Didi, leukaemia h, thrombocytopenia h, immune thrombocytic purpura, liver spleen increased h, burning body , desire sweet thirst less headache ameliorate by binding cloth , macro ytic anaemia h , sometimes constipation, sun aggravation weeping dispositions h , bone marrow cancer yawning ,lean thin age 36 h , personel and parents history me chest tuberculosis, no fever , ceanothus q or china 200 ch de rahe h ,kya phosphorus ya natrum mur ya sulphur arsenic kya h , sweating on back , please didi batao ,Charan sparsh
A Real homeopath never gives a name to a health disturbance. If she has a fear of dogs, wandering desire & chilly but loves open air & catches cold very easily give Tub 0/1 to 0/6. If not Nat Mur 0/1to 0/6 once a day.
Potency bhi batay
Didi, leukaemia h, thrombocytopenia h, immune thrombocytic purpura, liver spleen increased h, burning body , desire sweet thirst less headache ameliorate by binding cloth , macro ytic anaemia h , sometimes constipation, sun aggravation weeping dispositions h , bone marrow cancer yawning ,lean thin age 36 h , personel and parents history me chest tuberculosis, no fever , ceanothus q or china 200 ch de rahe h ,kya phosphorus ya natrum mur ya sulphur arsenic kya h , sweating on back , please didi batao ,Charan sparsh
A Real homeopath never gives a name to a health disturbance. If she has a fear of dogs, wandering desire & chilly but loves open air & catches cold very easily give Tub 0/1 to 0/6.
If not Nat Mur 0/1to 0/6 once a day.