I have 4 different business so far...ecommerce site, advertising company, video productions. I have people handling the bulk of day to day activities so I can focus on being creative. It really started coming together when I started trying to program myself to succeed. Before that I had issues with procrastination and not seeing opportunities, letting money get away. It's been hard for me, so I have to keep at it each day. My mind wants to be lazy so I have to stay disciplined.
Yes. You're already being programmed everyday by the news, corporations, political agendas. You're being told what's acceptable, what to buy, what to feel. You're being led to believe that it's your lot in life to struggle daily so those above you can benefit from your work and your dollars. My programming is for you, for the people, to counteract the daily programming from negative forces who will use you.
agreed. money will not just fall into your lap, but opportunities will, but you must act. the universe responds to vibration. Millionaires observe the wealth in their lives, then they feel it, and put out a very powerful vib, that brings more into their lives. poor people observe the lack, feel it, and put out vibs of lack. so they get lack. the old " work hard " is a myth. people work hard all their lives, and still have nothing. its the vibrations that rich people have.
I first watched one of your movies 7 months ago.It started me on a path of wealth and new found confidence. I am opening up my own business and I have people lined up for my services . I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did for me and what your doing to all those who just believe. I watch 3 -5 times a day .My new Motto " what you believe you can achieve. !! Many thanks You are truly on the side of LIGHT.
I've been listening to this audio for about 3 weeks, almost everyday. Last week I had my current work contract extended (which is within the field I'm studying) and then I was offered commission work by another company to illustrate greetings card designs at £400 ($635) per piece. At 23 years old I'm earning money from my two biggest passions, art and working with young people. Thank you for this video!
Ok, here's some special yummy treats, free full version videos, etc. if you get them in time. I sent this out to my email subscribers but I didn't want you be left out: www.aweber.com/t/RolqD
My personal experience has been that focusing on images of what I desire has been more effective. But there are times when still thoughts just "feel" better. Go with what your subconscious tells you that you need to do for now. If you listen during those quiet moments, you'll get that tiny voice telling you what you need.
You're on the right path. Keep that humility about you, give praise and sow good intentions towards others and watch it come back ten fold. And yes, I do indeed rock lol.
Thanks for the compliment and your opinion. In my opinion, and my firsthand experiences using my own videos to help me bring in well over $1000 US per day, and my own research, I'm going to go ahead and say yes, they do work. Not for all people of course. but in general, yes they do. A person living in a city sees on average 5000 ads per day. You are not aware of it. Some of it is subliminal or borderline. You're programmed what to think, what to buy, how to vote. Mine give power back.
Sorry, just MP4. Oh, this FULL version video is also included in iGodMind EVOLUTION which means you can stream it unlimited as a member. Details are on the site.
The answer to that is both in the beginning of the video and in the description of the video. You've got to train yourself to look closer, be more perceptive, like millionaires are. Fortunately for you this video will help you with that. If you're serious.
Thanks Ty, This so very helpful... I keep watching, praying, believing and I trust in what you've presented here. I've been doing EFT tapping as well, everyday this entire month. I truly what to transform my life & experience the blessing & gift that financial freedom brings to me and many others. Keeping the Faith. ABE/Hicks says" know that it's already be given when you ask, now allow it, allow it, allow it..." I'm keep the torch burning. Thanks again!
I'm in full alignment. I was illustrating how I missed out on a lot of opportunities before I started programming my subconscious mind to keep me on track and not get side tracked with useless things and thoughts that didn't serve my greater purpose. And just like exercise for the body, you have to continually train your brain to keep it in peak performance. You can't just do it once and expect miracles to happen. It's a life change that brings life changes.
Yes. This video is absolutely about accumulating money. Why? Because money is energy that can be used to benefit yourself and your family with mind opening travel, opportunities to help through charitable and philanthropic giving, being able to give enrich the lives of friends and family like never before. Yes, it's about MONEY. But not greed. Most millionaires I know personally (including myself) are humble, smart, generous people. Money loves to come to people like that.
No one gets in the way of you getting money unless you let them. It's not a reason to not make money, it's an excuse to not make money when you think that it's not really possible. The mind becomes comfortable in poverty, and seeks outside excuses why it won't work. Part of that is fear of failure. So you believe if you don't try, you won't fail, and you'll remain comfortable. You really need these mind strengthening videos.
I think you liked it, it resonated with you. That's why you were compelled to stay through the entire video. You will start noticing things coming into your life relating to money and ideas for money as you continue to watch.
All the answers are here. Read the description, and then pay attention to the beginning of the video, read the intro. You'll understand the deeper meaning.
This video is not just entertainment. It's a powerful mind programming tool. Read the description and you'll see many of the spoken subliminal commands listed here. You can get more info on this video by clicking on the FULL Version link also in the description.
Click "show more", click the link to full version on my site, read everything I've written about how to use this video, pay attention to the introduction of the video, and all will be made clear.
You are starting to attract and change your thinking that's why you are feeling anxious but you have to relax and allow it! Then the anxiousness will go away! Say positive affirmations out load this helps. Such as, I am relaxing into total abundances! I release all my worries and fears about money and it comes to me naturally! Just relax and confidently believe and expected that when you are ready what you want will come to you! Great Job!
For starters, millionaires don't have the answers just handed to them. I know this personally. However, I have given you all the answers here. Read the show more section. Watch the video on this channel about how to meditate with these videos for results. Visit my site. Get out of the mindset that you need to have everything explained to you. You'll never start attracting money until your mind is free to see many possibilities.
HiTy, without knowing anything about this... I watched once and felt open & peaceful, and excited....imagining myself visiting these beautiful places....exploring. expanding wondering with no resistance which is exactly how Abraham/Hicks describes getting into The Vortex to allow manifestation to begin to occur....this very very helpful. I'll keep watching...YES!!
Wow I have been listening to subliminal messages with music for over 5 years now this is the first one I've seen with a video. The video is absolutely breathtaking. WOW thanks so much for sharing.
I was not yelling. What you do is beneficial to many people and it provides hope to them as well. KUDOS TO YOU AND WHAT YOU DO. I APPRECIATE WHAT YOU DO. THANK YOU!!!
Yes. Some people prefer to meditate upon certain words related to their intentions and see what kind of images their subconscious gives them. Just don't distract yourself with other tasks if you want the full benefit.
I am currently creating my own seminar; and I will be presenting it for the first time Junary 19th 2013 at our local civic center. It is expected to be a huge sell out and really fast sell out.Thank you for showing me just how powerful, I really am.
I agree. That one is on the list to get an update. We've started switching to spoken subliminals in which the message is just under the range of human hearing when listened to at normal levels because so many people wanted to play these in the background and still benefit from the subliminal entrainment.
As a multimillionaire who attributes his success directly to programming his mind using these techniques, I have to use what I know has worked for me. Here's what happens: You program yourself with the commands to attract wealth, for your subconscious to find new ways of bringing wealth closer. Then you "let go of trying to make wealth come", you trust that it will come in due time. When your subconscious begins speaking to you, giving you inspiration, you TAKE ACTION, and yes it's work.
Yeah, what you said; is the same for me. I have learned that we can't force things to happen. All we need to do is have faith, belief, and take action if it is called for. I have gotten money, a new home for 1/2 the price and not only that. I had enough money to put down on it; and now it will be paid off in 10 years and I only make very small payments every month. Plus what I am telling here is only a drop in the bucket. There has been so much manifesting in my life it's increadiable.
This video makes me feel VERY good! I have increased my opportunities for money significantly since I have been watching it: about twice daily for 3 weeks. Thank you very much. I am becoming more curious about subliminal binaurel beats, but I really don't know what they are. I will keep listening and look for other videos you have. I hope you keep up this good work. Thanks again.
I think you might be referring to the castle at 5:39. I viewed it as a repository of strength and historical significance. Leaning from lessons of the past and gaining experience is key to getting and maintaining wealth.
...Just Love your sense of humor with your response to aluminati comment...tears came to my eyes from laughter.....but, seriously, I continue to listen to your videos while reading my own affirmations throughout the day. And, in combination with Bob Proctor's quote of "you don't know How....the How will be shown to you" gives me the optimism that I WILL emerge from the ashes of poverty into a better life...Thanks again.
That "voodoo" is actually science. The same science I've used for several years that I believe is mostly responsible for helping me make over $1000 a day most days.
Yes. I don't like to go into that too often, but I've answered that here before and on my site, gave some details about different business I run currently when asked. Net worth of well over a million, not counting real estate holdings, I'm talking liquid assets.
Man is this girl for real? Ty your awesome.. Thanks so much for your work. Hard to believe people are taking some downright Amazing tools and thinking they are..bullshit or a gimmick, fraud... it works guys! Just keep your intent strong, meditate, watch the video try not to get side tracked, and you will notice HUGE differences in your life. 1 of mine is I used to be depressed and accidentally think negative thoughts, now, I think accidentally positive thoughts, it's wonderful! =D
Your videos are one of a kind and I love them all. And just wanted to say that this one, for me, is the best ever. Breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you! Namaste.
Thanks. Well, part of being able to understand it is being able to see things that most people don't notice, and to understand the constant flow of change. Pay attention to the beginning intro to the video. if you read you will understand.
Great video! It makes a great meditation video. I guess it could be a millionaires mindset video by showing people how to think outside the box using scenery. I loved it!
Yes, you are so right; nothing including life has to be hard; all we need do is learn how to create great thought and emotion; Also, learn to allow; those great thoughts to manifest within our live's. Both thinking and allowing are learned skills really. We have become so conditioned to believe we must stay powerless; that now we make ourselve's powerless all on our own. Right thinking; and the art of allowing can bring to us all of our life's desire's.
Lol, nevermind, I went to your channel and 'poof' there was a video explaining how to use your subliminal videos that answered all my questions! Thank you for all the videos you post, they're wonderful, I'm so excited to start seeing results! Btw-I love that you advise ppl to ask themselves why they want what they want!
Thank you! Powerful for me. Only made it thru 14:30 before I was flooded w/ ideas & had to stop & start writing. Wrote non-stop for hours! Allowing is a powerful thing!
hello Ty, heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all the wonderful subliminal videos you've made available. They're amazing, especially the millionaire mindset,. Blessings!
I love the video that goes with this... Often I just listen to the different meditations I DL but this one I love the video also... Thank you. I often create my own recorded affirmations in my own voice to listen to, this is nice. It combines all the things I like, affirmations, music (binaural beats) and then bonus is the wonderful time lapse video.
Agreed (IT should be our natural state) and a lot of people assume then when I say things like "I love myself" they think I'm weird, crazy, and just "what the heck are you thinking" and what I'm thinking is, you can only love someone else as much as you love yourself, and you can only receive as much love as you've already felt for yourself. So in a sense, it's crazy, and weird, NOT to say you love yourself. Cmon guys, feel the love :) From you and everyone else!
i really enjoy this. it helps to adjust my mindset when i need it most and helps to contribute to better productivity while toning my consciousness. i hope you post more often.
You are a brilliant man and I thought you wanted our help or input .Sorry that you were taken up in arms about my scrutiny and obviously putting the responsibility back on to me to change is why I watch your creations.In keeping an opened mind here whatever triggers us the viewers is where our issues perhaps with an open consideration to be blockages are. foodForThoughtOn the other hand, If I am allergic to peanuts do you feed me peanuts and say every thing inmoderation or just ignore you did.
The universe doesn't reward inactivity. You must work hard to get rewarded. I regularly make well over $1000 a day, sometimes over $2000, and it's because of working hard. Not necessarily manual labor, but 18 hr days sometimes. I love what I do. All my rich friends work hard. Thinking you can sit on a beach with a laptop and make millions is a lie. If you're not making real money, you see where that thinking keeps you. LOVE YOUR WORK. WORK HARD. Money will follow.
This actually works because when I was listening to it for the first time I started to think of ways to create multiple revenue streams and it jogged my memory about the past failed projects I had which I got negative about and gave up on they started to come back and i can see hope again.
Yes, totally, 100% you need headphones. And you have to focus on your intention while watching. These are meditation aids. They can help program your subconscious but not if you're doing other things and just playing these in the background. Imagine reading a book in the outfield while someone tries to teach you how to play baseball. How effective would that be? Same thing here. Be in it to win it.
and I too appreciate this every morning as it is very accessible. It also is up there in my favourites with going deep which I do not watch that often due to technical difficulties (it freezes up on me most of the time) excellent expressions of co creating for us all in leading by example and well done :)
Thank you for saying this. This has been a huge problem for me, and I could not seem to work it out, or work through it. Your comment has helped me immensely. Look forward to seeing you on the financially free side of things!!
I've listened to similar 1z on utube, I've also done a lot of positive reading and visualization. I have written down my goal. However I feel I've not given all this a 100%. I've read some of the comments on hear and I think its time to give a 100% to transforming my life. so I'm taking all the advice and I'm going to use this video twice daily, right out the card thing and do a lot more visualization. as ive not given a 100% up to now I only have myself to blame. as I know using all the advice I know in a years time I will be in a better place mentally physically emotionally and financially. so here goes. Thank you. xXx
I have 4 different business so far...ecommerce site, advertising company, video productions. I have people handling the bulk of day to day activities so I can focus on being creative. It really started coming together when I started trying to program myself to succeed. Before that I had issues with procrastination and not seeing opportunities, letting money get away. It's been hard for me, so I have to keep at it each day. My mind wants to be lazy so I have to stay disciplined.
Yes. You're already being programmed everyday by the news, corporations, political agendas. You're being told what's acceptable, what to buy, what to feel. You're being led to believe that it's your lot in life to struggle daily so those above you can benefit from your work and your dollars. My programming is for you, for the people, to counteract the daily programming from negative forces who will use you.
agreed. money will not just fall into your lap, but opportunities will, but you must act. the universe responds to vibration. Millionaires observe the wealth in their lives, then they feel it, and put out a very powerful vib, that brings more into their lives. poor people observe the lack, feel it, and put out vibs of lack. so they get lack. the old " work hard " is a myth. people work hard all their lives, and still have nothing. its the vibrations that rich people have.
I first watched one of your movies 7 months ago.It started me on a path of wealth and new found confidence. I am opening up my own business and I have people lined up for my services . I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did for me and what your doing to all those who just believe. I watch 3 -5 times a day .My new Motto " what you believe you can achieve. !! Many thanks You are truly on the side of LIGHT.
Congratulations! You're doing it right. You attract what you think about all the time. You've programmed your mind to think about prosperity.
Thank you all for being here, Happy New Year! Start shaping your life with your mind at:
Greg Prather
Thank you for being a supporter
The glue that keeps these reality as we see it and also changes it is our collective and individual thoughts and emotions!
I've been listening to this audio for about 3 weeks, almost everyday. Last week I had my current work contract extended (which is within the field I'm studying) and then I was offered commission work by another company to illustrate greetings card designs at £400 ($635) per piece. At 23 years old I'm earning money from my two biggest passions, art and working with young people. Thank you for this video!
Ok, here's some special yummy treats, free full version videos, etc. if you get them in time. I sent this out to my email subscribers but I didn't want you be left out: www.aweber.com/t/RolqD
My personal experience has been that focusing on images of what I desire has been more effective. But there are times when still thoughts just "feel" better. Go with what your subconscious tells you that you need to do for now. If you listen during those quiet moments, you'll get that tiny voice telling you what you need.
You're on the right path. Keep that humility about you, give praise and sow good intentions towards others and watch it come back ten fold. And yes, I do indeed rock lol.
Thanks for the compliment and your opinion. In my opinion, and my firsthand experiences using my own videos to help me bring in well over $1000 US per day, and my own research, I'm going to go ahead and say yes, they do work. Not for all people of course. but in general, yes they do. A person living in a city sees on average 5000 ads per day. You are not aware of it. Some of it is subliminal or borderline. You're programmed what to think, what to buy, how to vote. Mine give power back.
Sorry, just MP4. Oh, this FULL version video is also included in iGodMind EVOLUTION which means you can stream it unlimited as a member. Details are on the site.
The answer to that is both in the beginning of the video and in the description of the video. You've got to train yourself to look closer, be more perceptive, like millionaires are. Fortunately for you this video will help you with that. If you're serious.
Thanks Ty, This so very helpful... I keep watching, praying, believing and I trust in what you've presented here. I've been doing EFT tapping as well, everyday this entire month. I truly what to transform my life & experience the blessing & gift that financial freedom brings to me and many others. Keeping the Faith. ABE/Hicks says" know that it's already be given when you ask, now allow it, allow it, allow it..." I'm keep the torch burning. Thanks again!
I'm in full alignment. I was illustrating how I missed out on a lot of opportunities before I started programming my subconscious mind to keep me on track and not get side tracked with useless things and thoughts that didn't serve my greater purpose. And just like exercise for the body, you have to continually train your brain to keep it in peak performance. You can't just do it once and expect miracles to happen. It's a life change that brings life changes.
Yes. This video is absolutely about accumulating money. Why? Because money is energy that can be used to benefit yourself and your family with mind opening travel, opportunities to help through charitable and philanthropic giving, being able to give enrich the lives of friends and family like never before. Yes, it's about MONEY. But not greed. Most millionaires I know personally (including myself) are humble, smart, generous people. Money loves to come to people like that.
No one gets in the way of you getting money unless you let them. It's not a reason to not make money, it's an excuse to not make money when you think that it's not really possible. The mind becomes comfortable in poverty, and seeks outside excuses why it won't work. Part of that is fear of failure. So you believe if you don't try, you won't fail, and you'll remain comfortable. You really need these mind strengthening videos.
I think you liked it, it resonated with you. That's why you were compelled to stay through the entire video. You will start noticing things coming into your life relating to money and ideas for money as you continue to watch.
All the answers are here. Read the description, and then pay attention to the beginning of the video, read the intro. You'll understand the deeper meaning.
This video is not just entertainment. It's a powerful mind programming tool. Read the description and you'll see many of the spoken subliminal commands listed here. You can get more info on this video by clicking on the FULL Version link also in the description.
Click "show more", click the link to full version on my site, read everything I've written about how to use this video, pay attention to the introduction of the video, and all will be made clear.
You are starting to attract and change your thinking that's why you are feeling anxious but you have to relax and allow it! Then the anxiousness will go away! Say positive affirmations out load this helps. Such as, I am relaxing into total abundances! I release all my worries and fears about money and it comes to me naturally! Just relax and confidently believe and expected that when you are ready what you want will come to you! Great Job!
For starters, millionaires don't have the answers just handed to them. I know this personally. However, I have given you all the answers here. Read the show more section. Watch the video on this channel about how to meditate with these videos for results. Visit my site. Get out of the mindset that you need to have everything explained to you. You'll never start attracting money until your mind is free to see many possibilities.
HiTy, without knowing anything about this... I watched once and felt open & peaceful, and excited....imagining myself visiting these beautiful places....exploring. expanding wondering with no resistance which is exactly how Abraham/Hicks describes getting into The Vortex to allow manifestation to begin to occur....this very very helpful. I'll keep watching...YES!!
Excellent! Glad to know that you are a millionaire. Thanks for sharing this. I'm sure it is working already!
Wow I have been listening to subliminal messages with music for over 5 years now this is the first one I've seen with a video. The video is absolutely breathtaking. WOW thanks so much for sharing.
I was not yelling. What you do is beneficial to many people and it provides hope to them as well. KUDOS TO YOU AND WHAT YOU DO. I APPRECIATE WHAT YOU DO. THANK YOU!!!
I don't think I have ever felt more relaxed while being awake in my entire life! Thanks :)
Click "show more". You'll see a lot of the subliminals listed. Or check out the video's information page on my website at iGodMind.
Maybe the binaural beat frequencies didn't agree with you? Sorry about that. I try to make them as non invasive and universally accepted as possible.
Brilliant! I am very grateful...I will definitely be ordering full versions on your website. Thanks for the coupons, a lovely gesture :)))
Been doing this for a couple of days now and it does work. Positive mind space and great results!!
it really does work,ive just started doing meditation and in less than a year ive had so much success and it contiues to come.
Awesome, I am grateful! Yes All Good Things Come to Me!
Yes. Some people prefer to meditate upon certain words related to their intentions and see what kind of images their subconscious gives them. Just don't distract yourself with other tasks if you want the full benefit.
I am currently creating my own seminar; and I will be presenting it for the first time Junary 19th 2013 at our local civic center. It is expected to be a huge sell out and really fast sell out.Thank you for showing me just how powerful, I really am.
I agree. That one is on the list to get an update. We've started switching to spoken subliminals in which the message is just under the range of human hearing when listened to at normal levels because so many people wanted to play these in the background and still benefit from the subliminal entrainment.
thank you for your time and effort, greatly appreciated@ Many prayers and visions of light coming to you !
As a multimillionaire who attributes his success directly to programming his mind using these techniques, I have to use what I know has worked for me. Here's what happens: You program yourself with the commands to attract wealth, for your subconscious to find new ways of bringing wealth closer. Then you "let go of trying to make wealth come", you trust that it will come in due time. When your subconscious begins speaking to you, giving you inspiration, you TAKE ACTION, and yes it's work.
The beauty of nature! Great work! Well done!
Thank you! :) I really like the Money Magnetizer also! "I am a money magnet!"
Watch the intro to the video. It will give you all the info you need. Or visit iGodmind.com for information on using the videos.
Yeah, what you said; is the same for me. I have learned that we can't force things to happen. All we need to do is have faith, belief, and take action if it is called for. I have gotten money, a new home for 1/2 the price and not only that. I had enough money to put down on it; and now it will be paid off in 10 years and I only make very small payments every month. Plus what I am telling here is only a drop in the bucket. There has been so much manifesting in my life it's increadiable.
This video makes me feel VERY good! I have increased my opportunities for money significantly since I have been watching it: about twice daily for 3 weeks. Thank you very much. I am becoming more curious about subliminal binaurel beats, but I really don't know what they are. I will keep listening and look for other videos you have. I hope you keep up this good work. Thanks again.
I think you might be referring to the castle at 5:39. I viewed it as a repository of strength and historical significance. Leaning from lessons of the past and gaining experience is key to getting and maintaining wealth.
...Just Love your sense of humor with your response to aluminati comment...tears came to my eyes from laughter.....but, seriously, I continue to listen to your videos while reading my own affirmations throughout the day. And, in combination with Bob Proctor's quote of "you don't know How....the How will be shown to you" gives me the optimism that I WILL emerge from the ashes of poverty into a better life...Thanks again.
That "voodoo" is actually science. The same science I've used for several years that I believe is mostly responsible for helping me make over $1000 a day most days.
Glad it's working for you. That's what's cool about science...it works whether you believe in it or not ;-)
You're definitely on the right track. Keep going!
Yes. I don't like to go into that too often, but I've answered that here before and on my site, gave some details about different business I run currently when asked. Net worth of well over a million, not counting real estate holdings, I'm talking liquid assets.
Man is this girl for real? Ty your awesome.. Thanks so much for your work. Hard to believe people are taking some downright Amazing tools and thinking they are..bullshit or a gimmick, fraud... it works guys! Just keep your intent strong, meditate, watch the video try not to get side tracked, and you will notice HUGE differences in your life. 1 of mine is I used to be depressed and accidentally think negative thoughts, now, I think accidentally positive thoughts, it's wonderful! =D
Your videos are one of a kind and I love them all. And just wanted to say that this one, for me, is the best ever. Breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you! Namaste.
I so enjoy your videos and your comments. You are a very insightful person... Thank you for sharing
Very Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks. Well, part of being able to understand it is being able to see things that most people don't notice, and to understand the constant flow of change. Pay attention to the beginning intro to the video. if you read you will understand.
Very nicely done. The images are amazing. Well done for putting in the effort.
Great video! It makes a great meditation video. I guess it could be a millionaires mindset video by showing people how to think outside the box using scenery. I loved it!
Do you have any theories about that? The answer is in there.
beautiful..thankyou for taking the time and energy to make this for us.
Yes, you are so right; nothing including life has to be hard; all we need do is learn how to create great thought and emotion; Also, learn to allow; those great thoughts to manifest within our live's. Both thinking and allowing are learned skills really. We have become so conditioned to believe we must stay powerless; that now we make ourselve's powerless all on our own. Right thinking; and the art of allowing can bring to us all of our life's desire's.
Absolutly Loved It!! Thank you. You are a Golden Person. Cheers
You get what you think about all the time. Step by step is what I'm doing.
Thank you so much This video are great keep doing great work
Lol, nevermind, I went to your channel and 'poof' there was a video explaining how to use your subliminal videos that answered all my questions! Thank you for all the videos you post, they're wonderful, I'm so excited to start seeing results! Btw-I love that you advise ppl to ask themselves why they want what they want!
Thank you! Powerful for me. Only made it thru 14:30 before I was flooded w/ ideas & had to stop & start writing. Wrote non-stop for hours! Allowing is a powerful thing!
Confidence, Ultimate Fighter, willpower
Love all of your videos. It keeps me focus on what i'm trying to accomplish. Thanks for all the great videos. Please continue making more.
...and some stunningly beautiful visuals too - Thank you! Love and blessings:)
Thank you for this video. I will do whatever it takes to become a multimillionaire
I'll keep watching I watch at least one or more of your videos daily .
I am seeing more ways to encourage others and expect the best at all times. I don't worry about things like before. Thanks again iGodMindTy. you rock!
Loved it. :) Will do it daily :) Beautiful video with great positive affirmations.
Another beautiful video!
I am a believer too...thanks for sharing this man.
Thank you. It's nice to feel appreciated. And I appreciate your comment.
WOW that was brilliant really enjoyed that.
hello Ty, heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all the wonderful subliminal videos you've made available. They're amazing, especially the millionaire mindset,. Blessings!
I love the video that goes with this... Often I just listen to the different meditations I DL but this one I love the video also... Thank you. I often create my own recorded affirmations in my own voice to listen to, this is nice. It combines all the things I like, affirmations, music (binaural beats) and then bonus is the wonderful time lapse video.
I just found this channel....Wow that's an amazing testimony on the power of this...Congratulations to you:-)
Yes, we will be making mobile/iPhone/iPad compatible versions of each Full Video soon.
Agreed (IT should be our natural state) and a lot of people assume then when I say things like "I love myself" they think I'm weird, crazy, and just "what the heck are you thinking" and what I'm thinking is, you can only love someone else as much as you love yourself, and you can only receive as much love as you've already felt for yourself. So in a sense, it's crazy, and weird, NOT to say you love yourself. Cmon guys, feel the love :) From you and everyone else!
i really enjoy this.
it helps to adjust my mindset when i need it most and helps to contribute to better productivity while toning my consciousness. i hope you post more often.
excellent video thanks for share.God bless you
Awesome video, love the visuals, the sound shook my speakers pretty good! Love it , thanks for sharing.
love the movement and photography. Thanks
You are a brilliant man and I thought you wanted our help or input .Sorry that you were taken up in arms about my scrutiny and obviously putting the
responsibility back on to me to change is why I watch your creations.In keeping an opened mind here whatever triggers us the viewers is where our issues perhaps with an open consideration to be blockages are. foodForThoughtOn the other hand, If I am allergic to peanuts do you feed me peanuts and say every thing inmoderation or just ignore you did.
This was just incredible to watch, very relaxing!!!
The universe doesn't reward inactivity. You must work hard to get rewarded. I regularly make well over $1000 a day, sometimes over $2000, and it's because of working hard. Not necessarily manual labor, but 18 hr days sometimes. I love what I do. All my rich friends work hard. Thinking you can sit on a beach with a laptop and make millions is a lie. If you're not making real money, you see where that thinking keeps you. LOVE YOUR WORK. WORK HARD. Money will follow.
Awesome comment! And awesome viewers!
This actually works because when I was listening to it for the first time I started to think of ways to create multiple revenue streams and it jogged my memory about the past failed projects I had which I got negative about and gave up on they started to come back and i can see hope again.
fantastic - so encouraging!
Awesome thank you for the response
Yes, totally, 100% you need headphones. And you have to focus on your intention while watching. These are meditation aids. They can help program your subconscious but not if you're doing other things and just playing these in the background. Imagine reading a book in the outfield while someone tries to teach you how to play baseball. How effective would that be? Same thing here. Be in it to win it.
i need this everyday. this will go into my favorites list for late nights & early mornings. thank you.
I want to say that this is really inspirational. Im definitely subscribing.
and I too appreciate this every morning as it is very accessible.
It also is up there in my favourites with going deep which I do not watch that often due to technical difficulties (it freezes up on me most of the time)
excellent expressions of co creating for us all in leading by example and well done :)
Thank you for saying this. This has been a huge problem for me, and I could not seem to work it out, or work through it. Your comment has helped me immensely. Look forward to seeing you on the financially free side of things!!
I've listened to similar 1z on utube, I've also done a lot of positive reading and visualization. I have written down my goal. However I feel I've not given all this a 100%. I've read some of the comments on hear and I think its time to give a 100% to transforming my life. so I'm taking all the advice and I'm going to use this video twice daily, right out the card thing and do a lot more visualization. as ive not given a 100% up to now I only have myself to blame.
as I know using all the advice I know in a years time I will be in a better place mentally physically emotionally and financially. so here goes.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for all your spectacular and extremely helpful videos!!