Oh the scripture agree 100%, and anyone who will GAMBLE on their salvation based on the idea that they will get a less glorious second chance is not worthy of the first anyway.
If you sincerely desire to understand, then study it and pray about what you read. What good is ANY man's opinions without personal study and prayer by the hearer.
It is appointed unto man once to die, but those who fail breach this promise and are then in danger of the second death, after resurrection after the 1000 years and are again deceived by Satan. This second death IS NOT appointed unto man, but will happen because of they have forfeited the promise.
The unpardonable sin is impossible to commit in our present dispensation: For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. - Hebrews 6:4-6
Do you notice the word hell is not mentioned? The ETERNAL FIRE is The Lake of Fire, not hell, as hell itself is also cast into the Lake of Fire, Anything cast into the Lake of Fire is ultimately destroyed and ceases to exist in the perfection of God's creation.
(con't) Either sinners are given a second chance (according to the scriptures) to receive a lesser reward than those who accepted Yahshua in this life if they pass or God would be a hypocrite. How so? Either people are tormented in the fires of hell for all eternity or GOD'S MERCY ENDURES FOREVER ... you cannot have both.
Second chance = second place = less reward than first. Most people who say they'll take their chances on the second death won't even survive that. God's not as stupid as we think.
If that is how you believe it will be, so be it. It is not a mandatory to fully comprehend the plan of salvation in order to be a participant in it. We are too close to the manifestation of the truth to debate what is around the corner.
Lake of Fire is never described as a place of everlasting torment, but a place of total and absolute destruction i.e. those cast into it cease to exist. I'll say this again: Does God's mercy endure forever? According to the scriptures - absolutely. How then could God's mercy endure forever when He shows no mercy to those burning in an eternal hell? Either His mercy endures forever or He is burning people in hell for all eternity - WITHOUT MERCY. Pick one, you cannot have both.
It is very disheartening that there are so many false doctrines being propagated. I live in a small town and have found that my very own church home is teaching a variety of falsehoods. I don't know what to do-if I should speak out against this (they'd probably cast me out) or try to find another church which are few and far between. I really want to build a relationship with the Lord Jesus. Do I have to go to church? I was a backslider and I rededicated my life to God. Where can I be fed?
People who PLAY WITH GOD in such a way truly do not comprehend just WHO they are dealing with. The truth is, if you say I'm going to live a fun and sinful life because you understand there will be a second chance, you will fail even that chance and your destination will be the Lake of Fire. DON'T PLAY WITH GOD or your Eternal Salvation or you will be deeply, deeply disappointed.
I have been a Christian for 15 years and just recently have seen many new revelations in Scripture. I have seen especially in Isaiah and Revelation a 3rd group that even Jesus seems to be talking to. I pictured this group as what we today call "demons or ghosts" which in Enoch are described as the dead spirits of the Nephilim. The Nephilim were many &were every where! In the last maybe 10 chapters of Isaiah, this 3rd group is shown as being given mercy even though many would be against it or confused by it, and then this 3rd group comes to Earth or as this guy says new Earth and serves the Believers who have gone before them. Jesus seems to be speaking to this 3rd group, almost pleading with them to repent. I've also seen recently there is clearly No Pre Trib Rapture, the Church has been grafted into the Vine aka Israel, and Jesus was created FIRST by the Father and then ALL things were created By Him&Through Him. Thats why He alone IS THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. In Job&Gen6 see Sons of God
BTW...ANYBODY WITH BREATHE IN THEM CAN BE SAVED IF THEY REPENT. But what does REPENT mean? Most will tell you that it means to be sorry for your sins and turn from them. NOPE!! The English word Repent is translated from the Greek word MetaNoia. Meta - to change, Noia - Mind. To have a change of Mind. Before you were a Non Believer, now you consciously Believe that #1 there is a God. #2 You are a sinner #3 Jesus was sent by God, died for your sins, rose again and is now Lord and you are forgiven. OF COURSE WE SHOULDN'T SIN BUT WE ALL DO EVERY DAY, but the Bible tells US where sin abounds, Grace abounds MUCH MORE! The few places where it mentions a list of sins and says that anybody who does these will not inherit Heaven, it FIRST declares US saved, forgiven, set apart. I'm sorry but Sin does NOT TRUMP the forgiveness of God. Jesus said we are in His hand AND in the Fathers hand! If you think Satan can rip u out of HIs hand, you have not read your entire New Testament. Read Rom.8
JESUS was not created by the father. " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made." John 1:1-3 Right here it shows Jesus has ALWAYS been with and one with God. "ALL things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made." --- including Jesus he could not be made because ALL things were made through him. Jesus is one with the father and always was.
Thank you so much... I was just doing a study on Gog and Maygog when I compared Ezekiel 38-39 with Revelation 20:7-15. Then if you read Ezekiel 35 - 39 as if it is in chronological it it finishes after the 1000 year reign. Nothing like learning everything you were taught B4 is wrong.... :)
+djs135net Your study proves the word. You have to put it together a little from this/that book in order to get the whole picture of knowledge. From my studying the word of God I've found that he always let us know the thing 2 -3 times that is how the word testifies of itself. Isaiah 28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
if you have the scriptures to back up what you perceive as falsehood being taught, show the pastor the scriptures. if he will not listen...LEAVE. You can always go to the watchmanreport . com
Interesting! Im going to subscribe. I have a question, what do you mean at the end about people who have committed an unforgivable sin? If im not mistaken the 3 things mentioned as unforgivable, are Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, Taking the Mark, and not forgiving your brothers and sisters. What do you think Blasphemy of the Holy spirit is exactly? Selling your soul or something like that?
You would take offense if Yahshua Himself answered your question. Therefore I am not offended by your response. What is this "opening up portals of the abyss" nonsense? :-) I find nowhere in the scriptures where man has the ability to open "portals to the abyss". That is why I critiqued your statement. The integrity of my calling in man's view is not my interest, but that my calling reside in the integrity of the Most High.
I was spared modern tv Christianity, 5 years ago I was called into a non-mainstream but world wide church that teaches how it was explained here. And the 1st resurrection (Rev 20:6) the better resurrection. And the Gog/Magog after the 1000 years peace, when Satan deceives one last time before gong to the lake of fire and taking any one else who chooses to rebel against God. Satan is loosed out of his prison after the 1000 years (Rev 20:7) for the Gog & Magog battle (Rev 20:8). There is so much to figure out, great job on this vid!
Watchman, I believe the battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39 is a different battle of the Gog and Magog battle in Revelation. There are similarities but I think they are different for the following reasons. I hope you could address each one of these. 1. Ezekiel 38 talks about the fish trembling. In Revelation 20, all the fish have died back in Revelation 16 because of the 3rd bowl. 2. Ezekiel 38 talks about mountains being overturned in Israel. In Revelation 20, no mountains exist because of the 7th bowl where every mountain and island are destroyed and are no longer found. 3. Ezekiel 38 talks about the enemies will be destroyed by plague, bloodshed, rain, hailstones, and burning sulfer. Every man will be against his brother. In Revelation 20, God brings down fire only. Fire is not mentioned in Ezekiel 38. 4. Satan is not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 but is in Revelation 20. 5. Ezekiel 39 mentions that the weapons will be burned for 7 years. Why would this need to occur in Revelation 20 after the defeat of Satan and when the new heaven and new earth is restored?
wamdn I doubt I'm going to get one. I asked these questions over a year ago. Pretty hard to reconcile these questions since they are two different events in my opinion.
Jim H, no, there are not two Gog-Magog battles. Ezekiel 38 also describes as Israel being at peace, in a Millennial setting. So it definitely doesn't describe Israel's current state. GM war is after the Millennium, for sure. God's word says so, but people who are evil want to twist God's prophecy and they will fail.
Subscribed based upon this highly TRUTHFUL presentation, Thank you and may the Father Almighty bless and keep His hedge of protection around you and yours in these days of GREATER deception to come: HalleluYah!
Thank you,there are too many who falsely teach the word of God. It is nice to see that someone else has read Scripture for themselves and knows the battle of Gog and Magog takes place after the Millenium, again,thank you TWR!
"evil go to hell directly, then judgement, then lake of fire." Maybe I am screwed up, I will have to research it again and see, but what I understand is that all of those places are emptied and all who were in them are now standing before the Father (even those in hell). Now is that a 2nd chance? I don't know, only the Father knows. Could be just a sort of roll call before the final assignment. But I would lean towards it being something more than that in His mercy. Pray it is for their sake.
greeting in Yahshua name,i always ponder the second death your video makes sense n scriptural can you explain then scripture its appointed unto man death then judgement.This sound like a univeralism belief or Church of God doctrine please explain if u are able thanks.
Look, we fallen creatures WANT sinners to suffer for all eternity, therefore we interpret the scriptures to fulfill our black hearts desire. The truth of the matter is that plan of salvation is much more complex than what most understand and every nuance of it is not covered in the pages of the Bible, or the Bible would be multiple volumes long. Stop concerning yourself with what hopefully does not apply to you.
It is sad that ANY go to hell, in particular our loved ones, but all of us have loved ones who have been or will be consigned to that awful place. The blessing is that they will be resurrected in the RESURRECTION OF THE UNJUST and tried AGAIN after the 1000 years when Satan is again unleashed for a short season TO TEMPT THE NATIONS (those resurrected in the resurrection of the unjust). Even then, many shall fail. These will be cast into the Lake of Fire and cease to exist. (con't)
I respectfully must correct you. The Bible CLEARLY states, in no uncertain terms, that ALL the dead in hell are brought out of hell and then hell is cast into the lake of fire EMPTY, and yes, there IS a second chance for unbelievers, with a lesser glory in the resurrection if they get it right, spoken of CLEARLY in the scriptures. Forget all the religious nonsense you've read, heard and watched in movies and television and pay close attention to what the scriptures are actually saying....
The parable of the rich man who went to hell could be interpreted that way. But the man asks the angel if he could just tell his family about it so they would repent. He also wanted just a drop of water, and could not have it because they were divided by a barrier. In my opinion that would mean they are in a hot place, and life was still going on here on Earth.
Travis-2313 We also know well, that simple Americans are cool. I believe, that one day we will smile while talking about all those "cold wars". With respect, from RF
And that is why ONLY the Father knows anything for sure. From where we sit we may think it would nullify scripture but that still doesn't mean that its how we think it is. His ways are far above ours and we can't even conceive of all that He has in store. We don't even truly know IF we have all the scripture so how can we say anything about what His plans are. But I definitely could see Him make a way cause He desires none should perish and His desire maybe the final rule. We shall see:)
Wow looking at Rev 20:8 I was just hit in the face with something else I never noticed before. "to gather them together to battle: the number of whom [is] as the sand of the sea." The "THEM" Gog and Magog are gathering has to be the offspring of Jacob and Ishmael, they are the only two who's offspring will number as the sands of the sea! Amazing!
That is the White Throne Judgement after the 1000 years and as I understand it all are raised and stand before the throne for judgement, even Yahusha/Jesus is before the throne from what I understand. Everything, hell, the lake of fire, the graves, everything is opened, emptied and cast away. That is what I have always understood when I read it.
Events in Ezekiel 38, 39 are to be fulfilled in the 'latter days'. That means before the closing of the Grace Age (Rapture). After this is the Second Exodus. described in Jeremiah 16: 14-15. The Gog-Magog war 2 mentioned in Revelation 20:7 will occur after the Millennium
Ok if you hope to convince anyone that knows the Bible, that you know what you are talking about, it is important that you stop referring to the book of Revelation as though it were plural. There is no such book in the Bible as Revelations. The Book in question is called The Book of Revelation.
Wonderful to hear it laid out so accurately! Unfortunately, It took me years of thoughtful prayer and searching before I was blessed with this same understanding. For despite having read the words, I did not understand until one day I received word that nobody would be cast away simply due to being born at the wrong place or time , or otrherwise not having been in any situation without being given the chance to make an informed choice between Life and death. The phrases about "over these the second death as no power" and the other verses you mentioned are precisely the ones that are relevant. The whole issue of Gog/Magog is really unimportant compared to the message of hope that the passages bring to bear... I highly recommend everyone give what is said in this video a good listen.
Two separate Gog and Magog events? Get real. It is a description of the very same event, that occurs AFTER the 1000 years. Libya couldn't even be in an alliance with Russia in this dispensation because Libya is in total disarray and for all intents and purposes out of the game.
My following question is not for contention. It's just a question to clear some doubts: Is it possible that there is a period of time between the gog and magog war of revelation 20 and the destruction of the Earth to create a new one? Why am I asking that? Because in certain verses of ezekiel chapter 39 talks about buring the death for seven months and also about burning the weapons for seven years.
Yes, Suziethecat, it does. You just have not yet discovered it. Gog and Magog is actually an event caused by those who failed their second chance. Pray about it, Suzie. Ask God if I am correct.
Why would a supposed loving God unleash Satan on us? I never got that whole wrath of God thing. It makes God seem not a loving God. I just don't get it. I see God as a loving God, I can't not see him in any other way.
+Annette Cabezas The wrath of God is because of Israel being attacked. Also, the Days of Noah had the Nephilim seed and so will the end of days. The Demonic will be running rampant and there will be things on earth that will cause main's heart to fail-God will come as a warrior.
+Annette Cabezas God is not against the human race. He is against sin, which must be eliminated. People allow sin to enter into them by choice, so God has to deal with this also.
+Annette Cabezas God is almighty don't get it twisted and think he is soft because that is the lie told every sunday in church. Read the book and know that The Most High God is to be feared he is no play thing. Isaiah 45:7I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.Joshua 10:11 And it came to pass,as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword. Romans 9:11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid
Am wondering why you neglected to mention the brothers of Magog... Tubal and Meshech? Dang, I thought this vid was about Ezekiel Chapter 38. Am looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
One thing that the narrator forgets, in he gog and magog war after the millenium gog and magog are descibed to be scattered throughout the four corners of the earth, while ezekiel says gog and magog are in the north quarters. And so from that we have to make a choice, one of the passages is wrong OR there are 2 different attacks made by Gog and magog. Also notice that gog and magog are not both seperate nations. it says "Gog, the land of Magog". not just "Gog and Magog"
Hagee is a wolf in tattered sheep's clothing and is teaching extremely false doctrine on many subjects. His teaching do not line up with the scriptures in any way.
100% incorrect! Now you have to REVERSE the verses in order to FORCE this false interpretation??? Israel dwells without walls in safety, it says in Ezekiel, at the time of the Gog & Magog attack, this is NOT going to happen in this dispensation. It will be just as described in the Book of Revelation AFTER THE THOUSAND YEARS.
Watchman, can you explain what you meant by this ... "TheWatchmanReport 2 years ago in reply to snoozinghipo Lake of Fire is never described as a place of everlasting torment, but a place of total and absolute destruction i.e. those cast into it cease to exist. "I'll say this again: Does God's mercy endure forever? According to the scriptures - absolutely. How then could God's mercy endure forever when He shows no mercy to those burning in an eternal hell? "Either His mercy endures forever or He is burning people in hell for all eternity - WITHOUT MERCY. Pick one, you cannot have both." When the Bible says this ... Revelation 20:10 (KJV) "10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
wamdn Simple answer to your question is that all of the beings you mention are not human but demonic, or angelic if you prefer. Ofcoarse one can argue over who or what the beast and false prophet are, but none doubt that both come "from the devil", whatever shape or form they may take.
Epeec So you do not deny that the Bible speaks of Hell being eternal torment. You are saying that the eternal torment is reserved for angels -- not humans. Can you show verses in the Bible saying that humans will not experience eternal torment in Hell but angels will? Thanks,
Matthew 25 proverb of Jesus states something like "Depart from me you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels". So obviously the eternal "hell" was not designed for humans. Im not saying some humans won't end up there, but those are the "special kind", satan worshipers, demon possessed and the likes, Rev 14:11. Im not sure who exactly will go where, but i believe eternal punishment was meant primarily for the fallen angels and God will try and try to save as many of the human race as possible. He will give many chances to anyone and except the hardcore unbelievers, he will save whoever is willing.
Epeec There is (no) eternal Hell described in the bible, the suffering forever and ever in Hell is a spiritual domain of this 'earth age'. The English word Hell is same as 'grave, deepest darkest abyss-pit, and a number of other descriptions. The (only) description of significance is in compilation form called 'Death and Hades' holding all wicked, and this is cast into the (final) Lake of Fire, where all is destroyed as punishment forever. Verse after saying the 'smoke of their suffering' rises forever Suffering in HELL for ever and ever lasts as long as this earth age and existence of Hell. Afterward there are no wicked, nor death, suffering or pain, and the New Age is beginning NEW of all things for the Family of God.
It is ALL about ZION, but not Zionism. The gathering of Israel is not the people of Israel as we know it, The gathering of Israel is "the Israel of God", not man. In Yahshua neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. - Galatians 6:15-16 KJV Christians need to understand these prophecies in truth, and not politicized garbage.
Have you 1. Tasted of the Heavenly gift, which is resurrection? Have you experienced the powers of the world to come? Of course not, how could you - it is a world to come, not this one. The plan of salvation has been thoroughly corrupted by modern day religion and few comprehend its fullness and depth, yet their mouths keep moving, speaking things that they have no clue about. I knew a woman who killed herself because her Christian mother told her she committed the unpardonable sin.
Is it really wrong or is it that you simply misunderstand the scriptures? i would have to say it is the latter. When you can explain why Satan is unleashed again after the 1000 years to tempt the nations (WHAT nations?), as well as the second death and the resurrection of the just AND THE UNJUST, you need to engage your spirit to understand the meat of the word and the fulness of the plan of salvation instead of that pablum based, incomplete nonsense.
Oh baloney. This gets tiresome. Gog/Magog in Ezekiel 38/39 precedes the 7 years of Daniel 9:27. The feast on Gog's army is in Ezekiel 39:4, then 7 years later in Ezekiel 39:17-20 is the Armageddon feast equating to Revelation 19:17-18. The rest of the chapter is from the perspective of Jesus having returned. All before the 1000 years begin. Gog and Magog in Revelation is just that those same nations will be lead into rebellion a second time around.
Beautiful, excellent!! I have come to the same conclusions. Rev. 20:7-10 referances Ezekiels prophecy and plainly places its fulfillment after the 1000 yrs have ended. Again, Gods word interprets itself if only we will search and pray. Also I thank you for highlighting the awsome depths of Gods grace.
hmmm, I recall a part where they are saying God when will this come to an end? and He says just a bit longer. Don't who want the justice of God to come to a completion say this ? I do when I see all these corruptions and death to babies and all in misfortunes. the poor and the meek
THIS MAN is teaching what the Word says without the Satanic Zionists twisting of scriptures. You are correct, I DO teach REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY, because that is what the BIBLE teaches! Zionists hate it, but they also hated and still do hate Yahshua. I perceive that you are not a Christian, but a Zionist infiltrator. There are many of your ilk within Christianity, perverting the plainness of what the Bible says, pretending to be Christians. NOT WITH ME!
Ezekiel 38 happens before the seven year Tribulation period. Ezekiel 39 happens at the end of the Tribulation period. It is the same as the battle of Armageddon. Revelation 20 describes another similar battle that happens at the end of Jesus' first 1000 year rule on earth. All three of these battles are called "Gog and Magog" because they are all led by Magog (Gen 10:1-3) who was the prominent ruler of today's Turkey! Today Magog would be Recep Tayyip Erdoğan the Prime Minister of Turkey!
Forget about the fact that there are burials for 7 months after Ezekiel 38 -39 war . In revelation God comes down on them with fire only . In Ezekiel there is pestilences , earthquakes , overflowing rain , hail and fire . So what are you trying to prove here . Gimme a break .
willowtree willow And this is why more and more people don't put their spiritual trust or faith in a book that no one can agree upon. Are we to believe we all have a personal relationship with a Creator that can't communicate through words in a way everyone will understand? What kind of revelation is it that no one can read and agree upon? The body, mind and spirit will detect the Creator and reveal spiritual truth if you will be still, listen and discern.
wamdn That's a misrepresentation of the Bible as a whole, Wamdn. Is it worthless to learn remedial math because integral calculus is difficult? Of course not. End-times prophecy is like the calculus of the Bible, but it's only a portion of Scripture. The parts of Scripture that need to be clear--the foundational topics--are easy to grasp because God wants everyone to know them. But God is also unspeakably complex, and conducting events towards a predetermined end point while simultaneously revealing to the prophets the milestones of the story is an incredibly delicate undertaking. Of course it isn't going to be simple or laid out for us in perfect clarity.
Alex Lawrence I'm sorry, but I don't buy that argument. So much of the Bible's meaning is up to the interpretation of the reader. Denominations did not form because of a disagreement over prophesy alone. From Genesis to Revelation, people have different opinions about what the Bible means, even in its most simple parts. Genesis 6. Romans 13. Melchisedec and Melchizedek. The length of each day of Creation. The type of fruit of the tree of life. The identity of Cain's wife. You will have an opinion on all of these things. Others will have different opinions. See what I mean?
You're right, there are a plethora of opinions about those topics you listed, but again, those are all tertiary to the core themes of scripture, which are the person of Messiah and the redemptive plan. Moreover, the list of Bible things about which Christians agree is much larger than the list of disagreements. That's why we can talk about the crucifixion and resurrection and ascension and communion and judgment day and heaven and hell and tithing and charity and sanctification and miracles and even giants, and understand each other perfectly well. Despite our differences, we're mostly on the same page.
Alex Lawrence I disagree again. There is a wide range of opinions on these matters. Who can take communion in what churches? Judgement Day -- What's that, really? Everyday is judgement day for everyone who dies. Heaven and Hell bring up all sorts of discussions. Many people believe heaven and hell are here on Earth. Preterism is a very interesting topic with many verses to back it up to the point that any thinking person must consider it carefully. Tithing is another issue that causes arguments. Tithing to today's churches is no guarantee those tithes will be used in the manner you expect. Many now bypass the church and tithe directly to those in need in the way they need it. Miracles? How many amputees receive the miracle of having their severed limb or limbs restored? Why are there no miracles for amputees? While the meaning of Genesis 6 seems clear to me, others see it much differently regarding just who these 'sons of God' are. The Bible as a communication directly from the Creator to the created is woeful inadequate. The world is in need of a new and understandable revelation -- a revival, and a direct reaffirmation of the reality of the Creator. Considering the level of illiteracy, language barriers and other factors, the written word is not the way to do this.
Revelation 20:10 KJV [10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are , and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
First off there are two Gog Magog wars one before the millenium . Gog is the king of the army of Magog which is a laundry list of Muslim nations led by Turkey where Satan throne is , Gog is one of Satans titles . Other than that good job butchering scripture .
True. The events of Gog and Magog, Ezekiel 38-39, do not occur at the Tribulation period, Armageddon, Christ’s return nor the start of the Millennium, but at the end of the Millennium. See Revelations 20:7-9. There is no scripture that allows one to put those events in any other time but at the end of the Millennium. Let the Bible interpret the Bible. Don't over think this. Stop listening to the so-called experts and listen to the Bible.
According to a greek bishop of i think 6th century, when Alexander the Great encountered horrible people when we campaigned east past Persia. He reached India at the time, which may be Pakistan of today. According to that bishop, Alexander moved those people north to the land of Gog and those same people will be unleashed in the last days on Israel. They may come from the north, but they will be same eastern people. Now think about that. Just saying.
What is NOT in the Word is the name "Yeshua"... Nullifies this entire video. That name "Yeshua" can not be found in any of the original New Testament. How do you go from quoting scriptures from some (other) english "per-version" of the King James Bible yet replacing the name "Jesus" each time with "Yeshua".... I don't believe any of it.
yeshua is his hebrew name and jesus is the the english translation of the greek yesous, pesos being the greek translation of the hebrew yeshua. the letter j didn't come into the english language till around 1670
mikha007 but if you look at the KJV AV1611 and "IESUS" was STILL pronounced "J" as was "IEW" pronounced "JEW".. Just because the letter "J" did not exist does not mean the sound did not exist. You find me the document; an ancient manuscript with the word "Yeshua" in it? And please get back to me with it... Not talking about the Jewish Talmud... totally corrupt. This "Yeshua" is a an End Times deception that we were warned about.
maybe pronounced as a j but not written as one. yeshua was still called yeshua by his parents and friends etc. yeshua is the shortened form of yehoshua (joshua)
mikha007 Where did you get that from? A youtube video teaching? Something you found on google? All I'm asking you to do is produce the manuscript that the name "Yeshua" came off of? And there again, the confusion ("God is not the author of confusion.") even within this Hebrew Roots movement, there's NO agreement on the name or pronunciation. Is it "Yeshua" .."Yehoshua" ..."Jeshua" "Joshua" Yahoshua"... I think you're being deceived in a very clever, elaborate End Times deception. I'm 1000% POSITIVE that the name "JESUS" is reliable and WORKS to raise the dead, heal the lame and sick and cast out devils. I don't trust anything in that Hebrew Roots deception, and if you want to use a reliable Hebrew name for our Lord and Savior... call him "EMMANUEL" ... my thoughts. Peace be to you.
have you healed the sick in the name of emmanuel? remember that yeshua was unable to heal some because of their lack of faith and with others their own faith made them well. the hebrew gospel of matthew by george howard has a lot of info I'm sure you'd be interested in..too much to discuss here. there is only one Yeshua/Jesus/Iesous/ Esa however you want to pronounce it but i prefer to call Him what angel Gabriel said to call him and that is Yeshua. nothing to do with the hebrew roots movement
The New Jerusalem doesn't come down out of heaven until after Gog and Magog are defeated in Rev 21:2 Looks like you got it wrong for the same reason you say others did.
Dont be too quick to condemn the guy, even if this video contradict 20th century predominant protestant believes, they are just that, 20th century believes of part of the Christianity. Some of the holy fathers, or if you prefer, the early church bishops have written similar interpretations of the bible16-17 centuries ago, well forgotten in most parts of the world by now. Various believes have been in fashion throughout the centuries, many claiming to be the only true interpretation of the scriptures. Most of them long forgotten or rejected by now. We only know in parts, see in parts and understand even less. All will be relieved at the end and we all will be surprised by the truth. Yes, i assume we are all wrong in our believes. Anyone to contradict my belief?
I believe that,i was always taught that the bride was coming back to earth after the rapture and after the great destruction and the bride is coming back on earth with christ to the battle revelation19:14-21 i dont think the battle is going to be like people think,can you really imagine satan and his little army making war with the most high,all jesus have to do is look at satan and his little army and they will be burnt to crisp since in rev19:12 say his eyes were as flames of fire
The Rapture? I think this so called ''Rapture '' is the first resurrection of those that didn't get the name of the beast on or in the (wickedness) and the saint left or virgins of all that is bad in the eyes of God. If there's a rapture then what is the meaning of resurrection?
Shay Tatum Rapture to me is from Catholic stuff and the only ones I see going up toward Jesus are the 144,000 in no matter what conditions they are dead or alive. ck rev 20 for the first Resurrection is of those 144 k What I myself wonder and think of is this, IF only 144,000 will go up then who are there for them to rule on earth for 1000 yrs? I have had in mind a government by Jesus and these 144 k but if we are to be resurrected after the 1000 years who were on earth as their citizens ?
What's with the BUTTERFLY image on your icon? You do know its the MK Ultra Symbol don't you? A trigger? Why do you have it, are you an MK Ultra subject & perhaps don't even know it?
THIS IS FLAT WRONG - WR, STOP TELLING PEOPLE THAT GOD WILL SHOW THEM THE TRUTH IN THIS. GOD'S WORD ALREADY DID: The differences in the Ez.38-39 war, compared with the Revelation war are obvious. - And to suggest that the wicked are raised so they get a 'second chance', when Scripture so clearly and distinctly says: "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" - there belief is not just dogmatic error, but severe doctrinal error, and a form of reincarnation !
Another false shepherd leading all who will listen -- just look at psalms 83 all ISLAMIC Gog/Magog is Turkey, Pakistan. Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, and the rest. They are all ISLAMIC not Russian.
He is right, the battle of God and Magog will only take place after the 1000 yr reign of Christ. Many have been led astray by this teaching to exalt a fleshly man made nation of Israel. The Church is the true Israel of God. Jnr
the church is NOT a replacement for Israel, LIAR!! The scriptures DO NOT SAY THIS, Paul is your ROMAN false prophet and also a LIAR. He contradicts scriptures twice by misquoting, never met Yahowsha and Jesus/Esous is a Celtic horned God who demands human sacrifice, Easter is Istar worship and your PAGAN Christmas in nothing more that Babylon worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, it is you who are deceived. Your Bible is even named after BIBLIOS a Phoenician SUN GODDESS, the very word BABEl means CONFUSION (YOU) The word Church comes from Circe another PAGAN Goddess who seduce men into her temple and changes them to pigs (unclean animals) which are what each and every Christian is in the sight of YHWH. YOu use the name LORD, which means Baál (SATAN) you pray on your knees to HALAL BEN SHAKAR (Satan)and your leader is PAUL/SHAUL/SHEOL. You are a joke of a man if you think for one second that Yahowah replaced his beloved nation Israel with a bunch of PAGANS worshiping in the ways of Babylon, it is not in the writings, and you dear sir are sadly a part of the masses who have been deceived. YOU WILL NEVER REPLACE ISRAEL OR YAHOWAH'S TORAH!!. NOw go read a book called Fossilized Customs to know just how PAGAN CHRISTIANITY IS YOU WILL NEVER EVER REPLACE ISRAEL AND A LIAR ARE YOU!!!
Lisa Bernier The Church has always been and will always be the true Israel of God. We see Israel in the OT referred to as the Church in the wilderness. God changed the name of Jacob to Israel because he wrestled with God and prevailed. Jacob was one of the patriachs just as Abraham and Isaac. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham was justified by faith because he believed in God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Isaac was the son born after the Spirit and Jacob was the firstborn of God as stated Esau have I hated but Jacob have I loved. Esau was the firstborn but sold his birthright for a pot of pottage and despised his birthright. Therefore to be a son or daughter of Abraham we must follow in his footsteps. Just as Abraham was justified by faith so the son and daughter of God must be justified by faith in Jesus. Secondly God gave a commandment to Abraham that he was to be circumcised in his flesh. In the NT we must be circumcised in the foreskin of out hearts i.e. we must cut off the flesh from our lives and walk after the Spirit of God. Notice what God says in the NT if you are Christ's then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. In Galatians we read that peace and mercy on the Israel of God. The church is the Israel of God and the Israel of God is the church. They are one and the same. You can birth a Israel after the flesh just as Ishmael was birthed, but what does the divine response say? Cast out the bondwoman and her son for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with my son in Isaac shall your seed be called. Isaac is also a type of Jesus for Abraham received him from the dead in a figure. Jnr
You know NOT what you worship, Esous/Jesus is a made up fictional character of ROME, ESOUS is not in any of the earliest Greek manuscripts, furthermore Esous is a GOAT GOD, and if you believe the one who came out from the sheepfold but was NOT of the sheepfold (PAUL) then I question your logic and doctrines. Christianity is based on Paul/Shaul/Sheols writings NOT GOD. it is wholly based on Sun-day worship, and replacement theology, if you want the truth about Paul I suggest you read www.questioningpaul.com and get the truth from the earliest extant manuscripts. But dont you dare hold up lies and call them truth, for by your owns words will you be convicted. NO Christian kkeps the covenant of Yahowah, they have a god made up of FAITH based on the Greek Cherise (3 harlots, just like your wonn trinity-based wholly on Babylon worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz) Good Luck with that at Yom Kippur (your trail) Alos by default your religion is excluded from a narrow path which few find, 1.2 billion religious Jesus worshippers are by numbers discluded from the few there be that find it. Sorry better brush up on your Hebrew because yoor so called enarrant BIBLIOS has over 30,000 mistakes in it,if you would like to beat your soul on that garbage be my guest. Israle will never be replaced by the church, NEVER!!
Lisa Bernier You worship a false god (Satan). Unless you are worshipping the Trinty i.e. Father, Son and Holy Spirit you are worshipping Lucifer. Either you believe that the Holy Scrptures are written by the Holy Ghost or you don't. The King James Bible is the inspired Word of God and unless you are born of the Spirit you have no inheritance in God. You must repent and put your trust in Jesus for your salvation for there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved - only faith in Jesus will save you from both spiritual death and physical death. The first time Jesus came was to save us from spiritual death (the lake of fire), He is coming back soon to save His Bride from physical death. Jnr
he claims accuracy but can't even get the name of the Book of Revelation right......calls it Revelations which is inaccurate and when I go to a different video.
What I have never hears such words to my ears. It sounds biblical. But I don't want to jump on a wagon I have not tested. Besides this is not really what I should put my hopes on anyway. I rather be saved in the first ressurection anyway and avoid hell all together. But it sounds amazing if people do get a second chance. IT just sounds too good to be true. I have heard some of your other videos they are very biblical and truthfull. But this confuses me slightly. Praise God he is good either way.
I believe you are watching far too much science fiction. :-) Free The Babylonians, those so caught up in spiritual Babylon, this world that they are unfit for Heaven. Do you also believe that God is calling forth evil spirits when He says, COME OUT OF HER (BABYLON) MY PEOPLE? Time is too short for Willy Wonka logic games.
Also you say the lake of fire is not torment but extinction ? But revelation says tormented day and night forever and ever about the lake of fire . False prophet
First ofnall, the "Watch Tower" and "Watchers" are directly from Fallen Angels. Yah is a MOON GOD....yahweh? No its JESUS. Start your research of Jahovas Witness way back to Enoch and the Fallen angles...
What are you talking about???All religions are false ck the last temptation of christ, not the movie ok lol Didn't the devil offered to give Jesus ''all these kingdoms'' well in all those kingdoms includes the religions too. JW ? God don't need witnesses for He is all witness and we must be witnesses of Jesus and although we didn't see, we believed.
Carl Zorro all the "kingdoms" of HIS (Satan) and God did not stop Satan from offering it to Jesus. You see, the Earth was "destroyed" and left into the abyss AFTER Lucifer FELL to earth with his following angels. THIS is the Kingdom satan tempts Jesus with. God created a NEW earth after Noah. Look into Chuck Missler
mamadozier1971 Chuck Missler ? The world was doomed do to Satan being present and he rules , for now all the badness that is and this world has gone blindly after all that is against the things of God. And so He blinds people with the things of the world and he offer all of that including churches,religions and all included in the kingdoms of the world at such time. Read Kings 1,2 and you can see the vulgar things that were going on all the times until the coming of Christ. If you are going by the J.W.'s wake up and notice that they at the drinking and eating of wine and bread . no body takes part in it except some one in the congregation that supposedly he's one of the 144,000 chosen. That is belittling the rest of humans and who knows who is one of the 144,000? Only God knows them. Just as bad as the catholic with christening humans as Saints. Recall the first will be last and the last will be first. The old Israel use to also place people on top and ended up being screwips instead of asking of God whom to place on top.
144,000 are the only lineage blood line to Jesus it is King Davids lineage that are the protected ones. Plus, somewhere Jehovah's Witness believe this is hell we are in and only 144,000 het "raptured" up into heaven. Carl Zorro
Oh the scripture agree 100%, and anyone who will GAMBLE on their salvation based on the idea that they will get a less glorious second chance is not worthy of the first anyway.
Ezekiel 38:11 talks about Israel without walls and gates, i.e. defensive forces. Today's Tsahal of Israel doesn't match this criteria.
Exactly! It's the Psalm 83 Confederacy that is approaching & those who belong to it are currently working towards...
If you sincerely desire to understand, then study it and pray about what you read. What good is ANY man's opinions without personal study and prayer by the hearer.
It is appointed unto man once to die, but those who fail breach this promise and are then in danger of the second death, after resurrection after the 1000 years and are again deceived by Satan. This second death IS NOT appointed unto man, but will happen because of they have forfeited the promise.
The unpardonable sin is impossible to commit in our present dispensation:
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. - Hebrews 6:4-6
There is only one Gog & Magog war, and it is AFTER the 1000 years, not before. Any other teaching is pure deception.
Do you notice the word hell is not mentioned? The ETERNAL FIRE is The Lake of Fire, not hell, as hell itself is also cast into the Lake of Fire, Anything cast into the Lake of Fire is ultimately destroyed and ceases to exist in the perfection of God's creation.
(con't) Either sinners are given a second chance (according to the scriptures) to receive a lesser reward than those who accepted Yahshua in this life if they pass or God would be a hypocrite. How so? Either people are tormented in the fires of hell for all eternity or GOD'S MERCY ENDURES FOREVER ... you cannot have both.
It is appointed unto man once to die, but there will be those who through rebellious spirits will experience the second death.
And now we all have our popcorn and are waiting!!
Second chance = second place = less reward than first. Most people who say they'll take their chances on the second death won't even survive that. God's not as stupid as we think.
If that is how you believe it will be, so be it. It is not a mandatory to fully comprehend the plan of salvation in order to be a participant in it. We are too close to the manifestation of the truth to debate what is around the corner.
You are a wise seeker of truth, and you shall find your answers.
Lake of Fire is never described as a place of everlasting torment, but a place of total and absolute destruction i.e. those cast into it cease to exist.
I'll say this again: Does God's mercy endure forever? According to the scriptures - absolutely. How then could God's mercy endure forever when He shows no mercy to those burning in an eternal hell?
Either His mercy endures forever or He is burning people in hell for all eternity - WITHOUT MERCY. Pick one, you cannot have both.
It is very disheartening that there are so many false doctrines being propagated. I live in a small town and have found that my very own church home is teaching a variety of falsehoods. I don't know what to do-if I should speak out against this (they'd probably cast me out) or try to find another church which are few and far between. I really want to build a relationship with the Lord Jesus. Do I have to go to church? I was a backslider and I rededicated my life to God. Where can I be fed?
Thank you for this. Pray for me please.
People who PLAY WITH GOD in such a way truly do not comprehend just WHO they are dealing with. The truth is, if you say I'm going to live a fun and sinful life because you understand there will be a second chance, you will fail even that chance and your destination will be the Lake of Fire.
DON'T PLAY WITH GOD or your Eternal Salvation or you will be deeply, deeply disappointed.
I have been a Christian for 15 years and just recently have seen many new revelations in Scripture. I have seen especially in Isaiah and Revelation a 3rd group that even Jesus seems to be talking to. I pictured this group as what we today call "demons or ghosts" which in Enoch are described as the dead spirits of the Nephilim. The Nephilim were many &were every where! In the last maybe 10 chapters of Isaiah, this 3rd group is shown as being given mercy even though many would be against it or confused by it, and then this 3rd group comes to Earth or as this guy says new Earth and serves the Believers who have gone before them. Jesus seems to be speaking to this 3rd group, almost pleading with them to repent. I've also seen recently there is clearly No Pre Trib Rapture, the Church has been grafted into the Vine aka Israel, and Jesus was created FIRST by the Father and then ALL things were created By Him&Through Him. Thats why He alone IS THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON. In Job&Gen6 see Sons of God
BTW...ANYBODY WITH BREATHE IN THEM CAN BE SAVED IF THEY REPENT. But what does REPENT mean? Most will tell you that it means to be sorry for your sins and turn from them. NOPE!! The English word Repent is translated from the Greek word MetaNoia. Meta - to change, Noia - Mind. To have a change of Mind. Before you were a Non Believer, now you consciously Believe that #1 there is a God. #2 You are a sinner #3 Jesus was sent by God, died for your sins, rose again and is now Lord and you are forgiven. OF COURSE WE SHOULDN'T SIN BUT WE ALL DO EVERY DAY, but the Bible tells US where sin abounds, Grace abounds MUCH MORE! The few places where it mentions a list of sins and says that anybody who does these will not inherit Heaven, it FIRST declares US saved, forgiven, set apart. I'm sorry but Sin does NOT TRUMP the forgiveness of God. Jesus said we are in His hand AND in the Fathers hand! If you think Satan can rip u out of HIs hand, you have not read your entire New Testament. Read Rom.8
Travis, what on earth are you talking about... that demons can come to repentance??? This is really unscriptural, where do you see this in the Bible?
JESUS was not created by the father. " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made." John 1:1-3
Right here it shows Jesus has ALWAYS been with and one with God.
"ALL things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made."
--- including Jesus he could not be made because ALL things were made through him. Jesus is one with the father and always was.
Gog & Magog War is the Last War on earth after satan comes back from being a thousand years in Hell.
Thank you so much...
I was just doing a study on Gog and Maygog when I compared Ezekiel 38-39 with Revelation 20:7-15.
Then if you read Ezekiel 35 - 39 as if it is in chronological it it finishes after the 1000 year reign.
Nothing like learning everything you were taught B4 is wrong.... :)
+djs135net Your study proves the word. You have to put it together a little from this/that book in order to get the whole picture of knowledge. From my studying the word of God I've found that he always let us know the thing 2 -3 times that is how the word testifies of itself.
Isaiah 28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
if you have the scriptures to back up what you perceive as falsehood being taught, show the pastor the scriptures. if he will not listen...LEAVE.
You can always go to the watchmanreport . com
Interesting! Im going to subscribe. I have a question, what do you mean at the end about people who have committed an unforgivable sin? If im not mistaken the 3 things mentioned as unforgivable, are Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, Taking the Mark, and not forgiving your brothers and sisters. What do you think Blasphemy of the Holy spirit is exactly? Selling your soul or something like that?
You would take offense if Yahshua Himself answered your question. Therefore I am not offended by your response.
What is this "opening up portals of the abyss" nonsense? :-) I find nowhere in the scriptures where man has the ability to open "portals to the abyss". That is why I critiqued your statement.
The integrity of my calling in man's view is not my interest, but that my calling reside in the integrity of the Most High.
I was spared modern tv Christianity, 5 years ago I was called into a non-mainstream but world wide church that teaches how it was explained here. And the 1st resurrection (Rev 20:6) the better resurrection. And the Gog/Magog after the 1000 years peace, when Satan deceives one last time before gong to the lake of fire and taking any one else who chooses to rebel against God. Satan is loosed out of his prison after the 1000 years (Rev 20:7) for the Gog & Magog battle (Rev 20:8).
There is so much to figure out, great job on this vid!
No it does not, in fact it validates much of the scripture, as well as the love and mercy of God.
Watchman, I believe the battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39 is a different battle of the Gog and Magog battle in Revelation. There are similarities but I think they are different for the following reasons. I hope you could address each one of these.
1. Ezekiel 38 talks about the fish trembling. In Revelation 20, all the fish have died back in Revelation 16 because of the 3rd bowl.
2. Ezekiel 38 talks about mountains being overturned in Israel. In Revelation 20, no mountains exist because of the 7th bowl where every mountain and island are destroyed and are no longer found.
3. Ezekiel 38 talks about the enemies will be destroyed by plague, bloodshed, rain, hailstones, and burning sulfer. Every man will be against his brother. In Revelation 20, God brings down fire only. Fire is not mentioned in Ezekiel 38.
4. Satan is not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 but is in Revelation 20.
5. Ezekiel 39 mentions that the weapons will be burned for 7 years. Why would this need to occur in Revelation 20 after the defeat of Satan and when the new heaven and new earth is restored?
Jim H Good questions and points. Hoping for a reply from Watchman.
wamdn I doubt I'm going to get one. I asked these questions over a year ago. Pretty hard to reconcile these questions since they are two different events in my opinion.
Jim H, no, there are not two Gog-Magog battles. Ezekiel 38 also describes as Israel being at peace, in a Millennial setting. So it definitely doesn't describe Israel's current state. GM war is after the Millennium, for sure. God's word says so, but people who are evil want to twist God's prophecy and they will fail.
Subscribed based upon this highly TRUTHFUL presentation, Thank you and may the Father Almighty bless and keep His hedge of protection around you and yours in these days of GREATER deception to come: HalleluYah!
Thank you,there are too many who falsely teach the word of God. It is nice to see that someone else has read Scripture for themselves and knows the battle of Gog and Magog takes place after the Millenium, again,thank you TWR!
what do you mean @ 9:20 "there final estate will not be as glorious". what do u mean by their final estate .
"evil go to hell directly, then judgement, then lake of fire." Maybe I am screwed up, I will have to research it again and see, but what I understand is that all of those places are emptied and all who were in them are now standing before the Father (even those in hell). Now is that a 2nd chance? I don't know, only the Father knows. Could be just a sort of roll call before the final assignment. But I would lean towards it being something more than that in His mercy. Pray it is for their sake.
greeting in Yahshua name,i always ponder the second death your video makes sense n scriptural can you explain then scripture its appointed unto man death then judgement.This sound like a univeralism belief or Church of God doctrine please explain if u are able thanks.
Look, we fallen creatures WANT sinners to suffer for all eternity, therefore we interpret the scriptures to fulfill our black hearts desire. The truth of the matter is that plan of salvation is much more complex than what most understand and every nuance of it is not covered in the pages of the Bible, or the Bible would be multiple volumes long.
Stop concerning yourself with what hopefully does not apply to you.
It is sad that ANY go to hell, in particular our loved ones, but all of us have loved ones who have been or will be consigned to that awful place. The blessing is that they will be resurrected in the RESURRECTION OF THE UNJUST and tried AGAIN after the 1000 years when Satan is again unleashed for a short season TO TEMPT THE NATIONS (those resurrected in the resurrection of the unjust). Even then, many shall fail. These will be cast into the Lake of Fire and cease to exist. (con't)
If you say so...I respectfully no better.
I respectfully must correct you. The Bible CLEARLY states, in no uncertain terms, that ALL the dead in hell are brought out of hell and then hell is cast into the lake of fire EMPTY, and yes, there IS a second chance for unbelievers, with a lesser glory in the resurrection if they get it right, spoken of CLEARLY in the scriptures.
Forget all the religious nonsense you've read, heard and watched in movies and television and pay close attention to what the scriptures are actually saying....
The parable of the rich man who went to hell could be interpreted that way. But the man asks the angel if he could just tell his family about it so they would repent. He also wanted just a drop of water, and could not have it because they were divided by a barrier. In my opinion that would mean they are in a hot place, and life was still going on here on Earth.
Yes, we are not Magog and we love Jesus! So take away NATO bases from our borders!!!!!
With love from Russia
Travis-2313 We also know well, that simple Americans are cool. I believe, that one day we will smile while talking about all those "cold wars".
With respect, from RF
Shelton ua-cam.com/video/jC-WmC9vMPU/v-deo.html
GREAT Fantasy Book
And that is why ONLY the Father knows anything for sure. From where we sit we may think it would nullify scripture but that still doesn't mean that its how we think it is. His ways are far above ours and we can't even conceive of all that He has in store. We don't even truly know IF we have all the scripture so how can we say anything about what His plans are. But I definitely could see Him make a way cause He desires none should perish and His desire maybe the final rule. We shall see:)
Watchman how do you know that if there is a second chance those that " play with God" will fail even that chance? Where is that written ?
Wow looking at Rev 20:8 I was just hit in the face with something else I never noticed before. "to gather them together to battle: the number of whom [is] as the sand of the sea." The "THEM" Gog and Magog are gathering has to be the offspring of Jacob and Ishmael, they are the only two who's offspring will number as the sands of the sea! Amazing!
That is the White Throne Judgement after the 1000 years and as I understand it all are raised and stand before the throne for judgement, even Yahusha/Jesus is before the throne from what I understand. Everything, hell, the lake of fire, the graves, everything is opened, emptied and cast away. That is what I have always understood when I read it.
Events in Ezekiel 38, 39 are to be fulfilled in the 'latter days'. That means before the closing of the Grace Age (Rapture).
After this is the Second Exodus. described in Jeremiah 16: 14-15.
The Gog-Magog war 2 mentioned in Revelation 20:7 will occur after the Millennium
Ok if you hope to convince anyone that knows the Bible, that you know what you are talking about, it is important that you stop referring to the book of Revelation as though it were plural. There is no such book in the Bible as Revelations. The Book in question is called The Book of Revelation.
get back into your meds bro lol
Wonderful to hear it laid out so accurately! Unfortunately, It took me years of thoughtful prayer and searching before I was blessed with this same understanding. For despite having read the words, I did not understand until one day I received word that nobody would be cast away simply due to being born at the wrong place or time , or otrherwise not having been in any situation without being given the chance to make an informed choice between Life and death. The phrases about "over these the second death as no power" and the other verses you mentioned are precisely the ones that are relevant.
The whole issue of Gog/Magog is really unimportant compared to the message of hope that the passages bring to bear...
I highly recommend everyone give what is said in this video a good listen.
...You clearly do not comprehend, nor understand the meaning of the second death, nor the resurrection of the just and THE UNJUST.
Two separate Gog and Magog events? Get real. It is a description of the very same event, that occurs AFTER the 1000 years. Libya couldn't even be in an alliance with Russia in this dispensation because Libya is in total disarray and for all intents and purposes out of the game.
My following question is not for contention. It's just a question to clear some doubts: Is it possible that there is a period of time between the gog and magog war of revelation 20 and the destruction of the Earth to create a new one? Why am I asking that? Because in certain verses of ezekiel chapter 39 talks about buring the death for seven months and also about burning the weapons for seven years.
Where are you getting all of this nonsensical false doctrine that twists the scriptures???
Yes, Suziethecat, it does. You just have not yet discovered it. Gog and Magog is actually an event caused by those who failed their second chance. Pray about it, Suzie. Ask God if I am correct.
Why would a supposed loving God unleash Satan on us? I never got that whole wrath of God thing. It makes God seem not a loving God. I just don't get it. I see God as a loving God, I can't not see him in any other way.
+Annette Cabezas The wrath of God is because of Israel being attacked. Also, the Days of Noah had the Nephilim seed and so will the end of days. The Demonic will be running rampant and there will be things on earth that will cause main's heart to fail-God will come as a warrior.
+Annette Cabezas God is not against the human race. He is against sin, which must be eliminated. People allow sin to enter into them by choice, so God has to deal with this also.
+Annette Cabezas God is almighty don't get it twisted and think he is soft because that is the lie told every sunday in church. Read the book and know that The Most High God is to be feared he is no play thing.
Isaiah 45:7I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.Joshua 10:11 And it came to pass,as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
Romans 9:11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid
Bless you brother!
Am wondering why you neglected to mention the brothers of Magog... Tubal and Meshech? Dang, I thought this vid was about Ezekiel Chapter 38. Am looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
One thing that the narrator forgets, in he gog and magog war after the millenium gog and magog are descibed to be scattered throughout the four corners of the earth, while ezekiel says gog and magog are in the north quarters.
And so from that we have to make a choice, one of the passages is wrong OR there are 2 different attacks made by Gog and magog. Also notice that gog and magog are not both seperate nations. it says "Gog, the land of Magog". not just "Gog and Magog"
Hagee is a wolf in tattered sheep's clothing and is teaching extremely false doctrine on many subjects. His teaching do not line up with the scriptures in any way.
Mary, a dispensation is a measured period of time.
What is dispensation?
100% incorrect! Now you have to REVERSE the verses in order to FORCE this false interpretation??? Israel dwells without walls in safety, it says in Ezekiel, at the time of the Gog & Magog attack, this is NOT going to happen in this dispensation. It will be just as described in the Book of Revelation AFTER THE THOUSAND YEARS.
Watchman, can you explain what you meant by this ...
"TheWatchmanReport 2 years ago in reply to snoozinghipo
Lake of Fire is never described as a place of everlasting torment, but a place of total and absolute destruction i.e. those cast into it cease to exist.
"I'll say this again: Does God's mercy endure forever? According to the scriptures - absolutely. How then could God's mercy endure forever when He shows no mercy to those burning in an eternal hell?
"Either His mercy endures forever or He is burning people in hell for all eternity - WITHOUT MERCY. Pick one, you cannot have both."
When the Bible says this ...
Revelation 20:10 (KJV)
"10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
wamdn Simple answer to your question is that all of the beings you mention are not human but demonic, or angelic if you prefer. Ofcoarse one can argue over who or what the beast and false prophet are, but none doubt that both come "from the devil", whatever shape or form they may take.
Epeec So you do not deny that the Bible speaks of Hell being eternal torment. You are saying that the eternal torment is reserved for angels -- not humans. Can you show verses in the Bible saying that humans will not experience eternal torment in Hell but angels will? Thanks,
Matthew 25 proverb of Jesus states something like "Depart from me you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels". So obviously the eternal "hell" was not designed for humans. Im not saying some humans won't end up there, but those are the "special kind", satan worshipers, demon possessed and the likes, Rev 14:11. Im not sure who exactly will go where, but i believe eternal punishment was meant primarily for the fallen angels and God will try and try to save as many of the human race as possible. He will give many chances to anyone and except the hardcore unbelievers, he will save whoever is willing.
Epeec There is (no) eternal Hell described in the bible, the suffering forever and ever in Hell is a spiritual domain of this 'earth age'. The English word Hell is same as 'grave, deepest darkest abyss-pit, and a number of other descriptions. The (only) description of significance is in compilation form called 'Death and Hades' holding all wicked, and this is cast into the (final) Lake of Fire, where all is destroyed as punishment forever. Verse after saying the 'smoke of their suffering' rises forever Suffering in HELL for ever and ever lasts as long as this earth age and existence of Hell. Afterward there are no wicked, nor death, suffering or pain, and the New Age is beginning NEW of all things for the Family of God.
Fair enough, the lake of fire is the "forever" place then, try not to make it there ;)
It is ALL about ZION, but not Zionism. The gathering of Israel is not the people of Israel as we know it, The gathering of Israel is "the Israel of God", not man.
In Yahshua neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. - Galatians 6:15-16 KJV
Christians need to understand these prophecies in truth, and not politicized garbage.
Preacher I have a friend that worries he sold his soul to the Devil. Can he be saved?
Have you 1. Tasted of the Heavenly gift, which is resurrection? Have you experienced the powers of the world to come? Of course not, how could you - it is a world to come, not this one.
The plan of salvation has been thoroughly corrupted by modern day religion and few comprehend its fullness and depth, yet their mouths keep moving, speaking things that they have no clue about.
I knew a woman who killed herself because her Christian mother told her she committed the unpardonable sin.
Is it really wrong or is it that you simply misunderstand the scriptures? i would have to say it is the latter.
When you can explain why Satan is unleashed again after the 1000 years to tempt the nations (WHAT nations?), as well as the second death and the resurrection of the just AND THE UNJUST, you need to engage your spirit to understand the meat of the word and the fulness of the plan of salvation instead of that pablum based, incomplete nonsense.
Oh baloney. This gets tiresome.
Gog/Magog in Ezekiel 38/39 precedes the 7 years of Daniel 9:27. The feast on Gog's army is in Ezekiel 39:4, then 7 years later in Ezekiel 39:17-20 is the Armageddon feast equating to Revelation 19:17-18. The rest of the chapter is from the perspective of Jesus having returned.
All before the 1000 years begin. Gog and Magog in Revelation is just that those same nations will be lead into rebellion a second time around.
Beautiful, excellent!! I have come to the same conclusions. Rev. 20:7-10 referances Ezekiels prophecy and plainly places its fulfillment after the 1000 yrs have ended. Again, Gods word interprets itself if only we will search and pray. Also I thank you for highlighting the awsome depths of Gods grace.
Gog and magog is Britain, it also explains why they have successfully conquered most of the world and not been held accountable.
hmmm, I recall a part where they are saying God when will this come to an end? and He says just a bit longer. Don't who want the justice of God to come to a completion say this ? I do when I see all these corruptions and death to babies and all in misfortunes. the poor and the meek
The 144,000 is much deeper than what you have stated.
THIS MAN is teaching what the Word says without the Satanic Zionists twisting of scriptures. You are correct, I DO teach REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY, because that is what the BIBLE teaches! Zionists hate it, but they also hated and still do hate Yahshua.
I perceive that you are not a Christian, but a Zionist infiltrator. There are many of your ilk within Christianity, perverting the plainness of what the Bible says, pretending to be Christians. NOT WITH ME!
It will be in the latter days, how is that after the millennium? Ezek 38:16 We are in the latter days.
Ezekiel 38 happens before the seven year Tribulation period. Ezekiel 39 happens at the end of the Tribulation period. It is the same as the battle of Armageddon. Revelation 20 describes another similar battle that happens at the end of Jesus' first 1000 year rule on earth. All three of these battles are called "Gog and Magog" because they are all led by Magog (Gen 10:1-3) who was the prominent ruler of today's Turkey! Today Magog would be Recep Tayyip Erdoğan the Prime Minister of Turkey!
Forget about the fact that there are burials for 7 months after Ezekiel 38 -39 war . In revelation God comes down on them with fire only . In Ezekiel there is pestilences , earthquakes , overflowing rain , hail and fire . So what are you trying to prove here . Gimme a break .
willowtree willow And this is why more and more people don't put their spiritual trust or faith in a book that no one can agree upon. Are we to believe we all have a personal relationship with a Creator that can't communicate through words in a way everyone will understand? What kind of revelation is it that no one can read and agree upon?
The body, mind and spirit will detect the Creator and reveal spiritual truth if you will be still, listen and discern.
wamdn That's a misrepresentation of the Bible as a whole, Wamdn. Is it worthless to learn remedial math because integral calculus is difficult? Of course not. End-times prophecy is like the calculus of the Bible, but it's only a portion of Scripture. The parts of Scripture that need to be clear--the foundational topics--are easy to grasp because God wants everyone to know them. But God is also unspeakably complex, and conducting events towards a predetermined end point while simultaneously revealing to the prophets the milestones of the story is an incredibly delicate undertaking. Of course it isn't going to be simple or laid out for us in perfect clarity.
Alex Lawrence I'm sorry, but I don't buy that argument. So much of the Bible's meaning is up to the interpretation of the reader. Denominations did not form because of a disagreement over prophesy alone.
From Genesis to Revelation, people have different opinions about what the Bible means, even in its most simple parts. Genesis 6. Romans 13. Melchisedec and Melchizedek. The length of each day of Creation. The type of fruit of the tree of life. The identity of Cain's wife.
You will have an opinion on all of these things. Others will have different opinions. See what I mean?
You're right, there are a plethora of opinions about those topics you listed, but again, those are all tertiary to the core themes of scripture, which are the person of Messiah and the redemptive plan. Moreover, the list of Bible things about which Christians agree is much larger than the list of disagreements. That's why we can talk about the crucifixion and resurrection and ascension and communion and judgment day and heaven and hell and tithing and charity and sanctification and miracles and even giants, and understand each other perfectly well. Despite our differences, we're mostly on the same page.
Alex Lawrence I disagree again. There is a wide range of opinions on these matters. Who can take communion in what churches? Judgement Day -- What's that, really? Everyday is judgement day for everyone who dies. Heaven and Hell bring up all sorts of discussions. Many people believe heaven and hell are here on Earth. Preterism is a very interesting topic with many verses to back it up to the point that any thinking person must consider it carefully. Tithing is another issue that causes arguments. Tithing to today's churches is no guarantee those tithes will be used in the manner you expect. Many now bypass the church and tithe directly to those in need in the way they need it. Miracles? How many amputees receive the miracle of having their severed limb or limbs restored? Why are there no miracles for amputees? While the meaning of Genesis 6 seems clear to me, others see it much differently regarding just who these 'sons of God' are.
The Bible as a communication directly from the Creator to the created is woeful inadequate. The world is in need of a new and understandable revelation -- a revival, and a direct reaffirmation of the reality of the Creator. Considering the level of illiteracy, language barriers and other factors, the written word is not the way to do this.
Gog and Magog are Turkish, not Russian.
Revelation 20:10 KJV [10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are , and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
First off there are two Gog Magog wars one before the millenium . Gog is the king of the army of Magog which is a laundry list of Muslim nations led by Turkey where Satan throne is , Gog is one of Satans titles . Other than that good job butchering scripture .
True. The events of Gog and Magog, Ezekiel 38-39, do not occur at the Tribulation period, Armageddon, Christ’s return nor the start of the Millennium, but at the end of the Millennium. See Revelations 20:7-9. There is no scripture that allows one to put those events in any other time but at the end of the Millennium. Let the Bible interpret the Bible. Don't over think this. Stop listening to the so-called experts and listen to the Bible.
According to a greek bishop of i think 6th century, when Alexander the Great encountered horrible people when we campaigned east past Persia. He reached India at the time, which may be Pakistan of today. According to that bishop, Alexander moved those people north to the land of Gog and those same people will be unleashed in the last days on Israel. They may come from the north, but they will be same eastern people. Now think about that. Just saying.
Wow! How did I not see that???
What is NOT in the Word is the name "Yeshua"... Nullifies this entire video. That name "Yeshua" can not be found in any of the original New Testament. How do you go from quoting scriptures from some (other) english "per-version" of the King James Bible yet replacing the name "Jesus" each time with "Yeshua".... I don't believe any of it.
yeshua is his hebrew name and jesus is the the english translation of the greek yesous, pesos being the greek translation of the hebrew yeshua.
the letter j didn't come into the english language till around 1670
mikha007 but if you look at the KJV AV1611 and "IESUS" was STILL pronounced "J" as was "IEW" pronounced "JEW".. Just because the letter "J" did not exist does not mean the sound did not exist. You find me the document; an ancient manuscript with the word "Yeshua" in it? And please get back to me with it... Not talking about the Jewish Talmud... totally corrupt. This "Yeshua" is a an End Times deception that we were warned about.
maybe pronounced as a j but not written as one.
yeshua was still called yeshua by his parents and friends etc.
yeshua is the shortened form of yehoshua (joshua)
mikha007 Where did you get that from? A youtube video teaching? Something you found on google? All I'm asking you to do is produce the manuscript that the name "Yeshua" came off of? And there again, the confusion ("God is not the author of confusion.") even within this Hebrew Roots movement, there's NO agreement on the name or pronunciation. Is it "Yeshua" .."Yehoshua" ..."Jeshua" "Joshua" Yahoshua"... I think you're being deceived in a very clever, elaborate End Times deception. I'm 1000% POSITIVE that the name "JESUS" is reliable and WORKS to raise the dead, heal the lame and sick and cast out devils. I don't trust anything in that Hebrew Roots deception, and if you want to use a reliable Hebrew name for our Lord and Savior... call him "EMMANUEL" ... my thoughts. Peace be to you.
have you healed the sick in the name of emmanuel?
remember that yeshua was unable to heal some because of their lack of faith and with others their own faith made them well.
the hebrew gospel of matthew by george howard has a lot of info I'm sure you'd be interested in..too much to discuss here.
there is only one Yeshua/Jesus/Iesous/ Esa
however you want to pronounce it but i prefer to call Him what angel Gabriel said to call him and that is Yeshua.
nothing to do with the hebrew roots movement
The New Jerusalem doesn't come down out of heaven until after Gog and Magog are defeated in Rev 21:2
Looks like you got it wrong for the same reason you say others did.
Dont be too quick to condemn the guy, even if this video contradict 20th century predominant protestant believes, they are just that, 20th century believes of part of the Christianity. Some of the holy fathers, or if you prefer, the early church bishops have written similar interpretations of the bible16-17 centuries ago, well forgotten in most parts of the world by now. Various believes have been in fashion throughout the centuries, many claiming to be the only true interpretation of the scriptures. Most of them long forgotten or rejected by now. We only know in parts, see in parts and understand even less. All will be relieved at the end and we all will be surprised by the truth. Yes, i assume we are all wrong in our believes. Anyone to contradict my belief?
Excellent and true!
Love... the light of the spirit... the life of the redeemed.
I believe that,i was always taught that the bride was coming back to earth after the rapture and after the great destruction and the bride is coming back on earth with christ to the battle revelation19:14-21 i dont think the battle is going to be like people think,can you really imagine satan and his little army making war with the most high,all jesus have to do is look at satan and his little army and they will be burnt to crisp since in rev19:12 say his eyes were as flames of fire
The Rapture? I think this so called ''Rapture '' is the first resurrection of those that didn't get the name of the beast on or in the (wickedness) and the saint left or virgins of all that is bad in the eyes of God. If there's a rapture then what is the meaning of resurrection?
I thought rapture simplly means to be caught up rather alive or dead,and ressurection means to be raised from the dead
Shay Tatum Rapture to me is from Catholic stuff and the only ones I see going up toward Jesus are the 144,000 in no matter what conditions they are dead or alive. ck rev 20 for the first Resurrection is of those 144 k What I myself wonder and think of is this, IF only 144,000 will go up then who are there for them to rule on earth for 1000 yrs? I have had in mind a government by Jesus and these 144 k but if we are to be resurrected after the 1000 years who were on earth as their citizens ?
Shay Tatum Using WORDsearch Basic and searching on the KJV, AMP, NIV ... 'rapture' is not in the bible.
What's with the BUTTERFLY image on your icon? You do know its the MK Ultra Symbol don't you? A trigger? Why do you have it, are you an MK Ultra subject & perhaps don't even know it?
There is only one, murph.
The differences in the Ez.38-39 war, compared with the Revelation war are obvious. - And to suggest that the wicked are raised so they get a 'second chance', when Scripture so clearly and distinctly says: "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" - there belief is not just dogmatic error, but severe doctrinal error, and a form of reincarnation !
And who really wrote the bible?????????????????????????
If this is true it really is a relief to know and the worry over your family going to hell
thanks fot ur quick reply n answer Be bless
You still have much to learn, grasshopper :-)
wrong that's a different war and even then god wipes them out . not even a fight. read your bible 2 wars under gog and magog.
Another false shepherd leading all who will listen -- just look at psalms 83 all ISLAMIC Gog/Magog is Turkey, Pakistan. Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, and the rest. They are all ISLAMIC not Russian.
He is right, the battle of God and Magog will only take place after the 1000 yr reign of Christ. Many have been led astray by this teaching to exalt a fleshly man made nation of Israel. The Church is the true Israel of God.
the church is NOT a replacement for Israel, LIAR!! The scriptures DO NOT SAY THIS, Paul is your ROMAN false prophet and also a LIAR. He contradicts scriptures twice by misquoting, never met Yahowsha and Jesus/Esous is a Celtic horned God who demands human sacrifice, Easter is Istar worship and your PAGAN Christmas in nothing more that Babylon worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, it is you who are deceived. Your Bible is even named after BIBLIOS a Phoenician SUN GODDESS, the very word BABEl means CONFUSION (YOU) The word Church comes from Circe another PAGAN Goddess who seduce men into her temple and changes them to pigs (unclean animals) which are what each and every Christian is in the sight of YHWH. YOu use the name LORD, which means Baál (SATAN) you pray on your knees to HALAL BEN SHAKAR (Satan)and your leader is PAUL/SHAUL/SHEOL. You are a joke of a man if you think for one second that Yahowah replaced his beloved nation Israel with a bunch of PAGANS worshiping in the ways of Babylon, it is not in the writings, and you dear sir are sadly a part of the masses who have been deceived. YOU WILL NEVER REPLACE ISRAEL OR YAHOWAH'S TORAH!!. NOw go read a book called Fossilized Customs to know just how PAGAN CHRISTIANITY IS YOU WILL NEVER EVER REPLACE ISRAEL AND A LIAR ARE YOU!!!
Lisa Bernier
The Church has always been and will always be the true Israel of God. We see Israel in the OT referred to as the Church in the wilderness. God changed the name of Jacob to Israel because he wrestled with God and prevailed. Jacob was one of the patriachs just as Abraham and Isaac. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham was justified by faith because he believed in God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Isaac was the son born after the Spirit and Jacob was the firstborn of God as stated Esau have I hated but Jacob have I loved. Esau was the firstborn but sold his birthright for a pot of pottage and despised his birthright. Therefore to be a son or daughter of Abraham we must follow in his footsteps. Just as Abraham was justified by faith so the son and daughter of God must be justified by faith in Jesus. Secondly God gave a commandment to Abraham that he was to be circumcised in his flesh. In the NT we must be circumcised in the foreskin of out hearts i.e. we must cut off the flesh from our lives and walk after the Spirit of God. Notice what God says in the NT if you are Christ's then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. In Galatians we read that peace and mercy on the Israel of God. The church is the Israel of God and the Israel of God is the church. They are one and the same. You can birth a Israel after the flesh just as Ishmael was birthed, but what does the divine response say? Cast out the bondwoman and her son for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with my son in Isaac shall your seed be called. Isaac is also a type of Jesus for Abraham received him from the dead in a figure.
You know NOT what you worship, Esous/Jesus is a made up fictional character of ROME, ESOUS is not in any of the earliest Greek manuscripts, furthermore Esous is a GOAT GOD, and if you believe the one who came out from the sheepfold but was NOT of the sheepfold (PAUL) then I question your logic and doctrines. Christianity is based on Paul/Shaul/Sheols writings NOT GOD. it is wholly based on Sun-day worship, and replacement theology, if you want the truth about Paul I suggest you read www.questioningpaul.com and get the truth from the earliest extant manuscripts. But dont you dare hold up lies and call them truth, for by your owns words will you be convicted. NO Christian kkeps the covenant of Yahowah, they have a god made up of FAITH based on the Greek Cherise (3 harlots, just like your wonn trinity-based wholly on Babylon worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz) Good Luck with that at Yom Kippur (your trail) Alos by default your religion is excluded from a narrow path which few find, 1.2 billion religious Jesus worshippers are by numbers discluded from the few there be that find it. Sorry better brush up on your Hebrew because yoor so called enarrant BIBLIOS has over 30,000 mistakes in it,if you would like to beat your soul on that garbage be my guest. Israle will never be replaced by the church, NEVER!!
Lisa Bernier
You worship a false god (Satan). Unless you are worshipping the Trinty i.e. Father, Son and Holy Spirit you are worshipping Lucifer. Either you believe that the Holy Scrptures are written by the Holy Ghost or you don't. The King James Bible is the inspired Word of God and unless you are born of the Spirit you have no inheritance in God. You must repent and put your trust in Jesus for your salvation for there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved - only faith in Jesus will save you from both spiritual death and physical death. The first time Jesus came was to save us from spiritual death (the lake of fire), He is coming back soon to save His Bride from physical death.
he claims accuracy but can't even get the name of the Book of Revelation right......calls it Revelations which is inaccurate and when I go to a different video.
What I have never hears such words to my ears. It sounds biblical. But I don't want to jump on a wagon I have not tested. Besides this is not really what I should put my hopes on anyway. I rather be saved in the first ressurection anyway and avoid hell all together. But it sounds amazing if people do get a second chance. IT just sounds too good to be true. I have heard some of your other videos they are very biblical and truthfull. But this confuses me slightly. Praise God he is good either way.
Study again.... you must rightly divide the written Word. Amen.
thanks bro- added
I believe you are watching far too much science fiction. :-) Free The Babylonians, those so caught up in spiritual Babylon, this world that they are unfit for Heaven.
Do you also believe that God is calling forth evil spirits when He says, COME OUT OF HER (BABYLON) MY PEOPLE?
Time is too short for Willy Wonka logic games.
Also you say the lake of fire is not torment but extinction ? But revelation says tormented day and night forever and ever about the lake of fire . False prophet
First ofnall, the "Watch Tower" and "Watchers" are directly from Fallen Angels. Yah is a MOON GOD....yahweh? No its JESUS. Start your research of Jahovas Witness way back to Enoch and the Fallen angles...
What are you talking about???All religions are false ck the last temptation of christ, not the movie ok lol Didn't the devil offered to give Jesus ''all these kingdoms'' well in all those kingdoms includes the religions too. JW ? God don't need witnesses for He is all witness and we must be witnesses of Jesus and although we didn't see, we believed.
Carl Zorro all the "kingdoms" of HIS (Satan) and God did not stop Satan from offering it to Jesus. You see, the Earth was "destroyed" and left into the abyss AFTER Lucifer FELL to earth with his following angels. THIS is the Kingdom satan tempts Jesus with. God created a NEW earth after Noah. Look into Chuck Missler
mamadozier1971 Chuck Missler ? The world was doomed do to Satan being present and he rules , for now all the badness that is and this world has gone blindly after all that is against the things of God. And so He blinds people with the things of the world and he offer all of that including churches,religions and all included in the kingdoms of the world at such time. Read Kings 1,2 and you can see the vulgar things that were going on all the times until the coming of Christ. If you are going by the J.W.'s wake up and notice that they at the drinking and eating of wine and bread . no body takes part in it except some one in the congregation that supposedly he's one of the 144,000 chosen. That is belittling the rest of humans and who knows who is one of the 144,000? Only God knows them. Just as bad as the catholic with christening humans as Saints. Recall the first will be last and the last will be first. The old Israel use to also place people on top and ended up being screwips instead of asking of God whom to place on top.
144,000 are the only lineage blood line to Jesus it is King Davids lineage that are the protected ones. Plus, somewhere Jehovah's Witness believe this is hell we are in and only 144,000 het "raptured" up into heaven. Carl Zorro
Let me just refute you again because I see where you said blatantly lake of fire is not everlasting torment .. Read it again false prophet