 Рік тому
