It's now the 29th of December 2024, almost 3 months after performing this mod and the Pump Motor and Mini 5A Switch-Mode PSU are still going strong. I've seen no signs of destress from the Pump Motor or the Mini 5A Switch-Mode PSU so far.
Thanks! I need to do this mod. My unit's fan sometimes starts extremely loudly and only quietens down with a strategically placed thump near the fan. 🤗
Kainka Labs’ made some interesting mods to improve suction for his ZD-915. The stock way has to evacuate the hose of air before suction starts to build so he uses a solenoid at the handpiece to open to the vacuum after suction has built up. For my Aoyue station I just pinch the hose. ;)
The inrush current to the motor will be limited (a bit)... You have forgotten about the resistance of the wire to the trigger switch. If you remember you had to increase the PSU output voltage to 13V to get 12V at the motor to counteract for the resistance of the wire.
It's now the 29th of December 2024, almost 3 months after performing this mod and the Pump Motor and Mini 5A Switch-Mode PSU are still going strong. I've seen no signs of destress from the Pump Motor or the Mini 5A Switch-Mode PSU so far.
Thanks! I need to do this mod. My unit's fan sometimes starts extremely loudly and only quietens down with a strategically placed thump near the fan. 🤗
Kainka Labs’ made some interesting mods to improve suction for his ZD-915. The stock way has to evacuate the hose of air before suction starts to build so he uses a solenoid at the handpiece to open to the vacuum after suction has built up. For my Aoyue station I just pinch the hose. ;)
The inrush current to the motor will be limited (a bit)... You have forgotten about the resistance of the wire to the trigger switch. If you remember you had to increase the PSU output voltage to 13V to get 12V at the motor to counteract for the resistance of the wire.