  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @JWD1992
    @JWD1992 7 місяців тому +13

    As much as I love Shake Some Action, this is my favorite Groovies track.

  • @jm-rf7kl
    @jm-rf7kl 5 років тому +46

    The proto punk bands of the early to mid 70's were the best.

  • @theIneffableTale
    @theIneffableTale Рік тому +28

    These guys are the coolest thing that ever existed on earth.

  • @HungryH1951
    @HungryH1951 3 місяці тому +3

    Those guys look like they are having some fun. Of my generation but had never heard of them. Entertaining rockers.

  • @raymondrodriguez6622
    @raymondrodriguez6622 4 місяці тому +5

    Tellement sous-estimés et tellement rock'n'roll, cela fait 55 ans que je les aime!

    • @jpslebassiste
      @jpslebassiste 3 місяці тому

      Idem... et qu'on reprend leurs morceaux, dont celui la bien sûr...

  • @yormother
    @yormother 4 роки тому +15

    that riff is so sick

  • @baretous
    @baretous 8 років тому +56

    somebody posted on an other vid : "the greatest thing the Stones never did".
    So true

    • @gregwork49
      @gregwork49 6 років тому +14

      The first time I heard this was on Spotify autoplay. I was refinishing my desktop and couldn't see my screen. I was convinced that I was hearing either a Jagger/Richards side project or a Jagger Jr. with Uncle Keith or a really good student of the style. The parts sounded very Stones, but with enough of a twist that the Logo maybe didn't belong on it. I completely missed Flamin' Groovies back in the day. They got no airplay in my market. After my new discovery, I listened to their "Slow Death" period and their greatest hits repak, and almost nothing else, for nearly a month. Their retro British Power Pop sound was great. The punk-lite stuff had wit. Some of their covers were outstanding reproductions of the originals, and the tunes that were absolutely shameless ripoffs had some great hooks. My attraction to FG's kept ping-ponging between, "something special here" and, "something's weird here". Either way, I just couldn't put them down. I had to keep listening.
      Now I'm back for a refill.

    • @ZnenTitan
      @ZnenTitan 6 років тому +4

      The singer even looks like Mick's long lost brother.

    • @FromTheRoomOfLittleEase
      @FromTheRoomOfLittleEase 2 роки тому +4

      Oh you didn’t know? “the most famous unknown band in the world” was Mick and Keiths favorite shit during the time of the release of Teenage Head. Mick famously said their record was a better attempt at the same idea they were trying to do, which was a blues and rock album with a modern (post psyche) direction. It's one of the three things they are most known for.
      AF: What do you know for sure about Mick Jagger and Keith Richards being huge fans of the album Teenage Head?
      CJ: If it wasn’t [legendary L.A. music scenester] Rodney Bingenheimer telling us about that, it was Marianne Faithfull. It’s gone on for years and years and years. I’m extremely flattered, because when we cut say, “High Flyin’ Baby,” when I wrote the slide part, I was hoping to impress The Rolling Stones. I never expected them to hear it, but I wasn’t too surprised when I started hearing about the reaction that they had. Apparently Jagger was playing it every day in L.A. that summer. Rodney Bingenheimer said every day he went over to see Mick at any time of day for a period of like months, it was on the turntable.
      When we first heard those rumors we thought, “Yeah, right.” But as the years progressed, and you see an interview with Keith Richards in a French magazine and he’d be raving about our version of “Jumpin’ Jack Flash,” saying it was better than theirs. The last confirmation happened maybe about eight years ago when Roy Loney went to France and ended up having tea with some friends of Marianne Faithfull. When she found out who Roy was as they were leaving she came running down the hallway and grabbed him and said, my lord, I didn’t realize who you were.
      AF: Are there any other noteworthy Flamin’ Groovies fans who you’ve encountered over the years?
      CJ: Anyone from Val Kilmer to Freddy Krueger. As a matter of fact, about three years ago I got a call from Val Kilmer’s secretary, and I said, “You mean Val Kilmer the movie star?” And she said yes. So I said, “Well what’s this about?” And she said Val is a big Flamin’ Groovies fan, and so is his daughter and so is his wife. Mercedes, his daughter was having a 21st birthday party, and he was gonna give me a thousand bucks to write out the lyrics to “Whiskey Woman.” You know, I thought it was joke. Two weeks later, I get the check. (laughs)
      And Freddy Krueger, Robert [Englund], is an old Groovies fan. I think he was homeless in the 60s when we were playing the Whiskey [A-Go-Go], because he was always outside begging, and we always let him in for free. And I didn’t know that Robert was Freddy. About 30 years later, after A Nightmare on Elm Street had become huge, I’m reading a science-fiction magazine and there’s an article about Freddy Krueger, and there’s a photo of Robert, and I’m going “What the fuck’s Robert doing in this article?!” (laughs)
      Stephen King’s a fan. He mentions The Flamin’ Groovies in one of his books. Every year we find out somebody else that’s famous is a big fan. It’s really amazing.

    • @xdef1ne
      @xdef1ne 2 роки тому +3

      @@FromTheRoomOfLittleEase thank you for the comment! Can I ask, where is this interview from?

    • @KevKavanagh
      @KevKavanagh 4 місяці тому

      @@gregwork49 I second that emotion!

  • @coloneldecker
    @coloneldecker 4 місяці тому +7

    Loving the drummer's enthusiasm

    • @KevKavanagh
      @KevKavanagh 4 місяці тому +1

      With you on that.

    • @HungryH1951
      @HungryH1951 3 місяці тому +1

      Dude cannot contain himself.

  • @electricrussell
    @electricrussell 6 років тому +27

    This is so 70s, it makes me want to wallpaper my room!

    • @FredTheLutinoCocatiel
      @FredTheLutinoCocatiel 4 роки тому +4

      Go down to the truckers union and buy some black light posters and a black light.

  • @randymarsh2127
    @randymarsh2127 3 роки тому +28

    These guys did a show with Grateful Dead back in the 60s the one of the people from their crew made a big cake and put about 800 hits of acid in the icing Jerry Garcia put his finger in the icing not knowing the amount of LSD in the cake he tripped so hard he thought the mafia was after him his exact words about playing that concert that night was he played for his life

    • @dalakerdaniel9240
      @dalakerdaniel9240 2 роки тому +2

      WOW what a great Story never Heard before cheers Randy

    • @xdef1ne
      @xdef1ne 2 роки тому

      Where did you hear that?

    • @JW-yp9yj
      @JW-yp9yj 2 роки тому +3

      @@xdef1ne there’s a video interview w Jerry talking about it. It’s pretty hysterical.

    • @xdef1ne
      @xdef1ne 2 роки тому

      @@JW-yp9yj Can you link me the video please?

    • @JW-yp9yj
      @JW-yp9yj 2 роки тому

      @@xdef1ne sure thing. He really gets into the story about 3:30 mins into the video. enjoy! ua-cam.com/video/qkaPb5MkxW0/v-deo.html

  • @MrGiorgioud
    @MrGiorgioud 4 роки тому +28

    They raided Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood shop “Let it rock”. Look at the drape jacket and the leather jackets with studs. Very cool.....

    • @beckenhamrainbow5284
      @beckenhamrainbow5284 Рік тому +5

      Rock n roll renaissance. It happened again briefly in the late 80's on the cusp of the punk era.

    • @mattrussell4962
      @mattrussell4962 10 місяців тому +2

      I thought the drape looked a bit 'Showaddywaddy'

    • @gmar7836
      @gmar7836 10 місяців тому +4

      Ahh this is very early 70’s kiddos

    • @danethunders
      @danethunders 7 місяців тому +2

      Purple jacket is granny takes a trip

    • @dalakerdaniel9240
      @dalakerdaniel9240 15 днів тому

      To be honest me too lol 🍻💊🍻​@@mattrussell4962

  • @SonOfaGun999
    @SonOfaGun999 4 роки тому +12

    Song written by the legend, Roy Lonely.

    • @scottculli7851
      @scottculli7851 11 місяців тому

      Is that right? It really is one of my favorite songs I never get sick of listening to it, I enjoy watching and listening to this band

  • @FromTheRoomOfLittleEase
    @FromTheRoomOfLittleEase 2 роки тому +16

    “The most famous unknown band in the world.”

  • @dssvlogz4444
    @dssvlogz4444 3 роки тому +7

    Bass hits so good

  • @Farmlandsfallfan
    @Farmlandsfallfan Рік тому +11

    George Alexander is the coolest bass player ever surely

  • @bobgreen623
    @bobgreen623 8 років тому +13

    This is an edit of the studio version. What a great tune

  • @richardfinlayson1524
    @richardfinlayson1524 4 роки тому +14

    i watch this clip every day, love it!

  • @justalittleofftopicbut373
    @justalittleofftopicbut373 3 роки тому +10

    The best band ever that is not super known. And maybe good enough to lose that disclaimer.

  • @mikeysmith2999
    @mikeysmith2999 3 роки тому +9

    Cyril Jordan is definitely underappreciated

  • @revup67
    @revup67 5 років тому +8

    what a knockout bass line, ear drum replacement in the queue..

  • @tonyturner3530
    @tonyturner3530 7 років тому +10


  • @dagnabbit6187
    @dagnabbit6187 Рік тому +2

    NRBQ is my favorite Cult rocknroll band . These guys in all their lineups are my second and that is some cool unique slide

  • @markblue4280
    @markblue4280 6 років тому +12

    That orange Fender bass 🖒

    • @sooperheep
      @sooperheep 2 роки тому +4

      mustang short scale, super cool!

    @PLANCKZOO 16 років тому +21

    Amazing! One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands, the Groovies flat out Rock!

    • @strictlynorton
      @strictlynorton 7 років тому +2

      PLANCKZOO FG's = OG's R&R at its grittiest.

  • @eqmcgoon
    @eqmcgoon 2 роки тому +4

    Everyone thinks Rocks and Jailbird era Primal Scream were channeling the Stones. Yeahnah. This is what they were going for.

  • @mick62mick
    @mick62mick 9 років тому +17

    Excellent rock and roll.

  • @petermork902
    @petermork902 3 роки тому +10

    Kids, take notice, you need to have your guitars on a red coiled cord, nothing else will do; if you ain't got one, get one else you have no business being up there!

  • @ismaelbelda1
    @ismaelbelda1 Рік тому +9

    God almighty. Why I hadn’t seen this before?? The best rock ‘n’ roll band ever.

    • @gordon8463
      @gordon8463 Рік тому

      the best not sure!!! so many exist!!!!

    • @ismaelbelda1
      @ismaelbelda1 Рік тому +1

      @@gordon8463 Dude, if I tell you that my mum’s cake is the best in the world, are you going to tell me, with your stupid tiny voice, “oh! oh! the best not sure! so many cakes exist! oh! oh!”? Do you understand how to use human language? Fuck off.

  • @rnrstooge125
    @rnrstooge125 10 років тому +13

    This rules so hard

  • @CoalMiningPolak
    @CoalMiningPolak 4 роки тому +15

    This footage is cool as shit, washed out saturated color and explosive bass. Matching D.A. Ampegs and red coiled cables. Goddamn!

    • @anauticalgate5496
      @anauticalgate5496 Рік тому +1

      Jack Bruce had a DA bass with round wounds,through Marshall stacks & Stones' Bill Wyman w/ flat wounds through his trusty Ampeg amp.

  • @dongordon4464
    @dongordon4464 2 роки тому +1

    I never heard or saw this group until about two weeks ago - I don't know why.
    Good Clean Straight Rock & Roll
    me born 1949

  • @GirlGeorgeTVshow
    @GirlGeorgeTVshow 10 років тому +6

    Happy Birthday. Chris Wilson..Sept,10,1952
    Flamin' Groovies ..singer..Guitar,.

  • @midnightramblerSOTD
    @midnightramblerSOTD 10 років тому +14

    Fabuleux...excellente qualité ! J'adore l'attaque de Dany M. à la batterie...
    On en veux encore Mr Skydog!

  • @garageomuerte6607
    @garageomuerte6607 3 роки тому +3

    Smashing rock and roll

  • @heavybreizhad
    @heavybreizhad 8 років тому +4

    Le morceau parfait, purement rock'n'roll

  • @PokeyHauntus
    @PokeyHauntus 7 років тому +6

    my kind of music

  • @johnmitchelljr
    @johnmitchelljr 6 років тому +2

    great video of great song by great group. What more could you want. Thanks for sharing.

  • @kykyah
    @kykyah 16 років тому +5

    Thank God for UA-cam!

  • @josephguerra703
    @josephguerra703 Рік тому +1

    Just flamming❤️‍🔥

  • @namaste929
    @namaste929 8 років тому +6

    connected yeahhh................

  • @pelegryphilip
    @pelegryphilip 9 років тому +8

    Super !!!!!!!!!!!

  • @landlinesandpercolators8822
    @landlinesandpercolators8822 10 років тому +27

    Dan Armstrongs for everybody....

  • @RoryLynott
    @RoryLynott Рік тому +1

    Hell yeah. Righteous.

  • @matt-df3xc
    @matt-df3xc Рік тому +1

    Love the English Civil War dress up from James Ferrell, the whole band looks great

  • @robertcubinelli4961
    @robertcubinelli4961 7 років тому +4

    Sounds like the Stones meets the Groovies !!!

  • @void0094
    @void0094 2 роки тому +2

    I love this band. Covered one of their songs.

    • @TimGadd
      @TimGadd 5 місяців тому

      What did you cover it with?

  • @peteblackieboy7942
    @peteblackieboy7942 2 роки тому +2

    Sooo Good! And wrote so many great tracks.❤

  • @tigerman445
    @tigerman445 7 років тому +5

    Love it

    @THECLARENCES 8 років тому +5

    The Clarences love & support Flamin' Groovies and SkyDog TV!

  • @FredTheLutinoCocatiel
    @FredTheLutinoCocatiel 4 роки тому +3

    My friend's older sister had this album called Flamin groovies I ended up buying one down at truckers union in Eau Claire Wisconsin

  • @birdy1numnum
    @birdy1numnum 2 роки тому +2

    Thia is beyond killer....so damn good.

  • @chablebarrett8106
    @chablebarrett8106 5 років тому +5

    RIP Roy Loney

  • @grooviefan
    @grooviefan 16 років тому +15

    can't say how much i enjoyed this, it was like my shot of morphine. so true to the 60's, yet ahead of the punks... any chance of anything else ??? thank you

  • @dagnabbit6187
    @dagnabbit6187 Рік тому +1

    NRBQ is my favorite Cult rocknroll band . These guys in all their lineups are my second .

    • @anauticalgate5496
      @anauticalgate5496 10 місяців тому +1

      obscure ,and great !! One of my" lost bands" is "The New York Rock Ensemble"

    • @dagnabbit6187
      @dagnabbit6187 10 місяців тому

      @@anauticalgate5496 Well new RocknRoll Hall of Fame nominee list came out . I had often considered in my fantasy world , if I were a Bezos and could wrestle control away from those whatever or whoever they are , create a new category called Cult Classic where Artists like NRBQ, Flamin Groovies , Captain Beefheart , Phish, and others could go in . I am going to check out your lost band . I have got one for you . From Australia, Paul Kelly and the Messengers . They were huge in Australia but never cracked the USA markets . Pity as my brother said “ They are just as good Songwriters as REM ! “

    • @dagnabbit6187
      @dagnabbit6187 8 місяців тому

      @@anauticalgate5496I will check them out . Thanks for the tip !

  • @Nostromo-Br
    @Nostromo-Br 8 років тому +3

    ten years of punk crap to find this jewel ,fucking great thanks for share!!

  • @stevenimeson902
    @stevenimeson902 3 роки тому +1

    cyril looks so badass in those red pants and that blacker studded leather jacket ! aswell does the drummer danny rockin the leather!

  • @RonsWrecker
    @RonsWrecker 8 років тому +4

    Hell yeah!

  • @gedwhittaker874
    @gedwhittaker874 8 років тому +6

    Superb, love it! why haven't I heard this before?

    • @therealfronzilla
      @therealfronzilla 8 років тому +5

      since it is low fi and gritty, it is something that needs to de discovered like a treasure...a gem hidden away between the crack it fell into...or the short answer...radio sucks.

  • @tattyshoesshigure5731
    @tattyshoesshigure5731 4 роки тому +2

    Great video... this band should have been as big... or bigger... than the Stones imho!

  • @elsykilmister
    @elsykilmister 8 років тому +1

    ¡AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ¡Gracias!

  • @nancydavis6750
    @nancydavis6750 7 років тому +7

    The band the Stones couda' been.

  • @gmar7836
    @gmar7836 10 місяців тому +1

    Singer has great stage presence

  • @conni70
    @conni70 7 років тому +22

    the 6 dislikes are Marillion fans

    • @DLT100
      @DLT100 7 років тому +1

      Moronillion fans : )

    • @joelparker2912
      @joelparker2912 6 років тому +1

      lol but only ones who enjoy that there hogarth era stuff

    • @richardfinlayson1524
      @richardfinlayson1524 4 роки тому

      now that made me laugh...ha ha ha ...

  • @anfrankogezamartincic1161
    @anfrankogezamartincic1161 Рік тому

    What a band...TEENAGE HEAD was released the same time as STICKY FINGERS, rumours said Mick liked it better then his record

  • @marquisdesade5596
    @marquisdesade5596 8 років тому +1

    this song should be, an anthem of a country

  • @tylerkasuboski3366
    @tylerkasuboski3366 3 роки тому

    So rad....

  • @beebhopo6084
    @beebhopo6084 10 років тому +5

    A 1:18 Cyrill Jordan - (encore sans moumoute ;-) - devient gaucher pour redevenir droitier à 1:35 ! Ouèche !!!!!

    • @The170460
      @The170460 10 років тому +2

      il est ambidextre ? j'adore le look vaseux et chris wilson avec sa dent manquante devant.

    • @andrerock6754
      @andrerock6754 7 років тому

      C'est de la magie! :-)

  • @strictlynorton
    @strictlynorton 6 місяців тому +1

    Frisco's Finest...

  • @champan60
    @champan60 7 років тому

    ce groupe était monstrueux
    ah Roy Loney et ses dents du bonheur et Cyril arcbouté sur sa guitare...

  • @sjames304
    @sjames304 3 роки тому +2

    Such an AMAZING TUNE. And I just discovered it this week!!! What a treasure. Hey....question - - name of the lead guitarist playing the slide??

  • @nivlemproductions7696
    @nivlemproductions7696 4 роки тому +2


  • @user-xc7uo6md3n
    @user-xc7uo6md3n 2 роки тому

    "Rollin Rollin Rollin"

  • @raphaelrousso7124
    @raphaelrousso7124 3 роки тому

    Jles kiffe depuis tjrs , comme tu dis le batteur est géant ! Mais c'est pas le son en direct ?

  • @lukapavlic4395
    @lukapavlic4395 3 роки тому +1

    That git sound at start ? Please ???

  • @jovellanos2725
    @jovellanos2725 3 роки тому


  • @johnchowning8790
    @johnchowning8790 Місяць тому

    The first Punk band was not from Detroit folks...Roy the boy is wearing studded leather not matching suits...see early MC5. Iggy was punk but not first by a couple years. Check Blue Cheer for the first Metal also from San Francisco.❤

  • @DavidStaniforth
    @DavidStaniforth 2 роки тому

    Fuckin brilliant

  • @iamnotevenanumber3312
    @iamnotevenanumber3312 6 років тому +2

    The bass is wildly bloated in this upload, but they have such a great Sound!

  • @mr.sensitive9963
    @mr.sensitive9963 7 років тому +1

    The Groovies drummer, Danny Mihm, was a fuckin GIANT! Or else the rest of them were all midgets - one or the other.

  • @gordon8463
    @gordon8463 Рік тому

    ils y croyaient.....le monde non!!!!! triste....

  • @juliabuhr360
    @juliabuhr360 6 років тому +1


  • @zachz2333
    @zachz2333 6 років тому +1

    Who was this singer?

  • @grooviefan
    @grooviefan 11 років тому +1

    is that james ferrel on guitar danny on drums. george on bass what year 72

    • @t.burkeedwards3519
      @t.burkeedwards3519 6 років тому

      Yup. James Ferrell, slide guitar. Danny... George... Cyril... Chris Wilson, lead vocal. 1972.

  • @NDWoj
    @NDWoj 6 років тому +5

    Dictators smoke this song.

  • @glenbrown-v3d
    @glenbrown-v3d Рік тому

    Who is the lead singer?

    • @MT-dq1td
      @MT-dq1td 9 місяців тому

      Chris Wilson.

  • @robbee23
    @robbee23 3 роки тому

    Who is the singer on this track ?

    • @MT-dq1td
      @MT-dq1td 9 місяців тому

      Chris Wilson. He is the singer who replaced Roy Loney after he left the band in 1971.

  • @andrewarthurmatthews9990
    @andrewarthurmatthews9990 7 років тому +1

    Seems like they are playing to an empty Marquee Club ?No atmosphere

  • @lorrslovein6644
    @lorrslovein6644 4 роки тому +1

    Video has nothing to do with skydog at all

  • @davidjacobs2871
    @davidjacobs2871 6 років тому +1

    Lip Sync. If Danny's face doesn't say it all, I don't know what does. Gee fellas we don't really need ya to do it live. Might cost a few bucks. A waste of film and talent.