"Tesfaye Dinka has great capacity to change his stance between capitalists and commniusts." Sir, this is a great talent for a diplomat of poor country.
Menhistu gets credit for one thing. Had it not been for him those who went to the push could have siezed power immediately without having to go through all that catastrophic wars. He outsmarted them and delayed their direct advance at the expense of 17 years pain to the society.
Menhistu loved power more than he loved the country. He smartly exploited the national and patriotic sentiments of the gullible Ethiopians. As we regret the destruction of all those years, the sad thing is the fact that we are in the same situation we have created when a massive opportunity came for us to do far better with patience and time. A society that is rushing without any time for reflection and wisdom will keep moving from failure to failure unfortunately.😢
The bigest Dedeb ante neh. Lemen Zimbabwe esu ga atehedem. Most Ethiopian of the me Generation whom doesn't know about those 17 years was the time of killing Educated young Ethio/Eritrean. There are sill some others believe of him and what's and pray of his return. Which is impossible. And incredible. This word are of that old Genl. Who has scape from North war.
Yewnt tarik mexafe kaljemrchu end ensesa mebalatachu aykomeme be weshet yetmesret ye 300 amet shi tarik eyachu be kejet tarik mekebajer gena waga yeskeflachulal::
Isn’t it amazing how those former Mengistu friends are blaming Mengistu. He took a deal and left the country to pave for the peace negotiation. And he kept the secret as any gentleman would do. But come on, after Mengistu fled, the remaining powerful men didn’t even utilize the situation to have a serious negotiations. They weren’t able to hold the country for a week. They focused on blackmailing their friend instead. They should have focused on saving the country and their own interest by sticking together with the army and negotiation hard. It is sickening to hear how they still focus on blaming a former friend/boss. Real men hold that to themselves. Mengistu gave them a chance by fleeing, they failed big by missing a historic opportunity. This alone indicate Mengistu was a lonely warrior.
During the final weeks, days operations liberation of Eritrea There were tens of thousands soldiers/prisoners of war P O.W. then / in Eritrea and most of them returned their county Ethiopia including those tried to run way , flee ,for hiding near Sudan or Ethiopian Borders/near /via tigrai borders ያ፡ አሻንጉሊት፡ አስር፡ አለቃ፡ ተስፋዮ፡ ገ/ኪዳንና፡ ቡችላው፡ ተስፋየ፡ ወ/ስላሴ ባያውቁም ፡ማወቅ፡ ይገባቸዋል ። ጅሎች፡ ባይሆኑም ፡ ያ፡ የጥፋት፡ መሪያቸውንም፡ ጅብ፡ ተኩላ ፡ ስላልሆነና ፡ ለሌላ፡ ጥሎአቸው፡ አመለጠ /ተጫወተባቸው ። እሱም ፡ እንደ፡ ሆነ፡ ከወራት..ከሳምንታት፡ በፊት: ይዘጋጅ፡ ነበር። አጠገቡ፡ የነበሩ፡ ሲያባርር፡... እነ ፡ 1:-ሙሽራ..ው /ፍቅረ ፡ ስላሴ። 2:- ተላላኪው፡ ፍስሀ 3:-ተኩላ ለገሰ፡...ቤተመንግስት ። He arranged and complicated by a confused puzzles ..አራት ኪሎ..ዝምባዋብዌም አስተካክሎ እኮ፡ ነው፡ያመለጠው ፡ በአዳዲስ ፡ምስቅልቅልና ፡ በደህና፡ ግራ፡ የሚግባቡ ምክትሎችና/፡ምስቅልቅሎች.. ? አታለላቸው ። Anyway more stability ,peace and more cooperation between Eritrea and Ethiopia
በርታ ወንድሜ የወጡበት ቀን ብለህ ስለተጠቀምክ
እሰይ እንኳን ከበለሉ ፋራ አረካቸው የጨርቆስ አራዳ ናቸው በቁምጣ ለባሽ ገገማ ጥይት ይገደሉልህ።
ወይ የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ 😢😢😢
Thank you❤
ከመንግስቱማ አውሬ ይሻላል 🙏
Wooow very good thanks 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👌👌
የመንግስቱ አፍቃሪ በብዛት እንዳሉ ስትሰማ ከአለም በብዛት ደደብ ሰዎች የሚኖርባት ሀገር ኢትዬጵያ መሆን አለባት
ልዩ ነው❤❤❤
ምትገርም ሰው ነህ ፈረጠጡ እያልክ ስታወራ ለመሆኑ እድሜህ በሰአቱ ስንት ነበረ ጀግና አታውቅም
Mogen atehun gegena yemarekewen ayegedelem shimagele ayawaredem sewen yalemekeniat ayegedelem Egziabher yeredan
እንጀራው ነው ምን ያድርግ
ጉደኛዉ የስቱን ቤት ቤተሠብ አልባ አድረጐ መስተን አቅፍ አርጐ ልጆቹን ምቹ ት/ቤት አስተምሮ ደ/ር አስደርጐ በሞቾት ይኖራል ከዚህ በላይ አረመኔነት የት ተፈልጐ ይገኛል አቤቱ ይህቺ ሀገር እግዚአብሔር ጓብኛት ምን ይባላል ሌላ
😮😮፨ 😅: . . I 😅😅. 😅😅😅😅😅😊😊😅ገ 😊😊😊😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😮😮😮😮😮😅😅 7:14 😅😅 7:16 7:17 😅😅😅😅😅 7:22 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅' 😅. 😅😅. 😅. 😅😅😅😅. .. 😅😅😮i 😅😅😅😮😅😅😅. 😅: 😅😅😮😮.. 😮😮😮😮😅😮😅😅😮😮😅😮😅😅😊😅😅\ l 😊
"Tesfaye Dinka has great capacity to change his stance between capitalists and commniusts." Sir, this is a great talent for a diplomat of poor country.
መንግሥቱ ሀገር ወዳድ ነው ፣። እንደ ውሻ ስለ ወደቀ መንግሥት ከምትቀባጥር አሁን ስላለው መንግሥት እውነት ብታወራ ለውጥ ታመጣለክ። ከዛ share, like ለምን
መንግስቱ ኃማርያም ለሕዝብ ሳይሆን ለራሱ ስሜት አድሮ አብዮተኛ የሆነ ወንጀለኛ ሻለቃ ነው። ለሕዝብ ቢሆን ኖሮ ንጉሡን አክብሮ ማንንም ሳይገድል ኢትዮጵያን ያስተካክል ነበር።
እንዴት አድርጎ አቀነባብሮ ዚንባብዌ እንደገባ ይታዘቡ።
መነግስቱ ከጀርባዉ የኢትዮጵያ ጠላቶች: ዘረኞች ነበሩ: በስልጣን ጊዜዉ የሠራዉ ሁሉ ጸረ ኢትዮጵያ ነበር: ባለስልጣን ወጣት: ጄኔራል ወዘተ..መግደል: ወንበዴን ከልብ አለመዋጋት :በመጨረሻ ሀገር አስረክቦ መሸሽ..ስራዉ ሁሉ የጠላት ነወ.
መንጌ በሰል ነዉ ይህን ሁሉ የአገሪቷን ጉድ ያዩት ህይወታቸዉን በመታደጋቸዉ ነዉ።
ለአገሪቷ ዉጥንቅጥና መለያየት ምክንያት ተጠያቂ ሁሉም የያኔ አመራር ናችሁ። ይህን ያህል ሕዝብ ግዲያ በመንግስቱ በተሰበ ቀታ አይደለም ሁሉም የሥርዓቱ ተሰታፊ ነበር።
ከዚያ ስርዐት ቦኃላ ስንት የሠለጠነ የአገደደልና የሰቆቃ ትሪዕት ተወናየን መሊያ እየቀያየሩ በሥልጣን በመቀጠል ላይ ናቸው።
Great and Greacfulll voice
Zimbabwe🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃😂🇪🇷💪 💪😍
እሱ ይቀጠቅጥካል ምድረ ስደተኛ
Menhistu gets credit for one thing. Had it not been for him those who went to the push could have siezed power immediately without having to go through all that catastrophic wars. He outsmarted them and delayed their direct advance at the expense of 17 years pain to the society.
ይሄ ሁሉ እውነት ሆኖም መንግስቱ ኃ/ማርያም ዛሬም ንጉስ ነው ያውም በህይወት ያለ
እጅግ በጣም እናመሰግናለን!
መንጌ ካንተ በኋላ የደከምክላት ኢት/ያ እየፈረሰች የአንተ አሻራ እየጠፋ ቁመህ ማየትህ ምን ይመስልህ ይሆን????
ለዚህ ሁሉ የኢትዮጵያ ቀውስ ፈሪው ፈርጣጩ መንግስቱ ሀ/ማርያም ነው::
እረ ቀዳዳ
@@ሰናይሰላም የእኔ እህት በጨዋነት አስተያየትን መቃወም ይልመድብሽ
@fikrumenaga2438 ስለማይገባት ነገር ነው ያወራችው ጀግንነት ሲገባት ታወራለች እሱንም ካየችው !!!
Mengistu Haile Marim King of Africa
ጓድ መንግስቱ ለህዝብ ሲል የተጎዳ ነው::☀🌈
😂😂😂😂😂😂 keldegna
Ere 😂
ይገርማል ፡ የታሪክ ሽኹቻ። መንግስቱ ሃገር ወዳድ ነገር ግን ጨኻኝ በስልጣኑ ከመጡበት ከመግደል ውጭ ሌላ አማራጭ ያለ የማይመስለው አረመኔ ነበር። የሱ አገልጋዮች ዛሬ ላይ መጽሃፍ እየጻፉ ሃጢያቱ ሁሉ የሱ ብቻ እንደሆነ ለማድረግ የሚሄዱበት ርቀር ያስተዛዝባል። ሻዕቢያ ጨፈጨፋቸው እያላቹ የምትዘባርቁት ግን፡ ሻዕቢያ ምርኮኞችን እንደማይገድል፡ በሰሜን እዝ በድጋሚ አስመስክሩዋል።
አብዮታዊት እናት ሀገር ወይም ሞት ይል የነበረ የልማት ሰው የባለጌ መድሀኒት
ያን ግፈኛውንና ሰው በላውንየዘውድ አገዛዝ አንኮታክቶ ያስወገደ በመሆኑ እወደዋለሁ::
አንተ በቤትህ እንደ ብችላ ምናምን የምትለቅምበት
ስርአት ስለ ገረሰሰ ውስጥ ጥለቻህ የንፀባረቀበት
ሪፖርት ነው።
Seltan setun des saylachew degmo aweredun yeh degemo yeman endehone ewek new. Kegna gar yalew esu talak new Egziabher yemesgen ezih dersenal negem lela ken new gehadu yewetal, Egziabher bezufanu lay new......
Avoid it driving video
Shankilaw mengistu hailemariam. Yeshernuta lij
Abo lehulum guize alew nege hulum yefa yehonal.
አልፎ አልፎ ድምፀቱ የራስህ ሀሣብ አስመስሎታል።እስቲ በነገራችን ላይ!!!የሚለውን ፕሮግራም ልጋብዝህ!!!
ቆሻሻ ነውጂ አብዛሀኛውን እራሱ ነው ያለው መንጌ ጀግና ናቸው
@@yaredabay1474-😊😊------ 😊lll😊 loll
Menhistu loved power more than he loved the country. He smartly exploited the national and patriotic sentiments of the gullible Ethiopians. As we regret the destruction of all those years, the sad thing is the fact that we are in the same situation we have created when a massive opportunity came for us to do far better with patience and time. A society that is rushing without any time for reflection and wisdom will keep moving from failure to failure unfortunately.😢
ይህ ነው ምስጋናቹ? ሻብያ ምርኮኞች ኣይጨፈጭፍም። ምርኮኞች የነበሩ ራሳቸው ይመስክሩ።
አል ፈረጠጡም ወሸት ነው የወጡበት ምክንያት
በCIA አማካኝነት እንጅ አሁን ይህ ድብብቆሽ
የሀሰት መረጃ መግለፅ ትክክል አይደለም ።
ፈርጥጦ ነው የሄደው
ፈረጠጡም አልፈረጠጡም ግባና አሜሪካ እና አንግሊዝ ኢምባሲን ጠይቅ ። ሁለ ጊዜ አጨብጫቢ ትወዳላችሁ
The bigest Dedeb ante neh. Lemen Zimbabwe esu ga atehedem.
Most Ethiopian of the me Generation whom doesn't know about those 17 years was the time of killing Educated young Ethio/Eritrean. There are sill some others believe of him and what's and pray of his return.
Which is impossible. And incredible. This word are of that old Genl. Who has scape from North war.
Be gemila tegedelo yalkawe eritrea lay weshit nwo ye temelsetun teyeki
አቶ ፋሲካ ሲደለል አደርባይ ነው
ውሽተም አፃፃፉ አንድ ተምሬለው
ከሚል የሚጠበቅ አይደለም
ቆራጡ ለህዝቡ ብሎ ነው እንጂ ለራሱ ፈርቶ አይደለም አንተ ያልከውን ብትል ስፊው ህዝብ ምስክር ነው
Yewnt tarik mexafe kaljemrchu end ensesa mebalatachu aykomeme be weshet yetmesret ye 300 amet shi tarik eyachu be kejet tarik mekebajer gena waga yeskeflachulal::
Abet abet endewm Derg alteshenefem alemalet new ya hule were !!!
የዚምባቡዌ ቁጥር አንድ ሀብታም ሻለቃ 😂😂😂
Deneke banjaw
ስው በላው ደርግ
ቆራጡና የአንድነት መሪ መንጌ ማንም ምንም ይበል እንወድዎታለን ፣እነ ፋሲካ ሌቦች እንኳን ሰው ሆነው ሲተቹ ያሳፍራል እነዚህ በቦርባሪዎች ።
ጓድ መንነግስቱ ቆራጥ መሪ እና አገር ወዳጅ ነበ እሱን የምክል ተከታዬ ተተኪ ዶ/ር ጠ/ ሚንስር አብይ አህመድ ነው🌍⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ye haset mereja nw yerash hasab nw leba
Isn’t it amazing how those former Mengistu friends are blaming Mengistu. He took a deal and left the country to pave for the peace negotiation. And he kept the secret as any gentleman would do.
But come on, after Mengistu fled, the remaining powerful men didn’t even utilize the situation to have a serious negotiations. They weren’t able to hold the country for a week. They focused on blackmailing their friend instead. They should have focused on saving the country and their own interest by sticking together with the army and negotiation hard. It is sickening to
hear how they still focus on blaming a former friend/boss. Real men hold that to themselves. Mengistu gave them a chance by fleeing, they failed big by missing a historic opportunity. This alone indicate Mengistu was a lonely warrior.
ነጮችና ምዕራባውያን በሉን ወይኔ!!!
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂yhe Fokari 😂😂😂😂
During the final weeks, days operations liberation of Eritrea There were tens of thousands soldiers/prisoners of war P O.W. then / in Eritrea and most of them returned their county Ethiopia including those tried to run way , flee ,for hiding near Sudan or Ethiopian Borders/near /via tigrai borders
ያ፡ አሻንጉሊት፡ አስር፡ አለቃ፡ ተስፋዮ፡ ገ/ኪዳንና፡ ቡችላው፡ ተስፋየ፡ ወ/ስላሴ ባያውቁም ፡ማወቅ፡ ይገባቸዋል ። ጅሎች፡ ባይሆኑም ፡ ያ፡ የጥፋት፡ መሪያቸውንም፡ ጅብ፡ ተኩላ ፡ ስላልሆነና ፡ ለሌላ፡ ጥሎአቸው፡ አመለጠ /ተጫወተባቸው ።
እሱም ፡ እንደ፡ ሆነ፡ ከወራት..ከሳምንታት፡ በፊት: ይዘጋጅ፡ ነበር። አጠገቡ፡ የነበሩ፡ ሲያባርር፡... እነ ፡ 1:-ሙሽራ..ው /ፍቅረ ፡ ስላሴ። 2:- ተላላኪው፡ ፍስሀ 3:-ተኩላ ለገሰ፡...ቤተመንግስት ። He arranged and complicated by a confused puzzles ..አራት ኪሎ..ዝምባዋብዌም አስተካክሎ እኮ፡ ነው፡ያመለጠው ፡ በአዳዲስ ፡ምስቅልቅልና ፡ በደህና፡ ግራ፡ የሚግባቡ ምክትሎችና/፡ምስቅልቅሎች.. ? አታለላቸው ።
Anyway more stability ,peace and more cooperation between Eritrea and Ethiopia
The hijackers
ሰዉ በላ አረመኔ