Asalam mualaikum warahmatulah, Sheikh, thank you for the beautiful video as always. I followed your videos and they helping me know about my deen, subhanallah. May Allah swt , you and increase your knowledge and Eman, mar'shallah. I lived in the UK and am interested in the olive oil you've mentioned. Any chance I can contact the seller. JazakaAllah khairan. Asalam mualaikum.
Asalam mualaikum warahmatulah, Sheikh, thank you for the beautiful video as always. I followed your videos and they helping me know about my deen, subhanallah. May Allah swt , you and increase your knowledge and Eman, mar'shallah. I lived in the UK and am interested in the olive oil you've mentioned. Any chance I can contact the seller. JazakaAllah khairan. Asalam mualaikum.