ASMR Relaxing Cleansing Time 🌛 Face Massage, Washing, Removing Makeup with Personal Attention

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @PPOMO
    @PPOMO  5 років тому +1915

    Let's get relaxing time March together! 3월에도 잘 부탁드려요! 3月にも宜しくお願いします!
    🍅Timeline 타임라인 タイムライン🍅
    00:01 preview
    02:21 hair turban
    04:00 cotton round pads
    06:36 cleansing tissue & face massage
    14:14 removing eye makeup on your face with q-tip
    20:27 soap tapping
    23:22 soap face massage
    29:47 cleansing your face with blue sponge and bubbles
    36:52 cleansing your face with white sponge and bubbles
    39:04 cleansing your face with pore brush
    44:50 cleansing your face with silicone face cleaner
    50:00 cleansing your face with bubble maker an silicone brush
    54:50 washing off some bubbles with water
    57:07 wiping water on your face with towel
    58:19 tomato mask pack
    00:01 요약
    02:21 헤어터번
    04:00 동그란 화장솜
    06:36 클렌징티슈
    14:14 면봉으로 눈 메이크업 제거
    20:27 비누 탭핑
    23:22 비누 얼굴 마사지
    29:47 파란 스폰지와 거품으로 얼굴 클렌징
    36:52 하얀 스폰지와 거품으로 얼굴 클렌징
    39:04 모공브러쉬로 얼굴 클렌징
    44:50 실리콘 클리너로 얼굴 클렌징
    50:00 실리콘 브러쉬로 얼굴 클렌징
    54:50 헹구기
    57:07 수건으로 물기 닦기
    58:19 토마토 마스크팩
    00:01 プレビュー
    02:21 ヘルターバン
    04:00 丸いコットン
    06:36 クレンジングティッシュ
    14:14 綿棒で雪のメイクを取り払う
    20:27 石鹸タップピング
    23:22 石鹸,顔マッサージ
    29:47 青いスポンジとバブルで顔のクレンジング
    36:52 白いスポンジとバブルで顔のクレンジング
    39:04 モゴンブラシで顔のクレンジング
    44:50 シリコンクリーナーで顔のクレンジング
    50:00 シリコンブラシで顔クレンジング
    54:50 洗浄
    57:07 タオルで水気を拭く
    58:19 トマトマスクパック
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    • @azurekite9975
      @azurekite9975 5 років тому +5


    • @Agil70Game
      @Agil70Game 5 років тому +13

      I miss your voice 😭

    • @최지웅-w6o
      @최지웅-w6o 5 років тому +5


    • @Daelaron
      @Daelaron 5 років тому +8

      Always outstanding quality, yet still it gets better and better.

    • @Zuleimy17
      @Zuleimy17 5 років тому


  • @ElvenGodFromHell
    @ElvenGodFromHell 5 років тому +595

    Awwww your little tag on your apron is so cute!!
    "Posseder un toit, Petite Maison" is French for : "Own a roof, little house" the rest is tiny but reads "Any day spent with you is my favorite day" and the very bottom also says "bonheure suprême" which means "supreme happiness"
    Suits your videos so well, they are all so comforting and warm like a tiny house filled with nothing but love and tingles! ❤️

    • @phoenixphyre1885
      @phoenixphyre1885 5 років тому +18

      Thank you so much for the translation, I was so curious about that!

    • @ElvenGodFromHell
      @ElvenGodFromHell 5 років тому +13

      Phoenix Phyre My pleasure! French being my native tongue I spotted that tag in a heartbeat hehe

    • @juliettepoucheret6400
      @juliettepoucheret6400 5 років тому +10

      *it’s “bonheur”, not “bonheurE”

    • @ElvenGodFromHell
      @ElvenGodFromHell 5 років тому +6

      Juju Pchrt Well aren't you a ray of sunshine!
      I made an honest typo and 2 months later you felt the desire to correct me. Well played, bravo, here's an internet high five 🖐🏻
      Hope that made your day better because it sure did for me!
      Non mais sérieusement, tu n'a rien de mieux à faire?

    • @nathaliepoucheret6220
      @nathaliepoucheret6220 5 років тому +6

      @@ElvenGodFromHell que celles et ceux qui n acceptent pas les remarques concernant les fautes d orthographe n ont qu' a pas en faire !!!!
      Tu as bien fait de faire la remarque jujupchrt

  • @uuu6565
    @uuu6565 5 років тому +471


    • @semi0831
      @semi0831 5 років тому +5


    • @アパッチ-b1o
      @アパッチ-b1o 5 років тому +12


    • @bloodstainedpanties2533
      @bloodstainedpanties2533 5 років тому +1


    • @_ryu268
      @_ryu268 4 роки тому


    • @Re0705-m5b
      @Re0705-m5b 3 роки тому


  • @지혜-t1n7n
    @지혜-t1n7n 5 років тому +51

    화장솜 비닐 소리 너무 좋아요ㅜㅜㅜ 진짜 듣자마자 최고ㅜㅜㅠ 비누 탭핑도ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠ진짜 소름돋을정도로 좋아요ㅜ

  • @brattybanshee
    @brattybanshee 5 років тому +20

    i just have to say... YOUR SOUND QUALITY IS LITERALLY THE BEST EVER!! it really helps intensify the sounds and it helps me get tingles easier than any other AMSR videos i’ve watched

  • @crustym.7700
    @crustym.7700 5 років тому +40

    I love how she puts so much effort into these videos. 1+ hour long is true commitment, keep it up! 🍅 🍅 🍅

  • @camitoast
    @camitoast 5 років тому +600

    Virtually getting rid of acne

    • @stu9282
      @stu9282 5 років тому +36

      If only it was as easy as watching a video
      ; - ;

    • @Mina-qe1wx
      @Mina-qe1wx 4 роки тому +8

      @@stu9282 Ikr

    • @lydiaw847
      @lydiaw847 3 роки тому +3

      @@stu9282 I wish

    • @camitoast
      @camitoast 3 роки тому

      @@Riskymango HAHAH

  • @VitoASMR
    @VitoASMR 5 років тому +17

    She is best asmr youtuber in the world👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @moonchzze
    @moonchzze 5 років тому +813

    I’m curious if she really taps and touches the camera lens itself or if she has some kind of transparent protection in front of it or something.

    • @murderousobsession16
      @murderousobsession16 5 років тому +129

      She must have something in front of it. You can tell when she does the facemask, no lens is that wide

    • @lilyyy_bean
      @lilyyy_bean 5 років тому +201

      Lol a behind the scenes asmr thing would be cool cos I've been wondering the same thing for like a year ^^

    • @anemolli1977
      @anemolli1977 5 років тому +56

      I think she records the video images and sounds respectively...

    • @Teewriter
      @Teewriter 5 років тому +19

      It would ruin the lens. They are very easily scratched.

    • @robertarossi9305
      @robertarossi9305 5 років тому +114

      Even if there is a screen protector in front of the lens, when she uses soap or wet stuff we would see the water drops or the image blurry, don’t we? That’s the real mistery here

  • @TongueDrumJourney
    @TongueDrumJourney 5 років тому +967

    Personal attention from PPOMO is pretty much all I want in life

    • @db10qlust59
      @db10qlust59 5 років тому +13

      That's...kinda sad..

    • @nickburkhart2307
      @nickburkhart2307 5 років тому +3

      Mr. Reaper how is that sad u goof

    • @db10qlust59
      @db10qlust59 5 років тому +10

      @@nickburkhart2307 Think about it, buddy, if the only thing you want in life is a video of a girl giving you 'personal attention' and cleaning you, that's very sad.

    • @db10qlust59
      @db10qlust59 5 років тому +3

      @@nickburkhart2307 Don't be gay, bud. I'd love to hear more empty words, but frankly your dumbass is not worth my time. 🤔😪

    • @nickburkhart2307
      @nickburkhart2307 5 років тому +1

      Mr. Reaper yeah bud you are lucky i don’t know who you are

  • @zennyuto
    @zennyuto 5 років тому +2762

    i swear im never going to figure out how ppomo is able to touch the camera with wet/soapy/sticky things and leave practically no marks, imprints, or blurry spots

    • @sunnymaurya9871
      @sunnymaurya9871 5 років тому +218

      Illuminati helped her in this😎

    • @graccellapr9632
      @graccellapr9632 5 років тому +377

      SAME OMG i always wonder about this. i saw other asmrtist did this as well and also leave no marks on the camera screen LIKE H-HOW?!

    • @eXcommunicate1979
      @eXcommunicate1979 5 років тому +726

      @@graccellapr9632 The audio is recorded first and then the artist mimes the motions later for the video. See how she's wearing ear buds?
      Or the other way around, they film it first, then add the audio later. :)

    • @moony8606
      @moony8606 5 років тому +623

      eXcommunicate1979 this could be true but sometimes asmrtists wear ear bud so they can make sure the triggers are loud enough or to test the mic is still working :)

    • @eXcommunicate1979
      @eXcommunicate1979 5 років тому +237

      @@moony8606 I agree that's why they usually wear them. Just thought it possible that she's wearing the buds to mime an existing audio track.

  • @klags4923
    @klags4923 5 років тому +278

    lights? off
    brightness? down
    earbuds? on
    tingles? tingley

  • @west1835
    @west1835 5 років тому +158


  • @user-ff5bl4mn8d
    @user-ff5bl4mn8d 5 років тому +198


  • @박예담-o6v
    @박예담-o6v 5 років тому +61

    클랜징티슈소리가 이렇게 좋아도 되는건가 싶을정도로 좋다 일상생활에서의 좋은 소릴 어쩜이렇게 명확하게 찾아내는지
    +추가로 저도 화면이 깨끗한게 너무 신기 ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @anamorphic2041
    @anamorphic2041 5 років тому +186

    No matter what time it is, if Ppomo uploads a video it becomes bedtime! Love you, Ppomo 🍅

    • @insam2667
      @insam2667 5 років тому +3

      Yes sleep time😴

  • @ああ-e4w3d
    @ああ-e4w3d 5 років тому +311



    • @あっきー大阪の美容師
      @あっきー大阪の美容師 5 років тому +8


    • @kiingbruh2345
      @kiingbruh2345 5 років тому +2

      Omae wa mou shindeiru

    • @豆腐の妖精-y3k
      @豆腐の妖精-y3k 5 років тому

      kiingbruh234 Omaewamou nemuttei.....😴

    • @おんじ-t6x
      @おんじ-t6x 5 років тому +9

      @@あっきー大阪の美容師 左目閉じて右目あげるのもよきというか

    • @zzheeya2250
      @zzheeya2250 5 років тому

      Daikirai desu. >:(

  • @kredka8296
    @kredka8296 5 років тому +360

    Come on, I felt asleep during the preview

  • @karliehatcher
    @karliehatcher 5 років тому +17

    Thanks for making this so loud, and what I mean by that is most ASMR videos I have to crank vol to 100 on my laptop AND for some I even use a sound booster. When I clicked on this I was like wow I don't even need to turn it up! Perfect! Thank you! Other ASMR video makers take note because it rocks!

  • @rhiah6350
    @rhiah6350 5 років тому +15

    she puts so much effort and hard work into her videos

  • @GhostP-m1s
    @GhostP-m1s 5 років тому +36

    미세먼지가 가득한 요즘! 뽀모님의 클린징을 받고 기분 좋게 잠을 잘 수있습니다. 항상 감사하고 응원합니다!! 👍🤩

  • @supersaraqxz548
    @supersaraqxz548 5 років тому +38

    I was peacefully listening to this, but I forgot I wasn't watching it in my asmr list, but in my watch later one. The next one was a theory video of the T-Rexes in jurassic Park. I think my heart is in another universe

  • @milesmelior9585
    @milesmelior9585 5 років тому +8

    ppomo’s background and outfit is always so beautiful! she creates such an amazing aesthetic every video. thanks for another awesome asmr! :)

  • @my5303
    @my5303 5 років тому +7


  • @zheniaayunanda212
    @zheniaayunanda212 5 років тому +6

    I loved the way she tap the soap. It sound good and make me relax

  • @senjutidutta
    @senjutidutta 5 років тому +5

    You surprise me every time. The way you add sounds to everything so realistic . love to see a behind the scene!

  • @grf15
    @grf15 5 років тому +4

    I am always amazed at the quality of PPOMO's videos. So many different sounds, it's not easy to be so original and one has to appreciate the effort involved to make hour long materials.

  • @yurely_p3421
    @yurely_p3421 5 років тому +7

    54:50 I love the water sounds

  • @ふわふわ-n5n
    @ふわふわ-n5n 5 років тому +54


  • @laufendefernbedienung6050
    @laufendefernbedienung6050 5 років тому +7

    You know a Video is good when the preview is longer than 2 minutes 😊

  • @6x433
    @6x433 5 років тому +57


  • @michikomanalang6733
    @michikomanalang6733 5 років тому +2

    I can tell you work really hard on your videos. We really appreciate it and your hard work makes a huge difference. Thank you!

  • @snow.crystal
    @snow.crystal 5 років тому +7

    How can someone dislike this piece of art? Ppomodori queen. 👑

  • @wangstergirl
    @wangstergirl 5 років тому +265

    I think the whole top layer of my skin has been scrubbed off, but at least it’s finally clean 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

  • @ああ言えばこう言う-j3l
    @ああ言えばこう言う-j3l 5 років тому +62


  • @subscriber-101
    @subscriber-101 5 років тому +2

    Dang, I've been listening to asmr for a while, but this is the first time I sleep to it. Props

  • @鈴木-n6b
    @鈴木-n6b 5 років тому +9

    PPOMO is a professional of asmr

  • @keyoha7565
    @keyoha7565 4 роки тому +6

    It's the third time I watch this video, and I just NOW notice that she have some French inscription on her outfits
    I love that
    Thank you from France !

  • @미베-n3s
    @미베-n3s 5 років тому +8

    보면서 듣는데 신기하고 갖고싶은 클렌징 제품이 너무 많다...!

  • @leonajasz5738
    @leonajasz5738 5 років тому +17

    You have to do more tapping videos!!!your tapping is the tingliest 💖💖💖

  • @LeNguyen-wk6uy
    @LeNguyen-wk6uy 5 років тому +7

    Whenever Ppomo posted a video, I smiled for that whole day :]

  • @dalgen38
    @dalgen38 5 років тому +5

    헐ㅠㅜㅠㅠ 오늘부터 제 최애영상이 될것만 같은 전체적으로 소리가 좋은 영상이에요ㅠㅠ 오늘도 뽀모님 asmr 듣고 행복해졌어요 감사합니다

  • @Mellonychan
    @Mellonychan 5 років тому +10

    Ooooo I love whatever microphone you're using

    • @avajames2743
      @avajames2743 5 років тому +1

      Nobilissima i think she’s doing layered sounds but not 100% sure. but you’re right, they are soooooo good!

  • @kyrakiryuu5123
    @kyrakiryuu5123 5 років тому +1

    I love the circular movements of the sponge and brush 🍅

  • @nathobyr_
    @nathobyr_ 5 років тому +757

    She protecc
    She attacc
    But most importantly

    • @resasc
      @resasc 5 років тому +13


    • @mysticsushi5049
      @mysticsushi5049 5 років тому +4

      Hey_stob_it hahahha

    • @vixx2976
      @vixx2976 5 років тому +25

      These memes usually annoy me but you my friend are a legend for this.

    • @straberi9835
      @straberi9835 5 років тому +6

      You, my friend, are going places😂😂👏👏👏

    • @nikkitos5223
      @nikkitos5223 5 років тому +5

      m0nsta ex0 dam right they are 💁‍♀️

  • @marshmallowking0768
    @marshmallowking0768 5 років тому +2

    Could this be the magic behind your flawless skin?!?

  • @lazy_raichu
    @lazy_raichu 5 років тому +16

    Yea Ppomo clean my soul

  • @jessicax1993
    @jessicax1993 5 років тому +1

    Howwww she makes these videos is beyond me.
    Sorcery. Magic. It's all I can think it could possibly be. 💜🧙🏼‍♂️

  • @gfhdushvzcifbb
    @gfhdushvzcifbb 5 років тому +3


  • @queencerxei1726
    @queencerxei1726 5 років тому

    The sound of the q tip on the camera at 15:20 is amazing omg soooo bassy

  • @harukanayumewo
    @harukanayumewo 5 років тому +13

    헉 저번에 클렌징티슈로 소리 내주시면 좋겠다고 생각했었는데 이렇게 마침 딱 제 맘을 알고 해주시다니 역시 당신은 여신님이었군요 사랑해요 뽀모님 ❤❤

  • @hiyoriKM
    @hiyoriKM 4 роки тому +1


  • @infinityxmln
    @infinityxmln 5 років тому +22

    Your personal attention videos are my favorite 😭

  • @TPHuyenMi
    @TPHuyenMi 5 років тому +2

    the asmr chanel I love ever!! I love the way Promo create these sound

  • @rye_t0a5t
    @rye_t0a5t 5 років тому +10

    I've had a bad day.... But ppomo makes it all better by her lovely videos!

  • @cjsgnlfyd7642
    @cjsgnlfyd7642 5 років тому +3

    뽀모님 이렇게 또 영상 올려주셔서 감사해용^^♡ 매일이 뽀모님 영상으로 심신안정을 되찾습니다..♡너무 감사하다는 말씀 꼭 드리고싶어용@@♡아참 3월 꽃의 계절 봄을 맞이하여 드라이플라워 미니 우드절구에 솔솔솔 갈아주시는 영상 꼭 찍어주시면 좋겠어요^^♡ㅎㅎ그저 저의 작은 생각입니댜♡

  • @まるつき-i8v
    @まるつき-i8v 5 років тому +3


  • @장뽀동
    @장뽀동 5 років тому

    화면 터치 진짜 뽀모님이 최고예요!
    정교하고 세밀하다고 해야하나ㅜㅜ
    다른 분들은 슥슥 겉만?만지시는데 뽀모님은 뭔가 찐득꾸덕..정말 좋아요♡

  • @ngl.l999
    @ngl.l999 5 років тому +50

    Me: Wearing Headphones and starting the video to fall asleep.

    • @soapthesoap
      @soapthesoap 3 роки тому +1

      Mine wasn't so bad but it was:

  • @低スペちゃん
    @低スペちゃん 3 роки тому +2


  • @梅本夏帆
    @梅本夏帆 5 років тому +34


  • @hiyoriKM
    @hiyoriKM 5 років тому +1


  • @ふぅ-k3g
    @ふぅ-k3g 5 років тому +5


  • @赤貝-s1r
    @赤貝-s1r 5 років тому +2


  • @kimnana5641
    @kimnana5641 5 років тому +12

    Whyyyy isss ssooo relaxing

  • @아아아아리아
    @아아아아리아 5 років тому +2


  • @TheGarbagePALEkid
    @TheGarbagePALEkid 5 років тому +6

    Yay Ppomo thank you as always for the relaxing treatment 😊😊

  • @lyHide
    @lyHide 5 років тому

    She honestly spoils us with these very beautiful videos

  • @soda6687
    @soda6687 5 років тому +4

    Can you do a full video of wiping the water on the camera? It was so relaxing! 😍

  • @maeross
    @maeross 5 років тому

    Love your massage videos. Only now I understood how hard it is to make a video like this and how much time you need to spend and additional sounds you need to record.

  • @なみ-l9r
    @なみ-l9r 5 років тому +152


    • @reinashiraki3155
      @reinashiraki3155 5 років тому +19

      くろすけ。 それ前から思ってました!笑

    • @kあや-q1x
      @kあや-q1x 5 років тому +16

      音を、後からあわせてるのかな········( ´~`)

    • @そこらのぶす
      @そこらのぶす 5 років тому +27

      kあや でもめちゃめちゃカメラに

    • @iore25
      @iore25 5 років тому +42


    • @なみ-l9r
      @なみ-l9r 5 років тому +25


  • @CANDY-u2h
    @CANDY-u2h 5 років тому +1

    ビニールの硬い音超好き ポモちゃんが夜通し不眠症に付き合ってくれる9時間の大作のやつ。あれに出てくる氷湿布の音がめっちゃいい音

  • @Akimas_hase
    @Akimas_hase 5 років тому +6

    God, how divine.
    I always loved such ASMR
    aaaaargh !!! I'm so relaxed
    Yes, maybe I'm from Russia but I really liked it
    wish you happiness !!! 😍💓😍💓😍💓😍💓

  • @チキボワォ
    @チキボワォ 5 років тому


  • @moistwater2305
    @moistwater2305 5 років тому +20

    Stress has entered the chat
    Asmr PPomo has entered the chat
    Viewers has entered the chat
    Stress has left the chat

  • @박채원-u7j
    @박채원-u7j 5 років тому +1

    넘모 조아요 손길에서 정성이 느껴져요 진짜 정성스러운 클렌징 받는 기분,,,💕

  • @oshinotameniikiteru
    @oshinotameniikiteru 5 років тому +47


  • @realta9477
    @realta9477 5 років тому

    I swear this is the first time in AGES I've actually gotten tingles.

  • @ササクラニコ
    @ササクラニコ 5 років тому +35


  • @scaryshortstories888
    @scaryshortstories888 5 років тому +1

    The Preview it's the BEST! 😍😍

  • @눕눕-n7j
    @눕눕-n7j 5 років тому +6

    거품 내는 소리 너무 좋아여😍

  • @Kureiji-Desu
    @Kureiji-Desu 5 років тому

    This long and relaxing session is just what i needed to decompress

  • @korahanson1980
    @korahanson1980 5 років тому +3

    Pleaseeeeeee do one where you “write” on the screen similar to the Q tip part🙌🏼🙌🏼

  • @kazum6288
    @kazum6288 5 років тому +1


  • @swarnendudas6265
    @swarnendudas6265 5 років тому +47

    In my next life I wanna be your mic.😊

  • @samuelbardadin6540
    @samuelbardadin6540 5 років тому

    I have no motivation to do work!! I always procrastinate!!! This is only thing that kinda makes me wanna do work. Idk how to motivate my self, eat healthy, and overall how to feel better! But I listen to your videos and do my work, thank you ppomo ❤️..... sorry for bad English

  • @kawaiibunnbunn
    @kawaiibunnbunn 5 років тому +10

    i've been sad lately because i wasn't able to attend this fan expo happening in my city today. they rarely happen here. i've been waiting for so long to go to attend it but things didn't go the way i wanted. thanks for the relaxing, comforting video, ppomo!! ♡

    • @clara.aa.7
      @clara.aa.7 5 років тому +2

      I'm glad this video helps you as well. Also as an ARMY I send you 💜

  • @shadowrealm455
    @shadowrealm455 5 років тому +4

    You working so hard ppomo😣good job for your hardwork👍

  • @valentinamunoz5505
    @valentinamunoz5505 3 роки тому +4

    Como no darle like a esta joyita?🥰😴

  • @kyrakiryuu5123
    @kyrakiryuu5123 5 років тому

    There is a lot of noise in the place where I work, but when I use my headphones, the chaos disappears 🍅 Thanks.

  • @im._.teresa
    @im._.teresa 5 років тому +14


  • @jamesdavis4508
    @jamesdavis4508 5 років тому

    One of your many best videos PPOMO! !

  • @박선민-m9s
    @박선민-m9s 5 років тому +6

    뽀모님! 항상 잘듣고있어요😄❤

  • @____--_____---_____
    @____--_____---_____ 5 років тому +2

    싱크 진짜 잘 맞아서 소리도 좋고 리얼해서 굿굿

  • @mama-of-omae
    @mama-of-omae 5 років тому +27


    • @haku3635
      @haku3635 5 років тому


  • @xiaomintang9920
    @xiaomintang9920 5 років тому +1

    OMG it is the most wonderful asmr video in the world

  • @NightWhispererASMR
    @NightWhispererASMR 5 років тому +32

    Was watching an educational program.. then this came on.. education can wait!! 🙈

  • @lexi-tp8rd
    @lexi-tp8rd 5 років тому +1

    god has blessed us with another video this week

  • @그래미-v4e
    @그래미-v4e 5 років тому +21

    이거 토킹 버전으로 찍어주심 안되나요😂😂😂😂😂

  • @kyj5765
    @kyj5765 5 років тому +1

    잠이 안 올 때 뽀모님 영상 틀면 눈이 스르르 감겨요😊 항상 편안하고 안정되는 영상 올려주셔서 감사해요ㅠㅠ 올라오는 영상마다 기대되네요💗