Hey Chad and Natasha and Whitley I’m sorry I haven’t been watching your videos for a little over a month I was in the hospital and then rehab but I am much better now and back to watching your videos Natasha I am just wondering are you a wrestling fan because I noticed in one of your videos you were wearing a Stone Cold Steve Austin shirtI think Chad should wear either a rock or Hulk Hogan one
OfficiaL BRONY here: And it's speLLed :: B - R - O - N - Y , as in; PONY. - All ponies ( It's ONLY i - E - S when pLuraL-ized EG:: pony & ponies ) in the cLaw grabber machine ARE: Pinkie Pies, FLutter Shys, TwiLight SparkLes & Rainbow Dashes. (Rainbow Dash is A.K.A.: Dashie) (TwiLight Sparkle is A.K.A.: TwiLie or Twi(e)-Twi(e) ) (Pinkie Pie is A.K.A.: Pinkie ) (Flutter Shy does not REALLY have an A.K.A. because it's always just: FLutter Shy. )
Thanks for winning me a My Little Pony.
Always saw you as a bronie!! :)
Hey Chad and Natasha and Whitley I’m sorry I haven’t been watching your videos for a little over a month I was in the hospital and then rehab but I am much better now and back to watching your videos Natasha I am just wondering are you a wrestling fan because I noticed in one of your videos you were wearing a Stone Cold Steve Austin shirtI think Chad should wear either a rock or Hulk Hogan one
Hi Edward! We hope you are doing well!
OfficiaL BRONY here: And it's speLLed :: B - R - O - N - Y , as in; PONY. - All ponies ( It's ONLY i - E - S when pLuraL-ized EG:: pony & ponies ) in the cLaw grabber machine ARE: Pinkie Pies, FLutter Shys, TwiLight SparkLes & Rainbow Dashes. (Rainbow Dash is A.K.A.: Dashie) (TwiLight Sparkle is A.K.A.: TwiLie or Twi(e)-Twi(e) ) (Pinkie Pie is A.K.A.: Pinkie ) (Flutter Shy does not REALLY have an A.K.A. because it's always just: FLutter Shy. )