Alwayyys seeing people run that stop sign in front of Walmart on South Bryant. I almost was hit the other day turning in front of it. Even though I have no sign, I often slow down because people just roll through anyway and I don't want to be hit.
It seems like the police are doing more speed enforcement since the change in leadership. It's a good thing tho, especially on the loop. Too many nutjobs hauling ass.
Great show!
so very true. I always see people run that 4 way stop on my way to the base.
In San Angelo people think a red light is just a suggestion...
Alwayyys seeing people run that stop sign in front of Walmart on South Bryant. I almost was hit the other day turning in front of it. Even though I have no sign, I often slow down because people just roll through anyway and I don't want to be hit.
What's sad is I've seen 2 of these cars and they drive like that everywhere plus how many Pontiac Aztecs are on the road?
It seems like the police are doing more speed enforcement since the change in leadership. It's a good thing tho, especially on the loop. Too many nutjobs hauling ass.