• @dianahussain5066
    @dianahussain5066 10 місяців тому +6

    They had him tested at 6 months???!!???

    • @QuirkyKristy
      @QuirkyKristy 9 місяців тому

      As his brother was diagnosed at 2

  • @tammykletecka4116
    @tammykletecka4116 6 місяців тому +1

    When seniors come into an assisted living community the goal of the staff is to quiet them and rhey get prescribed all of these drugs and not too long after they get diagnosed with dementia and need more very expensive memory care.

  • @miahdpapa9304
    @miahdpapa9304 4 місяці тому +2

    It's just "masking". A breakdown sometime during late twenties or later will be the true test.

  • @TheThingBehindYouCanSeeYou
    @TheThingBehindYouCanSeeYou 8 місяців тому +12

    Bro autism can't be cured.
    Not is it a bad thing.

    • @MaNoTachi
      @MaNoTachi 6 місяців тому +2

      It is a terrible thing.

    • @arthurlavigne9859
      @arthurlavigne9859 5 місяців тому +3

      It's not a terrible thing. It's a different brain and not to be feared. It's not something that can be cured and does not need to be. It is just a neurological difference.

    • @MaNoTachi
      @MaNoTachi 5 місяців тому +1

      @@arthurlavigne9859 Seeing people unable to answer simple question, forcing you to repeat 10 times to receive a simple yes or no,running back and forth with their hands, and hitting others because they are unhappy about a detail, is terrible .

    • @cvbghj132
      @cvbghj132 5 місяців тому +5

      ​@etienneterpant9701 you are clearly uneducated on the subject. The amount of autistic individuals who hit/bite is very low. Those are the side effect of something called an autistic meltdown, something they cannot control. Most autistic people do not show symptoms that extreme, and the condition causes suffering you could never understand, and is not cureable. Oh.
      And one other thing.
      I'm autistic, and I would never want to be cured in the first place.

    • @cvbghj132
      @cvbghj132 5 місяців тому +4

      ​@@MaNoTachimore importantly, you are over-generalizing an entire population of people who have been treated as lesser throughout history. For your own sake, and to not look like so much of a horrible person, please educate yourself on this subject.

  • @ELaho
    @ELaho 25 днів тому

    That’s not curing autism, that’s just teaching people how to mask earlier on in their life

  • @MaNoTachi
    @MaNoTachi 5 місяців тому +1

    My son is one of "those few", he hits others multiple times, every days, including baby siblings. Despite being followed by different therapist, 15 hours per week, he is dangerous for others and cannot be left alone in society without the care of a professional.
    Light autistic persons tend to not realize what severe cases can do and why any futur therapy that could cure it is desirable.

    • @cvbghj132
      @cvbghj132 5 місяців тому +1

      "I don't like it because it makes other people uncomfortable." Bro.

    • @MaNoTachi
      @MaNoTachi 5 місяців тому

      ​@@cvbghj132 I guess we have passed the uncofortable level a long time ago, when others received daily hits.