That’s part of why I like this channel. Joshua holds himself to stricter standards than almost every other channel I have watched that wasn’t controlled by some large corporation, choosing to quote things word for word and avoiding direct value judgments of each denomination on his part (and otherwise trying to avoid as much agitation as he can). Feels like the major news networks before the FCC scrapped the fairness doctrine (which, admittedly, makes him seem pretty tame with some of his analyses). While I’m sure he has run into some trouble with one of these groups before, I don’t really see a lot of drama about the guy or his channel, so either the issue is something only the church itself is concerned about, or he made an error that he’d usually later correct.
Scripture is in the Bible: Mark 12:10 (NASB20) “Have you not even read this Scripture: ‘A STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS HAS BECOME THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE; Mark 12:10 (NASB20) “Have you not even read this Scripture: ‘A STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS HAS BECOME THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE; Acts 1:16 (NASB20) “Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus. Mark 12:10 (NASB20) “Have you not even read this Scripture: ‘A STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS HAS BECOME THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE; Acts 1:16 (NASB20) “Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB20) All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness;
@@Michael-bk5nz He is an example of what happens when a preacher doesn’t use sources that are available that helps to get a better understanding of the scriptures. The Greek word βιβλίον is Bible in English: scroll with writing, a document. This guy is ignorant. If he truly believes what he says, then he shouldn’t speak any word in English. No English word is in the Bible in it’s original form
He is using the word orthodox in its basic non religious definition. Its the trinity that makes no sense. The true " orthodox" christians were not trinitarians. Not to be confused with, " orthodox catholics". In the same way, " orthodox jews" are not representing true judaism.
That was some amazingly bad math, adding the lifespans from the very end of one to the birth of the other. It seems that overlap is too complex of a thought for him.
@@disccovered6392Imagine he has to justify the mathematics, and he comes up with this theory that in ancient times both parents died during childbirth sometimes, and when asked why the father, too, would die, he’d just go on about how freaked out he was when he saw his wife giving birth to one of their children. Also somebody please tell this pastor Genesis has an age for when each man fathered his son in the early parts of that book. Either he wasn’t reading it too closely or he holds that the Bible isn’t inerrant (the latter can obviously be ruled out).
They have church offices of "president" and "vice-president", but using the word bible is wrong because it is not found in the bible. I think Gino might be trolling us here.
First Church uses no such offices as "President" or "Vice President ". All of the offices that are in the church you can find in the Scriptures, those are the only offices First Church uses.
@@dogsandyoga1743not much, to tell someone they can’t have salvation without speaking in tongues is pretty evil. Especially considering I’ve never heard a single person speak in actual tongues.
I find it curious that most people act like they know the exact width, breadth, height, and nature of the trinity... when what their defintion amounts to is some man-made council's view. For all the people who think someone will go to hell for not having the "correct" definition of the trinity... good think you're not the judge! There is only one judge.
Not exactly. Monarchian Modalism would be the best term. Modalism teaches that God changes modes. Oneness, or Monarchian Modalism, is that God is all things at all times. He doesn’t have to change modes.
usually they dissolve into splinter groups, especially if there's power struggle within the upper levels of church management... can't help but think it'll happen here too.
Most likely there will be someone who is not nearly as charismatic who will be named the new apostle. Other more charismatic preachers will come along and start their own denominations and gain members from the remains of this denomination. That is just what has happened here. When Bishop S. C. Johnson died there were more than 90 congregations in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith. Now, with Bishop Omega Shelton, they are down to only a few dozen congregations, but there are probably a half dozen or more other denominations that have formed based on Bishop Johnson's teachings, this being one.
The second person adopts even more fringe ideas and most people stick with him, though smaller groups may splinter off. Charles Taze Russell had Joseph Rutherford, Joseph Smith had Brigham Young, Benjamin Roden had -Vernon Howell- David Koresh, etc.
@@musicjax if you aren’t familiar with him look up “Father Divine” a Depression era preacher from Harlem who claimed to be God, his entire bizarre movement just seems to have disappeared when he died
Joshua, thank you for always being unbiased in your presentations. Also, I appreciate you reading black colloquialisms and speech patterns in such a journalistic way 😂😂😂. Can you do more videos on COOLJC, ALJC, and other oneness groups and the differences between them and First Church? This is the best channel for understanding different churches and doctrines, hands down.
Hmmmm… He’s dogmatic and extreme. He’s mixed oOd and New Testament to bring about a bondage likening to the Pharisees and Sadducee. There’s no Freedom as CHRIST JESUS came to deliver us from. 😢
The official name of the Catholic Church isn’t Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, many Catholics believe it is, but it is not. The official name is just Catholic Church, and the Church call itself as One Holy Catholic Church. I’m still trying to find the origin of the name Catholic Apostolic Church because many Catholics say proudly that their church is called that but when you search the origin of the term Roman Catholic it was coined by reformers because they viewed then selves as the evangelical Catholic and the Catholic Church as the Roman Catholic
I saw this video pop up on my feeds and as i listen to it im like man so many things we in holiness have to follow this way is really different from the reat of man made religion. Not many people can eat up what the host mentioned in the video. Plus we have to come up to more things. May God help up to submit to everything.
"For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach- and that for the sake of dishonest gain." Titus 1: 10-11 "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." 2 Tim 4:3-4 "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them." Acts 20: 28-30 May the Lord rebuke, expose, and bring down the false teachers of our time.
[Heb 1:1, 3 KJV] 1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, ... 3 Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; Jesus Christ is the expressed image of God's person.
Great video i love the structure and order in first church. The brother's and sisters are very kind and loving people. All other churches I attended were toxic environments and alot of favoritism. Everyone who comes to First Church service are treated the same yes including millionaires. I will never go back to any false man made religions. I love holiness and learning to be Godly. James 4:4 “....... Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the ENEMY of God.” G1
I have never heard of him. What I will say is that I have never heard so many theological errors, in any one statement of faith, for any other denomination that you have featured on your channel.
He's using the dictionary definition of the word: 1. (of a person or their views, especially religious or political ones, or other beliefs or practices) conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved. 2. (of a thing) of the ordinary or usual type; normal. I think every church on the planet would believe their teachings are "orthodox", in this sense.
@@Dilley_G45 There are more than one Jesus in the bible or scriptures. God whose nature is SPIRIT and father of all mankind is called Jesus and christ is his title. The son of God and son of Mary inherited the excellent name of the Holy Spirit who is Jesus. When we say Jesus christ is LORD (GOD) we not talking of that which died on the cross but that which created the heavens and the earth, because God cannot die. He comes by many titles as Jah,Jaweh,king of kings, Lord of Lords etc,etc.
I feel there is a joke here about "Orthodox persuasion", gold teeth, and St. John Chrysostom (Orthodox bishop whose name means "gold mouth" in Greek, due to his eloquence).
@@ahamed6702 He has a whole manual with pictures (not found in the bible) of how men and women should dress and a bunch of rules that he created--hundreds of pages worth
This church sounds like modern Pharisee that added many man rules and like Pharisee of Jesus's time, place heavy emphasis on external acts such as what to wear, etc.
It is plainly in the bible how people should wear. Even Paul poitns it out in 1 Tm. 2:9 for example and in 1 Cor. chapter 11. Also in 1 Peter chapter 3.
@SGOV86 For sure the Bible didn't tell all the details like what colour is not allowed. Anyway times change and we are not living in the middle east. Otherwise you should not even wear the western clothing that is never worn by biblical figures.
The church you attending, how often do you question what they teach you? Why not take what he says go search the scriptures to see if you will find it there?
You get into dangerous territory here. The implication of your statement is the mindset of the person doing the baptism doesn't matter. An atheist or Satanist can't baptize someone.
@carltonsimmonsjr.5607 A person is validly baptised if what they intend is right. If the ministers' orthodoxy or intentions decide the matter then Constantine (baptised by an Arian heretic) was never baptised. Or are you saying that certain kinds of heretics can baptise even though they are outside the church? If it turned out that your minister was secretly a satanist would that make you unbaptised? I don't think that's right.
Catholic, orthodox, lutheran and some others believe in baptismal regeneration. Also most groups accept any baptismal provided it is d9ne 8n the name of the father, son and Holy spirit.
@@Phill0oldIt shouldn’t be controversial to say that in baptism, one identifies oneself deeply with a certain name; that’s what it means to be baptized in (εις, into) the name of whomever. If in one’s baptism, one takes on any name other than the one that the Lord instituted, that is, the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, that baptism would regarded by nearly all denominations as invalid.
I knew a family of people who were involved in this cult. Let's just say they were an extremely sad case. I never did understand the inclusion of a medieval forgery like the book of jasher.
Sounds like what you get when you have one guy reading the Bible furiously and not praying about it or consulting with anyone else for guidance or help. For stuff he's unsure of or the Bible doesn't touch much on, he pulls in his Pentecostal history. I feel a tremendous amount of unhealthy pride in it.
@@cataphracts123 He definitely has pride, and he’s a fool. He’s a preacher that doesn’t use any available source that helps one to get a better understanding of the scriptures
From all the satanic things this church does, this is the least of the problems. Not that they are right, because they are wrong, it’s just the least of problems. But in our culture where every thing that matters is identity politics, people view this as the only problem which is sad
@ The creator of this video not you. I have actually visited the church in Philadelphia and no one, man or woman can quote scriptures during testimony time. I totally understand why because some people get up and testi-lie and start trying to preach.
@@ahamed6702 Well, I'm Jewish and it's almost unheard of to give a meaningful speech in a religious context *without* quoting Scripture or other sacred texts of Judaism.
For the first 25 or so years of my life, our Malankara catholic mission rented space from a Roman Catholic Church, incarnation of our lord, which is now the FCOOLJC church in Philly.
These beliefs are confusing to me. If people could work their way to redemption, why did The Lord Jesus Christ have to go through what He did? Also, if there is no Trinity, to whom did Christ pray and call "Father" during His earthly ministry?
Very timely. Ran into a fellow online who apparently is big on Gino and doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Thanks for this information. Looks like a huge outfit, and I don't like what little I've checked out so far.
Not defending the guy, but to be fair, a man or woman of God, with the gift of teaching and preaching, doesn't need a certificate from anywhere to do so. By their fruits shall ye know them. If a preacher/teacher says something, check them out in the Word... it is there for all to see.
@@mercster We all need education. Cultures changes over time; the true meaning gets lost and a lot times in translation. One should use sources of information that helps one to get the original meaning and historical context of what’s written. 2 Peter 3:15-16 (NLT) 15 And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him-- 16 speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction.
@@YehudaHalevi247 Sure, but when someone says "theological education", that instantly brings to mind a certification or degree from some large institution, which is certainly not required to preach.
@@mercster Actually they need, they need to be ordained by someone else prior to them, it's called apostolic succession, protestants threw this idea in the trash because they couldn't find not even rouge bishops in the 16th century that would ordain them, so they had to claim that this wasn't true. But In England and Norway were the government made all the bishops convert to the new denomination they keep the apostolic succession until today.
You should read Saint Bede, he relates that the name "Easter" is a name derived from a pagan goddess. Jesus held what we now call the last supper on Passover, he was the one prefigured by the Passover lamb. The date of Passover was intentional.
Thanks for the video. Never have heard of this church before. Absolutely love learning about church’s. Great work. That being said I’m much too progressive to join their church lol.
He seems powerful because he demands that those listening believe that his claims are right, and he plays on the insecurities of people and their lack of knowing the Scriptures for themselves. Many people gravitate towards people who have confidence and sound like they know what they are talking about.
They did. He said that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are titles and not names. That these three titles refer to Jesus. And in the books of Acts it is why Peter baptized in the name of Jesus. This is Gino Jennings his explination.
[Act 2:38 KJV] 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
So does he have the Book of Jasher in his Bible? God didn’t preserve it for a reason. Idk what it is, but if He wanted it to be scripture, He would have preserved it.
Nobody really knows for sure. The book that exists is a 17th century forgery. Rashi (the preeminent medieval rabbi) said it was just another name for the Torah, but this doesn't really add up. It appears to have been a book of prophecy and song, which sounds like psalms, but scholars don't think it's psalms either.
The book of Jasher is referred to in scripture, but is lost... there is a fake from the 18th century or so, maybe that is what they use (for some reason.) Maybe their website would direct you further.
@@mercster Yeah, the eighteenth-century book would be my guess, as they seem to be KJV-only, and Ilive's "Jasher" is written in that style. (And credited to a man who lived seven hundred years before the first foundations of the KJV were laid, and doesn't seem to have written anything in English.)
As usual with these kinds of things, the theology is shallow and contradictory, while the social rules (especially for women) are extensive and extremely specific.
2:25 This does bring up a question I have In Matthew 28:19, it's clear that baptism is done with The Father of The Son and of The Holy Ghost. Yet, the Apostles baptized people in the name of Jesus in Acts. What happened?
The traditional explanation is that when the Apostles are said to baptize "in the name of Jesus" in Acts, it doesn't refer to a formula, but to the fact that they baptized with Christ's baptism, as opposed to John's baptim, or the various Mikveh baptisms of Judaism. Another explanation is that baptism with the formula "in the name of Jesus Christ" might providentially have been allowed in the Apostolic age, but once Christianity separated completely from Judaism in the late first century, the Trinitarian formula became the only valid one.
Or maybe people are being too legalistic? Jesus is God. If you’re baptized in his name after you come to faith in Him, there’s no such thing as an invalid baptism.
@@TurtleMarcus Lol. You know very well, the catholic church added that verse. It didnt exist in the earliest manuscripts. Which is the obvious explanation as to why no subsequent baptisms used that formula.
@@disccovered6392 The Second Helvetic, Belgic, Westminster, First London and Second London Confessions, the 39 Articles of Religion, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Athanasian Creed all state that any "non-Trinitarian" Baptism is *invalid* ! There is most certainly such a thing as an invalid baptism!
According to scripture The Bible doesn't contradict itself. 2 Tim 3. Now we have Matthew 28:19 from the very mouth of Jesus. If anything is PRESCRIPTIVE then a direct command from Jesus himself. So we can trust that. Acts is mostly a descriptive book. We have a paradox between acts 2:38 and Matthew 28:19. There is no command to baptize "in Hesus name only". Peter might have chosen the words because unlike the Great commission to ALL nations, Peter was talking exclusively to the Jews who had until then rejected Jesus as the Measiah and was a disciple of Jesus. Whereas Jesus as the Son of God himself stated in Matthew 28 "all authority...has been given to me". Speaking of baptising all Nations he wouldn't have to address a previous rejection of the messiah. Jesus did make it very clear that he is NOT the father nor the holy spirit. Neither is "Jesus" the name of either. One God in three persons. We baptize not "only in the name of the Son but not of the Father and Holy Spirit".
@@kennynoNope God All Mighty Himself. The Lord Of Heaven & Earth Revealed Himself To Gino Jennings, Gino Jennings have seen The Lord Himself & God Gotta Say Amen To What I’m Saying Or Be Found A Liar.
@@toferg.8264Was about to say. They are their own, non-denominational church. (Insofar as "prosperity gospel" can actually be called a church in Osteen's case.)
@@Michael-bk5nzAnd Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen are run of the mill prosperity gospel televangelists. Osteen is essentially a self help guru and Copeland, while with his own eccentricities, is more renowned for his private jets and political power than his theology
First of all, thank you brother for making this video clip. Man can never be perfect, Jesus himself said this. Jesus, the son of David, was perfect in all perfections. It was all God's work, that's why He said He is my beloved Son. The question remains, Gino Jennings can also make mistakes- But, since Jennings speaks according to the written word of the Scriptures, we must have the revelation of the Word in ourselves when we comment-otherwise it is of no use.
That man is real ,only devils that don’t believe in the truth of the book the have in their home. Not here to belittle we all will see when we died who was right. I’m with Gino man pointing people towards a honest lifestyle and god fearing . I pray the people the real about meeting god in peace take it seriously.
Thank you for this. The term "overseer" is a plantation owner term that I wished all Black Churches would abandon. Ugh! He has mentioned the "bible" before when debating others. People seeking strict discipline will continue to flock to this denomination and pastor Jennings. There is always something redeeming about denominations that I could not be in. He is not into taking all the members money which I like. He has been a realtor for a long time.
Could you make a video about one called 'The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God or the UCKG' for short, I'm a member there and would like to know this level of detail about it since it's been cultivating over 100s of churches around the world and is non denominational, with its origins from Brazil and has pentecostal influences.
Thank you for the video, i know i have been requesting it for some time just a few things 1. 0:45 Correction - Gino Jennings WAS NOT from under COOLJC rather he was from a church in Philly called “Holy Temple Apostolic Church” the pastor was a man named “Bishop Haywood Hinton” the church was an independent apostolic church. Hinton came from under Bishop McKinley Williams who was originally under Bishop RC Lawson with Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but then separated to co-start “Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ” in 1957. 2. 7:17 correction - only ordained Elders are allowed to anoint with oil, no Evangelists, Deacons, or other ministers ARE NOT allowed to anoint with oil. And oil is only used for the sick 3. 8:05 context - there is a end of tribulation pre-millenial “rapture” view, you more than likely will not see it on there because First Church does not use the term rapture because it’s not in the scriptures, First Church uses the term “First Resurrection” 4. 10:40 Addition - this is only the American ones, there are Jamaican, Bahamas, Canadian, European, Australian, New Zealand, Mozambique, Malawi, St. Lucia, and other Holy Convocations ini First Church world wide. 5. 17:30 correction/context - There are a lot more, it is mostly that in areas like India and Africa it is hard to report them all, for instance in India there are about 150 First Churches. 6. 17:50 Update - he has since been allowed in since last year just has not been able to make it because of Stroke and Business
The Apocrypha is Scripture.. your canon is Established by one man in the 1600 Or Canon is 3 century.. But if they accept the Canon then it will be easy for the Traditional church to convert them to Orthodoxy
@Akhgy whyd you just assume I use the 66 book canon? Also, the deuterocanonical books haven't always been considered canon, just depends which early father you look at (such as Athanasius using the 66 book canon) Only reason I said it was weird was because it's quite unexpected for pentecostals Orthobros ruin the image of the Church for us all smh
@ well The Fathers of the church agree that the Second canon are scriptures.. you will problem get only one to three fathers that don’t quotes them.. doesn’t mean they are not scripture. But individual bishops are not authority in the Church.. I can say Clement of Rome,Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, Methodius, Cyprian, and Origen. They are just few I quote that accept them They carry more weight, however like I said Individual bishops are not authority. But Councils are, where the Judgement of the Faith is Decided on the Synod of the 5 see as representative. That is True the Orthobros are really not helping but repealing people.. and these are generally converts from the Western Protestantism. Like I said, they( onenes) accept them so it’s would be easier to evangelize to them or have a discussion with the Founder geno to discuss.. before it gets out of Hand.
The losing of Salvation is not correct. Romans 8th Chapter talks about, What can separate you from the Love of GOD… it’s goes on to explain how difficult it is…
Three titles? Hebrews 5:5 KJV - "So also Christ **glorified not himself** to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee."
Modalism is wrong in so many aspects, but if you believe the Bible is clear in matters of salvation making so church authority unecessary to interpret the scripture. Don’t get angry when someone disagrees with the church authority in matters that you happen to agree. You’re the authority, not the church the church just happened to agree with you, when it doesn’t you’ll follow your own interpretation
@@astutik8909 , i'll listen to your argument. But acknowledge that my argument is the text that i put in bold format. "...Christ glorified not himself...". In context it is saying that God the Father isn't the same "self" as Christ. Now, i don't know if you are Arius-like, but perhaps you can acknowledge that Hebrews 5:5 kills Modalism -- or in this case "titles"ism. To answer your question, "this day" is Christ's resurrection, because He is the 1st begotten of the dead. That's my understanding. What's yours?
@@toferg.8264 The resurrection or baptism?.He wasnt a son until God called him a son. Just like GOD calls Israel a son or even Ephraim, my firstborn. I believe Jesus to be the son of Joseph and Mary.
@@emmanuelmakoba6085because he says a lot of BS mixed with good sense observation But he is no scholar on biblical matter, just a guy who speaks very loudly!
@@naelbi8870 I don't think one needs to be an official scholar to preach the word if that's what you mean. The Pharisees were scholars and they didn't get it right. What do you regard as "BS" that he has spoken?
I'm a Oneness Pentecostal, and almost nobody in our movement believes that the Apocrypha is part of the cannon. Also, in my estimate, he is significantly harsher in his tone, more unkind, and stricter than the vast majority of the people who I've met in our movement over the years.
@@soundjudgement3586not quite.. it’s close but still far from it, they have Trinitarian beliefs in Oneness movements, but if the Orthodox Trinitarians explain it in steps there will be agreements.. What is false attribute as trinity is the Trithiesm (Which is Three actual Persons that are separated but act as the one God.) We reject this Whole heartedly
I grew up Oneness and at least this guy can back up his beliefs, whether you agree or not. Where I grew up, they'd just make up some clever rhyming remark, call you rebellious, and start playing music fast and dance so they could get out of answering the question.
From Meta AI: Let's break down the basics of Oneness, Trinitarianism, and Unitarianism: # Oneness Pentecostalism 1. *Monotheistic*: Affirms one God. 2. *Jesus Christ is God*: Believes Jesus is the physical manifestation of God, the Father. 3. *No distinction between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit*: Sees these terms as different titles, roles, or manifestations of the one God, rather than separate persons. 4. *Emphasis on baptism in Jesus' name*: Practices baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, rather than the Trinitarian formula (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). # Trinitarianism 1. *Monotheistic*: Affirms one God. 2. *Three distinct persons*: Believes in the coexistence of three distinct persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. 3. *Each person is fully God*: Affirms that each person of the Trinity is fully divine and of the same essence. 4. *Emphasis on the Trinity*: Sees the Trinity as a fundamental aspect of Christian doctrine. # Unitarianism 1. *Monotheistic*: Affirms one God. 2. *Rejects the Trinity*: Does not believe in the coexistence of three distinct persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). 3. *Jesus Christ is not God*: Typically views Jesus as a human being, prophet, or messiah, but not as God. 4. *Emphasis on reason and individual interpretation*: Often prioritizes reason, individual interpretation, and personal experience over traditional doctrine. Key differences: - Oneness and Trinitarianism both affirm Jesus as God, but Oneness sees Him as the physical manifestation of God, while Trinitarianism views Him as one of three distinct persons. - Unitarianism rejects the divinity of Jesus and the Trinity, emphasizing a single, indivisible God. - Oneness and Trinitarianism have different views on baptism and the nature of God. These distinctions are not exhaustive, and there may be variations within each tradition. However, this summary provides a general overview of the main differences between Oneness, Trinitarianism, and Unitarianism.
Normally it’s easier to explain heresies by pointing the orthodox view and showing in what the heresy’s Deny the orthodox view rather than what they affirm.
Trinitarianism is absolutely not monotheism. One god praying to another god??? One god born of a woman? One god god subject to another higher god? One god calling the higher GOD , his GOD? The trinity is a confused nonsense.
@@astutik8909it’s Not about one God pray to another God.. What you heard geno refuting is Trithiesm.. There can be reconciliation between the Oness and the orthodox model Because the Orthodox Model of Trinity preach a Oneness in God. Which The Belief is The Father is The Sole Cause and Head.. the Word of The Father… the Spirit of the Father. For example it can be demonstrated like This The Father, His Wisdom and His Breath. We Say Person ( not has how the Dictionary describes it) but a Personhood.. The Word and The Spirit two are Personhood of the Father. There is more explanation to the term person. It’s not hard to explain or describe.. it’s just the misconception of What people assume it to be.. Second When you say God pray to God.. Well we both have the Problem if you don’t agree because you believe the Father pray to the Father.. But let’s not Straw man. Oness- Believe the Spirit descend in the Flesh of Christ. Orthodox Trinity- believe the Word of God or you can say spirit in this sense as well Union with the Flesh of Man.. Fully Man , fully God.. The Action of Prayer is Done in the Flesh.. as psalms 22 states that the Father became His God upon flesh. So there is reconciliation their We Believe that When Christ is In the act of prayer or teaching prayers, He is Doing so As our High priest. When Christ perform Miracles.. he is Going so as one both is Divine Will and Human will operates as one This is what your heard the trinity to be( three distinct, separate beings doing the one action as the one God) this is Polythiesm. And this is what heretic and cults do still terms and masquerade as the Christian that’s follow a Creedal beliefs
@@Akhgy I dont believe the Father prays to the Father. Never does GOD pray to GOD. The way you explain makes Moses another GOD as well. The Father, which is the ONLY TRUE GOD ( John 17 v 3) does his work thru people. As Moses divided the sea. When Jesus did things, he always says its by the power given him by GOD. No version of the trinity is sensible. Jesus is the prophesied prophet messiah. Hes not a half godman or GOD himself. Or fully god fully man etc...
I have family that goes to the temple. We all grew up apostolic as well. I can remember my cousins getting talked about for wearing slave like clothing. Their women look like they are fresh off the fields in the 1800s. Even as an apostolic I felt that was over the top. The people of awesome tho. I pop in when I do go back up north to visit home sometimes. Jennings is a stern man and while I do not agree with their beliefs and theology I respect his stance.
It is God's doctrine not Jennings. Search the Scriptures. Shooting the messenger doesn't change God's doctrine . God does not change . He commands us to be holy because he is holy. I'd rather strive to holiness and look like I'm straight out of the fields than the alternative to be of the world and be without Jesus Christ and be hell bound. Listen to Gino's preaching and watch him take you through the scriptures to get an understanding. Will take multiple videos. If you are open and ready to be holy and be in Christ your heart will be pricked and your eyes will be opened. Let God put you in his church. We all have a chance to be saved. Over 12,000 souls were baptized in 2024 in the name of Jesus Christ by Truth of God church. There are Truth of God Temples all over the world.
4:21 I'm so confused 😂 according to Genesis 5 there was 1,656 years between creation and the death of Methuselah. You can't just add their lifespans together cause they lived at the same time haha. Also, Methuselah died after both Jared and Enoch.
2 Peter 3:15-16 (NLT) 15 And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him-- 16 speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction.
"No brother is permitted at any time to walk around with his pants or jeans sagging below the waistline where any portion of your backside or underwear is visible.” I can agree with them on this, but not much else!
Highly similar claims are being held by Iglesia ni Cristo in the Philippines, but I know they will disagree about the people involved in their churches
Strange that in the pictures, I see several women with their heads not covered. One girl even has corn rows and a sleeveless dress. Also, I suppose facial hair for men is acceptable? I think that's odd, with all the other "holiness" standards. Just some thoughts. I attended a oneness Pentecostal church as a teenager, and I don't see much difference between this and that.
There really is something amazing about Joshua quoting the pastor with black slang/colloquialism…
😅its great
The fact that Joshua keeps a straight face throughout is even more amazing😂😂😂
That’s part of why I like this channel. Joshua holds himself to stricter standards than almost every other channel I have watched that wasn’t controlled by some large corporation, choosing to quote things word for word and avoiding direct value judgments of each denomination on his part (and otherwise trying to avoid as much agitation as he can). Feels like the major news networks before the FCC scrapped the fairness doctrine (which, admittedly, makes him seem pretty tame with some of his analyses).
While I’m sure he has run into some trouble with one of these groups before, I don’t really see a lot of drama about the guy or his channel, so either the issue is something only the church itself is concerned about, or he made an error that he’d usually later correct.
04:50, 05:50, 06:30
@@FRodriguez_ Ironically he has no reviews for white pastors who are no different.
Saying that the word “Bible” is bad because it isn’t in the Bible so you can only call it “scriptures” is unique, I have never heard that one before
Kind of bizarre to me. The word "scripture" isn't in the Bible either because the Bible wasn't written in English.
Scripture is in the Bible:
Mark 12:10 (NASB20)
Mark 12:10 (NASB20)
Acts 1:16 (NASB20)
“Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus.
Mark 12:10 (NASB20)
Acts 1:16 (NASB20)
“Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB20)
All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness;
But it is in the Bible, it is translated "book" in the NT.
Bible is Latin for book. The bible is by definition a book. Calling it something else isn’t that weird but the word bible isn’t bad
@@Michael-bk5nz He is an example of what happens when a preacher doesn’t use sources that are available that helps to get a better understanding of the scriptures. The Greek word βιβλίον is Bible in English: scroll with writing, a document.
This guy is ignorant. If he truly believes what he says, then he shouldn’t speak any word in English. No English word is in the Bible in it’s original form
"Of the Orthodox persuasion" and immediately afterward "not trinitarian."
How does that make sense?!
It's not meant to make doesn't draw people that value sense.
Stop thinking already. Thinking is so twentieth-century. 😛
He is using the word orthodox in its basic non religious definition. Its the trinity that makes no sense.
The true " orthodox" christians were not trinitarians.
Not to be confused with, " orthodox catholics".
In the same way, " orthodox jews" are not representing true judaism.
@astutik8909 you're implying that St Paul.and The Twelve were not "true Orthodox Christians " since they were all Trinitarian in their Theology
@@Paul020253they never said so, nor a single thing about the trinity
That was some amazingly bad math, adding the lifespans from the very end of one to the birth of the other. It seems that overlap is too complex of a thought for him.
Come on, don’t you know that everyone is born the day their parents die?
@@disccovered6392Imagine he has to justify the mathematics, and he comes up with this theory that in ancient times both parents died during childbirth sometimes, and when asked why the father, too, would die, he’d just go on about how freaked out he was when he saw his wife giving birth to one of their children.
Also somebody please tell this pastor Genesis has an age for when each man fathered his son in the early parts of that book. Either he wasn’t reading it too closely or he holds that the Bible isn’t inerrant (the latter can obviously be ruled out).
Eve must have been huge when she filled the earth all at once. No wonder it killed Adam too. He was buried in a tidal wave of babies
@@disccovered6392 hahaha
May the Lord continue to bless Pastor Jennings!
They have church offices of "president" and "vice-president", but using the word bible is wrong because it is not found in the bible. I think Gino might be trolling us here.
He's a nut case that's what he is.
First Church uses no such offices as "President" or "Vice President ". All of the offices that are in the church you can find in the Scriptures, those are the only offices First Church uses.
@@bornagainbeliever4749 You use "scriptures" for "bible", but retain "church" for the greek word which mean's "assembly". Why's that?
@bornagainbeliever4749 the man just read About vice President and President and Holy YouthConvocation thats not Bible
Wow, what a real bundle of joy he is.
He's hilarious, but I had no idea his congregation was so large...
@@dogsandyoga1743 Frightening isn't it?
@@Sparooski I mean, there are definitely worse things out here 🤷🏾♂️
@@dogsandyoga1743 Agreed! Always can be worse.😂
@@dogsandyoga1743not much, to tell someone they can’t have salvation without speaking in tongues is pretty evil. Especially considering I’ve never heard a single person speak in actual tongues.
How many more combinations of "church" "Jesus" "original" "true" and so on can they come up with? 😂
First Church of the disciples of the church of our lord God Jesus christ
thats the best I can do 🤣
People's Front of Jesus? I thought we were the Jesus People's Front!
True Original Recipe Jesus Church?
@@KingoftheJuice18 Extra crispy heretic recipe 😅
That's modalism Patrick!
@@thewaterguy17 This comment is going to be under appreciated
Whenever I am unsure what heresy about the Trinity someone is expousing on UA-cam I just look for the word "Patrick"
Lutheran satire gang 💪
I find it curious that most people act like they know the exact width, breadth, height, and nature of the trinity... when what their defintion amounts to is some man-made council's view. For all the people who think someone will go to hell for not having the "correct" definition of the trinity... good think you're not the judge! There is only one judge.
Not exactly.
Monarchian Modalism would be the best term.
Modalism teaches that God changes modes. Oneness, or Monarchian Modalism, is that God is all things at all times. He doesn’t have to change modes.
Wow a former Pentecostal is doing insane stuff I never could have guessed
Pentecostal is not in the scripture
@@Chuck-es8ixall denominations are not in the scripture
Behavior, information, thought, and emotional control. We got us a cult here fellas.
These situations always make you wonder what will happen when the person the denomination is centered around dies
Will they find a new heretic leader who is "so godly"?
usually they dissolve into splinter groups, especially if there's power struggle within the upper levels of church management... can't help but think it'll happen here too.
Most likely there will be someone who is not nearly as charismatic who will be named the new apostle. Other more charismatic preachers will come along and start their own denominations and gain members from the remains of this denomination. That is just what has happened here. When Bishop S. C. Johnson died there were more than 90 congregations in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith. Now, with Bishop Omega Shelton, they are down to only a few dozen congregations, but there are probably a half dozen or more other denominations that have formed based on Bishop Johnson's teachings, this being one.
The second person adopts even more fringe ideas and most people stick with him, though smaller groups may splinter off.
Charles Taze Russell had Joseph Rutherford, Joseph Smith had Brigham Young, Benjamin Roden had -Vernon Howell- David Koresh, etc.
@@musicjax if you aren’t familiar with him look up “Father Divine” a Depression era preacher from Harlem who claimed to be God, his entire bizarre movement just seems to have disappeared when he died
Joshua, thank you for always being unbiased in your presentations. Also, I appreciate you reading black colloquialisms and speech patterns in such a journalistic way 😂😂😂. Can you do more videos on COOLJC, ALJC, and other oneness groups and the differences between them and First Church?
This is the best channel for understanding different churches and doctrines, hands down.
It actually sounds silly when Joshua uses colloquial language.
Pastor Jennings is a man of God. He preaches the truth as it is written.
Hmmmm… He’s dogmatic and extreme. He’s mixed oOd and New Testament to bring about a bondage likening to the Pharisees and Sadducee. There’s no Freedom as CHRIST JESUS came to deliver us from. 😢
It was priceless to hear the RTH host read Gino Jennings quotes!
When they have "First" or "Apostolic" in the name of the ecclesial community 🚩🚩🚩
Except maybe the Armenian Apostolic Church, considering Armenia was the first kingdom to adopt Christianity as an official religion.
But what about churches named First Baptist or UMC of said city?
"Ecclisial community"
Are you a catholic or orthodox by any chance?
@@claryp1509what about it?
The official name of the Catholic Church isn’t Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, many Catholics believe it is, but it is not.
The official name is just Catholic Church, and the Church call itself as One Holy Catholic Church.
I’m still trying to find the origin of the name Catholic Apostolic Church because many Catholics say proudly that their church is called that but when you search the origin of the term Roman Catholic it was coined by reformers because they viewed then selves as the evangelical Catholic and the Catholic Church as the Roman Catholic
I’ve been waiting for this Video.
I saw this video pop up on my feeds and as i listen to it im like man so many things we in holiness have to follow this way is really different from the reat of man made religion. Not many people can eat up what the host mentioned in the video. Plus we have to come up to more things. May God help up to submit to everything.
I appreciate how you just stated their views without commentary whether you agree or disagree.
What a wild ride of beliefs😅😅😅
"No nicknames or pet names prior to marriage."
Citation needed!! Oh, and maybe read the Song of Songs.
@@ssv267 Are you jesting/teasing? Where are the pet names? I think the problem is idolatry there.
"For there are many rebellious people,
full of meaningless talk and deception,
especially those of the circumcision group.
They must be silenced,
because they are disrupting whole households
by teaching things they ought not to teach-
and that for the sake of dishonest gain."
Titus 1: 10-11
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching,
but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers
to suit their own passions,
and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths."
2 Tim 4:3-4
"Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock,
in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers,
to care for the church of God,
which he obtained with his own blood.
I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you,
not sparing the flock;
and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things,
to draw away the disciples after them."
Acts 20: 28-30
May the Lord rebuke, expose, and bring down the false teachers of our time.
[Heb 1:1, 3 KJV] 1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, ... 3 Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Jesus Christ is the expressed image of God's person.
Don't forget 1 John 4:1
❤ Amen. He Really is well Grounded in Moral Principles laid by Ancient Church
Great video i love the structure and order in first church. The brother's and sisters are very kind and loving people. All other churches I attended were toxic environments and alot of favoritism. Everyone who comes to First Church service are treated the same yes including millionaires. I will never go back to any false man made religions. I love holiness and learning to be Godly. James 4:4
“....... Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the ENEMY of God.”
@sheroyal9326 You're not even part of Holiness your part of Christianity. I ran from Christianity. G1
Wonderful I Was Just Gonna Ask You If You Seen This Video Yet & You Commented On It 21Hours Ago G1
@@CoolJay1 ✊🏽 G1
I have never heard of him. What I will say is that I have never heard so many theological errors, in any one statement of faith, for any other denomination that you have featured on your channel.
That’s your problem. God isn’t a God of theology. Theology is of the devil. Follow God’s word and repent.
Show scripture that supports the study of theology and scripture that support your claim of errors
They claim "orthodox" but reject the trinity...right
He's using the dictionary definition of the word:
1. (of a person or their views, especially religious or political ones, or other beliefs or practices) conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved.
2. (of a thing) of the ordinary or usual type; normal.
I think every church on the planet would believe their teachings are "orthodox", in this sense.
Trinity is a catholic term. Jesus is God.
@@MrJbee73 Jesus is NOT the father, and NOT the holy Spirit. Read John 12 Matthew 28:19 for starters.
@@Dilley_G45 have fun
There are more than one Jesus in the bible or scriptures.
God whose nature is SPIRIT and father of all mankind is called Jesus and christ is his title.
The son of God and son of Mary inherited the excellent name of the Holy Spirit who is Jesus.
When we say Jesus christ is LORD (GOD) we not talking of that which died on the cross but that which created the heavens and the earth, because God cannot die. He comes by many titles as Jah,Jaweh,king of kings, Lord of Lords etc,etc.
No golden teeth is where I am out
I feel there is a joke here about "Orthodox persuasion", gold teeth, and St. John Chrysostom (Orthodox bishop whose name means "gold mouth" in Greek, due to his eloquence).
The pocket square ban was too much for me.
He says it's not his church but goes on to list all his own preferences on how people dress
How people should dress is plainly in the bible.
He listed them according to scriptural principles, and not according to human philosophy and feelings.
@@ahamed6702 He has a whole manual with pictures (not found in the bible) of how men and women should dress and a bunch of rules that he created--hundreds of pages worth
@@SocialWorkSuperhero Wow, have you seen it?! 100 pages I need to see that!
@@ahamed6702 Go to his website there is a pdf--youtube won't let me put links here
This church sounds like modern Pharisee that added many man rules and like Pharisee of Jesus's time, place heavy emphasis on external acts such as what to wear, etc.
It is plainly in the bible how people should wear. Even Paul poitns it out in 1 Tm. 2:9 for example and in 1 Cor. chapter 11. Also in 1 Peter chapter 3.
@SGOV86 For sure the Bible didn't tell all the details like what colour is not allowed. Anyway times change and we are not living in the middle east. Otherwise you should not even wear the western clothing that is never worn by biblical figures.
@@pwct321 that is true and I agree with that. Even thought it is western it still should be modest.
@@ahamed6702please watch the video. It is based on their official document that forbid certain colour.
The church you attending, how often do you question what they teach you? Why not take what he says go search the scriptures to see if you will find it there?
I ain't gonna lie, it looks like the name was chosen for the acronym f-cool-jc
The acronym caught my eye as well. Reminds me of LL Cool J 😂
But the church he broke away from was COOL-JC-AF which is hard to beat
@@gabriellegeorge2648that’s what I thought at first glance
Now introducing…
Jehovah’s Witness part 2 (Pentecostal Addition)!
Now finally something both Catholics, orthodox and Baptist will agree. The baptism of this church doesn’t regenerate nobody, it’s just symbolic
If the person being baptised intends to be baptised as commanded by Jesus don't we all think they have been baptised?
You get into dangerous territory here. The implication of your statement is the mindset of the person doing the baptism doesn't matter. An atheist or Satanist can't baptize someone.
@carltonsimmonsjr.5607 A person is validly baptised if what they intend is right. If the ministers' orthodoxy or intentions decide the matter then Constantine (baptised by an Arian heretic) was never baptised. Or are you saying that certain kinds of heretics can baptise even though they are outside the church?
If it turned out that your minister was secretly a satanist would that make you unbaptised? I don't think that's right.
Catholic, orthodox, lutheran and some others believe in baptismal regeneration. Also most groups accept any baptismal provided it is d9ne 8n the name of the father, son and Holy spirit.
@@Phill0oldIt shouldn’t be controversial to say that in baptism, one identifies oneself deeply with a certain name; that’s what it means to be baptized in (εις, into) the name of whomever. If in one’s baptism, one takes on any name other than the one that the Lord instituted, that is, the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, that baptism would regarded by nearly all denominations as invalid.
I knew a family of people who were involved in this cult. Let's just say they were an extremely sad case. I never did understand the inclusion of a medieval forgery like the book of jasher.
3:20 to be fair, King James isn't mentioned in the 'scriptures.'
Sounds like what you get when you have one guy reading the Bible furiously and not praying about it or consulting with anyone else for guidance or help. For stuff he's unsure of or the Bible doesn't touch much on, he pulls in his Pentecostal history. I feel a tremendous amount of unhealthy pride in it.
@@cataphracts123 He definitely has pride, and he’s a fool. He’s a preacher that doesn’t use any available source that helps one to get a better understanding of the scriptures
This is protestantism when you are not shy about being protestant
Clear and concise video! Thanks! I seen clips of him but wow.. people need to definitely steer clear from him.
Isn't the Book of Jasher lost to history? Did this Pastor Jennings invent a time machine to retrieve it?
He’s using a false adaptation
J. Delano Ellis and the Pentecostal Churches of Christ would be an interesting topic!
"Women shall not open the Scriptures."
And he's calling others devil-inspired.
From all the satanic things this church does, this is the least of the problems. Not that they are right, because they are wrong, it’s just the least of problems. But in our culture where every thing that matters is identity politics, people view this as the only problem which is sad
@@ahamed6702 Are you saying I took out a sound bite, or the video took out a sound bite? Because that comment was in there.
@ The creator of this video not you. I have actually visited the church in Philadelphia and no one, man or woman can quote scriptures during testimony time. I totally understand why because some people get up and testi-lie and start trying to preach.
@ Did they give any reason why people can’t refer to the, uh, Bible in church?
@@ahamed6702 Well, I'm Jewish and it's almost unheard of to give a meaningful speech in a religious context *without* quoting Scripture or other sacred texts of Judaism.
For the first 25 or so years of my life, our Malankara catholic mission rented space from a Roman Catholic Church, incarnation of our lord, which is now the FCOOLJC church in Philly.
Good job on getting the info!!!
These beliefs are confusing to me. If people could work their way to redemption, why did The Lord Jesus Christ have to go through what He did? Also, if there is no Trinity, to whom did Christ pray and call "Father" during His earthly ministry?
According to them, he is his own Father, and, he prayed to himself.
(Flesh Man) Praying to deity. Trinity is of the devil, may God open your eyes to our one God, like the scriptures state.
I must commend you on a job well done .
What an interesting heretical and pharisaical perversion of Christianity. More videos like this plz
Very timely. Ran into a fellow online who apparently is big on Gino and doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Thanks for this information. Looks like a huge outfit, and I don't like what little I've checked out so far.
I'm still interested in his theological education.
Not defending the guy, but to be fair, a man or woman of God, with the gift of teaching and preaching, doesn't need a certificate from anywhere to do so. By their fruits shall ye know them. If a preacher/teacher says something, check them out in the Word... it is there for all to see.
@@mercster We all need education. Cultures changes over time; the true meaning gets lost and a lot times in translation. One should use sources of information that helps one to get the original meaning and historical context of what’s written.
2 Peter 3:15-16 (NLT) 15 And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him-- 16 speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction.
@@YehudaHalevi247 Sure, but when someone says "theological education", that instantly brings to mind a certification or degree from some large institution, which is certainly not required to preach.
@@mercster Actually they need, they need to be ordained by someone else prior to them, it's called apostolic succession, protestants threw this idea in the trash because they couldn't find not even rouge bishops in the 16th century that would ordain them, so they had to claim that this wasn't true. But In England and Norway were the government made all the bishops convert to the new denomination they keep the apostolic succession until today.
@@MarkStein-v4j You're free to believe as you like.
The church rejects celebrating Easter? I'm not sure "church" is the right word for this organization.
At Ignacius (John direct disciple) says that a church without a bishop isn’t a church
Easter isnt passover or the resurrection. The dates can be as much as 2 weeks apart.
You should read Saint Bede, he relates that the name "Easter" is a name derived from a pagan goddess. Jesus held what we now call the last supper on Passover, he was the one prefigured by the Passover lamb. The date of Passover was intentional.
@@MarkStein-v4jordained bishop of tradition..
Where's Easter presented by the apostles to be observed? Examine the Scriptures
All that matters to some people is being against culture, even if you're not for Christ, like Jennings.
Thanks for the video. Never have heard of this church before. Absolutely love learning about church’s. Great work. That being said I’m much too progressive to join their church lol.
Keep in the Anglican Church, if you want check the Catholic Church too
That's a whole lot of "look right" and none of "trust what Jesus did on the cross for salvation."
Cool!! If I’m ever in PA and feel like denying Christ’s teachings, I will for sure visit this church!
Please do so. You will come out with all the tares falling off your eyes.
I don't agree with all his theology but I must admit Geno is a powerful preacher. He pulls no punches.
Same here.
He seems powerful because he demands that those listening believe that his claims are right, and he plays on the insecurities of people and their lack of knowing the Scriptures for themselves. Many people gravitate towards people who have confidence and sound like they know what they are talking about.
You disagree because of your own feelings and desires or because it is biblically wrong?
Question : Why did he leave The Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of The Apostolic Faith to start his own church?
I believe he had some concerns with his Bishop. Sadly, Gino has even criticized Bishop SC Johnson.
2:00 Have they read Matthew 28:18-20?
They did. He said that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are titles and not names. That these three titles refer to Jesus. And in the books of Acts it is why Peter baptized in the name of Jesus.
This is Gino Jennings his explination.
@SGOV86 So let me get this straight. Jesus christ takes the title of 'Father' for what he has a parents' kink?
[Act 2:38 KJV] 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
@@KebesBenabi Okay, and?
So does he have the Book of Jasher in his Bible? God didn’t preserve it for a reason. Idk what it is, but if He wanted it to be scripture, He would have preserved it.
Nobody really knows for sure. The book that exists is a 17th century forgery. Rashi (the preeminent medieval rabbi) said it was just another name for the Torah, but this doesn't really add up. It appears to have been a book of prophecy and song, which sounds like psalms, but scholars don't think it's psalms either.
"Overseerer" is the English translation of the Ancient Greek "episkopos". It's where we get the word "episcopal",; a cognate is "bishop".
Did he completely miss the point of the Wedding at Cana?
Anyone know what text they use for the "book of Jasher"?
I too want to know this. The original was lost, so which of the purported books is he using?
The book of Jasher is referred to in scripture, but is lost... there is a fake from the 18th century or so, maybe that is what they use (for some reason.) Maybe their website would direct you further.
@@mercster Yeah, the eighteenth-century book would be my guess, as they seem to be KJV-only, and Ilive's "Jasher" is written in that style. (And credited to a man who lived seven hundred years before the first foundations of the KJV were laid, and doesn't seem to have written anything in English.)
From a few snippets I've read online, I believe it's the Sefer ha-Yashar, a 13th century Jewish midrash recounting many Biblical events.
@@TurtleMarcus Ooh, thank you. I wasn't expecting it to be that one.
God bless Pastor Jennings! Holding firm to the Word of God and teching true biblical doctrine according to the Holy Scriptures 🙏🏾
Did God the Father and the Holy Spirit die for your sins?
As usual with these kinds of things, the theology is shallow and contradictory, while the social rules (especially for women) are extensive and extremely specific.
This does bring up a question I have
In Matthew 28:19, it's clear that baptism is done with The Father of The Son and of The Holy Ghost. Yet, the Apostles baptized people in the name of Jesus in Acts. What happened?
The traditional explanation is that when the Apostles are said to baptize "in the name of Jesus" in Acts, it doesn't refer to a formula, but to the fact that they baptized with Christ's baptism, as opposed to John's baptim, or the various Mikveh baptisms of Judaism.
Another explanation is that baptism with the formula "in the name of Jesus Christ" might providentially have been allowed in the Apostolic age, but once Christianity separated completely from Judaism in the late first century, the Trinitarian formula became the only valid one.
Or maybe people are being too legalistic? Jesus is God. If you’re baptized in his name after you come to faith in Him, there’s no such thing as an invalid baptism.
Lol. You know very well, the catholic church added that verse. It didnt exist in the earliest manuscripts.
Which is the obvious explanation as to why no subsequent baptisms used that formula.
@@disccovered6392 The Second Helvetic, Belgic, Westminster, First London and Second London Confessions, the 39 Articles of Religion, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Athanasian Creed all state that any "non-Trinitarian" Baptism is *invalid* ! There is most certainly such a thing as an invalid baptism!
According to scripture The Bible doesn't contradict itself. 2 Tim 3. Now we have Matthew 28:19 from the very mouth of Jesus. If anything is PRESCRIPTIVE then a direct command from Jesus himself. So we can trust that. Acts is mostly a descriptive book. We have a paradox between acts 2:38 and Matthew 28:19. There is no command to baptize "in Hesus name only". Peter might have chosen the words because unlike the Great commission to ALL nations, Peter was talking exclusively to the Jews who had until then rejected Jesus as the Measiah and was a disciple of Jesus. Whereas Jesus as the Son of God himself stated in Matthew 28 "all authority...has been given to me". Speaking of baptising all Nations he wouldn't have to address a previous rejection of the messiah. Jesus did make it very clear that he is NOT the father nor the holy spirit. Neither is "Jesus" the name of either. One God in three persons. We baptize not "only in the name of the Son but not of the Father and Holy Spirit".
Our Teacher Apostle Gino Jennings Is A True Apostle Of These Last & Evil Days & We Will Stand On Every Word God Says Through Apostle Gino Jennings!!
I agree with you
Who made him an apostle?
@@kennynoNope God All Mighty Himself. The Lord Of Heaven & Earth Revealed Himself To Gino Jennings, Gino Jennings have seen The Lord Himself & God Gotta Say Amen To What I’m Saying Or Be Found A Liar.
@ are you claiming that? Or did Gino really say that?
Crazy that I actually haven't seen or heard about this guy yet.
Any videos on Billy Graham, Joel Olsteen and, Kenneth Copeland?
I’m pretty sure they should need to count as a sect first.
@@toferg.8264Was about to say. They are their own, non-denominational church. (Insofar as "prosperity gospel" can actually be called a church in Osteen's case.)
@toferg.8264 OK. Do the video.
@@TWolfe777 Billy Graham was just a run of the mill Baptist, not particularly interesting or exciting
@@Michael-bk5nzAnd Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen are run of the mill prosperity gospel televangelists. Osteen is essentially a self help guru and Copeland, while with his own eccentricities, is more renowned for his private jets and political power than his theology
First of all, thank you brother for making this video clip.
Man can never be perfect, Jesus himself said this.
Jesus, the son of David, was perfect in all perfections.
It was all God's work, that's why He said He is my beloved Son.
The question remains, Gino Jennings can also make mistakes-
But, since Jennings speaks according to the written word of the Scriptures, we must have the revelation of the Word in ourselves when we comment-otherwise it is of no use.
Hello Ready to Harvest,
Would love to see a video explaining the beliefs and doctrine of the “Celestial Church of Christ”
Thank of your work
That man is real ,only devils that don’t believe in the truth of the book the have in their home. Not here to belittle we all will see when we died who was right. I’m with Gino man pointing people towards a honest lifestyle and god fearing . I pray the people the real about meeting god in peace take it seriously.
My Lord! That. Is. A. Lot. I’m exhausted after hearing all their rules and requirements.
Thank you for this. The term "overseer" is a plantation owner term that I wished all Black Churches would abandon. Ugh! He has mentioned the "bible" before when debating others. People seeking strict discipline will continue to flock to this denomination and pastor Jennings. There is always something redeeming about denominations that I could not be in. He is not into taking all the members money which I like. He has been a realtor for a long time.
This a very important and wonderful information thank you lord Jesus for our pastor may you continue to preach God words
You should contact him, and have a open debate. Would love to watch!!
Could you make a video about one called 'The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God or the UCKG' for short, I'm a member there and would like to know this level of detail about it since it's been cultivating over 100s of churches around the world and is non denominational, with its origins from Brazil and has pentecostal influences.
Sounds borderline "cult-like" to me.
It's a cult
...what is the book of Jasher?
It is a non canonical book.
Hi Joshua! Could you do a video about the Free Church of Scotland next?
Gino Jennings once broke a Catholic statue of a saint, thinking it was a statue of the Virgin Mary but it wasn't.
If it was Mary, I would have still said Amen!
it is still an idol
@@bornagainbeliever4749 So, you are not a Christian like Gino Jennings?
@@anycyclopediaChristians do not deny the Trinity.
@@georgepierson4920What is the trinity? Thought there was no other god beside him. Please explain
Oh wow I didn’t know Pastor Jennings came out of COOJC !!!! Oh that’s very interesting
Thank you for the video, i know i have been requesting it for some time just a few things
1. 0:45 Correction - Gino Jennings WAS NOT from under COOLJC rather he was from a church in Philly called “Holy Temple Apostolic Church” the pastor was a man named “Bishop Haywood Hinton” the church was an independent apostolic church. Hinton came from under Bishop McKinley Williams who was originally under Bishop RC Lawson with Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but then separated to co-start “Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ” in 1957.
2. 7:17 correction - only ordained Elders are allowed to anoint with oil, no Evangelists, Deacons, or other ministers ARE NOT allowed to anoint with oil. And oil is only used for the sick
3. 8:05 context - there is a end of tribulation pre-millenial “rapture” view, you more than likely will not see it on there because First Church does not use the term rapture because it’s not in the scriptures, First Church uses the term “First Resurrection”
4. 10:40 Addition - this is only the American ones, there are Jamaican, Bahamas, Canadian, European, Australian, New Zealand, Mozambique, Malawi, St. Lucia, and other Holy Convocations ini First Church world wide.
5. 17:30 correction/context - There are a lot more, it is mostly that in areas like India and Africa it is hard to report them all, for instance in India there are about 150 First Churches.
6. 17:50 Update - he has since been allowed in since last year just has not been able to make it because of Stroke and Business
What in the world do they make of Matthew 28:19??
Also absolutely wild that they use the Apocrypha. Unexpected
The Apocrypha is Scripture.. your canon is Established by one man in the 1600
Or Canon is 3 century..
But if they accept the Canon then it will be easy for the Traditional church to convert them to Orthodoxy
@Akhgy whyd you just assume I use the 66 book canon? Also, the deuterocanonical books haven't always been considered canon, just depends which early father you look at (such as Athanasius using the 66 book canon)
Only reason I said it was weird was because it's quite unexpected for pentecostals
Orthobros ruin the image of the Church for us all smh
@ well The Fathers of the church agree that the Second canon are scriptures.. you will problem get only one to three fathers that don’t quotes them.. doesn’t mean they are not scripture.
But individual bishops are not authority in the Church..
I can say Clement of Rome,Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, Methodius, Cyprian, and Origen.
They are just few I quote that accept them
They carry more weight, however like I said Individual bishops are not authority.
But Councils are, where the Judgement of the Faith is Decided on the Synod of the 5 see as representative.
That is True the Orthobros are really not helping but repealing people.. and these are generally converts from the Western Protestantism.
Like I said, they( onenes) accept them so it’s would be easier to evangelize to them or have a discussion with the Founder geno to discuss.. before it gets out of Hand.
Many Oneness say it was added later.
He crosses the line at no pirated media 🏴☠️
The losing of Salvation is not correct. Romans 8th Chapter talks about, What can separate you from the Love of GOD… it’s goes on to explain how difficult it is…
How do they spend raised monies? Is anyone paid?
So I guess police officers are prohibited to joining their community.
Three titles? Hebrews 5:5 KJV - "So also Christ **glorified not himself** to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee."
Modalism is wrong in so many aspects, but if you believe the Bible is clear in matters of salvation making so church authority unecessary to interpret the scripture. Don’t get angry when someone disagrees with the church authority in matters that you happen to agree. You’re the authority, not the church the church just happened to agree with you, when it doesn’t you’ll follow your own interpretation
@@MarkStein-v4jand you blindly follow the church and deny Gods Holy Spirit guidence?
Work out which " day" that was , and the trinity evaporates into thin air.
" this day I have begotten thee". Which day was that said?
@@astutik8909 , i'll listen to your argument. But acknowledge that my argument is the text that i put in bold format. "...Christ glorified not himself...". In context it is saying that God the Father isn't the same "self" as Christ. Now, i don't know if you are Arius-like, but perhaps you can acknowledge that Hebrews 5:5 kills Modalism -- or in this case "titles"ism.
To answer your question, "this day" is Christ's resurrection, because He is the 1st begotten of the dead. That's my understanding. What's yours?
@@toferg.8264 The resurrection or baptism?.He wasnt a son until God called him a son. Just like GOD calls Israel a son or even Ephraim, my firstborn.
I believe Jesus to be the son of Joseph and Mary.
Enoch walked with God 365 years?
Can you do Reformed Church of New Zealand (RCNZ)
I have a very hard time listening to that guy, so I don't. LOL
Lol why?
@@emmanuelmakoba6085because he says a lot of BS mixed with good sense observation
But he is no scholar on biblical matter, just a guy who speaks very loudly!
@@naelbi8870 I don't think one needs to be an official scholar to preach the word if that's what you mean. The Pharisees were scholars and they didn't get it right. What do you regard as "BS" that he has spoken?
@@naelbi8870 That. (and he gets annoying to me after about a minute)
@e.m.8094 You are more patient with him than I am then !
I'm a Oneness Pentecostal, and almost nobody in our movement believes that the Apocrypha is part of the cannon. Also, in my estimate, he is significantly harsher in his tone, more unkind, and stricter than the vast majority of the people who I've met in our movement over the years.
His tone and speech are harsh, albeit his doctrine is closer to the scriptures than most Holiness movements.
Well tbf the Traditional Christian view is They are scripture.
@@soundjudgement3586not quite.. it’s close but still far from it, they have Trinitarian beliefs in Oneness movements, but if the Orthodox Trinitarians explain it in steps there will be agreements..
What is false attribute as trinity is the Trithiesm
(Which is Three actual Persons that are separated but act as the one God.)
We reject this Whole heartedly
I grew up Oneness and at least this guy can back up his beliefs, whether you agree or not. Where I grew up, they'd just make up some clever rhyming remark, call you rebellious, and start playing music fast and dance so they could get out of answering the question.
Now imagine how the voice of the King of Kings sounds like! @soundjudgement3586
I only know him from hilarious yt shorts. I had no idea his congregation was so large 😬
From Meta AI: Let's break down the basics of Oneness, Trinitarianism, and Unitarianism:
# Oneness Pentecostalism
1. *Monotheistic*: Affirms one God.
2. *Jesus Christ is God*: Believes Jesus is the physical manifestation of God, the Father.
3. *No distinction between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit*: Sees these terms as different titles, roles, or manifestations of the one God, rather than separate persons.
4. *Emphasis on baptism in Jesus' name*: Practices baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, rather than the Trinitarian formula (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
# Trinitarianism
1. *Monotheistic*: Affirms one God.
2. *Three distinct persons*: Believes in the coexistence of three distinct persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.
3. *Each person is fully God*: Affirms that each person of the Trinity is fully divine and of the same essence.
4. *Emphasis on the Trinity*: Sees the Trinity as a fundamental aspect of Christian doctrine.
# Unitarianism
1. *Monotheistic*: Affirms one God.
2. *Rejects the Trinity*: Does not believe in the coexistence of three distinct persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
3. *Jesus Christ is not God*: Typically views Jesus as a human being, prophet, or messiah, but not as God.
4. *Emphasis on reason and individual interpretation*: Often prioritizes reason, individual interpretation, and personal experience over traditional doctrine.
Key differences:
- Oneness and Trinitarianism both affirm Jesus as God, but Oneness sees Him as the physical manifestation of God, while Trinitarianism views Him as one of three distinct persons.
- Unitarianism rejects the divinity of Jesus and the Trinity, emphasizing a single, indivisible God.
- Oneness and Trinitarianism have different views on baptism and the nature of God.
These distinctions are not exhaustive, and there may be variations within each tradition. However, this summary provides a general overview of the main differences between Oneness, Trinitarianism, and Unitarianism.
Normally it’s easier to explain heresies by pointing the orthodox view and showing in what the heresy’s Deny the orthodox view rather than what they affirm.
@ yeah probably true. I think this outline just proves how confusing Christianity can be to an outsider lol.
Trinitarianism is absolutely not monotheism.
One god praying to another god???
One god born of a woman?
One god god subject to another higher god?
One god calling the higher GOD , his GOD?
The trinity is a confused nonsense.
@@astutik8909it’s Not about one God pray to another God..
What you heard geno refuting is Trithiesm..
There can be reconciliation between the Oness and the orthodox model
Because the Orthodox Model of Trinity preach a Oneness in God.
Which The Belief is The Father is The Sole Cause and Head.. the Word of The Father… the Spirit of the Father.
For example it can be demonstrated like This
The Father, His Wisdom and His Breath.
We Say Person ( not has how the Dictionary describes it) but a Personhood..
The Word and The Spirit two are Personhood of the Father.
There is more explanation to the term person.
It’s not hard to explain or describe.. it’s just the misconception of What people assume it to be..
When you say God pray to God..
Well we both have the Problem if you don’t agree because you believe the Father pray to the Father..
But let’s not Straw man.
Oness- Believe the Spirit descend in the Flesh of Christ.
Orthodox Trinity- believe the Word of God or you can say spirit in this sense as well Union with the Flesh of Man.. Fully Man , fully God..
The Action of Prayer is Done in the Flesh.. as psalms 22 states that the Father became His God upon flesh.
So there is reconciliation their
We Believe that When Christ is In the act of prayer or teaching prayers, He is Doing so As our High priest.
When Christ perform
Miracles.. he is Going so as one both is Divine Will and Human will operates as one
This is what your heard the trinity to be( three distinct, separate beings doing the one action as the one God) this is Polythiesm.
And this is what heretic and cults do still terms and masquerade as the Christian that’s follow a Creedal beliefs
@@Akhgy I dont believe the Father prays to the Father.
Never does GOD pray to GOD.
The way you explain makes Moses another GOD as well.
The Father, which is the ONLY TRUE GOD ( John 17 v 3) does his work thru people. As Moses divided the sea. When Jesus did things, he always says its by the power given him by GOD.
No version of the trinity is sensible.
Jesus is the prophesied prophet messiah. Hes not a half godman or GOD himself. Or fully god fully man etc...
Sounds like a cult.
just be happy they arent mormon or jW
They are a Cult!
He is an open Heretic. He once said “the Holy Spirit was straight out of hell”.
At least he's honest with it.
Prove this one
@ How about you open up your Bible.
@@shorty9924 Come shovel my driveway first.
Faith alone through Grace alone.
Faith without works is dead faith. Read the books of James and Hebrews.
I have family that goes to the temple. We all grew up apostolic as well. I can remember my cousins getting talked about for wearing slave like clothing. Their women look like they are fresh off the fields in the 1800s. Even as an apostolic I felt that was over the top. The people of awesome tho. I pop in when I do go back up north to visit home sometimes. Jennings is a stern man and while I do not agree with their beliefs and theology I respect his stance.
It is God's doctrine not Jennings. Search the Scriptures. Shooting the messenger doesn't change God's doctrine . God does not change . He commands us to be holy because he is holy. I'd rather strive to holiness and look like I'm straight out of the fields than the alternative to be of the world and be without Jesus Christ and be hell bound. Listen to Gino's preaching and watch him take you through the scriptures to get an understanding. Will take multiple videos. If you are open and ready to be holy and be in Christ your heart will be pricked and your eyes will be opened. Let God put you in his church. We all have a chance to be saved. Over 12,000 souls were baptized in 2024 in the name of Jesus Christ by Truth of God church. There are Truth of God Temples all over the world.
4:21 I'm so confused 😂 according to Genesis 5 there was 1,656 years between creation and the death of Methuselah. You can't just add their lifespans together cause they lived at the same time haha. Also, Methuselah died after both Jared and Enoch.
Wow, pastor jennings is the real deal
2 Peter 3:15-16 (NLT) 15 And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him-- 16 speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction.
"No brother is permitted at any
time to walk around with his pants or jeans sagging below the waistline where any portion of your backside or underwear is visible.”
I can agree with them on this, but not much else!
Highly similar claims are being held by Iglesia ni Cristo in the Philippines, but I know they will disagree about the people involved in their churches
Strange that in the pictures, I see several women with their heads not covered. One girl even has corn rows and a sleeveless dress. Also, I suppose facial hair for men is acceptable? I think that's odd, with all the other "holiness" standards. Just some thoughts. I attended a oneness Pentecostal church as a teenager, and I don't see much difference between this and that.
One girl? Most likely a visitor and where in the Scriptures does it say a man has to shave off his facial hair?