Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2024 - Seisean 3 do Bhun-sgoiltean FtMG // GME Primary Schools Session 3

  • Опубліковано 14 гру 2024
  • Seisean Sgoile Air-loidhne - Diciadain 21 Gearran 2024 // Online Schools' Workshop - Wednesday 21st February 2024.
    Le taing do Bhòrd na Gàidhlig // With thanks to Bòrd na Gàidhlig
    Ruith sinn bùthan-obrach air loidhne làitheil an-asgaidh do chlann-sgoile aig aois sam bith, an dà chuid do sgoiltean a theagaisgeas tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig (FTMG) agus na Beurla (FTMB) rè Seachdain na Gàidhlig eadar 19mh is 25mh dhen Ghearran 2024.
    Mhair gach seisean làitheil mu thuaiream leth-uair a thìde agus ’s e luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig fileanta agus an seinneadair is preasantair Joy Dunlop a bha aig an stiuir, a' gabhail a-steach na leanas:
    Measgachadh de gheamannan is òrain
    Sgeulachd ghoirid le Tosgaire Gàidhlig na bliadhna, Linda NicLeòid
    Nochd luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig ainmeil cuideachd a chleachd Gàidhlig gach latha, stèidhichte air cuspair na bliadhna “Do chànan, do chothrom”.
    Ceisteachain is gnìomhachdan a chuireas sgilean èisteachd ghnìomhachd nan oileanach fo dheuchainn
    Throughout Seachdain na Gàidhlig | World Gaelic Week (19th - 25th February 2024), we ran free, daily online workshops for school children of all ages, tailored to both English Medium Education (EME) and Gaelic Medium Education (GME) schools.
    Each daily session lasted approximately 30 minutes, and was hosted and facilitated by fluent Gaelic speaker, singer and presenter Joy Dunlop, and included:
    A mix of games and songs
    A short story with current Gaelic Ambassador of the Year, Linda Macleod
    Special guest appearances from renowned Gaelic speakers who are using Gaelic in their everyday lives, inspired by this year’s theme of Your Language, Your Opportunity.
    Quizzes and activities to test pupils' active listening skills.