


  • @Solliebolliehorror
    @Solliebolliehorror 4 роки тому +9

    Wist je dat dat hek het oude hek is van de oude ingang van de Efteling 😉

    • @MariekeLisette
      @MariekeLisette 4 роки тому

      Solaina Sjoukens Oh ja, nu zie ik het
      Dat wist ik helemaal niet!

    • @JoyHomfeld
      @JoyHomfeld 4 роки тому

      Oh, dat is eigenlijk best wel cool!

    • @gwnlars_8306
      @gwnlars_8306 Рік тому

      Yup, Ingang West. Staat nu VV.

  • @esteban199633
    @esteban199633 4 роки тому +2

    Can someone translate the audio please?^^

    • @bokurble8893
      @bokurble8893 4 роки тому +2

      Narrator: In the mid-eighteenth century, waves of violence flooded our Brabant Kempen and the Limburg countryside. Hordes of unscrupulous crook suits marched through our peaceful alleys in a looting and arsonous manner. They called themselves "De Bokkenrijders" (The Buckriders) after shadowy air spirits who, according to a medieval myth, were seated on bucks, swarming through the dark night sky and could even enter closed houses.
      Marie: The Buckriders, viper brood, that's it! They have to wipe them out with root and branch, they have to!
      Young Pear: Yes, that's for sure Marie, that's for sure!
      Villager: I heard they burned down the stony of Arjan de Stoere last night, and brought everything of value!
      Trees: Oh yes? It's not true, is it?
      Marie: Viper brood, that's it!
      Trees: They say that their eyes shine in the dark and that they are so fast that fate strikes you like thunder!
      Marie: I am telling you that! Underhanded mob that servants the common people with low pranks and bribery. Let them rob the landlord, then they will come home from a cold fair! (Dutch saying) He has plenty of country servants to teach them good mores and to finish his handiwork!
      Narrator: The myth tells that this demonic army of Buckriders found its end in a horrible battle, high in the heavens above the Postel Abbey. For sixty long years, the gang exercised a real reign of terror over the rural population. Their satanic guild sign, a bucks leg, filled everyone with shudder and fear.
      Young Pear: Cursed are those Bokkenrijders, the parasites of this region and their Hugo in particular!
      Marie: It's a wicked doak that a Hugo. With its long black mane, it's a devil right. When he is around you are not sure about your life.
      Trees: Not to mention good and good!
      Marie: Even the bolts for the trap door don't stop him!
      Trees: Ah Lord, who will be able to free us from such torturers ?!
      Young Pear: A blasphemous bandit, that's for sure, but remember: "Pride comes before the fall!"
      Villager: Heh, that may well be Young Pear, but for the moment he doesn't care!
      Marie: As a young man, he wasn't good. Always against the director. You saw it coming then that he would become a joke.
      Narrator: Hear here the story of Hugo, Hugo van den Loonsche Duynen, who joined this mean pack of robbers. A man without any compassion, possessed of unbridled greed and craving for money. Hugo, the Buckrider...

    • @pimvermeulen
      @pimvermeulen 4 роки тому

      Here you have the text: songteksten.net/lyric/1592/36863/efteling/villa-volta.html, you can translate it into English in Deepl or Google Translate.