Lyrics: Oh, my sweet and gracious Lord, have mercy on me, You are the light of my refuge, the warm bread of my hunger. Heal the wing of the wounded stray swallow, staff of the stray youth, Stray Szekel Hope, Jesus, we implore, bless the earth of Erdély. For the stray swallow has found its way home, its mother has landed on the nest, Its homecoming is blessed by the Virgin Mary of Csíksomlyó.
Oh, my sweet and gracious Lord, have mercy on me,
You are the light of my refuge, the warm bread of my hunger.
Heal the wing of the wounded stray swallow, staff of the stray youth,
Stray Szekel Hope, Jesus, we implore, bless the earth of Erdély.
For the stray swallow has found its way home, its mother has landed on the nest,
Its homecoming is blessed by the Virgin Mary of Csíksomlyó.