Lol. I did not realise this was until you mentioned it. 😂. At least we have a clear idea how it all connects though probibly one of the deadliest pieces of art of you have it on display while it's running.
Ok, mình lúc nhỏ củng đam mê điện tử,mà nay duyên số chuyển qua thợ hàn rồi,ủng hộ bạn lâu dài,đã qua nhà nhấn chuông cho bạn rồi,cảm ơn bạn đả chia sẻ,cảm ơn!
You know what I'd really appreciate? A mathematical breakdown of each part in an inverter, so I could design for various inputs and outputs. That would help me a lot. I know, no chance.
Nice, those irf44z fets only handle 60v. Normal inverters use 600v ones for 230v, so in theory you can maybe make a 30v ac signal before the fets break. You also need a full H-bridge for a good sine wave.
Those MOSFETs are on the low voltage DC side. They don't need to be rated for the output voltage. An H-bridge is not necessary if you use the transformer for half of the rectification. This is more efficient than using an H bridge, albeit more expensive since it requires a transformer twice the size of one in a circuit with an H bridge.
@@5467nick have a look at the schematic (link in the description). The irfz44 are drawn both in the 220v side as in the low voltage side. No mention of the 8 big MOSFETs. There is something smelly here. If you built it according to the schematic, the magic smoke certainly will escape.
@@pietpaaltjes7419 I hadn't looked at the link before. You're right, the circuit diagram in the link doesn't make sense. Even with higher rated transistors, it wouldn't produce anything at the output. It literally doesn't even complete a circuit. One end of the 220 rail is floating at any time with only one transistor on, unless I'm missing something else.
The video title reads that is 2500 watt inverter. The input is 12volts DC.. Then we can calculate how much amps will be circulating on the input circuit: 2500watts /12volts= 208.33 amps.... It is not possible that the wiring shows here can handle 208 amps. This video is a fake.
Я тоже инженер электронщик, только в дипломе. Интересовала в юности силовая электроника - инверторы, перемотка электродвигателей, блоки питания, преобразователи одной фазы в три и тд и тп. Но как был бараном в этом так и остался 43 года уже, жаль за бесцельно прожитые годы
Чтоб понимать как работает схема в целом, надо понимать как работает каждая деталь как минимум. Вот вы к примеру взяли в руку сетевой провод от ПК и думаете что это провод, а на самом деле это не только проводник, но и: конденсатор, резистор, индуктивность как минимум...
Значит слабо интересовало. Я тоже в детстве радиолюбительством пытался увлечься, не пошло особенно, затем уже в возрасте 20+, когда больше свободного времени стало и как в детстве никто не скажет, что паяльник "воняет" и вообще дома это вредно... снова плотно занялся электроникой. Самоделок практически не собираю за ненадобностью, но ремонтировать технику очень нравится. Коммерчески этим не занимаюсь, а так для себя и для знакомых. И импульсные БП и сварочные аппараты и автоусилители класса D... сложного там нет ничего, даже для самоучки. Если у вас диплом инженера по электронике, странно кто и чему вас там учил. Я в своё время на бюджет по электронике баллов не добрал, пошёл на бюджет по ДВС - особого интереса никогда не было, 5 лет оттарабанил, диплом получил, ни для по профилю не работал, но знания все есть, и в случае чего смогу пойти работать. Лично мне непонятно, как имея увлечение, профильно отучиться и нихрена не знать? Тем более сейчас, когда интернет даёт доступ к любой информации, даже не требуется задницу отрывать от стула для похода в библиотеку за литературой и поиска конкретной информации в той литературе.
This could be a nice project.... But PLEEEAAASE don't call it a 2500W inverter! Even with a efficiency of 100% there would flow 208Amps on the input side at 12V. Dude, through what wire in that circuitry you would let this? You know as good as me that this thing will go up in flames at much lower currents. Maybe before this "few 100VA"- ferrite-core saturates, maybe later. A Bridge for mains-voltage-usage at 33kHz? With power?? Brilliant... And i would really wanted to know how much your input-swiching transistors would dissipate if you drive only 50Amps through with this waveform and slew-rate....
Cute to have scope on 50 micro second division. It is a square wave. You need to work on the schematic quite a bit, gnd does not go to anodes of opto and gnd does not drive a gate either. And other mistakes too.
What is VC 100k? Is it variable capacitor? What the model of hight frequency transformer? I can't find mosfet c40n60, what are alternatives? What the voltage of 100nf and 1500pf capacitors? Is it ceramic? What is the power of each resistor (what is maximum allowed current)?
Todo muy bien excepto la potencia. Dudo mucho que ese transformador levante 2500 vatios. No hay lógica según la dimensión del transformacion. Ese trafo aló mucho entrega como 2 o 3 amperios aló mucho
Quá tuyệt vời luôn.. bác có sơ đồ ko cho e xin với.. lâu nay tìm cái xung sóng sin mà khổ quá.kênh khác họ làm phức tạp quá ko hiểu.. kênh bác làm rất đơn giản và hiệu quả 👍💪
Ну просто супер, проще не бывает. У меня сварочный инвертор, транзистор сгорел G 40 N 60 больше года валяется аппарат нет транзистора, а здесь как факир, все детали подлетают к паяльнику. Сергей Васильев
@@androidis61 ну дык, а в конце вообще непонятно, к чему мультик к чему ослик подключен, но явно не к этой херне которую он спаял. это как в фокусе с магнитом свечками зажигания и лампой, при котором тонкие незаметные провода ток подают а автор втирает про бесплатное электричество, так и тут, наёбка
This wave is almost sinusoidal, it is closer to a triangle, and yet it is excellent, but it does not resemble the international electricity wave because the state’s electricity peak is smoother and more curved, and does not contain a triangular harmonic, unlike this wave, which contains two harmonics, a sine and a triangular harmonic. This will lead to a slight and slight increase. It is very significant and does not affect the temperature of a reciprocating motor if it is operated on this wavelength because it does not contain a direct current at all
It seems the waveform near the end of the video only showed the charging and discharging of the capacitor, and far from a sinusoidal output. Never use the aluminum heatsink mount-pin as a conductor for high current. Nor rely on the contact between the aluminum surface and the back of a IGBT package. Only connect to the Collector pin to complete the circuit.
The waveform looks like a very nice 240V sine wave to me (the x-axis just needs to be zoomed in), though I'm a little concerned about the scope's axis markings reading 2V and 50us divisions. Perhaps it doesn't display the correct markings when it is auto-ranging? Also, while you are correct that we shouldn't use the heatsink as a conductor and should be using the pins on the package (you might burn up the transistor if you pull much current this way!), it is unfortunately very common for Chinese-made power supplies and inverters to do this. I've even seen some power supplies where the silly builders scraped off the anodized coating and soldered or crimped straight to the aluminum instead of to a tacked copper mounting pin! Also, those are MOSFETs, not IGBTs. You won't see many IGBTs used in low voltage inverters.
Всем привет. Автор данного ролика, попробуйте использовать кибер флюс, кажется 255 активный. Я не делаю никакой рекламы, просто как-то пробовал с помощью него на уже "зеленом" сильно окислившимся стеклотекстолите в качестве теста что будет. Как итог вполне все успешно получилась. Стоит он недорого, но его по правде говоря лучше отмывать, так как он АКТИВНЫЙ! Ну это я так. Большое спасибо за интересный и полезный материал. Лайк за видео и как мастеру навесного монтажа!
What would be different if i just needed the sine @120v, 60Hz ,but not he power ????? Meaning i just need the sine to be seen by a gridtie inverter, for activation of said inverter. ???? Is this possibility???
The circuit outlet has many faults, a fault in connecting the photocopler and half of the Mosfet bridge does not output a full wave and therefore there is no electricity
Sir when i exchange battry terminals it damaged all my chips so is there a way that it can be modified when somebody confuse like me it still remain safe
I am just sitting here at my desk for three hours now and i am trying to figure out where in the hell did you get the output on the osciloscope? But first things first: 1) If it actually could deliver 2.5kW of power and the input voltage would be 12V, it would mean that you're pulling like 200A from the batteries => the cables won't be able to transfer this much amps, they will literally melt in few seconds. So that's my first problem with this video/circuit/title of video. (this is typical for this kind of videos, but I had to say it) 2) You got the transformer from some old ATX computer power supply which are usually 300-400W and that means that the transformer would be rated for the same kind of power, so that's the second thing that won't work. (I know that there are computer power supplies that are 1000W, but I seriously doubt that the transformer is from one of those, and still It wouldn't be enough for the 2500W) 3) I have never seen such inverter before, where you switch the primary side with a square wave, then rectify it on the secondary???? And switch it again, with lower frequency?..??? And even the mosfets on the secondary side won't be able to handle 230 Vrms and the amps at 2.5kW, (but it isn't a suprise in these types of videos that have crazy power ratings) 4) Finally the osciloscope output, where it is even connected??? I dont understand where did you get the sawtooth output??? I am just confused, firstly I thought you connected to the 555 timer capacitor that is periodicly charged and discharged, but judging by the few wires I can see on the video, It is connected to the lightbulb, which isn't probably even connected to the output of that inverter, because from my point of view there should be PWM on the output of the inverter. For some reason I get these kind of videos recommended many times lately, I should stop clicking on them, but I'm just having fun finding out what's wrong about them.
I also forgot to say that on the osciloscope output you have 50us/division and if the period of the "sine wave" is two divisions, that means the frequency is like 10kHz certainly not 50
Beautiful but that diode pole is not fast and will damage all of your project...even i think by one ee42.15 we only can made about 400 to700w ...but so beautifully diy inverter project.
Fascinating. I am no electronic engineer. I am, on my best day, barely a novice. I'd like to ask your help on what is for me a very ambitious project. It involves some 600 LEDs and 4017s (cascaded) and some other stuff.
Yay, cool ! Now, explain how these tiny dissipators can survive 2500 W of power running through them... It looks like the bulb at the end is a 60 W model. LoL.
Saya sangat senang mennonton vidio Anda ini.. Saya ingin sekali mengimplementasikan ini... Bagaimana cara mendapatkan modul pcb inventer ini Saya dari Indonesia.. Trm kasih
Я ничего не понимаю. 1. На высокочастотном трансформаторе мы подняли напряжение. 2. Выпрямили его и коммутируем его на выход мосфетами, которые открываются поочередно. Но где переменка, полярности то не меняются и откуда взялся синус?
Bom Dia! O circuito que esta disponibilizado esta errado os fotos acopladores estão no gnd os mosfet de saída não tem referencia alguma de GND deveria estar do gate para o source. ou um divisor de tensão para polarizar os mosteft esta diferente do video.
such a direct current can be converted to alternating current at the end of the circuit in the absence of a 220 volt direct transformer. i practiced it doesn't work. How much time I spent
Предельный КПД идеального каскада в режиме B на синусоидальном сигнале равен 78,5 %[15].Практически возьмём 75%.Это значит 25% от 2500вт уходит в тепло,а это 625вт и водяное охлаждение,во дворе бассейн с подогреевом. на транзисторах.Поэтому и делают всякий импульсный изврат типа PWM.
Watch this professional video👇
The King of the Cold Soldering.
Recycling of scrap, nothing is better than these projects 😎
why not Showing know about Inverter ? this Inverter you cannot Use more than 300 watt , half hour Come Fire.
Anyone else enjoying the irony that he is sponsored by a pc board company?
ещё бы, выпаял всё из платы и спаял без неё...
Not irony. He does this for a living
Please, for God sake at the end you should've done a final product with a board from the sponsor, my eyes and brain hurt.
Lol. I did not realise this was until you mentioned it. 😂. At least we have a clear idea how it all connects though probibly one of the deadliest pieces of art of you have it on display while it's running.
Ok, mình lúc nhỏ củng đam mê điện tử,mà nay duyên số chuyển qua thợ hàn rồi,ủng hộ bạn lâu dài,đã qua nhà nhấn chuông cho bạn rồi,cảm ơn bạn đả chia sẻ,cảm ơn!
Sir aap bhut ache ache jugaad banate ho sair ak solar system se bina battery ke inverter chalane ka jugad jo bhut jaruri hai❤ sir please🙏
You know what I'd really appreciate? A mathematical breakdown of each part in an inverter, so I could design for various inputs and outputs. That would help me a lot.
I know, no chance.
Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! .... Great idea ! 🧐🇬🇧🤔❤️👍🤝💪🤓
Did you try books?
Nice, those irf44z fets only handle 60v. Normal inverters use 600v ones for 230v, so in theory you can maybe make a 30v ac signal before the fets break. You also need a full H-bridge for a good sine wave.
Neither this small transform can take up 2.5KW of load .. this is just all bullshit ..these videos are just sponsored ones...
Those MOSFETs are on the low voltage DC side. They don't need to be rated for the output voltage. An H-bridge is not necessary if you use the transformer for half of the rectification. This is more efficient than using an H bridge, albeit more expensive since it requires a transformer twice the size of one in a circuit with an H bridge.
I want to learn how to build an inverter can u help me?
@@5467nick have a look at the schematic (link in the description). The irfz44 are drawn both in the 220v side as in the low voltage side. No mention of the 8 big MOSFETs. There is something smelly here. If you built it according to the schematic, the magic smoke certainly will escape.
@@pietpaaltjes7419 I hadn't looked at the link before. You're right, the circuit diagram in the link doesn't make sense. Even with higher rated transistors, it wouldn't produce anything at the output. It literally doesn't even complete a circuit. One end of the 220 rail is floating at any time with only one transistor on, unless I'm missing something else.
i really LOVE u dude (from TÜRKİYE)
на такое надо жаловаться, помимо того, что это мошенничество, это просто опасно для жизни
Не опасно. Никтож не показал что это втыкается в розетку. Просто лампочка с тестером и осцилом на фоне этого говна.
Все что нас не убивает, делает нас крепче.
The video title reads that is 2500 watt inverter. The input is 12volts DC.. Then we can calculate how much amps will be circulating on the input circuit: 2500watts /12volts= 208.33 amps....
It is not possible that the wiring shows here can handle 208 amps. This video is a fake.
As a EE, I saw this and thought the exact same thing! Im calling this one BS!
Video from The King of the Cold Soldering.
This is one of the best video ever watch. I will try to do mine.
Thank you,
Well come
Well done!
@@lifeexperience6321 so have u done it,is it really 2500w
This is nice project 👌👌👌👍👍
Я тоже инженер электронщик, только в дипломе. Интересовала в юности силовая электроника - инверторы, перемотка электродвигателей, блоки питания, преобразователи одной фазы в три и тд и тп. Но как был бараном в этом так и остался 43 года уже, жаль за бесцельно прожитые годы
Чтоб понимать как работает схема в целом, надо понимать как работает каждая деталь как минимум. Вот вы к примеру взяли в руку сетевой провод от ПК и думаете что это провод, а на самом деле это не только проводник, но и: конденсатор, резистор, индуктивность как минимум...
Значит слабо интересовало. Я тоже в детстве радиолюбительством пытался увлечься, не пошло особенно, затем уже в возрасте 20+, когда больше свободного времени стало и как в детстве никто не скажет, что паяльник "воняет" и вообще дома это вредно... снова плотно занялся электроникой. Самоделок практически не собираю за ненадобностью, но ремонтировать технику очень нравится. Коммерчески этим не занимаюсь, а так для себя и для знакомых. И импульсные БП и сварочные аппараты и автоусилители класса D... сложного там нет ничего, даже для самоучки. Если у вас диплом инженера по электронике, странно кто и чему вас там учил. Я в своё время на бюджет по электронике баллов не добрал, пошёл на бюджет по ДВС - особого интереса никогда не было, 5 лет оттарабанил, диплом получил, ни для по профилю не работал, но знания все есть, и в случае чего смогу пойти работать.
Лично мне непонятно, как имея увлечение, профильно отучиться и нихрена не знать? Тем более сейчас, когда интернет даёт доступ к любой информации, даже не требуется задницу отрывать от стула для похода в библиотеку за литературой и поиска конкретной информации в той литературе.
This could be a nice project.... But PLEEEAAASE don't call it a 2500W inverter! Even with a efficiency of 100% there would flow 208Amps on the input side at 12V. Dude, through what wire in that circuitry you would let this? You know as good as me that this thing will go up in flames at much lower currents. Maybe before this "few 100VA"- ferrite-core saturates, maybe later. A Bridge for mains-voltage-usage at 33kHz? With power?? Brilliant... And i would really wanted to know how much your input-swiching transistors would dissipate if you drive only 50Amps through with this waveform and slew-rate....
Without explanation is wunderful to initiants. Thanks anyway!
Great video ever i have a problem after watching your video problem solved 💯
Thanks for the nice comment. What is the problem write details please
@@inventorkr1 The problem was how to design the PCB ;)
@@inventorkr1 the problem was how to converting dc boost voltage to a.c
@@inventorkr1 We need 4 transistors to change the dc voltage to ac voltage and here they are 2 I don't understand or the video is false
Very good, I'm from Brazil and I love these Electronics techniques, congratulations friend
It would be nice with explanation for the choice of each component.
Это как? :))) Как работает выходной каскад. Схему кто смотрел? :))) Ловкость рук и никакого обмана!
Лего прикольное. Но где 2,5 kW ? Да ещё и синусоидное
Terimakasih tutorialnya sangat bermanfaat ditunggu video menarik selanjutnya
Fantastic job it is DC out put i think
Amazing thankz for include electrical diagram, es genial gracias por incluir el esquema electrico gracias
This is a video perfect soldering
Cute to have scope on 50 micro second division. It is a square wave. You need to work on the schematic quite a bit, gnd does not go to anodes of opto and gnd does not drive a gate either. And other mistakes too.
So I'm not the only one seeing things lol.. Good to know, Thought I was loosing my mind for a few..
Hi there. I did as you showed but it doesn't work for me give me a picture of the sketch
What is VC 100k? Is it variable capacitor? What the model of hight frequency transformer? I can't find mosfet c40n60, what are alternatives? What the voltage of 100nf and 1500pf capacitors? Is it ceramic? What is the power of each resistor (what is maximum allowed current)?
Félicitations !!!! Bon travail mais les ne sont facile à trouver. Merci !!!
Todo muy bien excepto la potencia. Dudo mucho que ese transformador levante 2500 vatios. No hay lógica según la dimensión del transformacion. Ese trafo aló mucho entrega como 2 o 3 amperios aló mucho
Quá tuyệt vời luôn.. bác có sơ đồ ko cho e xin với.. lâu nay tìm cái xung sóng sin mà khổ quá.kênh khác họ làm phức tạp quá ko hiểu.. kênh bác làm rất đơn giản và hiệu quả 👍💪
That is a fantastic job, you are a clever man, thank you for sharing.
Good videos but net clear
Thank you
I fine this method to be easier for me in inverter circuit because of the low frequency transformer is so hard to get
what would be nice, a kit of parts ,printed circuit board and instructions. I would certainly build it as I need one.
Спонсором этого видео является Ярославский завод медной проволоки.
не медной, а омедненной )
Ну просто супер, проще не бывает. У меня сварочный инвертор, транзистор сгорел G 40 N 60 больше года валяется аппарат нет транзистора, а здесь как факир, все детали подлетают к паяльнику. Сергей Васильев
Надо? Если не ошибаюсь на индукции Mora,Gorenje,Bosch.Но только с Б/У техники можно взять оригинал,
всё остальное подделка,проверено под микроскопом.
Woow switch transformer high frequance to 60hz good 👍
чел, ты вообще в курсе про синус и меандр?2500ватт синуса? серьёзно, на коленке, да с таким трансом. жаль нельзя поставить 2 дизлайка
Мне всё было интересно, как он собирается синус делать. Спасибо за коммент, сэкономил мне 12 минут
@@androidis61 ну дык, а в конце вообще непонятно, к чему мультик к чему ослик подключен, но явно не к этой херне которую он спаял. это как в фокусе с магнитом свечками зажигания и лампой, при котором тонкие незаметные провода ток подают а автор втирает про бесплатное электричество, так и тут, наёбка
Я как 555 увидел понял что смотреть дальше не стоит. З. Ы дурак не дурак а 600к просмотров получил.)))
@@SerBaskervil да блин всё красиво обставил, дурить людей тоже уметь надо
Только начал смотреть, сразу выругался! Какой дятел учил этого деятеля схемы кислотой паять?! Только из за этого уже можно руки оторвать!
This wave is almost sinusoidal, it is closer to a triangle, and yet it is excellent, but it does not resemble the international electricity wave because the state’s electricity peak is smoother and more curved, and does not contain a triangular harmonic, unlike this wave, which contains two harmonics, a sine and a triangular harmonic. This will lead to a slight and slight increase. It is very significant and does not affect the temperature of a reciprocating motor if it is operated on this wavelength because it does not contain a direct current at all
Каааакой чудесный день.... Кааааакой чудесный пень..... Каааакой чудесный яяяяяяя.... И роооолика моя.
is this circuit was full H - Bridge circuit???/
Bikinin penggerak BLDC kompresor AC inverter bang....😁 Muter" belum nemu di UA-cam
More art than craft!
It seems the waveform near the end of the video only showed the charging and discharging of the capacitor, and far from a sinusoidal output.
Never use the aluminum heatsink mount-pin as a conductor for high current. Nor rely on the contact between the aluminum surface and the back of a IGBT package. Only connect to the Collector pin to complete the circuit.
do you believe the scheme in this video works.
The waveform looks like a very nice 240V sine wave to me (the x-axis just needs to be zoomed in), though I'm a little concerned about the scope's axis markings reading 2V and 50us divisions. Perhaps it doesn't display the correct markings when it is auto-ranging? Also, while you are correct that we shouldn't use the heatsink as a conductor and should be using the pins on the package (you might burn up the transistor if you pull much current this way!), it is unfortunately very common for Chinese-made power supplies and inverters to do this. I've even seen some power supplies where the silly builders scraped off the anodized coating and soldered or crimped straight to the aluminum instead of to a tacked copper mounting pin! Also, those are MOSFETs, not IGBTs. You won't see many IGBTs used in low voltage inverters.
"PCB?...We don need no stinkin PCBs !"
Top, mais sempre voce testa com lampadas, deveria testar algo com a potencia descrita no video.
Pra essa lampada um bem simples bastava kkkkk
where is the calculation part. can u share the calculation part.
Круто конечно) но надо бы этот весь навесной монтаж на плату для надёжности. А так класссно))
так в том и ноухау, чел выпаял всё из платы и спаял без неё....
Super! Thank you very much!
A good inverter, I will also make myself one
Привет из Мехико. Поздравляю вас, у вас хорошие проекты.
MOSFET Z44 Maximum fss voltage of 55 volts. How did you put it in the output of the circuit, which is 320 volts?
The input DC voltage is much lower and thus safe for the transistors. The transformer raises it to 240V rms.
good job bro..thank you
thank you so much
Всем привет. Автор данного ролика, попробуйте использовать кибер флюс, кажется 255 активный.
Я не делаю никакой рекламы, просто как-то пробовал с помощью него на уже "зеленом" сильно окислившимся стеклотекстолите в качестве теста что будет. Как итог вполне все успешно получилась.
Стоит он недорого, но его по правде говоря лучше отмывать, так как он АКТИВНЫЙ! Ну это я так.
Большое спасибо за интересный и полезный материал.
Лайк за видео и как мастеру навесного монтажа!
What would be different if i just needed the sine @120v, 60Hz ,but not he power ????? Meaning i just need the sine to be seen by a gridtie inverter, for activation of said inverter. ????
Is this possibility???
You are really skillful person, impressive
I think your tiny transformer vant handle such as high currents ?
How can u use gap ferrite transformer for step up? ,does't that give more power loss on heating the mosfet??
That was a simple? Wow
The circuit outlet has many faults, a fault in connecting the photocopler and half of the Mosfet bridge does not output a full wave and therefore there is no electricity
2500w but the using wires is awg 18
I'm in Vietnam, you need to sell the full set or original pcb on lazada for the whole country so that customers can buy it.
Hi do you a diagtam...cause i want to make of it...just for practice...thanks
عمل جيد هل المحول 2500واط فعلي والموجة جيبية صافية ام فيها تشوهات واذا تم صنعه يمكن الا عتماد عليه
Buenas , este inversor podra carga las baterías, es inverter o es solo para sacar energía
Sir when i exchange battry terminals it damaged all my chips so is there a way that it can be modified when somebody confuse like me it still remain safe
Wenn ich all die Bestandteile kaufen muss, dann ist es billiger einen fertigen Konverter zu kaufen.😂
I am just sitting here at my desk for three hours now and i am trying to figure out where in the hell did you get the output on the osciloscope? But first things first:
1) If it actually could deliver 2.5kW of power and the input voltage would be 12V, it would mean that you're pulling like 200A from the batteries => the cables won't be able to transfer this much amps, they will literally melt in few seconds. So that's my first problem with this video/circuit/title of video. (this is typical for this kind of videos, but I had to say it)
2) You got the transformer from some old ATX computer power supply which are usually 300-400W and that means that the transformer would be rated for the same kind of power, so that's the second thing that won't work. (I know that there are computer power supplies that are 1000W, but I seriously doubt that the transformer is from one of those, and still It wouldn't be enough for the 2500W)
3) I have never seen such inverter before, where you switch the primary side with a square wave, then rectify it on the secondary???? And switch it again, with lower frequency?..??? And even the mosfets on the secondary side won't be able to handle 230 Vrms and the amps at 2.5kW, (but it isn't a suprise in these types of videos that have crazy power ratings)
4) Finally the osciloscope output, where it is even connected??? I dont understand where did you get the sawtooth output??? I am just confused, firstly I thought you connected to the 555 timer capacitor that is periodicly charged and discharged, but judging by the few wires I can see on the video, It is connected to the lightbulb, which isn't probably even connected to the output of that inverter, because from my point of view there should be PWM on the output of the inverter.
For some reason I get these kind of videos recommended many times lately, I should stop clicking on them, but I'm just having fun finding out what's wrong about them.
I also forgot to say that on the osciloscope output you have 50us/division and if the period of the "sine wave" is two divisions, that means the frequency is like 10kHz certainly not 50
Электронная жесть!!! Попробуйте повторить!!!
Me guzto mucho su video, sigan así
Disculpa... Pero que es lo que le pones a los componentes antes de colocarles el estaño? Porfavor! Jeje y muchas gracias
Beautiful but that diode pole is not fast and will damage all of your project...even i think by one ee42.15 we only can made about 400 to700w ...but so beautifully diy inverter project.
How much DC input is maximum for it? Can it run directly on solar panels; they produce 48V 8-15 Amps.
Great job .. all thanks dear
Where do you get your transformers from?
You can find this type of adapter in the PowerPlay desktop computer, or you can buy it from Ali Express
this circuit and video is good only for yourself.
Is it me or do the readings at the end show the same voltage at the output as at the inpu? 🤷🏻♀️
How it is possible irfz44n only works maximum of 55v dc
You use it as for converting 315dc to 220v AC
This pcb inverter motherbord power panel from 24v DC to 220v ac you produce can one buy from you .
Where is the 8 40n60 In the circuit diagram you've linked??
I think you miss to put the 40n60 to your schematic diagram,,,
Fascinating. I am no electronic engineer. I am, on my best day, barely a novice. I'd like to ask your help on what is for me a very ambitious project. It involves some 600 LEDs and 4017s (cascaded) and some other stuff.
@inventor KR Please let me know how I can discuss my ambitious project out of the public eye. Thanks.
Yaa very simple
Yay, cool ! Now, explain how these tiny dissipators can survive 2500 W of power running through them...
It looks like the bulb at the end is a 60 W model. LoL.
Saya sangat senang mennonton vidio Anda ini.. Saya ingin sekali mengimplementasikan ini... Bagaimana cara mendapatkan modul pcb inventer ini
Saya dari Indonesia.. Trm kasih
use LCL filter in the out put side in your inverter there is some harmonics...
I was taught to use a heat sink when soldering solid state components.
Я ничего не понимаю. 1. На высокочастотном трансформаторе мы подняли напряжение. 2. Выпрямили его и коммутируем его на выход мосфетами, которые открываются поочередно. Но где переменка, полярности то не меняются и откуда взялся синус?
Since you do not show the blue print I can not follow it, it seems there is something wrong with the circuit.
try using resin core solder, please???
May I ask how much transformer ee can load 2500w
Bom Dia! O circuito que esta disponibilizado esta errado os fotos acopladores estão no gnd os mosfet de saída não tem referencia alguma de GND deveria estar do gate para o source. ou um divisor de tensão para polarizar os mosteft esta diferente do video.
những video của tôi rất thú vị sao không được đề xuất vậy?
*Excellent work* 👍👍👍👍👍
Nice bro may I have a schematic diagram and I'm waiting for your response
Verry good
I need a GSM Signal Booster for my Home. I have in my Home a bed GSM Signal.
Thx Christian
Great video. And you can convert a sinusoid circuit with DC 220 V from solar panels to AC 220 V. Please
such a direct current can be converted to alternating current at the end of the circuit in the absence of a 220 volt direct transformer. i practiced it doesn't work. How much time I spent
Предельный КПД идеального каскада в режиме B на синусоидальном сигнале равен 78,5 %[15].Практически возьмём 75%.Это значит 25% от 2500вт уходит в тепло,а это 625вт и водяное охлаждение,во дворе бассейн с подогреевом. на транзисторах.Поэтому и делают всякий импульсный изврат типа PWM.
How to make high quality low frequency inverter?
Gente buenas haciendo cosas buenas gracias mil Rafael Díaz rep dom
It looks like out put wave form belongs to another circuit provide the circuit diagram.
posso colocar uma placa solar de 24 a 36 volts de entrada ou tem q ser 12 volts?