YPS Permanent Puck Light Install

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @larrylaxdal
    @larrylaxdal 2 місяці тому +1

    I got these up and running this spring. Excellent hardware!
    Great install details here for those getting into it.

  • @bullbranch
    @bullbranch 2 місяці тому +3

    Appreciate the video as I am about to start my first install.

  • @Buckeyestilidie
    @Buckeyestilidie 13 днів тому

    Great video! I'm trying to get these setup and want to ensure I have all necessary parts. For a 15m bundle, I have the 12V YPS 8 port controller and about five male to male power connectors. Is this sufficient for 15m, or is there additional equipment needed?

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  13 днів тому +1

      You can run about 120 lights on one port before you need power injection. With your 8 port controller you have plenty of outputs so you shouldn’t need power injection. Just need to plan your controller location so that the cords are not too far away from it. I have a controller build video that should help figure out all the parts you will need.
      WLED Controller Build

    • @Buckeyestilidie
      @Buckeyestilidie 12 днів тому

      @bergmannlights5149 Great video AND a great follow-up? Jeez, you got a sub from me! I appreciate the video and information. Perfectly concise writeup.

    • @Buckeyestilidie
      @Buckeyestilidie 12 днів тому

      @@bergmannlights5149 I do have a follow up as I'm getting my lights out now. Some of my strands will be on the opposite side of my home and will be approximately 70-80 feet away. Are there any specific connectors or extensions I should be looking for when I'm hooking up the opposite side of the home?

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  12 днів тому

      I would not run a line for the pixels that far. I would get another controller

  • @RossKyle
    @RossKyle Місяць тому

    Thanks for the video! Couple questions. Are these RGB or RGBW? If RGBW, what is the power consumption? Trying to figure out how far I can go without power injection. Thanks!

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  Місяць тому +1

      I am using RGB pucks. YPS does sell RGBW pucks but I don’t have those. I am running 120 RGB lights without power injection. At 150 I noticed enough voltage drop to change the lights color. If you drop the brightness you can go more than 120.

    • @RossKyle
      @RossKyle Місяць тому

      @@bergmannlights5149 Thank you! I guess RGBW uses WS2814... Can Kulp controllers support this? Sorry I'm new to this :)

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  Місяць тому

      It should but you should check with Kulp Lights.

  • @markmckinley5989
    @markmckinley5989 2 місяці тому +1

    Why the connector between sections? Seems like just staggering bottom and top seams should suffice. Adding some power balancing and breaking into 50 light sections allows 100% usage without blowing fuse.

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  2 місяці тому

      You have a good idea to stager the top and bottom sections, it would eliminate the need for the connectors. For the number of pixels at 100% brightness for full white I measured a current draw of .039 amps per puck. If your controller has 5 amp fuses you can run ~130 pucks per output. I will most likely limit somewhere between 50 and 35% brightness so can get more without power injection or balancing.

  • @pmcamer
    @pmcamer Місяць тому

    How often do you place power injection points? (every 2 meters? 10 meters? 50 meters?) I have 60 meters of puck tracks. Can my Falcon 5 controller do all 600 lights on one port (or is it 510 per port?)

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  Місяць тому

      You could do 600 on one port but you will need to do some power injection. My tests show that you can run 120 without doing power injection. When you get to 150 the last set of lights yellow, too low a voltage.

  • @noelbernardino4228
    @noelbernardino4228 2 місяці тому

    Do you have a video build on you 4 output quad controller you can share ?

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  2 місяці тому

      I am working on one now. It will be a week or two before I get it done.

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  2 місяці тому +1

      Just posted the controller build video. Controller setup for xLights and WLED, will be in the future.
      WLED Controller Build

  • @AndrewFroude
    @AndrewFroude 2 місяці тому

    Thank you.

  • @electrifiedent1
    @electrifiedent1 Місяць тому

    how many meters can you run before you have to inject power? do you have to inject signal as well?

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  Місяць тому +1

      You should be able to run 150 lights at 30% brightness without power injecting. I am currently running 115 on one string with now power injection. I am planning on doing a video on this in the future, once I get my Christmas show up and running.

    • @electrifiedent1
      @electrifiedent1 Місяць тому

      @bergmannlights5149 By lights in assuming the puck light. So if it's 10 pucks per meter, 15 meters at 12v?

  • @windyhillsurfer1
    @windyhillsurfer1 2 місяці тому

    What box are you using for the controller?

    • @bergmannlights5149
      @bergmannlights5149  2 місяці тому

      I just built mine using this box on Amazon.
      Gratury Junction Box, IP67... www.amazon.com/dp/B08282SQPT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share