About Masterschool (English 🇺🇸/🇬🇧) - ⬇ Scroll down if you live in Germany ⬇ Masterschool is an international training institute that offers intensive vocational training courses. After retraining, Masterschool accompanies you until you have found your dream job. Currently offered programs: www.masterschool.com/#explore-programs Über Masterschool (Deutsch 🇩🇪) Masterschool ist ein internationales Weiterbildungsinstitut, das Intensivkurse zur beruflichen Weiterbildung anbietet. Nach einer Umschulung begleitet dich Masterschool so lange, bis du deinen Traumjob gefunden hast. Aktuelle Programme auf deutsch: de.masterschool.com/?_gl=1*1yv1yee*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw05i4BhDiARIsAB_2wfAQGaIis7o9tEBcZql0bu_0knEhsZnKSS-eioOykpz7B7fg25HTpcgaAgFiEALw_wcB&gbraid=0AAAAAoSLDhlPfoYhpE60PXrGXe5-UKcLJ#programs-de Kostenlos für Arbeitslose: Seit einiger Zeit arbeitet die Masterschool mit der deutschen Regierung zusammen und ermöglicht registrierten Arbeitslosen mit Bildungsgutschein (AVGS) eine gebührenfreie Weiterbildung. Überprüfe deine Förderfähigkeit, kostenlos bei der Masterschool zu lernen: admissions.masterschool.com/lps/qualification/qMfdsLvx?lg=de&Samuel+Bosch
This is precisely the reason why I want to get into Harvard/MIT. I want my 5 people to be smart and ambitious. It's horrible how contagious laziness is.,
I'm currently a PhD student at an ivy league for chemical physics. I come from a poor immigrant background, grew up all my life below the poverty line, and thought I did pretty good in making it here on my own. I now realize how alien I am in life experience, opportunity, and preparation when compared to my peers. It was a tough pill to swallow, to think that I could maybe be at a higher level in life and my intended field if it weren't for a relative lack of opportunity, but in the one semester I've been here I've already learned so much, and I'm somehow working on the same playing field as the smartest people I've ever met, so I'll just have to keep practicing grace and not let it discourage me.
@@kerPlanck Some of us may have had more obstacles along the way but if you work hard and ensure you get relevant experience, you have a shot! It'll take showing some exceptionality but if I can do it, so can anyone. Just make sure you do your research on whether graduate school is what you're looking for.
Some points to remember as a 52 year old retired person. Remember satisfaction and fulfillment are a personal responsibility. Take the time to do something that is fulfilling do it with passion take as much risk as you can. Never look back with regret. When you have enough get out and live your best life on your terms.
The issue with this video is that it ignores that insecurity can be one hell of a motivator. Accomplishments are not necessarily tied to having a "healthy" perspective.
That is a very good point that I wish I had made in the video. Sometimes insecurities push you down. But if you’re smart about it, they will also help you work harder
A question that comes up for me is what accomplishment and achievement is good for when its rooted and based in insecurity and dissatsifaction, does one believe that the dissatsifaction seizes at a certain point of achievement? That seems unrealistic to me, seems like putting the cart before the horse
I really struggeled to switch my subject two times, had to pause several times due to health issues. I felt so behind. Now im training people at work older than me. Everybody struggles somewhere. Keep on going and enjoy the happiness and peace not only when things are going great, but when they are simply not bad.
Love this video! Somehow, I've found myself in a place where I no longer compare myself to others and instead focus on learning from them. I think what's helped me with this is realizing that feeling bad because someone is more intelligent/successful than me is equivalent to feeling good when someone is less intelligent/successful than me. And I don't want to be someone who derives joy from superiority, especially when I've made up the definition of success/intelligence anyway.
Such a good point about working without that competitive push. It’s the same for anyone who has a passion for what they do. When placed in a work environment where your not challenged or motivated changes what you’re capable of doing from my own personal experience. Great video
Samuel, I know you’re busy with a lot of stuff always, but please please don’t ever stop making these videos. I am a big fan for over a year now and always get so happy when I see you uploaded. You are a huge inspiration to me. Thank you for everything:) & merry Christmas!!
Thank you so much, Linus! I really appreciate this. And I have some good news: I started working with new team members on getting this channel to the next level. You’ll see more about this in January :)
its because there is a well defined path. study the material, get an A. do what everyone tells you, be a good employee. you were optimizing for pleasing others. In order to truly get to the top your going to have to dissapoint a lot of people
Digga du bist der King mit deinen Realtalkvideos. Hab von einer FH zu einer Uni gewechselt und dachte ich bin ready to go. Naja. Voll auf die Fresse bekommen und denke kontinuierlich das ich nichts kann... Diese Videos helfen
To be honest I feel this every day. I used to be the best at coding in my circle, even if I started just 2 years ago. And now at age of 23 I got into one of the best universities in the Netherlands from my home country Romania and on of my cohort mates is always in the Advent of Code leader boards each year. Even though compared to when I started I am one of the best at what I am doing, also studying a double degree in Math and Computer Science, I struggle a lot when it comes to this. So I appreciate you for doing this video as we all should start enjoying the fact that we have so much to learn from people who are better than us.
Wowwwww!!!!! I am just stunned at the timing of this video. There's this constant train of thought running in circles in my mind about how I want to become an astrophysicist, who obviously need to have top-notch thinking capabilities in maths, physics, geometry (and hence also about how multiple things of multiple wierd shapes and sizes fit together with each other), etc., etc., etc., meanwhile here I am, sitting in sadness after failing for the 2nd time on my driving test because I couldn't reverse on a narrow curved single-lane path.
Well, thanks a lot for your words of encouragement. By the way, I somehow forgot to add an important detail- I said I was stunned at the timing, because the driving test was today (by the way I live in +5:30 GMT Zone, if the timings are confusing). As in, I went to the test in the late morning early afternoon period, I messed up, was sitting in sadness throughout the late afternoon early evening period, and then this video. Sometimes it just feels like UA-cam is really listening in on us at all times and pushing notifications for videos accordingly, but then I see the "uploaded 30 min.s ago" or something.
I am at the best university in India and sometimes I have these impostor feeling and question myself if I deserved to be here. Something that keeps me going is If I didn't deserve to be here, I wouldn't be here right now. The fact that at this moment I am here around these great people confirms I belong here.
Great advice and really helpful. I'm currently working on finishing my Pharmacy degree and the relative comparison is totally a reality in my thoughts...!
Yeah, that's true. I feel it from time to time, but if I look at where I started and where I am now, it's already a great result. But people always want more. I guess it's our nature. So, let's not judge ourselves so harshly, we are already good for having taken this path of self development. It's already worth a lot
Research is so important. I had just sent my son the video a day in the life of a phd student. To persuade him to go to college. Bc I saw the neon trees reference to the house that you drew on the marker board on the video. I really liked it. Now if he goes through the rest of the videos. He is going to get a much different opinion. It's good though. You are intelligent. I hope he does well.
This channel’s content is so valuable I can’t believe you’re not huge yet. I always find myself rewatching your videos because I always get something new every listen. Thanks a lot sam you’ve helped me more than you can know.
yeah absolute truth. We're just finding our fit among others😄I also have passion in studying but I'm keeping it as hobbies because it's so difficult. One way I treat with my broken dream is that I pursue my thing as much as allowed to me as a good human being, and other parts will filled by other people
Thanks for the insight! Coming from a no near known university in Latin America, I always felt (and sometimes I still) less capable than some of my peers who have great grades, scholarships, etc. The imposter syndrome is something real but with videos like this I understand that, my peers most probably compare themselves with other people who have achieved more and had better opportunities, and those compare to others, continuing the endless cycle. But I came to realize that I just have to think "good for them, they worked hard to get where they are" and building ambitions and dreams for myself and give the best that I can. Really thankful for the video!!!!!!
Got into the international chemistry olympiad as the youngest in my country ever. The second best youngest person got in when admissions where much less competetive like 50 years ago. Still, my relative score to other participants made me view the experience in a negative light. The year after that, COVID came and everything became canceled. Despite achiving something noone else in a 60 year time span could have done, I was not only dissatisifed but also prevented from continuing on due to external factors.
I am a quant working at a large bank in US and graduated from one of the top unis in US with applied math and computer science. Having been working in this field for years, it has definitely humbled me in that there are so many smart people around and they all try to be exceptional at what they do. I got to realize at one point that life is not all about having all the money you can make or achieving the best career. The turning point was having my first daughter. It’s because there are things out there in life you can’t take back in time and you just need to enjoy at that moment just like having quality time with your daughter and family. But, the reason why I am saying this is that there are a few people out there in the world who are willing to dedicate their life to one thing, their achievement for their life - such an univariate life. You should realize that you won’t be able to beat them unless your lifestyle or your life goal is at least the same as them. Then, if you are not for that sort of univariate life style, it’s okay to admit that you won’t be able to compete in the same ground, which is totally fine cuz you might be still winning in life.
hey @SamuelBosch I completely get you, as someone who used to struggle with this when I was younger, I stopped struggling when I realized that no matter what you do, you there will always be someone who is better and worse than you. There are 8 billion people on the planet, it is basically an infinite space and so it is just unhealthy to compare yourself to others. Also I realized that life is too short and what counts is just being happy and having lived a life worth living.
4:10 if exams in harvard are graded on a curve, which i dont know, then its not about confidence, but your relative strength compared to your fellow students
i stopped bothering to compare myself to others. it's only a problem problem if you want to do exactly the same thing as the person you're comparing yourself to. but if you just focus on exploring the stuff that you love, you'll end up with a unique skill set since no two people are interested in exactly the same. thus even if a person is better at thing A, you'll be better at thing B.
Well, I think part of it is also where you come from. As a math student from Germany, we immediately have to do Real Analysis, which is quite brutal for most people. Even I somewhat struggle with it, because even though the material is actually very easy (though it probably pushed half of the students out), we are expected to learn proof writing in one semester on top of the other things. This is also the reason I decided against immediately doing two majors and instead opted to wait a year (I don’t want to have immense pressure having to do that on top of physics), even if that takes more time. (I personally only consider myself behind because I feel like I’ve wasted quite a bit of time. Sure, I am only 19, but it was quite clear that I am immensely talented in math. However, rather than improving on that, I just stayed at a similar level, which was exactly “being one of the best/smartest in the room.” I still feel like that in college, though it might be partly because everyone else is complaining about how hard it is, while I just think, "Isn’t this obvious, what the proof is talking about?" I genuinely want to meet people who are just straight-up better than me in math(like i know they exist and they are probably quite numerous, espically since i am quite a bit behind, that are at my age and have similar goals, but I somewhat doubt I’m going to meet them in the near future.)
Having an aspiration to get into MIT, I often think: MIT is surrounded by thousands of 'Genius' students who are better than me of course; but I need not to compare myself with others for achieving high or having the satisfaction of success as compared to them. I will always strive to give my best, and also I'll be flexible. Please let me know if this is a good mentality in me! 🙂
i got thrown out of a low level college with less than a 2.0 . then i started working three jobs ( i like to work i didnt have to ). one of the jobs as a security gaurd i ended up asking the guys behind the door they were gaurding what they did, they said programming. so i started teaching myself c++ from a book without a computer. it was a gimmic but one day someone ask me for my resume and boom i was hired to morgan stanley i.t. in 1999 as a programmer. i ended up paying off my house at the age of 39. since then it has doubled in value. im 50 years old now and ive been semi retired for 15 out of the 30 years ive been in the workforce. the point of all our hard work is to make money and to live an easy life. looking back i could have done everything like pay off my house at the age of 28 had i just started everything at the age of 14 and totally skipped college. even high school wasnt worth it. most jobs out here only use an 8th grade education level to complete. its all baloney. dont even go to college. last year i made 200k but sometimes i dont make anything because i just take the savings and sit on it or pay off my house. it helps that you stay married. yeah thats more important than college.. self teaching is #1 especially in the age of google and even more so now with a.i. im latino by the way
Hi Samuel, Yesterday, I checked you Insta, man you are in amazing shape. Are you able to upload new videos on your workout routine, what are you eating, how to do u track you calories and which supplements are you using etc etc. Thanks Bro. :)
You are asking the right question at the right time, my friend. My next video will be a workout vlog (more for fun and less educational). But I am currently thinking about starting a startup in the fitness space and I plan on vlogging the experience. I already filmed the first episode and have so many great ideas that can help all of us be more consistent and active in the gym 💪
What if someone who dreamed of becoming a topper but at a young age was kind of average in his studies and didn't think of getting high marks in tests? As time passed, now he is in university, his peers are having above 9+ CGPA, and he is still struggling to get 6.5+ and now feels depressed about not getting used to studying. He is now struggling to get marks (here marks are more prioritized rather than the physical or implementation of theoretical knowledge). He knows the concepts and how things work but struggles to write them effectively on paper and is feeling behind and like a loser. All I do is focus on the physical implementation, and by-hearting or memorizing things is hard for me. If I understand a concept, then I won't forget it, but sometimes it's difficult to understand all concepts of all subjects. When exam comes, I end up messing up.
If you want to be in the $5m networth possibly max $10m then go to Ivy league and do STEM. Then get investment banking, private equity etc job take salary invest as corporate employee. If you want to be worth over $30m requires been a successful business owner with high net income and building assets in stockmarket, crypto, real estate, venture capital etc
I feel like you are super focused on achievements and accolades. make sure thats what u actually want though. Could I have done a path where I became a super published and respoected academic? Probably. Is that what i want out of life? NO. I would rather make mid six figures and go skiing every day. I know billionaires who ski less than me.
Weirdly, the numbers of both tables both times add up to exactly 100% … One may not see the problem here, but to answer "How many percent of STEM students get their Degree by Math SAT tertile", there is no reason at all to assume it must add up to 100% among the tertiles, which it does. Therefore, I believe the table is misinterpreted, but not by you but by Malcom Gladwell, who probably invented this rumour. He once held a speech with the same statistic but (oddly) did not specify on his slides what the numbers mean. He concluded the same as you did, but probably fitted the meaning of the data (i.e. changed what it stood for) to support his argument. I don't blame you, since Gladwell was the inventor of this lie. If you are aware, could you cite the study. Then we would be able to see what these statistics were actually supposed to capture.
Isn't that just calculate (number of graduates / total number of students = Z) for each group A, B, and C and then express Z_a, Z_b, and Z_c as percentiles?
@@lex6709 to calculate the graduation rate for each group, you would divide the n. of graduates in the tertile group x by the n. of students in tertile group x, which the argument of Gladwell is based on ("How good you are relative to your peers determines your success probability, not how good you are in general"). You are right in that your formula was presumably the one used by the researchers. However, it does not support the argument by Gladwell and he, I believe, intentionally misled the audience by changing the meaning of the data. I believe this because in his original speech, Gladwell showed no title of the table. Did I miss something?
I think it may the the percentages of total graduates at the university inSTEM vs which third of SAT ranks they come from. But still, I should have looked at this more carefully. Thank you for pointing it out. Next time I need to do better research - even when I think the sourced are credible
Ah right before the main EU PhD application cycle, good timing ':(... Looking for Phds and pre-docs in theoretical physics, specifically Quantum Information Theory in Europe. Compared to the average guy I feel I have a lot going for myself but compared to the absolute killers in my field with several awards, pre phd publications and perfect 4.0's I often end up feeling like a failure.
I think you said would have studied Computer Engineering instead of Physics, but would it have you brought to what you have now and finding yourself? Tolles Video übrigens!
"Linus: Man I wish I had his fit. But he probably wishes he had someone else's fit Snoopy: Man I have this shit on fr. He does NOT have that shit on" (original: Man I Wish I Was More Like That Guy on know you meme) Point in case, it's not impossible to have that confidence in yourself. It's just hard.
I think it can be the same thing at German universities. Just less amplified as it is at places such at Harvard and MIT. But you still feel the same effect
i don't know how germany works, but the reality of Harvard and MIT is the following: each school has ~1000 freshman matriculate for their first year. thus, this means that (again, approximately) 1 in 5000 high school graduates attends Harvard and 1 in 5000 attends MIT. (there are about 3,800,000 high school graduates in the US annually) For Harvard, I think 20-25% of each class has legacy students (their parents or grandparents attended). then something like 15-20% are admitted from the most elite prep schools in the United States. and then they have to have spaces for athletes and underprivileged students. Thus, if you attend a public high school in the United States, you are competing for the other 500-600 slots in the first year class. Imagine being a high school student in the US and you are competing for 1 of 500-600 slots at a college which receives 55000-61000 applications annually in the past few years for MIT, you are literally competitng against the highest performing STEM students in the US and some throughout the world; thus, you can imagine how difficult this is. the admission rate for both schools is 3.6% and 4%, respectively. thus, for public school kids, it's more like 2-2.5%. if you break it up further to boys and girls, your chance of getting into Harvard as a male student from a public school is about 1-1.25% does this paint the picture at all?
Hey Sam, really appreciate your work, I have a question for you, how can I be driven and motivated in achieving my career goals in the age of AI when we don´t really know when AGI will be here, It´s like a cognitive disonance to me since I see AI as something with lot´s of potential to benefit humanity, and I wanna be a Machine Learning Engineer, on the other hand I feel about the progress on this field as a threat to my career goals and motivations, I would love to hear your insight, good luck man, really like your videos and what you bring to us :)
AGI is not a threat to your career in ML. On the contrary. It is the biggest opportunity out there. The better you get at using AI tools and working on AI, the more advantage you can take of these great tools coming up. I think there has never been a better time to get into AI than now
@@SamuelBoschMIT thx for your time bro, but so, do you see a world were tech jobs, like ml engineers, are far away from getting replaced by an advanced AI? and how can I be driven to help developing AI while embracing the fact that sooner or later I might be building my own replacement, any philosophical advice you recommend for those cases? thx haha srry for all of this but you are the best person I could think of to ask this
Students go to MIT should be aware that hard working and learning alone are not adequate substitution for talent. Especially, discipline of pure mathematics you have to be born for it.
@quantumspark343 I see, you love physics. But one critical point should be aware of - that is the mathematics is overused in physics. In clear text, the maths is a powerful tool to discover patterns in the experimental data, therefore the maths will give you a shortcut to formulate physics laws, without truthly understanding physics. resp. the reasoning behind those laws why they even exist.
thats quite opposite to reality. infact, mit or other top students usually realise that 'talent' isnt comparable to hardwork, no one is going to be able solve any meaningful problem without learning the basics, no matter how 'smart' they are. think of it this way, someone who wasnt taught calculus might solve a differential theorem, but it will take their entire life time since they will need to prove calculus from sketch, which is exactly what newton did. he didnt just come up with a solution because he was born for it, he worked hard. he obsessed. and there is no proof for general intelligence, on such a sophisticated topic, you should stick to scientific facts instead of hollywood explanation of 'being born for it'. there is no maths gene.
@ege8240 you can became mathematican with obessetion and hard working, that is no doubt about it. But to be brillant is hary working not good enough, you need talent or we can say tendency to pure maths. I do not talk about subjects like linear algebra or calculus - it go far beyond those basics. Believe me, you need your talent, otherwise you will not survive those pure maths classes. It has no exception for MIT students and even harder for them.
Sir, iam simple guy from Baku, 17y.o , I get 1580 (cheat) on the sat, this is absolutely not my result, since when I did the trials it came out 900+, do you think it's worth applying to top universities since this is not my result? I'm afraid that I'll be kicked out of there, I just want to study at a top university and make my own AI startup
About Masterschool (English 🇺🇸/🇬🇧) - ⬇ Scroll down if you live in Germany ⬇
Masterschool is an international training institute that offers intensive vocational training courses. After retraining, Masterschool accompanies you until you have found your dream job.
Currently offered programs: www.masterschool.com/#explore-programs
Über Masterschool (Deutsch 🇩🇪)
Masterschool ist ein internationales Weiterbildungsinstitut, das Intensivkurse zur beruflichen Weiterbildung anbietet. Nach einer Umschulung begleitet dich Masterschool so lange, bis du deinen Traumjob gefunden hast.
Aktuelle Programme auf deutsch: de.masterschool.com/?_gl=1*1yv1yee*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw05i4BhDiARIsAB_2wfAQGaIis7o9tEBcZql0bu_0knEhsZnKSS-eioOykpz7B7fg25HTpcgaAgFiEALw_wcB&gbraid=0AAAAAoSLDhlPfoYhpE60PXrGXe5-UKcLJ#programs-de
Kostenlos für Arbeitslose: Seit einiger Zeit arbeitet die Masterschool mit der deutschen Regierung zusammen und ermöglicht registrierten Arbeitslosen mit Bildungsgutschein (AVGS) eine gebührenfreie Weiterbildung. Überprüfe deine Förderfähigkeit, kostenlos bei der Masterschool zu lernen: admissions.masterschool.com/lps/qualification/qMfdsLvx?lg=de&Samuel+Bosch
This is precisely the reason why I want to get into Harvard/MIT. I want my 5 people to be smart and ambitious. It's horrible how contagious laziness is.,
Yup, that is 100% true!
Weak self identity is even worse. Gain one loser
I'm currently a PhD student at an ivy league for chemical physics. I come from a poor immigrant background, grew up all my life below the poverty line, and thought I did pretty good in making it here on my own. I now realize how alien I am in life experience, opportunity, and preparation when compared to my peers. It was a tough pill to swallow, to think that I could maybe be at a higher level in life and my intended field if it weren't for a relative lack of opportunity, but in the one semester I've been here I've already learned so much, and I'm somehow working on the same playing field as the smartest people I've ever met, so I'll just have to keep practicing grace and not let it discourage me.
I have so much respect for people like you. Well done. You accomplished something few people in your position ever manage to do. Best of luck 💪
Hi, I'm also interested in studying chemical physics. Where are you currently studying?
@@kerPlanck Columbia University, lots of great interdisciplinary work being done here.
@@Mysterybrazilian123 sounds awesome. Thank you! I'm from SEA and I dunno if I could "make it," but I'll try!
@@kerPlanck Some of us may have had more obstacles along the way but if you work hard and ensure you get relevant experience, you have a shot! It'll take showing some exceptionality but if I can do it, so can anyone. Just make sure you do your research on whether graduate school is what you're looking for.
Some points to remember as a 52 year old retired person. Remember satisfaction and fulfillment are a personal responsibility. Take the time to do something that is fulfilling do it with passion take as much risk as you can. Never look back with regret. When you have enough get out and live your best life on your terms.
Wise words! 🙏 thank you! :)
Sounds like something a person who has succeeded would say, not what a person living in poverty would.
The issue with this video is that it ignores that insecurity can be one hell of a motivator. Accomplishments are not necessarily tied to having a "healthy" perspective.
That is a very good point that I wish I had made in the video. Sometimes insecurities push you down. But if you’re smart about it, they will also help you work harder
A question that comes up for me is what accomplishment and achievement is good for when its rooted and based in insecurity and dissatsifaction, does one believe that the dissatsifaction seizes at a certain point of achievement?
That seems unrealistic to me, seems like putting the cart before the horse
@@chinchilla_462exactly! Using insecurities to get better does not seem to be healthy. You will get what you want but that joy/satisfaction won't last
I really struggeled to switch my subject two times, had to pause several times due to health issues. I felt so behind. Now im training people at work older than me. Everybody struggles somewhere. Keep on going and enjoy the happiness and peace not only when things are going great, but when they are simply not bad.
Well done! Keep fighting 💪📈
Love this video! Somehow, I've found myself in a place where I no longer compare myself to others and instead focus on learning from them. I think what's helped me with this is realizing that feeling bad because someone is more intelligent/successful than me is equivalent to feeling good when someone is less intelligent/successful than me. And I don't want to be someone who derives joy from superiority, especially when I've made up the definition of success/intelligence anyway.
I agree! We should always aim to be the best version of ourselves, regardless of what others are doing.
Danke für dieses ehrliche Video und die guten Überlegungen❤
Danke ☺️
Such a good point about working without that competitive push. It’s the same for anyone who has a passion for what they do. When placed in a work environment where your not challenged or motivated changes what you’re capable of doing from my own personal experience. Great video
Yep! It’s all about finding the right kind of environment to ignite the passion within you. Thank you! 😊
Samuel, I know you’re busy with a lot of stuff always, but please please don’t ever stop making these videos. I am a big fan for over a year now and always get so happy when I see you uploaded. You are a huge inspiration to me. Thank you for everything:) & merry Christmas!!
Thank you so much, Linus! I really appreciate this. And I have some good news: I started working with new team members on getting this channel to the next level. You’ll see more about this in January :)
its because there is a well defined path. study the material, get an A. do what everyone tells you, be a good employee. you were optimizing for pleasing others. In order to truly get to the top your going to have to dissapoint a lot of people
I think that's a very good point
Digga du bist der King mit deinen Realtalkvideos. Hab von einer FH zu einer Uni gewechselt und dachte ich bin ready to go. Naja. Voll auf die Fresse bekommen und denke kontinuierlich das ich nichts kann... Diese Videos helfen
Danke die 😊 Ja, wir machen leider alle solche Erfahrungen. Viel Erfolg wünsche ich dir! 💪
To be honest I feel this every day. I used to be the best at coding in my circle, even if I started just 2 years ago. And now at age of 23 I got into one of the best universities in the Netherlands from my home country Romania and on of my cohort mates is always in the Advent of Code leader boards each year. Even though compared to when I started I am one of the best at what I am doing, also studying a double degree in Math and Computer Science, I struggle a lot when it comes to this. So I appreciate you for doing this video as we all should start enjoying the fact that we have so much to learn from people who are better than us.
You started college at 23?
@@anirudhtd7193 Maybe he joined a master's program
seeing the SAT numbers vs looking at my old SAT numbers 💀 but the concept stands! great vid!
Wowwwww!!!!! I am just stunned at the timing of this video. There's this constant train of thought running in circles in my mind about how I want to become an astrophysicist, who obviously need to have top-notch thinking capabilities in maths, physics, geometry (and hence also about how multiple things of multiple wierd shapes and sizes fit together with each other), etc., etc., etc., meanwhile here I am, sitting in sadness after failing for the 2nd time on my driving test because I couldn't reverse on a narrow curved single-lane path.
that's what dreams are made of
if they come true
Best of luck, my friend! You've got this!
Well, thanks a lot for your words of encouragement.
By the way, I somehow forgot to add an important detail- I said I was stunned at the timing, because the driving test was today (by the way I live in +5:30 GMT Zone, if the timings are confusing). As in, I went to the test in the late morning early afternoon period, I messed up, was sitting in sadness throughout the late afternoon early evening period, and then this video.
Sometimes it just feels like UA-cam is really listening in on us at all times and pushing notifications for videos accordingly, but then I see the "uploaded 30 min.s ago" or something.
Hey men, your advice is always great for me, thanks, dear Samuel. ❤❤
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support 😊
Thank you, I actually needed this. Going through something and i needed your advice like this.
Glad it could help! 💪 wishing you all the best!
I just consider you my mentor now.
I appreciate that! That’s exactly what I am trying to do. Help out as many people like you as possible 😊
I am at the best university in India and sometimes I have these impostor feeling and question myself if I deserved to be here. Something that keeps me going is If I didn't deserve to be here, I wouldn't be here right now. The fact that at this moment I am here around these great people confirms I belong here.
Well said!
Great advice and really helpful. I'm currently working on finishing my Pharmacy degree and the relative comparison is totally a reality in my thoughts...!
Thanks man. Wishing best of luck with finishing your degree! 💪📈
You are a beast Samuel! Thank you❤️
You're welcome!
Yeah, that's true. I feel it from time to time, but if I look at where I started and where I am now, it's already a great result. But people always want more. I guess it's our nature. So, let's not judge ourselves so harshly, we are already good for having taken this path of self development. It's already worth a lot
Research is so important. I had just sent my son the video a day in the life of a phd student. To persuade him to go to college. Bc I saw the neon trees reference to the house that you drew on the marker board on the video. I really liked it. Now if he goes through the rest of the videos. He is going to get a much different opinion. It's good though. You are intelligent. I hope he does well.
This channel’s content is so valuable I can’t believe you’re not huge yet. I always find myself rewatching your videos because I always get something new every listen. Thanks a lot sam you’ve helped me more than you can know.
Thank you so much for your comment. It means a lot to me and I really appreciate this!
yeah absolute truth. We're just finding our fit among others😄I also have passion in studying but I'm keeping it as hobbies because it's so difficult. One way I treat with my broken dream is that I pursue my thing as much as allowed to me as a good human being, and other parts will filled by other people
Thanks for the insight! Coming from a no near known university in Latin America, I always felt (and sometimes I still) less capable than some of my peers who have great grades, scholarships, etc. The imposter syndrome is something real but with videos like this I understand that, my peers most probably compare themselves with other people who have achieved more and had better opportunities, and those compare to others, continuing the endless cycle. But I came to realize that I just have to think "good for them, they worked hard to get where they are" and building ambitions and dreams for myself and give the best that I can. Really thankful for the video!!!!!!
You've got the right attitude! Keep working hard and focusing on your goals! Thank you for the kind words ☺️
Got into the international chemistry olympiad as the youngest in my country ever. The second best youngest person got in when admissions where much less competetive like 50 years ago. Still, my relative score to other participants made me view the experience in a negative light. The year after that, COVID came and everything became canceled.
Despite achiving something noone else in a 60 year time span could have done, I was not only dissatisifed but also prevented from continuing on due to external factors.
I’m sorry to hear that. Sometimes life just puts roadblocks in front of you. But your achievements at the IChO are still very impressive!
Thank you very much for this video, Samuel
You are welcome! 🤗
I am a quant working at a large bank in US and graduated from one of the top unis in US with applied math and computer science. Having been working in this field for years, it has definitely humbled me in that there are so many smart people around and they all try to be exceptional at what they do. I got to realize at one point that life is not all about having all the money you can make or achieving the best career. The turning point was having my first daughter. It’s because there are things out there in life you can’t take back in time and you just need to enjoy at that moment just like having quality time with your daughter and family. But, the reason why I am saying this is that there are a few people out there in the world who are willing to dedicate their life to one thing, their achievement for their life - such an univariate life. You should realize that you won’t be able to beat them unless your lifestyle or your life goal is at least the same as them. Then, if you are not for that sort of univariate life style, it’s okay to admit that you won’t be able to compete in the same ground, which is totally fine cuz you might be still winning in life.
hey @SamuelBosch I completely get you, as someone who used to struggle with this when I was younger, I stopped struggling when I realized that no matter what you do, you there will always be someone who is better and worse than you. There are 8 billion people on the planet, it is basically an infinite space and so it is just unhealthy to compare yourself to others. Also I realized that life is too short and what counts is just being happy and having lived a life worth living.
Very true!
I can confirm this as a current Harvard student
Sorry to hear this, and wishing you all the best! 🙂
Amazing video, thanks!
Glad you liked it!
4:10 if exams in harvard are graded on a curve, which i dont know, then its not about confidence, but your relative strength compared to your fellow students
The SATs are not curved. They are standardized for the whole country
@@SamuelBoschMIT yes but what about the exams in harvard
@@SamuelBoschMITwhere did u get the harvard math sat stats from? 25th percentile of harvard math sat according to common data set is 760…
Interesting video. Your gestures are on turbo mode lol
Hahahah yes, that’s what happens when I get really excited 😜
Needed this right now. Got a physics and math final this week and i’m struggling
Stressful times my friend. Wishing you all the best 💪
Thank you Samuel!
My pleasure!
i stopped bothering to compare myself to others. it's only a problem problem if you want to do exactly the same thing as the person you're comparing yourself to. but if you just focus on exploring the stuff that you love, you'll end up with a unique skill set since no two people are interested in exactly the same. thus even if a person is better at thing A, you'll be better at thing B.
6:25 💀
The 6:25 joke was hilarious 😂😂😂😂
I had to hahahahahaha
Awesome video!
This thumbail fits your channel nicely. Great work! Also, i really liked the intro of the video. Good stuff, keep it up!
Thank you. I am working with a new thumbnail designer, Fabian, since one video ago :)
its called Big-fish-little-pond effect.
John Nash finished in the second five of the Putnam, he spent the rest of his life idolizing those that won first place.
Well said!
Love your stuff bro. Not a bot just genuinely wanted to tell it
Thank you. I really appreciate this 😊
Well, I think part of it is also where you come from. As a math student from Germany, we immediately have to do Real Analysis, which is quite brutal for most people. Even I somewhat struggle with it, because even though the material is actually very easy (though it probably pushed half of the students out), we are expected to learn proof writing in one semester on top of the other things. This is also the reason I decided against immediately doing two majors and instead opted to wait a year (I don’t want to have immense pressure having to do that on top of physics), even if that takes more time.
(I personally only consider myself behind because I feel like I’ve wasted quite a bit of time. Sure, I am only 19, but it was quite clear that I am immensely talented in math. However, rather than improving on that, I just stayed at a similar level, which was exactly “being one of the best/smartest in the room.” I still feel like that in college, though it might be partly because everyone else is complaining about how hard it is, while I just think, "Isn’t this obvious, what the proof is talking about?" I genuinely want to meet people who are just straight-up better than me in math(like i know they exist and they are probably quite numerous, espically since i am quite a bit behind, that are at my age and have similar goals, but I somewhat doubt I’m going to meet them in the near future.)
Thanks sir 🙏
Having an aspiration to get into MIT, I often think: MIT is surrounded by thousands of 'Genius' students who are better than me of course; but I need not to compare myself with others for achieving high or having the satisfaction of success as compared to them. I will always strive to give my best, and also I'll be flexible. Please let me know if this is a good mentality in me! 🙂
Yes sir 💪📈
i got thrown out of a low level college with less than a 2.0 . then i started working three jobs ( i like to work i didnt have to ). one of the jobs as a security gaurd i ended up asking the guys behind the door they were gaurding what they did, they said programming. so i started teaching myself c++ from a book without a computer. it was a gimmic but one day someone ask me for my resume and boom i was hired to morgan stanley i.t. in 1999 as a programmer. i ended up paying off my house at the age of 39. since then it has doubled in value. im 50 years old now and ive been semi retired for 15 out of the 30 years ive been in the workforce. the point of all our hard work is to make money and to live an easy life. looking back i could have done everything like pay off my house at the age of 28 had i just started everything at the age of 14 and totally skipped college. even high school wasnt worth it. most jobs out here only use an 8th grade education level to complete. its all baloney. dont even go to college. last year i made 200k but sometimes i dont make anything because i just take the savings and sit on it or pay off my house. it helps that you stay married. yeah thats more important than college.. self teaching is #1 especially in the age of google and even more so now with a.i. im latino by the way
Hi Samuel,
Yesterday, I checked you Insta, man you are in amazing shape. Are you able to upload new videos on your workout routine, what are you eating, how to do u track you calories and which supplements are you using etc etc. Thanks Bro. :)
You are asking the right question at the right time, my friend. My next video will be a workout vlog (more for fun and less educational). But I am currently thinking about starting a startup in the fitness space and I plan on vlogging the experience. I already filmed the first episode and have so many great ideas that can help all of us be more consistent and active in the gym 💪
@@SamuelBoschMIT Let's goooo Man. I wish you all the best for you new upcoming Startup. I look forward to learn more from you. 🙂
@@engineeringmadeasy Thank you 💪📈
What if someone who dreamed of becoming a topper but at a young age was kind of average in his studies and didn't think of getting high marks in tests? As time passed, now he is in university, his peers are having above 9+ CGPA, and he is still struggling to get 6.5+ and now feels depressed about not getting used to studying. He is now struggling to get marks (here marks are more prioritized rather than the physical or implementation of theoretical knowledge). He knows the concepts and how things work but struggles to write them effectively on paper and is feeling behind and like a loser.
All I do is focus on the physical implementation, and by-hearting or memorizing things is hard for me. If I understand a concept, then I won't forget it, but sometimes it's difficult to understand all concepts of all subjects. When exam comes, I end up messing up.
If you want to be in the $5m networth possibly max $10m then go to Ivy league and do STEM. Then get investment banking, private equity etc job take salary invest as corporate employee. If you want to be worth over $30m requires been a successful business owner with high net income and building assets in stockmarket, crypto, real estate, venture capital etc
No master school link?
Thank you so much for this comment. Check out the description now 😊
I feel like you are super focused on achievements and accolades. make sure thats what u actually want though. Could I have done a path where I became a super published and respoected academic? Probably. Is that what i want out of life? NO. I would rather make mid six figures and go skiing every day. I know billionaires who ski less than me.
Weirdly, the numbers of both tables both times add up to exactly 100% … One may not see the problem here, but to answer "How many percent of STEM students get their Degree by Math SAT tertile", there is no reason at all to assume it must add up to 100% among the tertiles, which it does.
Therefore, I believe the table is misinterpreted, but not by you but by Malcom Gladwell, who probably invented this rumour. He once held a speech with the same statistic but (oddly) did not specify on his slides what the numbers mean. He concluded the same as you did, but probably fitted the meaning of the data (i.e. changed what it stood for) to support his argument.
I don't blame you, since Gladwell was the inventor of this lie. If you are aware, could you cite the study. Then we would be able to see what these statistics were actually supposed to capture.
Isn't that just calculate (number of graduates / total number of students = Z) for each group A, B, and C and then express Z_a, Z_b, and Z_c as percentiles?
@@lex6709 to calculate the graduation rate for each group, you would divide the n. of graduates in the tertile group x by the n. of students in tertile group x, which the argument of Gladwell is based on ("How good you are relative to your peers determines your success probability, not how good you are in general").
You are right in that your formula was presumably the one used by the researchers. However, it does not support the argument by Gladwell and he, I believe, intentionally misled the audience by changing the meaning of the data. I believe this because in his original speech, Gladwell showed no title of the table.
Did I miss something?
I think it may the the percentages of total graduates at the university inSTEM vs which third of SAT ranks they come from. But still, I should have looked at this more carefully. Thank you for pointing it out. Next time I need to do better research - even when I think the sourced are credible
Ah right before the main EU PhD application cycle, good timing ':(... Looking for Phds and pre-docs in theoretical physics, specifically Quantum Information Theory in Europe. Compared to the average guy I feel I have a lot going for myself but compared to the absolute killers in my field with several awards, pre phd publications and perfect 4.0's I often end up feeling like a failure.
Damn - well we all deal with this from time to time. Even the people you consider “absolute killers”. Best of luck to you! 😊
I think you said would have studied Computer Engineering instead of Physics, but would it have you brought to what you have now and finding yourself? Tolles Video übrigens!
Who knows, it's hard to tell. Appreciate the comment :)
In third year of physics. Kinda wishing i had done ee now:(
@ why? What makes EE a better choice for you? I am curious
Incredible advice, sometimes you just need to hear it from some one better
Thanks, glad it was helpful! 😊
Thanks sir
It's the same with rich people; if you're around other richer people, you'll feel miserable. Just get away from it all and move on with your own life.
Very true!
I have always wanted to meet someone smarter than me.
"Linus: Man I wish I had his fit. But he probably wishes he had someone else's fit
Snoopy: Man I have this shit on fr. He does NOT have that shit on" (original: Man I Wish I Was More Like That Guy on know you meme)
Point in case, it's not impossible to have that confidence in yourself. It's just hard.
you still have the spectre hairstyle !
ahhahah I'll take that as a compliment :)
Is the current hype around quantum computing legit?
Not in my opinion. It’s a great research field. But still very far from any practical applications
What watch are you wearing mate
I’m keeping my watch a little secret 🙃
@SamuelBoschMIT Can you tell me in secret, please?
Hahaha ok fine, it’s a Tissot Le Locle. It’s not an expensive watch at all. I saved up for it as a student anf was super proud when I finally got it
@SamuelBoschMIT thank you it looks super slick on your wrist!
Can you compare U.S. schools to german ones?
Currently studying in germany. It's tough too
I think it can be the same thing at German universities. Just less amplified as it is at places such at Harvard and MIT. But you still feel the same effect
i don't know how germany works, but the reality of Harvard and MIT is the following: each school has ~1000 freshman matriculate for their first year. thus, this means that (again, approximately) 1 in 5000 high school graduates attends Harvard and 1 in 5000 attends MIT. (there are about 3,800,000 high school graduates in the US annually)
For Harvard, I think 20-25% of each class has legacy students (their parents or grandparents attended). then something like 15-20% are admitted from the most elite prep schools in the United States. and then they have to have spaces for athletes and underprivileged students.
Thus, if you attend a public high school in the United States, you are competing for the other 500-600 slots in the first year class. Imagine being a high school student in the US and you are competing for 1 of 500-600 slots at a college which receives 55000-61000 applications annually in the past few years
for MIT, you are literally competitng against the highest performing STEM students in the US and some throughout the world; thus, you can imagine how difficult this is.
the admission rate for both schools is 3.6% and 4%, respectively. thus, for public school kids, it's more like 2-2.5%. if you break it up further to boys and girls, your chance of getting into Harvard as a male student from a public school is about 1-1.25%
does this paint the picture at all?
What about Ecole Polytechnic or Zurich Federal Institute of Technology? Aren't these European universities as good as Harvard & MIT?
I studied there. They are definitely excellent . But nowhere near the level of Harvard and MIT.
Sure but why not try Caltech? This is school with the smartest undergraduate students in the world.
Caltech is amazing too. Not really my wibe but excellent!
Hey Sam, really appreciate your work, I have a question for you, how can I be driven and motivated in achieving my career goals in the age of AI when we don´t really know when AGI will be here, It´s like a cognitive disonance to me since I see AI as something with lot´s of potential to benefit humanity, and I wanna be a Machine Learning Engineer, on the other hand I feel about the progress on this field as a threat to my career goals and motivations, I would love to hear your insight, good luck man, really like your videos and what you bring to us :)
AGI is not a threat to your career in ML. On the contrary. It is the biggest opportunity out there. The better you get at using AI tools and working on AI, the more advantage you can take of these great tools coming up. I think there has never been a better time to get into AI than now
@@SamuelBoschMIT thx for your time bro, but so, do you see a world were tech jobs, like ml engineers, are far away from getting replaced by an advanced AI? and how can I be driven to help developing AI while embracing the fact that sooner or later I might be building my own replacement, any philosophical advice you recommend for those cases? thx haha srry for all of this but you are the best person I could think of to ask this
e sameul iz hrvatske elde bravo šefe
Students go to MIT should be aware that hard working and learning alone are not adequate substitution for talent. Especially, discipline of pure mathematics you have to be born for it.
if they got into mit they have the talent, its for us other peasants that its rough in terms of talent
@quantumspark343 I see, you love physics. But one critical point should be aware of - that is the mathematics is overused in physics. In clear text, the maths is a powerful tool to discover patterns in the experimental data, therefore the maths will give you a shortcut to formulate physics laws, without truthly understanding physics. resp. the reasoning behind those laws why they even exist.
thats quite opposite to reality. infact, mit or other top students usually realise that 'talent' isnt comparable to hardwork, no one is going to be able solve any meaningful problem without learning the basics, no matter how 'smart' they are. think of it this way, someone who wasnt taught calculus might solve a differential theorem, but it will take their entire life time since they will need to prove calculus from sketch, which is exactly what newton did. he didnt just come up with a solution because he was born for it, he worked hard. he obsessed.
and there is no proof for general intelligence, on such a sophisticated topic, you should stick to scientific facts instead of hollywood explanation of 'being born for it'. there is no maths gene.
@ege8240 you can became mathematican with obessetion and hard working, that is no doubt about it. But to be brillant is hary working not good enough, you need talent or we can say tendency to pure maths. I do not talk about subjects like linear algebra or calculus - it go far beyond those basics. Believe me, you need your talent, otherwise you will not survive those pure maths classes. It has no exception for MIT students and even harder for them.
are you sponsored by ralph lauren ? You should seek to be a brand ambassador or something haha
Do you know someone who works there? 😂
WoW 3 IPhO!!!! I'm cooked
6:28 😂
wtf is a 300000$ internship bro
It's insane ahhahaha
That Erika plug 💀💀
You had went to mit i also wanna go there
Moral of the story: Don’t compare yourself to others
If only it were that easy. But yes, you’re right!
Sir, iam simple guy from Baku, 17y.o , I get 1580 (cheat) on the sat, this is absolutely not my result, since when I did the trials it came out 900+, do you think it's worth applying to top universities since this is not my result? I'm afraid that I'll be kicked out of there, I just want to study at a top university and make my own AI startup