That Glow Fob was LEGIT surprisingly cool! That was probably the strongest glowing gadget I've seen so far - which product from today was your favorite? Afterwards go watch "I Bought... Nothing?! | 10 Ridiculous Amazon Products" ➡
I'd imagine if a team of scientists were to be able to stop the progress of light and restart it via super-cooling a vacuum and running a light through it (they did, look it up) then light is effected by it's environment. Because of the speed at-which light travels at room temperature there wouldn't be any noticeable difference in it's path. But with a strong enough source of gravity and the natural vacuum and cooling that is space, the effect on the light should be easily visible. This is why if the closest star to us (other than the sun) were to disappear it'd still take 15 years to be seen on earth.
4.364-4.368 light years ( Proxima Centauri atm) is 4.364 years for light to travel the distance in free space unchanged from the original photonic pattern emitted (roughly 81000 years at current maximum velocity in space 56000 kmh so 489,552,000 kilometres away from earth), not just slowed with temperature alone.
The weird thing is that gravity does affect light. Somethings have so much mass, like a huge star, or a black hole, that light starts to curve, and even can slow down. Einstein figured this out, and he theorized that if any solid matter could travel at the speed of light, it would have more mass than the universe, an time would stop completely.
Fun science fact!!! The model that you know of an atom is incorrect and we will never be able to see what an atom actually looks like because an atom isn't technically visible!! it exists within certain points upon a wavelength so no amount of magnification will ever be able to see it.
He also didn't follow the instructions what so ever, I have one, it's one of a new class of bluetooth things that actually need to be right on the phone. It's super low power to keep the noise floor low, it needs to be placed flat on the back of the phone while you're taking a reading. On a side note, when you but it, (at least in the us) they have to have a cardiologist read the initial sample before they can give it to you so it takes up to a full day to use it the first time. This thing is for people with actual heart issues, if you don't have anything going on, or any serious worries, it's not really all that useful. It works as advertised, still a little noisy compared to professional equipment but reasonably viable. if you have worries about any of its readings, you can pay them $20 and they have a cardiologist read the output in a couple of hours.
Eric well i doubt he'll see it. He has wrong i know. But if you really want to know how to do it there's plenty of videos and articles about it. If you don't like it so be it, I have nothing about it. Everyone have different likings and interests.
I laughed when I saw you reviewing that keyboard since my boyfriend actually have had that same keyboard for years now and it works for him but the only draw back is the fact that the keys are a bit bigger so it makes it harder for gaming.
Oh man, the Kardia generates an EKG, the app is just a pulse. The point of the product is for patients with known heart arrhythmias (i.e. a-fib) to monitor their heart if they go into an arrhythmia and to notify their doctor. Medication needs to be adjusted/started since these issues cause heart attacks and strokes.
I came here to post the same. This was my first experience watching this guy's videos. Rule #1: don't review a product if you don't understand what it does. I won't be watching any more of his videos.
No doctor would make changes to a patient's medications or treatment, even one with cardiac care experience, based off of such a simple ECG. There needs to be at least 3 points of contact to accurately measure a lead for electrical conduction of the heart. Which is why a 3 Lead ECG uses a red, black, and white wire system to typically measure leads 1, 2, and 3 with lead 2 being the most commonly used for diagnostic in a non 12 lead system. The black and white wires alone (left and right shoulders respectively) are not enough to measure an accurate heart rhythm for diagnostic purposes. Also it is not called an arrhythmia unless it becomes irregular and out of range for a Normal Sinus Rhythm. So please if you're going to tell someone that don't understand how a product works or the bodily system it monitors not to review it, perhaps you should also become more familiar with the system and body system yourself before you complain to them for not knowing. And please tell me more how you'll never watch another one of his videos based off the fact that he inaccurately reviewed an personal ECG monitor, when half of what he reviews is done without thought, or education, or experience and often without even reading the package instructions. It's not like this is his first time making a messed up review on something because he was a dumbass, yet you've made it this far in his videos without (I assume) having had other issues. Which means you're too stupid to realize he got it wrong all those other times and got lucky this time, or you've not cared before, maybe a bit of both. Please take the high road now though it shows that you're as much of a douche as I am for pointing out you're a dumbass.
Yes, I know all of this. The main use case for this is detecting afib so that a patient has confidence in whether they are in NSR or afib. Most patients have medicine they can take when they go into afib, so this is helpful. Also, there's a good likelihood, according to my research, that afib can be detected with 2 lead as the P wave is often seen on lead II. This was the first video I watched from this guy, and the fact that he was reviewing a product not for its intended use case soured me.
First, I said that it's for them to notify their doctor if they "go into an arrhythmia", which is what it's called. Maybe my use of the word "notify" was confusing, but I did not have any intention for the thought of a doctor just going ahead and giving a medication to someone based off a personal device. I never said anything about this device being superior to an actual 12 lead EKG, to which I also know how it works. Lastly, I wasn't the one who said anything about not watching his videos anymore. You confused me with another commenter.
I have never been so happy that I got addicted to these videos. My family is experiencing a bed bug problem, but with two small kids running around it is fairly hard to distinguish food crumbs from the little bastard's eggs. As soon as I read bed bug on that flashlight, I was all over it. That'll make detection and clean up so much easier to see. Amazing find.
I got that UV protector. It works for other things like activating glow in the dark paint. Its also useful for my dad to see where me cats... you know.
SuperNaturalWoman Gaming if your cat is peeing outside the liter box you should see a vet. This is not normal and can often be the cause of serious health conditions.
Can see where me cats 😂 your dad wants to see your cat with a u.v light 😂 he actually wants to see if anything is showing up on your cat so he can beat the man up 😂😂
Glow in the dark key chains are useless, it's in your pocket all day so there's no charge and you would have lost your keys for at least a hour in a lighted area for you to find it only when it turns dark.
I got a vile exactly like that one, but it has Tridium(the same stuff they use for night sights on guns and in some glowing watch faces) and it glows whether it's been exposed to light or not. It's been glowing for the past 3 years, it just doesn't glow very bright(but enough to stand out in darkness).
fuzzlenutberry tritium ones are the best, because tritium emmits beta radiation if o remember correctly, and that radiation exites a phosphor film, that emmits photons, so its bright and lights up forever, you dont need to shine a light at those ones
my god "Black Holes are the absence of matter" smh XD. Light has no mass yet somehow possesses momentum. This means that gravity can affect the path light travels and additionally allows for collisions with light to impart force (hence the idea behind solar sails). Even if light did not possess momentum It still follows any curvature in space, such as the curvature created by mass.
It's funny because black holes are the opposite of the "absence of matter". They are the result of collapsed star core after going super nova. So they are super dense matter creating such strong gravitational pull light cannot escape its pull.
That BattleBots toy was legitimately ONE OF the best products I've ever seen on this channel. I am about to go check if it is still for sale and I'm going to see if you can get more of the BattleBots. I could see me and my buddies sitting around on Friday night drinking some beers playing BattleBots
Matthias deserves more subscribers. He always has really good content. The videos he uploads are his own, very useful to all types of people. And most of all he doesn’t try to stretch out his videos to the 10 minute mark. This video for instant one video 20 minutes long. Any other UA-camr would make a Part 1- 10 minutes long, then Part 2- 10 minutes long AND OR put/ use only half the products so they have a video to upload Today and Tomorrow.
Sorry but I had to tell you that opaque means unable to let light pass through it, so you can’t see through it, but some objects like paper can become translucent, able to let some some light through it, sometimes you can see through it but in this case, you can’t see through it and if you’re wondering, transparent, able to let light completely pass through it is different then translucent. BTW I know that this was incorrect grammer.
Thank you so much for these videos! I've been binge watching this series at work (office computer job... so fun) and it just helps me tune out everything else that is stressful in my life. I literally force my headphone in and just focus on your videos along with the other channels in BU. thank you thank you thank you
That whole light has no mass thing has always confused me. Then once someone said black holes have infinite mass/gravity. (Doesn’t 0 x infinity = 0). But one of the laws of gravity i thought said all mass has a slight pull on all other matter in the universe. It just a very very slight pull. But if the gravity is infinite, that would mean the whole universe would get sucked in, except light which has no mass. But light gets pulled by the gravity of a black hole so it does have mass. Conclusion: light has mass. (Very small amount). Black holes Do Not have infinite gravity. P.S.: Also, I recently read that a recent experiment with an em drive showed that photons may have inertia. ( the photons pushed the object).
Ruce Bajer photons do have internia theres a device you can buy called a radiometer that spins when light hits it. But black holes warp space into a 3d hole where space is moving into it faster than the speed of light, so it cant escape.
Gravity doesn't actually work like they teach you, that is just an approximation. In reality, it bends spacetime itself, so even massless objects like photons are affected.
The singularity of a black hole has infinite mass or near infinite but unknown to most black holes don’t just suck up everything around them an object would have to pass the event horizon first
black holes don't have infinite mass, they have infinite FORCE OF GRAVITY at their center (lim d-->0) and as the force of gravity is effectively G*M/d^2 where G is the gravitational constant, M is the combined masses and d is the distance between the centers of mass, so it is more proper to say black holes are gravity dividing by zero. also 0*inf =/= 0 it is an indeterminate form which means that depending on the way you approach 0 and infinity you can get any number, this is why mathmatitions say you cant simply write indeterminate equations in such simplified terms.
OddArtist Animations I’m not expert however I would like to point out that gravity is force of attraction between any two object in the universe that have *definite mass* while light is just a form of energy.
The binary of the clock refers to the on or off position on the led's. If the led is illuminated it is a 1, if it is not illuminated it is a 0. You count the illuminated led's in the 1, 2, 4, and 8 rows to get the time.
Karen Dobrowolski oh that's creepy!! I always thought there would be a way to see in.. definitely bringing something to cover peephole at hotels!! Tape, post it note, something!! I always have one over my lap tops Web cam..Just in case!! I've seen to many Crime drama's where bad guys hack into those!!
11:50 Matt:washable keyboard? Oh this is perfect for you Connor beacuse you just spill all of your keyboards... Me:he spills his keyboards?? HOW DOES CONNOR SPILL HIS KEYBOARDS!?!
The Gamer the whole time I am screaming at him saying 1 and 0. Thinking to myself I can not be the only programmer here. Sorry Matthias still love your channel.
black wholes don't curve light black wholes pull in the photons it just looks like it's curved because black wholes distort space and time and every thing
incorrect... while photons(light) doesn't have mass, all have energy. The energy of the photon is affected by matter/gravity. And if you think further, all mass is energy. That's what E=mc^2 also says.
How matter curves light: 10:16 matter has a gravitational pull. Gravity is basically the stretching of space and time, but it can be thought of as a 3D hole with a gradual slope. When light hits that slope. The round “edge” of the hole will be enough to make it curve with the “hole” a little bit, but not much. All matter, including Earth and stars can curve light, but the greatest light curving abilities go to black holes and galaxies. Please reply if you have any further questions.
In general relativity, gravity affects anything with energy. While light doesn't have rest-mass, it still has energy --- and is thus affected by gravity.
But, since light is so fast it can circle the earth 7.5 times in a second, we don't often see this affect of gravity until it's on a large scale. Really gives you an idea of how far a light YEAR is.
Yes it does, I forget when it was first observed, but stars can sometimes be seen when they are behind the sun or other things of similar mass and density.
Black holes do not actually curve light, it actually just absorbs the light and will not reflect it back into your eyes, thus meaning that it is not actually black more like clear.
no, they first curve light inside them using gravity, and then absorbs light making it perfectly black (the more light gets absorbed the more black something is and black holes absorb all light)
The binary one: On the last on you got it wrong because: O O -8 O O -4 O O O O -2 O O O O -1 So it was 2+4 not 2+3 soooooooooooo ha! It was 6:02 not 5:02 Jk ly matt! XDDD but yea..... you were wrong lol
No he was right. Binary code works because any number 1-9 can be made by adding combinations of 1-4. 4 3 22 11 You can make 1 - 24 by adding numbers from each column to make each number.
That Glow Fob was LEGIT surprisingly cool! That was probably the strongest glowing gadget I've seen so far - which product from today was your favorite? Afterwards go watch "I Bought... Nothing?! | 10 Ridiculous Amazon Products" ➡
Matthias wasfullllllllll
Matthias u never comment back to me
Matthias I love you and your channel ❤️
1) 0:31 2) 2:12 3) 4:14 4) 5:34 5) 8:09 6) 9:27 7) 11:44 8) 13:40 9) 18:00 All the Different Product time Stamps
DrBenBrap thank you for this!
The timestamps are in the description
you have no life
Jay Jay shhhhhhh
Jay Jay Plus in the description, the name of the product is written next to the time which is super helpful.
Connor on these videos with Matthias is a hilarious combo lol
Sarah Hannon ya ikr!
Carter Durand I still miss Bryan though
When blackholes bend light it's called gravitational lensing. It's super complex and I'm not really credited enough to explain it now...
Why do you need to say this?
gamertagcaleb cause he asked...
Lensing* to correct you.
Col Stafford oh. I mistyped it
Bullet Force Reviews just helping you out man
I'd imagine if a team of scientists were to be able to stop the progress of light and restart it via super-cooling a vacuum and running a light through it (they did, look it up) then light is effected by it's environment. Because of the speed at-which light travels at room temperature there wouldn't be any noticeable difference in it's path. But with a strong enough source of gravity and the natural vacuum and cooling that is space, the effect on the light should be easily visible. This is why if the closest star to us (other than the sun) were to disappear it'd still take 15 years to be seen on earth.
4.364-4.368 light years ( Proxima Centauri atm) is 4.364 years for light to travel the distance in free space unchanged from the original photonic pattern emitted (roughly 81000 years at current maximum velocity in space 56000 kmh so 489,552,000 kilometres away from earth), not just slowed with temperature alone.
Sparkers Kitchen 101 me understand;)
Wow I’m to high for that lmao
The weird thing is that gravity does affect light. Somethings have so much mass, like a huge star, or a black hole, that light starts to curve, and even can slow down. Einstein figured this out, and he theorized that if any solid matter could travel at the speed of light, it would have more mass than the universe, an time would stop completely.
“Wouldn’t binary only be ones and twos?”
*Inhales Deeply*
I had the same thought.
Diamond Monkey *INHALES*
I was so triggered when he said that
Diamond Monkey yeah like wtf
im *SHOOK*
Same thought! 😂
I thought the thumbnail said "peehole reverser" 🤦♂️😂😂😂😂
perv alert
Me to
saaaaaaame XD
Jesse ybarra me to
Black holes bend the space in which light is moving.
Fun science fact!!! The model that you know of an atom is incorrect and we will never be able to see what an atom actually looks like because an atom isn't technically visible!! it exists within certain points upon a wavelength so no amount of magnification will ever be able to see it.
oooooooooooowwww aaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Never say ever. You cant know that. New tech may enable us to literally see it
You should do a series where you bring in Luna and test out baby stuff. You can call it Goo! Or Boo!
(Like so Matt can see )
I love this
Watermelon Fist yeah or wah! Lol
That could work too!
Goo or boo for the WIN👍
First sentence in the video- "Alright. I'm done." - Matthias lol
Sarah Hannon thats... 2 sentences
Who is Mathis lol?
DG BEATS mathi? Dafuq
ok leave me alone
Bianary is 1&0 not 1&2
i said the same thing to myself (:-|) :)
I think he just meant that there are only supposed to be 2 options (2 lights instead of 4)
and so on (ect)
@@papergamesproductions You amazing know it all show off nerd
jeez nerd alert
You my friend have stumbled into quantum physics 😂😂
ECG is not the same as measuring pulse. One determines electric waves from heart, the other determines pulse from capillaries.
My weather
He also didn't follow the instructions what so ever, I have one, it's one of a new class of bluetooth things that actually need to be right on the phone. It's super low power to keep the noise floor low, it needs to be placed flat on the back of the phone while you're taking a reading.
On a side note, when you but it, (at least in the us) they have to have a cardiologist read the initial sample before they can give it to you so it takes up to a full day to use it the first time.
This thing is for people with actual heart issues, if you don't have anything going on, or any serious worries, it's not really all that useful.
It works as advertised, still a little noisy compared to professional equipment but reasonably viable. if you have worries about any of its readings, you can pay them $20 and they have a cardiologist read the output in a couple of hours.
I'm a developer and that Binary clock is dope. It's not that hard guys. You'll get used to it just as any clock.
Then why not correct him when he was wrong? I am sure being a software developer you would have caught that.
Eric well i doubt he'll see it. He has wrong i know. But if you really want to know how to do it there's plenty of videos and articles about it. If you don't like it so be it, I have nothing about it. Everyone have different likings and interests.
Dat’s neat
why does this guy look like a Pixar animation character? i'm not being rude, i honestly think pixar would model a 'dad' look for their next film
carlosapian g yessssss
carlosapian g He kinda looks like Fix-It Felix Jr. from Wreck-it Ralph.
carlosapian g omg 😂😂
carlosapian g to me he looks like an elf
He actually does look like a pixar dad
You should make a video of survival gadgets / tools
well he stupid for that
but we can give him a shot
you are awesome Matthias
Trick Shots55 roblox!!
Trick Shots55 but u ain't!
also you said "cool points"... L
I like the way the set looks better when the main lights are off
Daiyaan Faruque leave please.
Like so matthias can see it Please
What about use it or abuse it,where they hit the product as hard as possible if it is an abuse it
Or thrill or kill
FeatherCry YT take it or break it?
Matthias: "10 gadgets"
Video title: "9 gadgets"
i caught that tooo!
Matthias, i love watching your videos cause they introduce me to new items that i never knew existed!!
Matt has the best reactions to some of these products😂👌
yea the tie was the best
I think all of his reactions are good
#notificationsquad 3:45 When you have the bell icon clicked but your phone is on do not disturb. Definitely need too turn that off
I laughed when I saw you reviewing that keyboard since my boyfriend actually have had that same keyboard for years now and it works for him but the only draw back is the fact that the keys are a bit bigger so it makes it harder for gaming.
The tie plus the flashlight makes Matt look like a security guard
Maybe like a Five Nights At Freddy's security guard.
connors mom shaves his back
crazyhacker946 hi love ur name
Hairy men r sexy lol especially Connor
crazyhacker946 hi reminds me of Freddy’s mom from icarly 😂
crazyhacker946 lol
matt and connor should do a talk show about science 'n' stuff (is there matter in light)
You avoid being awake when its dark? But night is so much more beautiful than day
Torm Endor not in all places in some places its scary with killers on the street
Andrew26317 jesus dude
I hope I didn't reach you too late... Are you okay? Do you need someone to talk to?
i do the same
Oh man, the Kardia generates an EKG, the app is just a pulse. The point of the product is for patients with known heart arrhythmias (i.e. a-fib) to monitor their heart if they go into an arrhythmia and to notify their doctor. Medication needs to be adjusted/started since these issues cause heart attacks and strokes.
My parents dog was possibly having heart issues and they got one to check her heart when she was acting funny.
I came here to post the same. This was my first experience watching this guy's videos. Rule #1: don't review a product if you don't understand what it does. I won't be watching any more of his videos.
No doctor would make changes to a patient's medications or treatment, even one with cardiac care experience, based off of such a simple ECG. There needs to be at least 3 points of contact to accurately measure a lead for electrical conduction of the heart. Which is why a 3 Lead ECG uses a red, black, and white wire system to typically measure leads 1, 2, and 3 with lead 2 being the most commonly used for diagnostic in a non 12 lead system. The black and white wires alone (left and right shoulders respectively) are not enough to measure an accurate heart rhythm for diagnostic purposes. Also it is not called an arrhythmia unless it becomes irregular and out of range for a Normal Sinus Rhythm. So please if you're going to tell someone that don't understand how a product works or the bodily system it monitors not to review it, perhaps you should also become more familiar with the system and body system yourself before you complain to them for not knowing. And please tell me more how you'll never watch another one of his videos based off the fact that he inaccurately reviewed an personal ECG monitor, when half of what he reviews is done without thought, or education, or experience and often without even reading the package instructions. It's not like this is his first time making a messed up review on something because he was a dumbass, yet you've made it this far in his videos without (I assume) having had other issues. Which means you're too stupid to realize he got it wrong all those other times and got lucky this time, or you've not cared before, maybe a bit of both. Please take the high road now though it shows that you're as much of a douche as I am for pointing out you're a dumbass.
Yes, I know all of this. The main use case for this is detecting afib so that a patient has confidence in whether they are in NSR or afib. Most patients have medicine they can take when they go into afib, so this is helpful. Also, there's a good likelihood, according to my research, that afib can be detected with 2 lead as the P wave is often seen on lead II. This was the first video I watched from this guy, and the fact that he was reviewing a product not for its intended use case soured me.
First, I said that it's for them to notify their doctor if they "go into an arrhythmia", which is what it's called. Maybe my use of the word "notify" was confusing, but I did not have any intention for the thought of a doctor just going ahead and giving a medication to someone based off a personal device. I never said anything about this device being superior to an actual 12 lead EKG, to which I also know how it works. Lastly, I wasn't the one who said anything about not watching his videos anymore. You confused me with another commenter.
You are amazing Matthias I have been watching you for a few years
fernandor nater Yea it does XD
fernandor nater I did not mean for it to sound creepy sry
When the video was posted under 30 minutes ago:
When it was posted over 30 minutes ago:
Nooooooo-Darth Vader
I have never been so happy that I got addicted to these videos. My family is experiencing a bed bug problem, but with two small kids running around it is fairly hard to distinguish food crumbs from the little bastard's eggs. As soon as I read bed bug on that flashlight, I was all over it. That'll make detection and clean up so much easier to see. Amazing find.
dfgdfg thank you good sir
Ur a god
Much appreciated
Thank you
I got that UV protector. It works for other things like activating glow in the dark paint. Its also useful for my dad to see where me cats... you know.
Is your profile pic Melanie Martinez?
Zoomergal Yup.
SuperNaturalWoman Gaming if your cat is peeing outside the liter box you should see a vet. This is not normal and can often be the cause of serious health conditions.
xhellboundx It’s actually because my brother won’t clean the litter box like he’s supposed to.
Can see where me cats 😂 your dad wants to see your cat with a u.v light 😂 he actually wants to see if anything is showing up on your cat so he can beat the man up 😂😂
Hey Matthias, really like the vids keep up the great work man
Am I the only one who liked the tie or..?
Ehhhh i liked but didnt at the same time
Umbzher nope I was so confused when he said wasteful
yes,you are
I loved it
Now I want to know about the times Connor's mom shaved his back
TheElement OfFyre same here we need a story time on that one! !
Prank girls with tape
I will send you a copy of your website and police report
@@rachelwatson4259 uhh
who read peehole reverser?
Oh god, I did. Let's just say me and my imagination don't get along too well right now
I read poophole reverser XD
only reason I clicked
This is a real darkness situation 😂😂😂
Oh my god I almost died laughing at 20:28 😂
The battle bots are Tombstone and Witch Doctor, I know this because I’m a huge Battle Bots nerd, I need that
I also know it, because it is written in large print on the top of them.
Glow in the dark key chains are useless, it's in your pocket all day so there's no charge and you would have lost your keys for at least a hour in a lighted area for you to find it only when it turns dark.
I got a vile exactly like that one, but it has Tridium(the same stuff they use for night sights on guns and in some glowing watch faces) and it glows whether it's been exposed to light or not. It's been glowing for the past 3 years, it just doesn't glow very bright(but enough to stand out in darkness).
Not everyone keeps their keys in their pockets, most of the people I know keep them clipped on a belt loop
fuzzlenutberry tritium ones are the best, because tritium emmits beta radiation if o remember correctly, and that radiation exites a phosphor film, that emmits photons, so its bright and lights up forever, you dont need to shine a light at those ones
Black holes don’t just affect matter. Nothing can escape from them, including particles and electromagnetic radiation. This includes light.
Hey Matt love ur vids
I clicked the bell icon!! Hi Matthias
Hi Matthias I love your youtube channel it is fun and uplifting
my god "Black Holes are the absence of matter" smh XD. Light has no mass yet somehow possesses momentum. This means that gravity can affect the path light travels and additionally allows for collisions with light to impart force (hence the idea behind solar sails). Even if light did not possess momentum It still follows any curvature in space, such as the curvature created by mass.
It's funny because black holes are the opposite of the "absence of matter". They are the result of collapsed star core after going super nova. So they are super dense matter creating such strong gravitational pull light cannot escape its pull.
Nicholas Finan impact*
Thank you for typing this
was looking for this comment glad someone knows what they are lol
Do a " 10 Objects That Will Make You Dead Inside" video.
Sarah Goodman he is my favorite UA-camr ever too!
That BattleBots toy was legitimately ONE OF the best products I've ever seen on this channel.
I am about to go check if it is still for sale and I'm going to see if you can get more of the BattleBots.
I could see me and my buddies sitting around on Friday night drinking some beers playing BattleBots
Matthias deserves more subscribers. He always has really good content. The videos he uploads are his own, very useful to all types of people. And most of all he doesn’t try to stretch out his videos to the 10 minute mark.
This video for instant one video 20 minutes long. Any other UA-camr would make a Part 1- 10 minutes long, then Part 2- 10 minutes long AND OR put/ use only half the products so they have a video to upload Today and Tomorrow.
And even if it’s a product he received from the company for free to review. He will still give his 100% honest opinion for it.
I never clicked on my screen so fast lol #NotificationSquad
Mathias: "TITLE IDEA: **a genital** reverser?"
The Mathias that tries not to be demonetised: "TITLE IDEA: peepeehole reverser?"
• Alexandra • ... PEEPhole
If that tie was brighter it would make a REALLY COOL Lució cosplay.
I have the battle bots game and it is fun and a lot of people loved it and some thought I build it because I can do that but no I did not build it.
global bricks grammar much?
global bricks you need to build your grammar
your like soooo cool because you can buildddd
*You're, and 'like' is a verb.
global bricks, why are you so boastful
Hey Matthias, you should use bill it or kill it
The burnt spot on the desk where you dropped a match is still there!😮
Butter and Toast Things don’t un-burn
"What an accident!" with the keyboard. So funny!
Matthais SQAUDDD!
Sorry but I had to tell you that opaque means unable to let light pass through it, so you can’t see through it, but some objects like paper can become translucent, able to let some some light through it, sometimes you can see through it but in this case, you can’t see through it and if you’re wondering, transparent, able to let light completely pass through it is different then translucent.
BTW I know that this was incorrect grammer.
Well Mathias was saying that it uses the camera to see when it’s “MORE OPAQUE” meaning that it’s still translucent, just more opaque than transparent.
A black hole is not the absence of mass it’s the excess of mass
j4kesgaming yes, yes it is, it is when mass collapses in itself
Gravity bends light, thus even earth bends light, just that larger masses bend it more.
Patrice they do, it has been proven
Old Video BUT
Black holes simply curve Space-Time around them, not the light itself.
i thought it said pee hole reverser.
I'm a lot less interested now.
snowboon same
Same XD
snowboon me to
Perv alert
There are 10 kinds of people, those who understand binary and those who don't.
Parnography I get it so that should tell you which kind I am
Most genuine facepalm I’ve ever given. Gj though
Parnography ?
Lol 10 I get it it’s binary!
Soooo....Is it 9 or 10?
Or 5
Leong Yin Xuan 6
I love Logitech
I have an idea for a feature video, Do a "Add to Cart", or "Add to Dart" and the things you add to "Add to Dart", you throw a dart at them.
Hi Matt! #NotificationSquad
Edit: Omg this is so many likes
Watermelon Fist yea we stay strong
Oh My God,
Yes stay strong with another Edition Squad hashtag notificationsquad I'm with you bud
Watermelon Fist I'm here too
Can J-Fred be on the fire seat?
Elizabeth you changed my view on Matt but that. Ring said mmmmmaaaaattttttt gggeeettt on za ball
Elizabeth Harris yessss plssss
Thank you so much for these videos! I've been binge watching this series at work (office computer job... so fun) and it just helps me tune out everything else that is stressful in my life. I literally force my headphone in and just focus on your videos along with the other channels in BU. thank you thank you thank you
7:17 HA, fooled by your own trick!
U are so cool and funny 😂😂😂
That whole light has no mass thing has always confused me. Then once someone said black holes have infinite mass/gravity. (Doesn’t 0 x infinity = 0). But one of the laws of gravity i thought said all mass has a slight pull on all other matter in the universe. It just a very very slight pull. But if the gravity is infinite, that would mean the whole universe would get sucked in, except light which has no mass. But light gets pulled by the gravity of a black hole so it does have mass.
Conclusion: light has mass. (Very small amount).
Black holes Do Not have infinite gravity.
P.S.: Also, I recently read that a recent experiment with an em drive showed that photons may have inertia. ( the photons pushed the object).
Ruce Bajer photons do have internia theres a device you can buy called a radiometer that spins when light hits it. But black holes warp space into a 3d hole where space is moving into it faster than the speed of light, so it cant escape.
Black holes don't have infinite mass, just a lot in a small space
Gravity doesn't actually work like they teach you, that is just an approximation. In reality, it bends spacetime itself, so even massless objects like photons are affected.
The singularity of a black hole has infinite mass or near infinite but unknown to most black holes don’t just suck up everything around them an object would have to pass the event horizon first
black holes don't have infinite mass, they have infinite FORCE OF GRAVITY at their center (lim d-->0) and as the force of gravity is effectively G*M/d^2 where G is the gravitational constant, M is the combined masses and d is the distance between the centers of mass, so it is more proper to say black holes are gravity dividing by zero. also 0*inf =/= 0 it is an indeterminate form which means that depending on the way you approach 0 and infinity you can get any number, this is why mathmatitions say you cant simply write indeterminate equations in such simplified terms.
Hi Matthias!!!😇😋😁😍❤😽😺😀😃😊
Gravity can in fact curve light.
OddArtist Animations I’m not expert however I would like to point out that gravity is force of attraction between any two object in the universe that have *definite mass* while light is just a form of energy.
photons do not have mass, but gravity attracts everything (check black holes which literally have so much gravity that even light cannot escape them)
gravity affects energy, not mass (and since one is the other it checks out)
anyone heard about duality?
Adi Thya well it does
1 or 2 for binary? 2 doesn’t exist
Bruno Kieszkowski ikr is ones and zeros
It actually does
viet phan wot
The binary of the clock refers to the on or off position on the led's. If the led is illuminated it is a 1, if it is not illuminated it is a 0. You count the illuminated led's in the 1, 2, 4, and 8 rows to get the time.
10:17 when you are Home alone and you sneezed and someone said bless you
forget the amazon products WHERE DO I FIND YOUR CARPET lol
30 lumens Isn’t that bright my torch is 500 lumens hand held
A fire and wood torch?
PezPro some Europeans say flashlight that way.
That's it?
Not A Mimic Oh ok
PezPro I recommend learning differences in words around the world, it's pretty neat!
Bring back the mobo pro. and annoy bryan >:)
You got that mobo pro bro?
Jessica Le santo are you sure you have the real mobo pro bro? Cause I have the mobo pro made by the Mobo pro company you know what I’m saying bro
no bro you might want the mobo pro for show if you know
Mono the pro scooters
Haha, dude that BattleBots thing was legit amazing. Thank you for reviewing it! Hope he enjoy's that steak!
I agree with you about the peephole thing! Gonna start carrying a small amount of duct tape to put over the peephole when I travel!
Karen Dobrowolski oh that's creepy!! I always thought there would be a way to see in.. definitely bringing something to cover peephole at hotels!! Tape, post it note, something!! I always have one over my lap tops Web cam..Just in case!! I've seen to many Crime drama's where bad guys hack into those!!
My peephole comes with a small cover allready on it
What's the matter bill?
Everything's the matter!!
MyTwenty-OneFallOutMarsBaby *starts randomly singing Bill Nye the science guy theme song when reads this*
We miss bryan😔
life hacker even me
life hacker. bring back bryan😔
life hacker rip
life hacker brian was the BEST!
How could this happen to me I've made my mistake have no where to run.#bringbrianback
Matt:washable keyboard? Oh this is perfect for you Connor beacuse you just spill all of your keyboards...
Me:he spills his keyboards?? HOW DOES CONNOR SPILL HIS KEYBOARDS!?!
Vannila Doggos lol
1 or 0 not 1 and 2! Matthias, get your binary right!
The Gamer the whole time I am screaming at him saying 1 and 0. Thinking to myself I can not be the only programmer here. Sorry Matthias still love your channel.
I like the Illuminati music
X-Files theme
black wholes don't curve light black wholes pull in the photons it just looks like it's curved because black wholes distort space and time and every thing
It's "holes" my dude, not "wholes".
Basically, yes. Also, not wholes
Too bad what you’re saying is basically correct, cause your spelling of “holes” as “wholes” really discredits you, lol.
incorrect... while photons(light) doesn't have mass, all have energy. The energy of the photon is affected by matter/gravity. And if you think further, all mass is energy. That's
what E=mc^2 also says.
How matter curves light: 10:16 matter has a gravitational pull. Gravity is basically the stretching of space and time, but it can be thought of as a 3D hole with a gradual slope. When light hits that slope. The round “edge” of the hole will be enough to make it curve with the “hole” a little bit, but not much. All matter, including Earth and stars can curve light, but the greatest light curving abilities go to black holes and galaxies. Please reply if you have any further questions.
Maddies Moos here
Still a couple hours away, the internet traffic is really bad here
Maddies moose here
Mia LikesDubstep
I'm here!!!!!!!
Right here fam.
My physics teacher said light was effected by gravity, but I'm not sure I believe him
In general relativity, gravity affects anything with energy. While light doesn't have rest-mass, it still has energy --- and is thus affected by gravity.
But, since light is so fast it can circle the earth 7.5 times in a second, we don't often see this affect of gravity until it's on a large scale. Really gives you an idea of how far a light YEAR is.
Light gets sucked into a black hole. So it does get affected by gravity.
Yes it does, I forget when it was first observed, but stars can sometimes be seen when they are behind the sun or other things of similar mass and density.
Well I had chicken today
Weird watching videos without his beard, it’s like there’s a hole in my heart
10 grossest food items!
Taste it or waste it!
Black holes do not actually curve light, it actually just absorbs the light and will not reflect it back into your eyes, thus meaning that it is not actually black more like clear.
no, they first curve light inside them using gravity, and then absorbs light making it perfectly black (the more light gets absorbed the more black something is and black holes absorb all light)
The binary one:
On the last on you got it wrong because:
O O -8
O O -4
O O O O -2
O O O O -1
So it was 2+4 not 2+3 soooooooooooo ha! It was 6:02 not 5:02
Jk ly matt! XDDD
but yea..... you were wrong lol
Also I think it’s kinda cool but to do simple maths and waste AT LEAST 10 seconds to tell the time, I say wasteful
Said it like you lol
HelenDaCool I looked to the comments for this exact thing XD
No he was right. Binary code works because any number 1-9 can be made by adding combinations of 1-4.
11 You can make 1 - 24 by adding numbers from each column to make each number.
“ ahh what an accident” 😂😂😂 cracked me up
Wouldn't binary be either one or two -Matthias 2018 (OUCH my poor technician heart )
. . . dont you mean 0 or 1 . . . ? -_-
Oh I see, you should have put quotation marks.