MacKay Idaho Reservoir - Joe T. Fallini Campground

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Rick-nc3hm
    @Rick-nc3hm 10 місяців тому +1

    Mack eee I used to live there.

  • @jimfenich5876
    @jimfenich5876 4 роки тому

    Russ, please drive safe.

  • @cherylbrown4123
    @cherylbrown4123 Рік тому

    We're at Mackay, I'd and we've seen the white horse at the reservoir the last 2 nights. The legend is true.... we didn't think it was true. But I have a picture if you are interested?

  • @virginiaeasterling4347
    @virginiaeasterling4347 5 років тому

    Thanks for your update

  • @justmona9647
    @justmona9647 5 років тому

    Nice! & Cheap for electric

  • @reillocenahs
    @reillocenahs 2 роки тому +1

    A tent site is 6$ a night... there's only 4 and 1 is a handicap ♿️..

  • @carissadole6125
    @carissadole6125 5 років тому

    In challis the next city is a hot springs.

  • @gilliesvideo5538
    @gilliesvideo5538 5 років тому

    The square top mountain behind Mackay is Mt Mcalob

  • @snowcrash395
    @snowcrash395 5 років тому

    Nice find. I'm glad they had a site there for you. Thanks for the drone shots.

  • @doreenpimentel8717
    @doreenpimentel8717 5 років тому

    Great fishing spot at the spillway if you continue down that dirt road. The Reservoir camping is always full and even in the Winter when ice fishing is popular!

  • @rodneymathews5885
    @rodneymathews5885 5 років тому +1

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  • @paulhunter546
    @paulhunter546 5 років тому

    Very nice campground and cool time lapse Russ !

  • @TiTi-sm7mh
    @TiTi-sm7mh 5 років тому +2

    love the time lapse at the end

  • @chuckergm
    @chuckergm 5 років тому +1


  • @ladylucy5591
    @ladylucy5591 5 років тому

    I sure hope the white stallions show up for you to video. Thanks in advance. Have you got a night vision lens?

  • @leonisguinaran119
    @leonisguinaran119 5 років тому

    wow such a beautiful scenery of Mackay Idaho.Thanks. watching from UK.

  • @susanMarkle
    @susanMarkle 5 років тому

    This is my second one I've watched. Looks like God really did put a bit of heaven right here on earth. So So beautiful scenery. So glad I found this channel. I can't wait to see the next one.

  • @simplyfred9584
    @simplyfred9584 5 років тому +1

    Happy Trails Russ !

  • @Badgeweefixstuff
    @Badgeweefixstuff 5 років тому +1

    Nice place thanks 🙏🇨🇦🇨🇦🛠🛠

  • @gusgus2539
    @gusgus2539 5 років тому +1

    Love the Gem of a campground.

  • @dwohio6398
    @dwohio6398 5 років тому +1

    Good drone shots.

  • @golddigger9326
    @golddigger9326 5 років тому +1

    Awesome again

  • @vickihart7469
    @vickihart7469 5 років тому +4

    Beautiful scenery thank you very much

  • @davidhopkins6312
    @davidhopkins6312 5 років тому +1

    Incredible Video.Rolling Chamber of Commerce.

  • @chrisr6157
    @chrisr6157 5 років тому +2

    Good morning Russ! This area that you are in is just beautiful! I will put the Joe T. Fallini Campground on my list of places to stay! Your time lapse was very cool! Thank you for all your hard work putting these videos together! Safe travels!

  • @RVGrannyWA
    @RVGrannyWA 5 років тому +1

    What a hidden gem you found at that campground. Idaho looks terrific sure would love to go there.

  • @martyrose
    @martyrose 5 років тому +2

    Wow Russ has found paradise! Mountains, water, utilities, cell service! Breathtaking! Awesome time lapse !🙋‍♀️🌻

  • @richardbohlingsr3490
    @richardbohlingsr3490 5 років тому +1

    Nice view out the windshield of the reservoir. Not bad for 8 bucks. I'd stay a few just for the views and R&R. Happy trails.

  • @1989jumpman
    @1989jumpman 5 років тому

    This will be my third year hunting elk in this area. I ll head out in about 6 weeks, after the hunt I'm taking 93 north until it ends in Jasper, Canada.

  • @bonnieclyne5618
    @bonnieclyne5618 5 років тому +2

    Beautiful video. Greetings from central Florida! Have an awesome day.

  • @gsp49
    @gsp49 5 років тому +1

    Hey, show me an outside close up of your drone one of these days. It would be fun to see the device that helps it happen.

  • @HarryandOjie
    @HarryandOjie 5 років тому +1

    Love your vlogs, you take us on the roads not traveled by other vloggers

  • @j-marie4006
    @j-marie4006 5 років тому +1

    That looks like a really good campground!

  • @richardross3172
    @richardross3172 5 років тому +1

    Another one of my bucket lists. Highway93 through Idaho. Thanks Russ!!! $9 really? What a deal! The perks of getting old, Huh?

  • @Bobs-bd3yo
    @Bobs-bd3yo 5 років тому +1

    Showing your age brother Russ. Glad the wife has the half price gov campsites. The advantage to having a great older woman!😁 cant wait until you to our country MT. Safe travels!

  • @VickyGeagan
    @VickyGeagan 5 років тому +1

    Hi Russ, waved back. The time lapse really came out nice, you really did a good job.

  • @ftkinsella
    @ftkinsella 5 років тому +1

    What a beautiful view man. I would stay for a few days and relax from the drive. Cheers!!!

  • @kimilauri
    @kimilauri 5 років тому +1

    You are traveling too fast through Idaho ---Take time to stop and smell the roses!! Explore more!! Pronounciation of Mackay is Mack--E Challis will be fun -- look for Land of the Yankee Fork

  • @mphunter3
    @mphunter3 3 роки тому

    It is pronounced Mac-E

  • @jesscarey7666
    @jesscarey7666 5 років тому +1

    Nice work Russ!! Drone footage and timelapse were spectacular!! Jesse in Minnesota.

  • @Oyares5360
    @Oyares5360 5 років тому +3

    Beautiful time lapse footage!😌

  • @lakelizard8145
    @lakelizard8145 5 років тому +2

    Sweet! 🙋

  • @ZeebNinja
    @ZeebNinja 5 років тому

    You make me want to sell my 45' DP and travel in a van :) I probably can't get into this beautiful spot.

  • @kitdinker
    @kitdinker 5 років тому +1

    Another excellent video Russ. Love the time lapse. You should create a time lapse for your intros.

  • @gavanhillebold3131
    @gavanhillebold3131 5 років тому +1

    9 dollars 💵 well spent, sweeet !! Safe travels to you

  • @seniormaninavan4335
    @seniormaninavan4335 5 років тому +1

    The time lapse was awesome! Need to do more of them. Do u know if the dry camping was free next to the paid area.

  • @LadyMarie880
    @LadyMarie880 5 років тому +1

    beautiful Russ beautiful

  • @ladylucy5591
    @ladylucy5591 5 років тому

    Hi Russ, I am interested in knowing the temperature of the reservoir since the mountains are so close. Thanks.

  • @gingergraves2581
    @gingergraves2581 5 років тому +1

    Where do you get that discount? Gorgeous video! Love the time lapse!

  • @robcollins6457
    @robcollins6457 5 років тому +1

    I believe its pronounced mack ee..not ka

  • @judyabernathy80
    @judyabernathy80 5 років тому +2

    Another spectacular video! What a GREAT campsite! And BLM! Awesome. Very nice time lapse footage! 😘🐾😘

  • @swansodi
    @swansodi 5 років тому +8

    MacKay is actually pronounced... "Mack E" I have not idea why.

    • @jeffyoung2965
      @jeffyoung2965 5 років тому +1

      I was going to point that out. When you look at the name it seems like it should be the way he is saying it but Idaho folks say it "Mack E". And like you, I have no idea why.

  • @dianapease643
    @dianapease643 3 роки тому

    Pronounced Mack eeeeeeee, Idaho.

  • @kimberlyshalaby1134
    @kimberlyshalaby1134 5 років тому +1

    HELLO RUSS!🙋 I love how you did the time lapse at the end - that was neat! Where exactly was that waterfall (in the beginning after you turned down that dirt road before flying drone 1stx)? That black cat double crossed you - 1st down, then 2nd back up to main rd. in last video before this. You have a beautiful view to enjoy with your coffee in the morning for sure!

  • @ronsmith5004
    @ronsmith5004 4 роки тому

    FYI....Many folks that RV at lake areas also have boats. It would have been nice to see the boat ramp area, showing direction to, the dock, available parking, etc. Just a thought.....

  • @latergator3367
    @latergator3367 5 років тому +1

    BLM = Bacon, Lettuce, and Maytoe ! Yum ! Idaho is completely Nomad friendly ! Everywhere, everywhere ! Keep on truckin !

  • @tazmod7272
    @tazmod7272 5 років тому +1

    Russ, didn’t know you were a senior. Hee, hee. The aerial views are always great. Better than Google Earth 3D. The area pretty, pretty.

  • @roryroberts3787
    @roryroberts3787 5 років тому +2

    Russ, I want to thank you for your conteetnt and consistency. Most of the youtubers I have been following for several years very seldom do travel-log type of content as you do. They all started out doing it, but have switched to about 90% of "testing RV related devices". I guess that is more profitable. Thank you for remaining true.....