Women’s World, My Way, Salute GLMM/GLMV

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @gabbybender9215
    @gabbybender9215  4 роки тому +486

    Would you guys like me to make a remake of this? Because I am also curious what the difference is going to be.

  • @sickboy4925
    @sickboy4925 4 роки тому +209

    There’s one woman I look up too Amelia Earhart she was told of for doing “male” stuff like flying an aeroplane so I’m glad that she proved them wrong

    • @aethersaltaccount3551
      @aethersaltaccount3551 4 роки тому +10

      Alas, she disappeared whilst flying.

    • @jaedyn9703
      @jaedyn9703 4 роки тому +16

      *I look up to Rosa Parks since she made tan and darker skin color to always have the same respect to light colors.*

    • @kirstiefernandes3397
      @kirstiefernandes3397 4 роки тому +2

      Amelia is my friends name ;-;

    • @venyun508
      @venyun508 4 роки тому +1

      @@kirstiefernandes3397 Amelia is my name

    • @TobyInc.
      @TobyInc. 4 роки тому +1

      Sick Boy Aeroplane??? Never heard of it.

  • @scharihan3265
    @scharihan3265 4 роки тому +433

    How did you put 10 characters on a screen

    • @gabbybender9215
      @gabbybender9215  4 роки тому +81

      The Mystery Girl I edited them on the screen

    • @scharihan3265
      @scharihan3265 4 роки тому +50

      @@gabbybender9215 pretty coll love your videos

    • @gabbybender9215
      @gabbybender9215  4 роки тому +46

      The Mystery Girl thanks

    • @missyharl8943
      @missyharl8943 4 роки тому +22

      The Mystery Girl I just realized that 😱

    • @alvartemis7486
      @alvartemis7486 4 роки тому +15

      You don't use the do it maker you use other one and make screen shots

  • @gachamatrix6242
    @gachamatrix6242 4 роки тому +181

    This should be put on the news and show women have rights and thanks for putting Anna Frank

    • @taytay7972
      @taytay7972 4 роки тому +1

      This is so true

    • @knknbnl
      @knknbnl 4 роки тому +3

      I’m dutch and Anne is my Role model

    • @rune802
      @rune802 4 роки тому +1

      So true

    • @Kaibee16
      @Kaibee16 4 роки тому +2


    • @lailahf9505
      @lailahf9505 4 роки тому +6

      Ok I get it Anne Frank is popular because she had a diary that was found about the holocaust and all that, but she didn't actually DO anything. She wasn't like an entrepreneur or anything, just one of many many people in the holocaust.

  • @ashe.cosplay1602
    @ashe.cosplay1602 4 роки тому +77

    fun fact no one cares about but it relates to the video.... kinda:
    New Jersey was one of the first states that allowed woman’s rights which included owning property and voting when the 13 colonies became a free from Great Britain
    sorry if no one cares about this i thought it was something interesting that had to do with woman’s rights

  • @flxralclouds7686
    @flxralclouds7686 4 роки тому +125

    Most people won't notice this, but the audio is 8D

    • @mic_is_dead
      @mic_is_dead 4 роки тому +15

      DezPlayz! c: I noticed... but it’s only the first one

    • @Ashley-sb7xq
      @Ashley-sb7xq 4 роки тому +7

      I noticed and was looking for another comment that did too.

    • @alexiagacha9292
      @alexiagacha9292 4 роки тому +8

      Yeah I noticed but it I kinda didn’t like it because it felt weird

    • @Ashley-sb7xq
      @Ashley-sb7xq 4 роки тому +4

      @@alexiagacha9292 Its only good if you wear head phones so maybe try again?

    • @alexiagacha9292
      @alexiagacha9292 4 роки тому +4

      Ashley yeah but it felt weird because my headphones are broken so one of them doesn’t work 😂

  • @nyanotfound6408
    @nyanotfound6408 4 роки тому +186

    The music is tripping me out I think you know what I’m talking about if you have headphones on

  • @harpersmyth7671
    @harpersmyth7671 4 роки тому +32

    LOVE HOW YOU PUT ELIZABETH SCHULYER-HAMILTON. Not many people know her and the things she did and what she went through which is actually really sad. ;

    • @The_onebrii
      @The_onebrii 4 роки тому +2

      Harpers Myth I pointed that out to she was such a amazing and life changing ladyb

    • @Alyviajxdee
      @Alyviajxdee 4 роки тому +1

      Ahh yess ikr I’m in love with the musical and when I heard of Eliza I was so happy Eliza is truly the best women in history to me and I love how she told everyone’s else’s story before hers I Stan Eliza

    • @omni-odyssy7881
      @omni-odyssy7881 4 роки тому +2

      I agree she went through so much and still managed to make the most of everything she did

    • @realitycheck7486
      @realitycheck7486 4 роки тому +1

      Harpers Myth I saw that since Ive seen the musical and did some research and saw that picture and am like “wait did anyone else see this” so then I went on the search and found you comment.

    • @omni-odyssy7881
      @omni-odyssy7881 4 роки тому

      @@NotACherryDonut -hi alex-

  • @karmakross3924
    @karmakross3924 4 роки тому +70

    Wait so all the other girls died and the girl with pink hair and white things for ears I guess looked after the kids? Or where they all childhood friends and stuff and grew up together?

    • @gabbybender9215
      @gabbybender9215  4 роки тому +12

      Karma Kira the end was a flashback of all of the girls being friends they were all at the pink hair girls house with her mom

  • @Lee-zz2sq
    @Lee-zz2sq 4 роки тому +6

    I like the echo, It gives them a realistic feeling.

  • @asahxi
    @asahxi 4 роки тому +6

    i was freakin out for a second,, i wasnt wearing my heaphones and i thought my sound was messed up cause the 8d audio!! 😂❤️

  • @silversun3160
    @silversun3160 4 роки тому +165

    WOMEN RULE!!!!!!!

  • @chaosartz
    @chaosartz 4 роки тому +296

    Me being fine with boys telling me I have to stay in the kitchen or as some people put it “a traitor to my gender” : I think I’ll stay here
    Me when someone says you need to keep your mouth close !: hello where do I sign up

    • @yomama2864
      @yomama2864 4 роки тому +18

      Starry Night Gacha thats the only reason we are bc we eat da food XD

    • @l.aurakelly
      @l.aurakelly 4 роки тому +5

      PrettyPorter yep

    • @nopebutdope5963
      @nopebutdope5963 4 роки тому +12

      Starry Night Gacha no it’s cause that’s where the snacks live >:3

    • @thearlgrey
      @thearlgrey 4 роки тому +9

      @@nopebutdope5963 aka the women cause all women be snacks

    • @nopebutdope5963
      @nopebutdope5963 4 роки тому +6

      ERROR CHAN yas

  • @Amy-rl7hn
    @Amy-rl7hn 4 роки тому +19

    My pulse is pulsing with the beat of this first song.

  • @ElenaMGp3p
    @ElenaMGp3p 4 роки тому +5

    Headphones users on the first song be like:
    Right no wait lifth no right wait no lift (im not good at grammer )WAIT is my family hearing this
    I'm so confuse 😫😫😧😥😫

  • @lpsloverallieqwq4330
    @lpsloverallieqwq4330 4 роки тому +8

    _My headphones in women’s world:_

  • @MellowLuvv
    @MellowLuvv 4 роки тому +10

    Those main 4 girls look exactly like my oc’s but just the slightest bit tweaked that it interesting to say the least XD

  • @officiallyaboredbook9539
    @officiallyaboredbook9539 4 роки тому +17

    I love the addition of Anne Frank. From reading her diary it shows how she rebelled against the standards. Her mother kept telling her to be quiet , polite and etc. Anne instead fought for herself.

    • @lailahf9505
      @lailahf9505 4 роки тому

      Not saying you're wrong, but I personally don't understand why people think Anne Frank is so important. She was one of many many people in the Holocaust and a lot of people went through the same situations, men and women, that we just don't know about because there is no actual evidence. She's only famous because her diary was found, which gave people insight on what the Holocaust did to people like her.

    • @officiallyaboredbook9539
      @officiallyaboredbook9539 4 роки тому

      @@lailahf9505 In her diary she didnt play by the rules everybody was telling her to do. Since we mostly have no proof of what others have gone through I see her representing them. She may be dead but her story tells many others as well.

    • @officiallyaboredbook9539
      @officiallyaboredbook9539 4 роки тому +1

      @@lailahf9505 sorry! That came off as rude! Im not offended and glad to hear your reasoning!

    • @lailahf9505
      @lailahf9505 4 роки тому

      @@officiallyaboredbook9539 Not something to apologise for, just giving my thoughts. 👍

    • @couriersix4252
      @couriersix4252 4 роки тому

      Oh so she was the one that alerted the nazis of their position

  • @touyatodoroki9531
    @touyatodoroki9531 5 років тому +202

    Bruh so nice i like i- NO!i love it!!can we be friends?just asking!

    • @gabbybender9215
      @gabbybender9215  5 років тому +22

      Thanks, and sure we can be friends! :3

    • @katsaidthat
      @katsaidthat 4 роки тому +16

      Touya.... you're alive??!?!?

    • @gabbybender9215
      @gabbybender9215  4 роки тому +13

      somerandomlostchild wot?

    • @lav4819
      @lav4819 4 роки тому +11

      Pastel Gacha It’s a my hero academia thing witch I suggest watching if you like anime

    • @gabbybender9215
      @gabbybender9215  4 роки тому +12

      Jel Lo I watch it already 😊
      I just didn’t get it at first

  • @reindeerplayz6990
    @reindeerplayz6990 4 роки тому +3

    This a very good mashup of songs I could probably use this for my English project. I am researching things about Janie L. Mines, she was the first African American woman that joined and graduated from the Naval Academy

  • @chanbeyonce2693
    @chanbeyonce2693 4 роки тому +73

    Girls need to be treated the same as boys, Loved and cared it isn't fair my mum said "Are u a girl or a boy .Boys wear trousers wear a skirt put make up on."This should end I hate being treated like a doll we are going to change this community! This is so inspirational and special it brings a message . This adds on easily.
    Like if u agree this took 5 minutes this is not to be ignored we should care for each other!
    Edit: OMG THX 33 LIKES THATS TGE MOST IVE HAD! But it doesn't matter cuz I want the world to know.
    Edit: Hey guys ,This is very serious and please dont fight over things ,I mean it's good to disagree and agree but yeah !!!⊙ω⊙!!!!
    Edit 2 I think:Thank you for the likes but we need to thank all the people who have wrote all these important songs because every song has a special message inside

    • @ashatavares5549
      @ashatavares5549 4 роки тому +3

      I'm fine with being treated like a doll as long as I have my friends to joke around with

    • @alvartemis7486
      @alvartemis7486 4 роки тому +6

      Tbh I'm a girl and just wear boy clothes anyway I don't actually care what they think it's my body my life and they can fuck off, we are technically stronger since we create life and we have periods, tbh we could end the world by not wanting to have a child simple as that.

    • @Kamimwah
      @Kamimwah 4 роки тому +3

      Well my mom makes me wear skirts because of our religion I hate it soooooooo much

    • @cyclone-studio18
      @cyclone-studio18 4 роки тому +3

      LunarWolfie X Not as simple as that. The world has ~7 billion people and max capacity of human life is ~9 billion and scientists have theorized that by ~2040-2050 we will have reached ~9-10 billion humans, dominating almost every other animal species(endangered or semi-thriving) COMBINED TOGETHER. Many species will die and we’ll most likely discover many other unheard of species and kill either every female, every male, or all of them altogether. We’ll have tons of extinct species on our hands and the Earth will most likely die by 2040-2050 if we continue treating it the way we are currently and allow our cruel treatment of our home to escalate. If we want to survive, scientists will have to find a way to live on Mars FAST. We’re already so close to too much human life and even if females stopped reproducing and even with people dying every SECOND, it’s not enough. We only have approximately 20-30 years to recover and dwindle the population and if you ask me, I don’t think that’s enough time. Several handfuls of females will still want to have children leading to a growing population and scientists have thought out a way-a risky way, but a way nonetheless-to allow cisgender males to get pregnant and that idea consists of surgery. We need more awareness about our damned population, that’s what we need. Obviously the awareness of saving the earth is also imperative but plenty of people are aware of that and a fraction to no one is aware of our increasing population. Women’s rights are important but honestly, the importance of everyone’s rights(male, female, lgbt+) will die with the earth if we destroy it. Worry about earth and population first, basic human right later. Women, men, non-binaries and everything in between alike, deserve every moral right they have(by that I mean basic rights, ie. rights in jobs, school, finance, family, et cetera). If I’m allowed to be honest, people NEED to die to get the population down. We NEED to decrease our population, we NEED to save our earth, we NEED to respect everyone and think about them, we NEED to give everyone rights. What I mean in the end is, the safety of the earth and our population comes WAY before humans. If anything, even if it’s sad, we have to push past it and ignore it and LET our society give in to death. It’s the price that must be paid for the earth. Thanks for reading this if you read the whole thing. Wether you agree or disagree with me,or simply ignore this or hold no opinion of this, have a nice day.

    • @yaremartinez3650
      @yaremartinez3650 4 роки тому +3

      Chan Beyonce guess what one of my guy friends said I should we’re more pink and purple because I usually wear gray and black ,blue ,red

  • @beejanka111
    @beejanka111 4 роки тому +2

    The sound effect is hella cool!My ears are homping doumping bouncing!They love it

  • @thearlgrey
    @thearlgrey 4 роки тому +53

    Women rule the world.
    We are the rulers of our houses.
    The keepers of children.
    The cooks of the home.
    The suger of the house.
    The strongest of all humanity.
    Women rule,and that's facts
    I can't cook but oh well I still rule U~U

    • @aethersaltaccount3551
      @aethersaltaccount3551 4 роки тому +4

      Teach and preach queen

    • @lollivee6770
      @lollivee6770 4 роки тому +1

      ERROR CHAN I can’t cook (yet) why would I when I have micorave dinners, Fast food, and Olive Garden/Applebee’s

    • @thearlgrey
      @thearlgrey 4 роки тому +1

      @@lollivee6770 cause that's unhealthy including microwaved food
      I hope you knew that already

    • @lollivee6770
      @lollivee6770 4 роки тому

      ERROR CHAN true I was joking even if it wasn’t obvious

    • @thearlgrey
      @thearlgrey 4 роки тому

      @@lollivee6770 oof - face-palm-
      I has failed my job

  • @Grace-bs8oo
    @Grace-bs8oo 4 роки тому +8

    I see it quite differently, I believe all this has risen the stereotype of women and lowered the stereotype of men. This and many others making men the new bad guy. Such as how "only men" can do many crimes that women often never get caught for doing. How men are told to act strong, how men are stereotyped for most of their life.

    • @Honey-mw9se
      @Honey-mw9se 4 роки тому +4

      This comment honestly made me cry for a minute or two, I’m just so thankful people actually remember this. When I was still a girl I was told to wear pinky outfits and stuff, then after I came out I was forced to be strong and never cry. And if anything happened I was blamed for it because apparently woman wouldn’t do it, so it’s horrible on both sides sometimes.

  • @STHWeeeeeb
    @STHWeeeeeb 4 роки тому +33

    you used 8D audio, didnt you?
    (i dont mind tho)

    • @gabbybender9215
      @gabbybender9215  4 роки тому +3

      ShadAmy Fan No 🙂 I screen recorded the music then I extracted the audio 😁

    • @gabbybender9215
      @gabbybender9215  4 роки тому +4

      ... I just now realized what 8D audio is. I’m so stupid xD but yeah I used 8D audio on the first song

  • @Inmonious
    @Inmonious 4 роки тому +8


  • @erickafuentes8079
    @erickafuentes8079 4 роки тому +2

    Its 8D music and I love that that’s why I subscribed

  • @-honeybunny-133
    @-honeybunny-133 4 роки тому +9

    I’m really like what the message is for this it’s that girls should not be treated they way they are because of the body or skin..we should all be treated the same
    I love this btw❤️

    • @dozenpython1432
      @dozenpython1432 4 роки тому +3

      You Girls go for the look not Personnel but that's not wrong?

  • @majicqueen3806
    @majicqueen3806 4 роки тому +2

    I really like how you put this together, and the songs you choose. I can’t stop listening to it all together! Great job on this, especially for your first video!

  • @Belss9876
    @Belss9876 4 роки тому +3

    2:19 beautiful addition I loved that part(s)

  • @xxtixtersxx5253
    @xxtixtersxx5253 4 роки тому +9

    Any other women that haven’t lived in a women’s world?

  • @mewrcurry
    @mewrcurry 4 роки тому +4

    I got a POV for this
    POV:In a world where 4 girls are trying to fight for the right of women,and they have found recruits to salute for women rights around the world.

  • @sophiejones9986
    @sophiejones9986 4 роки тому +3

    Oh. my. gosh 😲❤👍 you added Eliza Hamilton, Yass love the video by the way ❤❤

  • @chevaliermacabre2150
    @chevaliermacabre2150 4 роки тому +3

    This is so cute! :) And true! I love how you did these songs

  • @양준혁-x2r
    @양준혁-x2r 4 роки тому +1

    i always wanted these songs together
    THANK YOU!!!

  • @SSRchqzm
    @SSRchqzm 4 роки тому +3

    i have never seen you channel o-o 10/10 intro though ima start watching this channel now ;w;

  • @shadowing_scars5686
    @shadowing_scars5686 4 роки тому +5

    Owo noice :3
    Also in my earphones, with woman’s world, it felt like it was going back and forth XD no joke
    Edit: OwO tanku for heart :3

  • @wolfiegirl9779
    @wolfiegirl9779 4 роки тому +3

    Weldone i love this a song that understands about a woman and I love the photos of amazing history of women.

  • @wateryjar8417
    @wateryjar8417 4 роки тому +4

    Is that Eliza Hamilton as the first picture in the little slide show?

  • @thecityoflights3649
    @thecityoflights3649 4 роки тому +4

    I’m a cheerleader and the song salute was the song we did our comp to and the dance was really cool

  • @camilaedits1389
    @camilaedits1389 4 роки тому +1

    Anybody else think little mix and Beyoncé should make a song together? They both are strong for the women!

  • @mariemarcum8952
    @mariemarcum8952 4 роки тому +1

    I really I like this song(woman s world) because it tells several people that are girls never let someone change u or personality or take advantage of you so pls don’t if you are a girl and keep up the good work

  • @katsaiu5155
    @katsaiu5155 4 роки тому +7

    “Treated the same” woman are more dominate now 😏

  • @TobiasFrehley
    @TobiasFrehley 4 роки тому +2

    HELL YEA! GIRL POWER! Girls are underestimated and we deserve to treated with respect! SALUTE!

    • @TobiasFrehley
      @TobiasFrehley 4 роки тому

      thx for the heart ^w^ I finally feel noticed ;-;

  • @markhekko2910
    @markhekko2910 4 роки тому +1

    Omg the sound with headphones thank you

  • @galaxyren589
    @galaxyren589 4 роки тому +1

    How is this ur first vid!? This is amazing it took me about a year before I even got remotely close to this level! Keep it up!

  • @annebeskers9727
    @annebeskers9727 4 роки тому +3

    Love the 8d audio

  • @Dandelions7760
    @Dandelions7760 4 роки тому +10

    If I get a man, that bish is gonna learn how to cook.

    • @moeptat7365
      @moeptat7365 4 роки тому +1

      u ever seen snow wight who had 7 men to do chores 😆😆😆

    • @moeptat7365
      @moeptat7365 4 роки тому

      if men think they are soooo strong and can do so muchhhh I'd like to see them try to do what a women has to put up with puberty, pregnancy,etc

    • @jasmineflower4991
      @jasmineflower4991 4 роки тому

      U made mah day

  • @sleepyspud3384
    @sleepyspud3384 4 роки тому +50

    My feminists where are ya!

  • @avajackson1878
    @avajackson1878 4 роки тому +3

    We are all equal now men and women both have equal rights now but no hate

  • @sugar2299
    @sugar2299 4 роки тому +1

    I’m tripping out tf the audio is super cool if your wearing headphones then you know what I mean

  • @kimmogensen9294
    @kimmogensen9294 4 роки тому +3

    When I saw it
    Hey look it’s the little mix’s mix!

  • @briannapotato10
    @briannapotato10 4 роки тому +2

    Love the intro and the editing!

  • @iluhvpiink
    @iluhvpiink 4 роки тому +3

    My headphones went ⬇️⬅️↙️⬆️➡️

  • @Ronald.McDonald
    @Ronald.McDonald 4 роки тому +9

    Ann Frank didn't get far-
    Darkkkk humor~

    • @nobodynoface7144
      @nobodynoface7144 4 роки тому

      I know, she was only 15 or somewhere there when she died ;;

    • @couriersix4252
      @couriersix4252 4 роки тому

      *laughs in the netherlands was a neutral country in ww2*

    • @faethefairy2274
      @faethefairy2274 4 роки тому

      @@couriersix4252 Can You Redditors take ANYTHING seriously?

    • @couriersix4252
      @couriersix4252 3 роки тому

      @@faethefairy2274 not a redditor

  • @ftfreddyVR
    @ftfreddyVR 4 роки тому +1


  • @jadedoesntfxckingcare3756
    @jadedoesntfxckingcare3756 4 роки тому +5

    Song: Salute!
    Me: Its Present Arms but Okay \UvU/
    Song: Salute
    Me: *Continues to correct the song* sOrRy I'm an acting First Sargent in JROTC I say this all the time and It just bothers me a Bit but I absolutely love the song!!

  • @luzsantigo9110
    @luzsantigo9110 4 роки тому +3

    Yasss Elizabeth Hamilton

  • @raeloveburger
    @raeloveburger 4 роки тому +3

    it felt like I was in a concert

  • @kisslat6r
    @kisslat6r 4 роки тому +3

    Bruh you should've posted this in March because I'm pretty sure that March is Woman's History Month so, if you posted it then it would've been perfect. UwU

  • @akbarkhalifa1407
    @akbarkhalifa1407 4 роки тому +1

    Me: watches video thinking that it's a normal Glmv (with earphones on).
    ME: shooked..

  • @snookkit
    @snookkit 4 роки тому +1

    OOH, 8-D music?? I love it!

  • @nightcore-princess3428
    @nightcore-princess3428 3 роки тому +1

    I love that you showed pics of those women from before you're the first and only gacha tuber I've seen do that. 💕💕

  • @rat_sz1544
    @rat_sz1544 4 роки тому +3

    My headphones went

  • @torilynnspooner2366
    @torilynnspooner2366 4 роки тому +2

    Ooooh 2 little mix songs in one vid

  • @gachacritic1323
    @gachacritic1323 4 роки тому +1

    Ok ima probably edit this but I have blue tooth headphones and oh dear god it sounds like the music is circling my head for the first song and I feel nauseous now.
    And as someone who comes from a Jewish family it’s honestly amazing that you put Anne Frank in this I have a lot of respect for you for doing that

  • @TeresaHernandez-ge8oy
    @TeresaHernandez-ge8oy 4 роки тому +10

    This song is amazing cause woman’s have rights don’t date just for her body only for personality and brains

  • @frogthescenekid5185
    @frogthescenekid5185 4 роки тому +2

    Me when i see Elizabeth Hamilton: THE KWEEEN

  • @alicelucena866
    @alicelucena866 4 роки тому +2

    8D audio,cool

  • @_whoslils
    @_whoslils 4 роки тому +1

    i love this vid and song it has so much meaning

  • @nalsa26
    @nalsa26 4 роки тому +1

    This sounds cool with headphones

  • @duyguecemertan8521
    @duyguecemertan8521 4 роки тому +1

    If I'm correct, 2:20 is Sabiha Gökçen, the first Turkish female pilot and one of Atatürk's adoptive daughters. If not, it's my Turkish self seeing things.

  • @MM-nl1ir
    @MM-nl1ir 4 роки тому +9

    A boy told me I should be in the kitchen guess what I did
    I made so much food
    Just to not give him any

  • @stormysideup2185
    @stormysideup2185 4 роки тому +5

    Me: Watching the video
    My friend: Who's catspell gacha
    Me: Bruh It's Pastel Gacha Wow learn to read
    Edit(I know it sounds stupid but it was really funny)

  • @user-ug5io1ri5c
    @user-ug5io1ri5c 4 роки тому +2


  • @gacha._.addisonxx2657
    @gacha._.addisonxx2657 4 роки тому +1

    I love the 8D audio 😍😍

  • @izukumidoryia7620
    @izukumidoryia7620 4 роки тому +1

    Ah yes Elizabeth Hamilton uwu

  • @k6t2web
    @k6t2web 4 роки тому +3

    Some boy at my school:Your not a tomboy you want to be a boy
    Me:But I act like one and don’t look like one
    Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? No? Welp ok bye bye.

  • @yellow_bugxo6003
    @yellow_bugxo6003 4 роки тому +1

    It sounds so cool with headphones 😯😯😯

  • @audreybarbieri4224
    @audreybarbieri4224 4 роки тому +2

    @Pastel Gacha Was there a specific womans world music you used because it sounded a bit differant but i really like it. Not the vocals or anything but when listening with earbuds it would go from one ear bud to the other and i really liked that. Just wondering. It might just be me.

  • @virgilbrink7555
    @virgilbrink7555 4 роки тому +2

    Me: is that an Oreo jacket I see
    My brain: No you idiot it is just a black and white jacket!

  • @sabrina5355
    @sabrina5355 4 роки тому +3

    Me wearing headphones: O.o

  • @sissyg2982
    @sissyg2982 4 роки тому +2

    this just rised my confudince in the world as a girl!!!!!

  • @melissagregory4271
    @melissagregory4271 4 роки тому +2

    thank you for making that im sure you worked very hard on it and put in so much effort

  • @CottenPastels
    @CottenPastels 4 роки тому +1

    Boys think they're so much better some of them are nice but we're the best we're nice, strong, and smart we can take them any day!

  • @musical_costumer7976
    @musical_costumer7976 4 роки тому +1

    *sniff sniff*
    Do I smell underrated??

  • @X_SunshineDay
    @X_SunshineDay 4 роки тому

    I love little mix songs because they inspire girls to fight door their rights! Thank you for making this video!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @gachagurlsforlife6362
    @gachagurlsforlife6362 4 роки тому

    She is one of the Little people that can pull that whole style off 🙌👏

  • @Luvkatttt
    @Luvkatttt 4 роки тому +3

    Did anyone notice Eliza Schuyler?
    No just me

  • @aaaaaaaaaaaa3705
    @aaaaaaaaaaaa3705 4 роки тому +3

    I’m not sure if it’s just my sound but if it’s not try using cute cut for adding sound

  • @FrozenFluff00
    @FrozenFluff00 4 роки тому +1

    If your listening to the first song with earphones on it will sound like the music is going around you but if your not wearing earphones It’s weird and sounds like your speaker is broken

  • @Dragon__Fox
    @Dragon__Fox 4 роки тому +3

    7:01 says need no camouflage yet wears it
    Like whats up with this like everyone makes it like this
    The reason these are multi colored is camouflage ▪___▪

  • @sonicninja7814
    @sonicninja7814 4 роки тому +1

    womans dont need a man to be perfect they are perfect in everyway even without a man

  • @kashikiko1407
    @kashikiko1407 4 роки тому +1

    Is that 3D or 8D women's World song🤔n nice video

  • @onionbun104
    @onionbun104 4 роки тому +1

    Omg I love ur intro its so good! :3

  • @mygachaobsessionu.u278
    @mygachaobsessionu.u278 4 роки тому +1

    I love so much i even subscribed

  • @kimmogensen9294
    @kimmogensen9294 4 роки тому +5

    boys let me tell you...
    You don’t mistreat girls
    we have it harder but I won’t go into it..
    Any gender whatever you are girl or boy
    Woman or man/men
    Never mistreat us we stand strong for a reason

  • @suzannebatty7235
    @suzannebatty7235 4 роки тому +1

    Audio is AMAZING
    I-I mean the hole video is amazing as well 😅😂😇🤪

  • @lattebear7172
    @lattebear7172 4 роки тому +1

    You see sometimes I feel bad because all these women have to go through this 😔😔

  • @Interst3llar_Gaming
    @Interst3llar_Gaming 4 роки тому +19

    I've seen things like this first hand and its horrible
    (For both men and women)
    More times women though