The solution to this is to ban the export of plastic waste, period. Let these rich countries like Germany, Japan, UK, and the US recycle their own plastic.
Even better than recycling: bans on single use plastics and the spurring of new businesses and ways of conducting business that are better for the water, air, and our health
More than that, in the US we need to restrict the movement of garbage. Places like New York City export their trash to poorer rural areas in order to avoid responsibility and cost for their own lifestyle. This needs to stop, the only way to get people to care about this is to impact them individually through legislation. If we could rely on people doing the right thing then criminal and civil laws wouldn't be needed. Since businesses and governments seem to behave in even more short-sighted and callous manners than individuals, they need to be bound to laws the same as people, eg regulations
Watching this after Netflix's "BUY NOW" movie/documentary is heartbreaking to see how we as consumers and these large corporations are killing the planet and ourselves slowly but surely.
Stop talking about recycling!!! Most plastic produced isn't recyclable at all. The only solution is to stop producing so much plastic. As long as we keep buying plastic stuff someone will continue selling. And the plastic mountain will keeps growing.
Easier said than done ,, being every thing you purchase almost always comes with some sort of plastic,,by the way some clown 🤡 found oil an rubbed it everywhere it's on your roof an in the yard go figure right
@@DavidSchneiderIP They will if people stops buying all products that come in plastic containers. California is now the first state in the country to ban all plastic bags - including recyclable bags - from grocery stores. This is a start, but drinks in plastic bottles are among the main culprits.
@@Sandlin22Say that to Texas, where 30% of all trade is imported from Mexico. MAGAs -and Americans in general- have a really small brain when it comes to predicting the “small” scale effects of their big threats. Maybe it won’t matter much for a guy in NY, where prices will only 1.5x or even double, but for people in Texas it’ll be like living in Venezuela
@@Sandlin22yeah the us is so independent that passeed a bill in retribution to the expropriation of a limestone mine declared protected area, I repeat, senators passed a bill because a private company interest were affected, even denying cruise ship that touched port on México to deck on US ports deemed a national security issue
@@andreochimal1077 Thats hogwash Trumps tariffs will help the US and Mexico. Car prices will go down for Mexico’s domestic market and US companies will be incentivized to produce vehicles domestically. Its a win win situation.
This also starts with you. Yes, you. The person reading this comment. If you can, avoid consuming plastic. Buy can soda instead of bottled (it tastes better anyway). Don’t get plastic grocery bags, etc. I know that it’s not going to be 100% avoidable as it’s so entrenched, but one less plastic piece you consume, it’s one less piece that won’t go into the environment.
Mexico should say no, sadly the money American corporations offer to do it this way, is hard to pass. It’s up to us to wake up, and start saying no here.
We used to use glass bottles in the 70’s. And those bottles were all recycled giving consumers money per bottle. It’s more expensive, but it worked and was more sustainable.
Best way to solve the problem is to tackle it at the source. If you produce a product, you have to pay a recycling fee to cover the cost. That will help encourage manufacturers to choose sustainable methods and materials. Currently, the cheapest materials are typically chosen, because the cost to dispose of the product is paid for by tax payers.
@ - it sure does. And it gives me more options to buy something recyclable instead having to buy cheap single use plastic products. Why would a manufacturer make something using more expensive, but easier to recycle products without some incentive?
Agreed. The solution: Incorporate the recycling cost at the time of purchase. Standardise plastic containers into 15 types for example and colour code them for east sorting. Or create a minimal return cost to where they sell the product, for example, 10p for a plastic bottle, so the buyer pays an extra 10p for plastic and when the empty bottle is returned, they get their 10p back, then it would be the responsibility of the manufacturer to recycle the product. Reply
the consumer will pay eventually. already happened in Europe. consumer need to pay extra cost for the bottle advance and then supermarket will give you a same coupon if you bring the bottle back to the recycling machine. you will lose the extra cost if you don't bring back. do you like this, i don't like.
@@larryho3168 - yeah, I’m not a fan of the bottle return policy. It definitely helped reduce litter, but now people are digging through my trash to find them. My solution should be better, because the manufacturers are now helping towns pay for waste management. That should result in lower taxes for residents which will obviously be offset by higher product costs. The hope though is that there will be a net savings as production switches to more recyclable materials.
The current Canadian government tried to ban single plastics from stores, but the plastic industry lobbies, the oily Province of Alberta and its despicable Premier and also federal courts all contributed to overturned that. Plain environmental irresponsibility especially from the federal court that overturned it🤬
Yes, Governments have their responsibility, but the worst impact comes from careless consumers, they just buy and dispose without considering the impact to the environment. Each person should be responsible of their own waste, reducing consumption, sorting their waste and reusing when possible.
Ban single use plastic objects that are not necessary or for which biodegradable replacements can be made. Impose large costs on plastic manufacture and better financial incentives to recycle. Basically, we need to STOP using plastics. We are already too late. This cannot be done soon enough.
Because rich countries pay them to be their dumpster, people really like to pretend they are doing something by "recycling" while ignoring the other 2 more important R's (Reduce and Reuse)
the problem was never making use of plastic or transforming it, but identifying and sorting. Consider how most products are composites of glues , different plastics and resins ... its a huge mess and pain. If we dont make laws about how you can usw plastic to be able to be recycled, then we have to do ththings like destructive distillation, nothing else works at scale without big provlems.
Es es mentira , toda la gente que dio la entrevista en mexico están mal informados o no quieren al gobierno , mexico es el único país que recicla tanto plástico y demás basura busquen información y verán
I heard a local CocaCola bottler imports rhat waste from USA to be able to say in their advertising: " we recycle 100% of pet plastic bottles that we use/bottle/sell " (what a lie!)
Private companies are paid billions for waste disposal still choose to cut corners by exporting garbage to other countries. People take the time to divide up their trash for all of it to be combined and sent abroad. So its no necessarily the fault of countries but the elites.
@ no intention to attribute fault by me. I was noting that the news headline seemed to bend over to avoid the clear story which was USA exports rubbish to Mexico
When Canada dumped a bunch of trash on a beach in the Philippines the president threatened to declare war and the ship came back then cleaned up the beach.
The funny part is that just a small amount of cities in Mexico separate the trash, there isn't really a culture of recycling over here. This is very surprising...
The only solution is that people should wake up and live responsibly. More than 80% of plastic is unnecessary. Remaining can and should be properly recycled...🙏
The solution: Incorporate the recycling cost at the time of purchase. Standardise plastic containers into 15 types for example and colour code them for east sorting. Or create a minimal return cost to where they sell the product, for example, 10p for a plastic bottle, so the buyer pays an extra 10p for plastic and when the empty bottle is returned, they get their 10p back, then it would be the responsibility of the manufacturer to recycle the product.
A glass bottle weighs 19x more than a plastic bottle. The amount of transport pollution involved in using a glass bottle is worse than dealing with plastic trash
The main current problem is the method of production tied to consumerism. For example, here in Mexico, before the arrival of aluminum bottling companies, everything was consumed in glass bottles. These bottles were exchanged when purchasing beverages, or if you didn’t bring one, you were charged for the glass container. In this way, the production of packaging, in this case the container, was reduced. Moreover, products taste better in glass than in aluminum. A large portion of today’s waste is merely packaging for a product. Instead of refilling products as we do with gasoline, we buy an unnecessary container with every purchase, as if we didn’t have the technology to do without such containers. If we reconsider this case and extrapolate it, we find situations where products are deliberately designed to expire after a year or two, forcing consumers to buy replacements. These replacements often have minimal or trivial changes from the previous product and focus primarily on planned obsolescence.
Plastic needs to become a crime for manufacturers on unnecessary use of plastics. Example: plastic water bottles, packaging and so on. Also make the plastics returnable for $$$.
In the Philippines, while they are claiming to partcipate actively in global environmental reforms, new coal plants are being built in the southernmost part. Although this is a lagging indicator of the uneven development of financial and non-financial factors of the market, this habit of inconsistencies borne out of a non-holistic view of addressing environmental degradation, and environmental rehabilitation planning---- creates more risks and expenses or losses in the medium to long run.
Thank you for the documentary. One way to reduce the use of single use plastic is to implement the bulk selling strategy, where the plastic packaging is reduced or prevented. For example you buy your bread from a bakery, instead of bakeries bulk packaging the bread in plastic and shipping it to centralized stores like Costco.
I want to see a documentary about all the ways people are living their lives plastic free. How about the companies specializing in zero-waste options? What about countries, states, and cities that are banning non-circular options! Minnesota passed a bill holding manufacturers responsible for their packaging waste. In Minneapolis, there's a company called TARE, which is a zero-waste grocery store. Interview people who have found ways to convert their lives away from plastics.
Mexico no es el País con más Platico ,China y Estado Unidos son todavía peor se me hace una estupidez que hagan esto un temas de México cuando en realidad es un problema MUNDIAL
Like the wrapper. That is tough plastic and you can grab it and throw it. Rip it off and garbage. I stop selling sodas in my shop. I only have reusable 5 gallon water bottles and we can refill your reusable water bottle. Even the cups, Eco cups. I hate it but tourism also requires food and refreshments and we can have a lot of waste, if we do not be proactive as well as traveller’s join as we all should think of our waste
I do not use make up in plastic, I make my own rimmel and re use plastic bags in the super market, instead of getting new ones I take my own ones to use them again & again, & again….. but few people does that 😢
So many inconsistencies and fallacies in this report. All made through zoom, leaving behind those experts who would give a better image of what is truly happening. Zero field investigation. A report filled with stereotypes and falsehoods.
I think it's a fools game. WE ARE GREEN, just read our label. Mean while many communities protest the giant Taiwan (Chinese) companies that make those products, also in the USA. They have to find an area that is poor enough that they are willing to except the problems that come with the companies. There is nothing better per pound than plastics. It's great to have the labels that say GREEN, but it really doesn't go much farther than that. Maybe it should be compared to nuclear waste. Plastics certainly take a very long time to degrade, and it's everywhere. As are it's effects.
A pest for beeehives is the wax moth, whose digestive system has bacteria that can break down molecules of plastic into safe organic components. This is being investigated for scaling into an industrial biomimicry process. Yes, tax current plastic products to foster use of alternatives but deal with existing plastic waste by using industrial digestion.
😢😢😢😢 La solución es sencilla! Pero lo que importa es el dinero! yo construyo carreteras y paredes con la basuara micro molida! Imaginesen lo que pudieran hacer las grandes multinacionales!!!!
REDUCE. Reuse. recycle. That means if you can avoid it, don't be a consumerist zombie in the first place. Consider every purchase and whether it's essential, as well as whether you have better alternatives.
4:39 it’s difficult to hear the reporter with her blur voice please hire someone who is more professional when speaking to the audience. I find these women annoying, and disrespectful acting like they’re young teenagers when they’re grown women.
London's statement/order for the city is to use only new cars, you push the cars to destroy and it's over. Plastic government. I take a good old Gentleman Jack and enjoy the quality without 4 components. Loyality only.
Excellent work and very good topic...unfortunate situation. Mexico needs to be strength, our problem blind eyes like always and corruption. Comment for DW, what's up with the English and this horrible way of speaking of the announcers. This insesant garbling makes it difficult to follow the information.
Plastic was mass-produced starting in the 1960s, after WWII. So, what did people use before then? To answer your question, I would suggest holding corporations accountable or even banning their use of plastic, as most people tend to prioritize short-term convenience over long-term health and the well-being of our planet. Buy less, use less. Or, as inconvenient as it may be, reduce population growth if no other solutions are found.
Your documentaries are always worth watching. But can I say something to your editor? Desr editor could you PLEASE stop with those immenselybirritating, distravting abd useless backgriund tracks? The music is bearable thoygh I would prefer it gone. But that BLEEP BLUB CRUNCH RUSTLE CRACKLE whenever the presenter is talking? They probably teach you in school that it increases interest. But they lied to you. PLEASE stop.
The solution to this is to ban the export of plastic waste, period. Let these rich countries like Germany, Japan, UK, and the US recycle their own plastic.
Make TEQUILA Great Agaim 🥃 Sinaloan Cartel
not possible u dont know abt humans
Even better than recycling: bans on single use plastics and the spurring of new businesses and ways of conducting business that are better for the water, air, and our health
Ya couse bans always work...... ByFusion is the solution.....
More than that, in the US we need to restrict the movement of garbage. Places like New York City export their trash to poorer rural areas in order to avoid responsibility and cost for their own lifestyle. This needs to stop, the only way to get people to care about this is to impact them individually through legislation. If we could rely on people doing the right thing then criminal and civil laws wouldn't be needed. Since businesses and governments seem to behave in even more short-sighted and callous manners than individuals, they need to be bound to laws the same as people, eg regulations
Watching this after Netflix's "BUY NOW" movie/documentary is heartbreaking to see how we as consumers and these large corporations are killing the planet and ourselves slowly but surely.
Wealthy countries should be forced to recycle their own garbage rather than polluting developing countries
The developing countries should stop buying it then
Stop talking about recycling!!! Most plastic produced isn't recyclable at all. The only solution is to stop producing so much plastic. As long as we keep buying plastic stuff someone will continue selling. And the plastic mountain will keeps growing.
Exacly! Ban single use plastics entirely, require deposits on reusable plastic bottles. But big business will never allow that.
Easier said than done ,, being every thing you purchase almost always comes with some sort of plastic,,by the way some clown 🤡 found oil an rubbed it everywhere it's on your roof an in the yard go figure right
@@DavidSchneiderIP They will if people stops buying all products that come in plastic containers. California is now the first state in the country to ban all plastic bags - including recyclable bags - from grocery stores. This is a start, but drinks in plastic bottles are among the main culprits.
México should place tariffs on US
Mexico can't survive without the U.S. the U.S. would only slightly be annoyed without Mexico 😂
@@Sandlin22🤣🤣 you believe that
@@Sandlin22Say that to Texas, where 30% of all trade is imported from Mexico. MAGAs -and Americans in general- have a really small brain when it comes to predicting the “small” scale effects of their big threats. Maybe it won’t matter much for a guy in NY, where prices will only 1.5x or even double, but for people in Texas it’ll be like living in Venezuela
@@Sandlin22yeah the us is so independent that passeed a bill in retribution to the expropriation of a limestone mine declared protected area, I repeat, senators passed a bill because a private company interest were affected, even denying cruise ship that touched port on México to deck on US ports deemed a national security issue
@@andreochimal1077 Thats hogwash Trumps tariffs will help the US and Mexico. Car prices will go down for Mexico’s domestic market and US companies will be incentivized to produce vehicles domestically. Its a win win situation.
Thats why I do not buy water bottles, I use my 5 gallons to refill water 💧.
Whole world needs to work on this problem
This also starts with you. Yes, you. The person reading this comment. If you can, avoid consuming plastic. Buy can soda instead of bottled (it tastes better anyway). Don’t get plastic grocery bags, etc. I know that it’s not going to be 100% avoidable as it’s so entrenched, but one less plastic piece you consume, it’s one less piece that won’t go into the environment.
Mexico should say no, sadly the money American corporations offer to do it this way, is hard to pass. It’s up to us to wake up, and start saying no here.
there are mexican companies turning plastic into fuel.
It is just a small percentage from the tons and tons of trash
And is that a reason to have Mexico as the landfill of rich countries?
@@Berlina18 nobody force Mexico to import any plastic waste.
We used to use glass bottles in the 70’s. And those bottles were all recycled giving consumers money per bottle. It’s more expensive, but it worked and was more sustainable.
Best way to solve the problem is to tackle it at the source. If you produce a product, you have to pay a recycling fee to cover the cost. That will help encourage manufacturers to choose sustainable methods and materials. Currently, the cheapest materials are typically chosen, because the cost to dispose of the product is paid for by tax payers.
Sounds like the perfect way for you as the purchaser to remove any responsibility from yourself and make others take care of the problem
@ - it sure does. And it gives me more options to buy something recyclable instead having to buy cheap single use plastic products. Why would a manufacturer make something using more expensive, but easier to recycle products without some incentive?
Agreed. The solution: Incorporate the recycling cost at the time of purchase. Standardise plastic containers into 15 types for example and colour code them for east sorting. Or create a minimal return cost to where they sell the product, for example, 10p for a plastic bottle, so the buyer pays an extra 10p for plastic and when the empty bottle is returned, they get their 10p back, then it would be the responsibility of the manufacturer to recycle the product.
the consumer will pay eventually. already happened in Europe. consumer need to pay extra cost for the bottle advance and then supermarket will give you a same coupon if you bring the bottle back to the recycling machine. you will lose the extra cost if you don't bring back. do you like this, i don't like.
@@larryho3168 - yeah, I’m not a fan of the bottle return policy. It definitely helped reduce litter, but now people are digging through my trash to find them.
My solution should be better, because the manufacturers are now helping towns pay for waste management. That should result in lower taxes for residents which will obviously be offset by higher product costs. The hope though is that there will be a net savings as production switches to more recyclable materials.
And then they dare blame poor countries for contaminating rivers.
The current Canadian government tried to ban single plastics from stores, but the plastic industry lobbies, the oily Province of Alberta and its despicable Premier and also federal courts all contributed to overturned that. Plain environmental irresponsibility especially from the federal court that overturned it🤬
Yes, Governments have their responsibility, but the worst impact comes from careless consumers, they just buy and dispose without considering the impact to the environment. Each person should be responsible of their own waste, reducing consumption, sorting their waste and reusing when possible.
Thanks! Best way to reduce plastic pollution? Ban export. Each country must process its waste.
European-Union US Canada & Japan will find hard time then
Ban single use plastic objects that are not necessary or for which biodegradable replacements can be made.
Impose large costs on plastic manufacture and better financial incentives to recycle.
Basically, we need to STOP using plastics. We are already too late. This cannot be done soon enough.
No! That would harm the oligarchy!! Such evil!
Because rich countries pay them to be their dumpster, people really like to pretend they are doing something by "recycling" while ignoring the other 2 more important R's (Reduce and Reuse)
we forget we live in the same planet one day or another the consequences will reach and affect everyone's health.
The private companies in Mexico that process these plastics give kickbacks to the local, state, and federal level to continue doing business as usual.
pisses me off that banning plastic isn't the center of all political discussions.
Daamn, what is Germany using so many plastic for?
The country size vs plastic waste relation is crazy
Damn, Germany.
Yes, they again
the countries that figure out the plastic problem and are able to process them properly will make a lot of money
the problem was never making use of plastic or transforming it, but identifying and sorting. Consider how most products are composites of glues , different plastics and resins ... its a huge mess and pain. If we dont make laws about how you can usw plastic to be able to be recycled, then we have to do ththings like destructive distillation, nothing else works at scale without big provlems.
There is no way to process it cheaply and compete with new plastics made with crude oil.
By dumping on other countries
Great video!
Rich countries export to poor countries, and they in turn dump it to ocean. The greatest greed machine.
Es es mentira , toda la gente que dio la entrevista en mexico están mal informados o no quieren al gobierno , mexico es el único país que recicla tanto plástico y demás basura busquen información y verán
I heard a local CocaCola bottler imports rhat waste from USA to be able to say in their advertising: " we recycle 100% of pet plastic bottles that we use/bottle/sell " (what a lie!)
At least the article stated that the rubbish was mainly from USA. Rich country exports rubbish to Mexico…. 🤔 I wonder
Private companies are paid billions for waste disposal still choose to cut corners by exporting garbage to other countries. People take the time to divide up their trash for all of it to be combined and sent abroad. So its no necessarily the fault of countries but the elites.
@ no intention to attribute fault by me. I was noting that the news headline seemed to bend over to avoid the clear story which was USA exports rubbish to Mexico
Make TACOs Great Again 🌮🌯
This is one of the reasons why the tariffs would affect the US
Mexico buys it smarty pants. If Mexico doesn't want it, they should stop buying it
We need the mexican government to raise restrictions for these imports
Everything has loopholes in Mexico 😢
True, everything is interconected, for better or worse. Dumping trash to other countries should be banned! There is no accountability at all!
When Canada dumped a bunch of trash on a beach in the Philippines the president threatened to declare war and the ship came back then cleaned up the beach.
The funny part is that just a small amount of cities in Mexico separate the trash, there isn't really a culture of recycling over here. This is very surprising...
Why no caption option for the video?
The only solution is that people should wake up and live responsibly. More than 80% of plastic is unnecessary. Remaining can and should be properly recycled...🙏
Some clown 🤡 found oil an rubbed it everywhere
The best solution is to stop consuming it, if possible!!!😮😮😮
DW News deleted my comment 😂 just for pointing who are the top 5 polluting countries mentioned in their video, irony of life 😂
The solution: Incorporate the recycling cost at the time of purchase. Standardise plastic containers into 15 types for example and colour code them for east sorting. Or create a minimal return cost to where they sell the product, for example, 10p for a plastic bottle, so the buyer pays an extra 10p for plastic and when the empty bottle is returned, they get their 10p back, then it would be the responsibility of the manufacturer to recycle the product.
We need policy's to use glass over plastic. Glass we can bring to the stores for a discount like we used to.
i believe you are soooo on the right track!
works with never using individual-bottle drinking water. Thanks for your attention
A glass bottle weighs 19x more than a plastic bottle. The amount of transport pollution involved in using a glass bottle is worse than dealing with plastic trash
The main current problem is the method of production tied to consumerism.
For example, here in Mexico, before the arrival of aluminum bottling companies, everything was consumed in glass bottles. These bottles were exchanged when purchasing beverages, or if you didn’t bring one, you were charged for the glass container. In this way, the production of packaging, in this case the container, was reduced. Moreover, products taste better in glass than in aluminum. A large portion of today’s waste is merely packaging for a product. Instead of refilling products as we do with gasoline, we buy an unnecessary container with every purchase, as if we didn’t have the technology to do without such containers.
If we reconsider this case and extrapolate it, we find situations where products are deliberately designed to expire after a year or two, forcing consumers to buy replacements. These replacements often have minimal or trivial changes from the previous product and focus primarily on planned obsolescence.
Plastic needs to become a crime for manufacturers on unnecessary use of plastics. Example: plastic water bottles, packaging and so on.
Also make the plastics returnable for $$$.
In the Philippines, while they are claiming to partcipate actively in global environmental reforms, new coal plants are being built in the southernmost part. Although this is a lagging indicator of the uneven development of financial and non-financial factors of the market, this habit of inconsistencies borne out of a non-holistic view of addressing environmental degradation, and environmental rehabilitation planning---- creates more risks and expenses or losses in the medium to long run.
The solution is to stop overproduction. Its only going to get worse as more countries enter 1st world economies.
@DW News, Why, no add CC?, ó automatic traduction? 🤔👎
Plastic is crude oil 🛢️
1:36 3:54 11:34
Instead spending money on rockets and weapons, we should be spending money on research to find better ways to recicle all kind of plastics.
Lets get real, we love plastics.
Honestly humans we are greedy & our karma is coming.
And we are the ones not sending our best... unbelievable.
The best way to reduce plastic production is to renunce to the consumism and savage capitalism.
Chemical Recycling and EPR are the best way to solve this
Put a price on the consumer and reimburse if it is washed and returned. A program called return and earn
Thank you for the documentary. One way to reduce the use of single use plastic is to implement the bulk selling strategy, where the plastic packaging is reduced or prevented. For example you buy your bread from a bakery, instead of bakeries bulk packaging the bread in plastic and shipping it to centralized stores like Costco.
i believe you are soooo on the right track! Thanks for your attention.
What about a plastic that will dissolve in water when we are done with using it?
Plastic can be converted back to oil 🛢.
Gasoline as well. I believe it is done by students at a Mexican school.
I want to see a documentary about all the ways people are living their lives plastic free. How about the companies specializing in zero-waste options? What about countries, states, and cities that are banning non-circular options! Minnesota passed a bill holding manufacturers responsible for their packaging waste. In Minneapolis, there's a company called TARE, which is a zero-waste grocery store. Interview people who have found ways to convert their lives away from plastics.
This includes polyester, fleece, or other petroleum based textiles.
Comeback to return, before we needed to give one glass container to have one, just dont allow no-return containers
Ban non critical plastic products
Mexico no es el País con más Platico ,China y Estado Unidos son todavía peor se me hace una estupidez que hagan esto un temas de México cuando en realidad es un problema MUNDIAL
Creo que no hablas inglés y por eso estás escribiendo esto
@@reno.rodolfo3089Obvio y eso que tiene que ver?Si hablara chino o ruso que te importa? A ti también te pasaría lo mismo.
Stop making so much plastic.
Use standardized re-usable glass containers . . . . think.
Like the wrapper. That is tough plastic and you can grab it and throw it. Rip it off and garbage. I stop selling sodas in my shop. I only have reusable 5 gallon water bottles and we can refill your reusable water bottle. Even the cups, Eco cups. I hate it but tourism also requires food and refreshments and we can have a lot of waste, if we do not be proactive as well as traveller’s join as we all should think of our waste
Funny how the environment laws we have here also benefit the rich by using those same laws to export elsewhere.
Waste management is duty
Not imported
I do not use make up in plastic, I make my own rimmel and re use plastic bags in the super market, instead of getting new ones I take my own ones to use them again & again, & again….. but few people does that 😢
So many inconsistencies and fallacies in this report. All made through zoom, leaving behind those experts who would give a better image of what is truly happening. Zero field investigation. A report filled with stereotypes and falsehoods.
And yet you didn’t provide any sources. Just say you’re a paid shill next time
I hope they partner with Aduro Clean Technologies. They can process mixed and contaminated feed and a variety of materials their competitors can not.
Mexico handling plastic waste from other countries might be the new business opportunity… or is it just passing the environmental buck?
Aduro clean technologies might be the solution.
I think it's a fools game. WE ARE GREEN, just read our label. Mean while many communities protest the giant Taiwan (Chinese) companies that make those products, also in the USA. They have to find an area that is poor enough that they are willing to except the problems that come with the companies. There is nothing better per pound than plastics. It's great to have the labels that say GREEN, but it really doesn't go much farther than that. Maybe it should be compared to nuclear waste. Plastics certainly take a very long time to degrade, and it's everywhere. As are it's effects.
1:23 who is making bio-degradable packaging and textiles?
So it breaks down to smaller pieces and get 's into blood streams ,, LOVE IT
@@tilapiadave3234 use a water soluble Made from organic material. If you absolutely need to have a disposable single used product
A pest for beeehives is the wax moth, whose digestive system has bacteria that can break down molecules of plastic into safe organic components. This is being investigated for scaling into an industrial biomimicry process.
Yes, tax current plastic products to foster use of alternatives but deal with existing plastic waste by using industrial digestion.
Dump it in Abbot's ranch; De Santis home; Trump's Resort; Viveks Hindu Temple, etc.
La solución es sencilla!
Pero lo que importa es el dinero!
yo construyo carreteras y paredes con la basuara micro molida!
Imaginesen lo que pudieran hacer las grandes multinacionales!!!!
thats crazy.
There is more plastic in the ocean than fish.
Who counted the fish?
Need area cleaning
That’s a dame shame
There is plenty of plastic waste in my Mexican neighborhood if they want it!
REDUCE. Reuse. recycle. That means if you can avoid it, don't be a consumerist zombie in the first place. Consider every purchase and whether it's essential, as well as whether you have better alternatives.
Please remember that that slogan was made by corporations. Greetings from México
The hosts vocal fry is intolerable
Why she makes these noises, is she okay? She is like snoring while talking, hope she can receive treatment
Don't like her message? What a waste of a "contribution"
4:39 it’s difficult to hear the reporter with her blur voice please hire someone who is more professional when speaking to the audience. I find these women annoying, and disrespectful acting like they’re young teenagers when they’re grown women.
Why did she say Naaature like that lmao
Trash will flow to wherever people complain less. 😒
My girlfriend is going to save our world with her project
Thi is why elected women are great in leading a country.
impressive DUTCH, considering their relatively small population compared to other top exprting countries.
London's statement/order for the city is to use only new cars, you push the cars to destroy and it's over. Plastic government.
I take a good old Gentleman Jack and enjoy the quality without 4 components.
Loyality only.
The presenter of this video has too much vocal fry, which is distracting. It's only in certain words, so she can fix it.
Excellent work and very good topic...unfortunate situation. Mexico needs to be strength, our problem blind eyes like always and corruption.
Comment for DW, what's up with the English and this horrible way of speaking of the announcers. This insesant garbling makes it difficult to follow the information.
Plastic was mass-produced starting in the 1960s, after WWII. So, what did people use before then?
To answer your question, I would suggest holding corporations accountable or even banning their use of plastic, as most people tend to prioritize short-term convenience over long-term health and the well-being of our planet.
Buy less, use less. Or, as inconvenient as it may be, reduce population growth if no other solutions are found.
Lets AIs figure it out by testing millions of formulas everday to solved plastic problem!
AI:"....!!! Solution found.... Destroy all humans! "
What is wrong with this as long as you can make money with others garbage
Need government's help with the recycle. And stop drinking from plastic bottles. We kill ourselves slowly. Need to find new planet soon!😂
China importing via mexico
Your documentaries are always worth watching. But can I say something to your editor?
Desr editor could you PLEASE stop with those immenselybirritating, distravting abd useless backgriund tracks? The music is bearable thoygh I would prefer it gone. But that
BLEEP BLUB CRUNCH RUSTLE CRACKLE whenever the presenter is talking? They probably teach you in school that it increases interest. But they lied to you. PLEASE stop.
This is all BS... Recycling is a waste of money for plastic... 🤭
Give this problem for AI to solve!!!!!
Unconditional right to stop our own life whenever we want medically. My body my choice. Freedom. Peace ✌️ ☮️ 🕊 🏳️