  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @michaelway7936
    @michaelway7936 Рік тому +74

    Since you've seen this, you are prepared to handle his raunchiest set: The Nasty Show. Enjoy 😉

    • @kovacs88
      @kovacs88 Рік тому +24

      I don't know if she can handle that one. 😆

    • @michaelway7936
      @michaelway7936 Рік тому

      @@kovacs88 she needs to hold on to her hernia belt for this one

    • @suqmadiq68
      @suqmadiq68 Рік тому +14

      She's not ready.

    • @shanedesselle2590
      @shanedesselle2590 Рік тому +5

      She’s ready!

      @SMOOVKILL1 Рік тому +3

      🤦🏿‍♂️. She's got this. Lol.

  • @jakeenan
    @jakeenan Рік тому +27

    Patrice was one of a kind. Virtually every recording we have of him onstage and offstage (mostly his appearances on the Opie & Anthony radio/podcast show) is timeless....and hilarious. He is still sorely missed.

  • @OfficialShamGawd
    @OfficialShamGawd Рік тому +9

    Patrice is a GOAT of the comedy game...Definitely should watch more of him 😂

  • @tstumpf75
    @tstumpf75 Рік тому +7

    This was sooo dang funny. Every time he makes that choking sound, im in literal tears!! 😂😂😂😂

  • @KaaosMusic
    @KaaosMusic Рік тому +10

    Great reaction Britt! Patrice said many times that he wanted 50% of his crowd laughing and other 50% being disgusted or like "wtf".
    I hope you really do more Patrice, because he really is one of the greatest of all time!
    Patrice o'neal high quality white women
    Patrice o'neal comedy store england
    Patrice o'neal nasty show part 1&2
    Patrice o'neal talks about women
    Patrice o'neal harrasment day

    • @martin8829
      @martin8829 Рік тому

      Don’t forget mike Tyson and I’m a racist but

  • @jokerz7936
    @jokerz7936 Рік тому +10

    A buddy of mind once in the late 90's asked me would I rather have sex with our friends mom who wasn't a looker to put it kindly or a dead Catherine Zeta Jones and god help me my response was "How Dead is she?".

    • @ballaking1000
      @ballaking1000 10 місяців тому

      How many buddies do you have in your mind?

  • @SteveStone-r1d
    @SteveStone-r1d 11 місяців тому +1

    He's not lying!

  • @waynecoleman-ou9te
    @waynecoleman-ou9te Рік тому +5

    She's stunning, R.I.P Patrice O'neal.

    • @eolsunder
      @eolsunder Рік тому +3

      yep she's very good looking, and that silky voice mmmmm

  • @robertclark2853
    @robertclark2853 Рік тому +2

    R.I.P Patrice O'neal Great reaction 😎👍

  • @randall-king
    @randall-king Рік тому +3

    His analogies are gold.

  • @alaintouloucanon5467
    @alaintouloucanon5467 Рік тому +1

    the dice joke is so good !

  • @Saylem1000
    @Saylem1000 Рік тому +5

    The "what?" At 7:19 caught me off guard and I laughed so hard I almost literally drove off a cliff.

  • @tuckernevel
    @tuckernevel Рік тому +1

    HES THE GOAT!!! love seeing you reacting to patrice :)

  • @shanedesselle2590
    @shanedesselle2590 Рік тому +6

    Britt, I think you ARE ready for The Nasty Show!

  • @Alex_1729
    @Alex_1729 8 місяців тому +1

    She learned a few things here, good. Patrice still educating.😂😂

  • @tacappacinoable
    @tacappacinoable Рік тому

    Perfect ending lol

  • @mustakrakish123
    @mustakrakish123 Рік тому +1

    One of the Greatest of all time for sure.
    To quote him: "I speak fluent dude" (He does)
    Please react to Arnez J. - My Brother Rodney. It is bonkers!

  • @clarktownsend8991
    @clarktownsend8991 Рік тому +1

    My fav Patrice set

  • @bboyshotty
    @bboyshotty Рік тому +2

    the "rping" bit is one of my all time favs from him lol

    • @MrVvulf
      @MrVvulf Рік тому +1

      Honestly, that joke is funnier (and more "real") than 99.9% of comedians ever come up with for their entire career.

  • @aarpoonwaify6694
    @aarpoonwaify6694 Рік тому +2

    Ended this clip perfect… haha… The ReEducation of Britt Reacts…

  • @dueceiswi7d
    @dueceiswi7d Рік тому

    "He's making me choke" was foreshadowing at its finest😂

  • @aaronshackelford6106
    @aaronshackelford6106 Рік тому

    Britt I remember watching him on def jam Love your channel.

  • @runningray
    @runningray Рік тому +1

    This is considered "light" Patrice. Watch the "nasty show" if you want to get the full impact!

  • @SantiAgo-eg5to
    @SantiAgo-eg5to Рік тому

    One of the best comedy sets of all time.

  • @shanedesselle2590
    @shanedesselle2590 Рік тому +2

    High Quality White Woman, by Patrice! 😂😂😂😂 Please!

  • @TheMadJestyr
    @TheMadJestyr Рік тому

    Patrice is the GOAT.

  • @alxmnslv
    @alxmnslv Рік тому

    patrice speaks the truth.

  • @riffgroove
    @riffgroove Рік тому +1

    What he said is very true.
    Two or more guys will be having an inr3dibly intense conversation about something utterly ridiculous. What'sthe forsythia a woman says upon overhearing it?
    "That's stupid! Why are you discussing something that ridiculous?!!?"
    Yes... we KNOW it's stupid. That's why we're discussing it. That is the entire point.

  • @smdftb8495
    @smdftb8495 Рік тому +1

    I watched every Def Jam episode I could, which was most of them
    "God Bless you, good night" - Russell Simmons

  • @neilcarpenter2669
    @neilcarpenter2669 Рік тому

    A real education for the Ladies.

  • @josephdinet824
    @josephdinet824 8 місяців тому

    this was hilarious

  • @travisyarbrough4033
    @travisyarbrough4033 7 місяців тому

    I can see why him and Bill Burr were great friends. They have a benefit for his family once a year.

  • @HamillDavid
    @HamillDavid Рік тому +3

    How do breath without a nose probably with your mouth 😂

  • @hanneswurstbrot6902
    @hanneswurstbrot6902 Рік тому

    Patrice is one of those people, when you get past the way "HOW" he says things you realize what a genius this man is.

  • @martin8829
    @martin8829 Рік тому +2

    Check out Corey Holcomb def comedy jam

  • @frankdeutan
    @frankdeutan Рік тому

    To put it simply men ask about the essential things and women ask trivial things.

  • @mikecappadocia5959
    @mikecappadocia5959 Рік тому

    I actually saw a woman with no nose like he's talking about. It was at St. Joseph hospital in Hamilton, in Canada

  • @asurapain9224
    @asurapain9224 Рік тому

    This is the real black history 😅

  • @titansnakehistoric5814
    @titansnakehistoric5814 Рік тому +1

    I was legit wondering when you'd come across this guy. Keep reacting to more of his stuff. He's hilarious. Next should be Corey Holcomb.

  • @christopherking4932
    @christopherking4932 Рік тому

    Hilarious 😂

  • @willowp2227
    @willowp2227 Рік тому

    Glad to see a woman who don't get triggered, seriously. Dont get me wrong, there's some truth to what Patrice is saying, but it seem like you understand it's comedy....just laugh lol.

  • @DonnyBerger
    @DonnyBerger Рік тому +1

    The reaction at the end was priceless, and definitely came from personal experience! 😯

  • @bigjay123
    @bigjay123 Рік тому +2

    Oh you aint did the nasty show yet.😂

  • @tony199002
    @tony199002 Рік тому +1

    We have to get you to react to the Nasty Show pt 1 and part 2 😂😂😂

  • @chucknorris2266
    @chucknorris2266 Рік тому +1

    You fine Brit

  • @jonahhex9620
    @jonahhex9620 Рік тому

    You have to power thru Patrice’s word choices to grasp the bigger message he’s trying to convey. So credit to women who watch his videos

  • @tyronebrewer3219
    @tyronebrewer3219 Рік тому

    Britt, checkout Ralphie May funny as hell!

  • @motionofstillness
    @motionofstillness Рік тому

    Yes, you have learn something.

  • @xkelzzzx4921
    @xkelzzzx4921 10 місяців тому

    He did Segway it, I think you were just laughing over the Segway into the “women loving you when you’re sick” joke. Awesome reaction tho lol

  • @snakeinthegrak8969
    @snakeinthegrak8969 Рік тому

    This is locker room talk that EVERY Man has had. And those Women out there that say their man isn't like this are either ignorant or lying to themselves. Just because we can wait on you hand and foot and treat you like a Queen doesn't mean we aren't perverted as all Hell.

  • @petersanders3812
    @petersanders3812 Рік тому

    After kord of the rings u have 2 watch the hobbit it gives alot of the back story and alot about bilbo

  • @aaronmicalowe
    @aaronmicalowe Рік тому

    I personally don't like it when women choke on it, but some think it's what a man wants, and you can't say anything or it'll spoil the moment, so I treat it like a conversation and just change the subject. Ok, let's try another position. Love making is a language. One of the few times you get to say how you really feel without the message getting lost in syntax. If you really, really want her to feel good, you can.

  • @chriskringle5191
    @chriskringle5191 Рік тому +1


  • @tariqebrahim7608
    @tariqebrahim7608 Рік тому

    Kaleo - I can't go on without you live or backbone live reaction please.....

  • @tyler-pg6lm
    @tyler-pg6lm Рік тому +1

    I think you confuse a comics actual opinions with his act sometimes lol - but I enjoyed your reaction as always

  • @commonsense408
    @commonsense408 Рік тому

    You should always take notes from Patrice O'Neal

  • @jmango2636
    @jmango2636 Рік тому

    Patrice was a real one … the nasty shoe should be your next bit from him

  • @phillipjohnson4299
    @phillipjohnson4299 Рік тому


  • @GazBC4U
    @GazBC4U 10 місяців тому


  • @kevinkerns4154
    @kevinkerns4154 Рік тому

    Don't forget, he is a just telling jokes.

  • @chrisrivera3961
    @chrisrivera3961 Рік тому

    im sure your husband will enjoy what ever it is you do with this new information on what men want lmao

  • @spress7254
    @spress7254 Рік тому +1

    Gone way to soon

  • @jonahhex9620
    @jonahhex9620 Рік тому

    I haven’t checked to see if you’ve seen his Nasty Show videos. That might be a bit much for you

  • @wittydisplayname1761
    @wittydisplayname1761 Рік тому

    I want to hang out with your uncles at the BBQ!

  • @undbiter65
    @undbiter65 Рік тому


  • @sparkyofsocal
    @sparkyofsocal Рік тому

    The great thing about 21st Century video watching is I can turn foul mouth people of within the touch of a button

  • @Skeeter-cz6lj
    @Skeeter-cz6lj Рік тому

    It's hilarious watching delusional women react to Patrice dropping truth bombs. 😂😂😂

  • @karlaboi3896
    @karlaboi3896 Рік тому

    She said husband 💔

  • @gursimransingh1229
    @gursimransingh1229 Рік тому

    Can this Sadhguru's video be done by you,
    A Lone Motorcyclist's Incredible Journey
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    Its about the save soil, An early response will be highly appreciated. Thank You. We hope to see the upload soon. With appreciation.....thanks.......again..........................................................................................................

  • @33breatheeasy
    @33breatheeasy Рік тому

    2:00 your husband waits on you ✋ & 🦶? 😬

  • @unlimited971
    @unlimited971 Рік тому +1

    So lesson learned?

  • @pfeiffdog0811
    @pfeiffdog0811 Рік тому

    It’s time you watch the nasty show Patrice did.

  • @bobhobbs4332
    @bobhobbs4332 4 дні тому

    Way too much stopping, to validate the comedian! To do so, is disrespectful to the comedian!!!

  • @straightblacksah5272
    @straightblacksah5272 Рік тому

    This is some of the most worthless reaction commentary...
    A splendid example of pretty privilege.

  • @bujabusiness
    @bujabusiness Рік тому +1

    You are stunningly beautiful.