All you heard about Dubai is FALSE | Debunking all the false myths I heard about Dubai

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @thomassen_thomas
    @thomassen_thomas 11 місяців тому +1

    I like that you dont pretend to be a rich girl with all the luxury. Keep up the good work.

  • @SinghCapital
    @SinghCapital Рік тому +1

    Elena hope you are doing well! Appreciate your videos

  • @msflo2801
    @msflo2801 11 місяців тому +1

    Nice to meet you dear. Piacere. Greetings from AlAin. I am from BR and my family is from Italia. ♡♡ Nice video.

  • @SA-cloud
    @SA-cloud Рік тому +2

    No wonder the supermarkets have much more of a selection in Dubai, they're missing the 4 or 5 aisles of alchohol that they would have in the UK. Also they have more on an international selection.
    My goal has been being a digital nomad for a long time, could never find the right job.
    Regardless, It'll be interesting to see how Dubai evolves with so many people talking about or moving there. Time to dust off my passport!

  • @TheTraffic247
    @TheTraffic247 Рік тому +3

    I'm glad that there is no alcohol in supermarkets and is only in a select few spots. Our culture in the west is low on health and morals, which we don't think is a big issue. But in UAE they have higher social and cultural morals. Alcohol is a vice and has never been known for anything good. Why folks consume it is beyond me.

  • @misterimisteri6135
    @misterimisteri6135 7 місяців тому

    Lucky to find your video, just arive at UAE in one week and no idea

  • @aymanemam8882
    @aymanemam8882 Рік тому

    Was thinking to move there after Feast in July BUT after watching your videos i think i have to postpone it till September cuz of weather … also heard during summer their most of expat have vacation so it’s hard to get hire during those months !!

    • @nejatmoll757
      @nejatmoll757 Рік тому

      to be honest u should go on january....u will find 1000000 work opportunity

  • @alexis_maguire
    @alexis_maguire Рік тому +1

    Hi from Indonesia 🇮🇩

  • @Gius-sy7nd
    @Gius-sy7nd 3 місяці тому

    Hi Elena @elena corsiglia ,how much is it the salary for a junior economic graduate with 1 year experience in a "normal company" in dubai? Just to undertand better.. is it high like switzerland or less?

  • @becomebillionaire
    @becomebillionaire Рік тому +1

    Please upload new video

  • @akshaypatil8155
    @akshaypatil8155 Рік тому

    How did you find a job their? what website did you used?

  • @tedj31
    @tedj31 Рік тому +2

    I think I'm going to move there.... wait for me 🤪

  • @akshaypatil8155
    @akshaypatil8155 Рік тому

    Hello girl, I want to move in Dubai and set up a small manufacturing plant related to packaged food product. I want to come over to Dubai for roughly 20 days in order to figure out paperwork, renting a aptertment, factory location etc....Is 1500 USD enough for such trip? Their is a demand for such videos, it will help your YT channel as well.....

  • @alexandrosgounis9594
    @alexandrosgounis9594 11 місяців тому +1

    If it's that great why do you need to sign a contract if you are an influencer? Why are you not allowed to criticise the state while you are there? Why are you not allowed to receive calls on social media or whatsapp?
    You can do all that in Italy, make fun of the goverment and also eat a pizza margherita for 6 euros that tastes better than 90% of the commercially available food in Dubai. You will be back in 2 years. I am not even Italian.

  • @jeevanx711
    @jeevanx711 2 місяці тому


  • @IqbalMahmudweb
    @IqbalMahmudweb Рік тому


  • @12gmkk29
    @12gmkk29 Рік тому

    Are you happy with your life?

  • @kamrankamran8863
    @kamrankamran8863 Рік тому

    Weish to have a wife like you? I am alone and single life 33?My education graduate? My life with out wife living a life? My life is missing life partner? My life wait a woman accepted me my life as a marriage life? My life is need a woman as a wife? You are accepted me my life as a life partner? I am thankful to you full of life? You are any question about my alone life? I am reply to you?❤❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏

  • @rborn82
    @rborn82 7 місяців тому

    Just buy alcohol at Gilligan's 😊

  • @money_5802
    @money_5802 Рік тому

    Do you have a boyfriend? Can I come and stay with you? 😊😊

  • @kareemyoussef2304
    @kareemyoussef2304 9 місяців тому

    Hi Do you have a business contact email?