Russian Alphabet Animation | Dynamic Deconstruction of Russian Letters

  • Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
  • Explore the Russian alphabet like never before with dynamic deconstruction animations! Each letter is brought to life through creative effects, offering a fresh perspective on the Russian language and typography. Perfect for language enthusiasts, design lovers, and anyone curious about creative letter transformations.
    📘 Content: Animated Russian Alphabet with Deconstructed Effects
    🎥 Best For: Language learners, designers, and visual art fans
    Tags: #RussianAlphabet #LetterAnimation #Typography #CreativeEffects #LanguageLearning


  • @DylanCerda-b6g
    @DylanCerda-b6g Місяць тому +2

    1:31 shatterred like a glass

  • @alexpresenta9993
    @alexpresenta9993 2 місяці тому +4

    Thank you for Showing me. I can do it now :)

    • @lokson
      @lokson  2 місяці тому +1


  • @SirAbernathy
    @SirAbernathy Місяць тому

    I just started watching

  • @YoonRenovation
    @YoonRenovation 3 місяці тому +4

    Demolition 💀 2:26

  • @YoonRenovation
    @YoonRenovation 3 місяці тому +3

    Demolition 💀 2:56/3:02/3:09

  • @Puzzlefilm
    @Puzzlefilm 3 місяці тому +2


  • @luciarodriguez3736
    @luciarodriguez3736 Місяць тому +1

    We want algodoo tutorial

  • @idamion10000
    @idamion10000 26 днів тому

    Whats up, lokson? I got Algodoo

  • @Mughatfurry2763
    @Mughatfurry2763 Місяць тому

    yes is algodoo

  • @martaguzdek1636
    @martaguzdek1636 Місяць тому

    this video is so funny

  • @AishahAriff-tg4wc
    @AishahAriff-tg4wc 2 місяці тому +1

    Why is beh blowing

  • @Bobo93
    @Bobo93 2 місяці тому +1

    Russian alphabet

  • @davidhb6013
    @davidhb6013 3 місяці тому +1

    Te falta Ë

  • @jnjbabicz
    @jnjbabicz 2 місяці тому

    the 3rd one tho💀💀💀💀💀

  • @DANDY-p7s
    @DANDY-p7s 2 місяці тому

    all - includes everyone
    others - includes everyone except you
    me - includes your player only
    @username - searches for players by username only (ignores displaynames)
    #[number] - gets a specified amount of random players
    random - affects a random player
    %[team name] - includes everyone on a given team
    allies / team - players who are on your team
    enemies / nonteam - players who are not on your team
    friends - anyone who is friends with you (might not work on someone if ran immediately after you friend them)
    nonfriends - anyone who is not friends with you
    guests - guest players (I don't think guests even exist anymore)
    bacons - anyone with the "bacon" or pal hair
    age[number] - includes anyone below or at the given age
    rad[number] - includes anyone within the given radius
    nearest - gets the closest player to you
    farthest - gets the farthest player from you
    group[ID] - gets players who are in a certain group
    alive - gets players who are alive
    dead - gets players who are dead
    cursor - gets the closest player to your cursor
    npcs - searches for game npcs
    Get multiple players using commas: ;locate noob,noob2,bob
    You can use - to exclude and + to include / - to set difference and + to set intersection
    ;locate -age15 - gets everyone above age 15 instead of below
    [How many times it loops]^[delay (optional)]^[command]
    The "breakloops" command stops all running loops
    ;5^btools - gives you 5 sets of btools
    ;10^3^drophats - drops your hats every 3 seconds 10 times
    ;inf^0.1^animspeed 100 - infinitely loops your animation speed to 100
    You can execute multiple commands at once using "\"
    espawn - drops your hats and respawns you
    ;enable inventory\enable playerlist
    efresh - enables those coregui items and refreshes you
    While focused on the command bar, you can use the up and down arrow keys to browse recently used commands
    While focused on the command bar, you can use the tab key to insert the top suggested command into the command bar.
    Infinite Yield FE Commands (396)
    discord / support / help (Invite to the Infinite Yield support server.)
    console (Loads Roblox console)
    oldconsole (Loads old Roblox console)
    explorer / dex (Opens DEX by Moon)
    olddex / odex (Opens Old DEX by Moon)
    remotespy / rspy (Opens Simple Spy V3)
    audiologger / alogger (Opens Edges audio logger)
    serverinfo / info (Gives you info about the server)
    jobid (Copies the games JobId to your clipboard)
    notifyjobid (Notifies you the games JobId)
    rejoin / rj (Makes you rejoin the game)
    autorejoin / autorj (Automatically rejoins the server if you get kicked/disconnected)
    serverhop / shop (Teleports you to a different server)
    joinplayer [username / ID] [place ID] (Joins a specific players server)
    gameteleport / gametp [place ID] (Joins a game by ID)
    antiidle / antiafk (Prevents the game from kicking you for being idle/afk)
    datalimit [num] (Set outgoing KBPS limit)
    replicationlag / backtrack [num] (Set IncomingReplicationLag)
    creatorid / creator (Notifies you the creators ID)
    copycreatorid / copycreator (Copies the creators ID to your clipboard)
    setcreatorid / setcreator (Sets your userid to the creators ID)
    noprompts (Prevents the game from showing you purchase/premium prompts)
    showprompts (Allows the game to show purchase/premium prompts again)
    enable [inventory/playerlist/chat/reset/emotes/all] (Toggles visibility of coregui items)
    disable [inventory/playerlist/chat/reset/emotes/all] (Toggles visibility of coregui items)
    showguis (Shows any invisible GUIs)
    unshowguis (Undoes showguis)
    hideguis (Hides any GUIs in PlayerGui)
    unhideguis (Undoes hideguis)
    guidelete (Enables backspace to delete GUI)
    unguidelete / noguidelete (Disables guidelete)
    hideiy (Hides the main IY GUI)
    showiy / unhideiy (Shows IY again)
    keepiy (Auto execute IY when you teleport through servers)
    unkeepiy (Disable keepiy)
    togglekeepiy (Toggle keepiy)
    savegame / saveplace (Uses saveinstance to save the game)
    clearerror (Clears the annoying box and blur when a game kicks you)
    clientantikick / antikick (CLIENT) (Prevents localscripts from kicking you)
    clientantiteleport / antiteleport (CLIENT) (Prevents localscripts from teleporting you)
    allowrejoin / allowrj [true/false] (CLIENT) (Changes if antiteleport allows you to rejoin or not)
    cancelteleport / canceltp (Cancels teleports in progress)
    volume / vol [0-10] (Adjusts your game volume on a scale of 0 to 10)
    antilag / boostfps / lowgraphics (Lowers game quality to boost FPS)
    record / rec (Starts roblox recorder)
    screenshot / scrnshot (Takes a screenshot)
    togglefullscreen / togglefs (Toggles fullscreen)
    notify [text] (Sends you a notification with the provided text)
    lastcommand / lastcmd (Executes the previous command used)
    exit (Kills roblox process)
    noclip (Go through objects)
    unnoclip / clip (Disables noclip)
    fly [speed] (Makes you fly)
    unfly (Disables fly)
    flyspeed [num] (Set fly speed (default is 20))
    vehiclefly / vfly [speed] (Makes you fly in a vehicle)
    unvehiclefly / unvfly (Disables vehicle fly)
    vehicleflyspeed / vflyspeed [num] (Set vehicle fly speed)
    cframefly / cfly [speed] (Makes you fly, bypassing some anti cheats (works on mobile))
    uncframefly / uncfly (Disables cfly)
    cframeflyspeed / cflyspeed [num] (Sets cfly speed)
    qefly [true / false] (enables or disables the Q and E hotkeys for fly)
    vehiclenoclip / vnoclip (Turns off vehicle collision)
    vehicleclip / vclip / unvnoclip (Enables vehicle collision)
    float / platform (Spawns a platform beneath you causing you to float)
    unfloat / noplatform (Removes the platform)
    swim (Allows you to swim in the air)
    unswim / noswim (Stops you from swimming everywhere)
    setwaypoint / swp [name] (Sets a waypoint at your position)
    waypointpos / wpp [name] [X Y Z] (Sets a waypoint with specified coordinates)
    waypoints (Shows a list of currently active waypoints)
    showwaypoints / showwp (Shows all currently set waypoints)
    hidewaypoints / hidewp (Hides shown waypoints)
    waypoint / wp [name] (Teleports player to a waypoint)
    tweenwaypoint / twp [name] (Tweens player to a waypoint)
    walktowaypoint / wtwp [name] (Walks player to a waypoint)
    deletewaypoint / dwp [name] (Deletes a waypoint)
    clearwaypoints / cwp (Clears all waypoints)
    cleargamewaypoints / cgamewp (Clears all waypoints for the game you are in)
    goto [player] (Go to a player)
    tweengoto / tgoto [player] (Tween to a player (bypasses some anti cheats))
    tweenspeed / tspeed [num] (Sets how fast all tween commands go (default is 1))
    vehiclegoto / vgoto [player] (Go to a player while in a vehicle)
    loopgoto [player] [distance] [delay] (Loop teleport to a player)
    unloopgoto (Stops teleporting you to a player)
    pulsetp / ptp [player] [seconds] (Teleports you to a player for a specified ammount of time)
    clientbring / cbring [player] (CLIENT) (Bring a player)
    loopbring [player] [distance] [delay] (CLIENT) (Loop brings a player to you (useful for killing))
    unloopbring [player] (Undoes loopbring)
    freeze / fr [player] (CLIENT) (Freezes a player)
    freezeanims (Freezes your animations / pauses your animations - Does not work on default animations)
    unfreezeanims (Unfreezes your animations / plays your animations)
    thaw / unfr [player] (CLIENT) (Unfreezes a player)
    tpposition / tppos [X Y Z] (Teleports you to certain coordinates)
    tweentpposition / ttppos [X Y Z] (Tween to coordinates (bypasses some anti cheats))
    offset [X Y Z] (Offsets you by certain coordinates)
    tweenoffset / toffset [X Y Z] (Tween offset (bypasses some anti cheats))
    notifyposition / notifypos [player] (Notifies you the coordinates of a character)
    copyposition / copypos [player] (Copies the coordinates of a character to your clipboard)
    walktoposition / walktopos [X Y Z] (Makes you walk to a coordinate)
    spawnpoint / spawn [delay] (Sets a position where you will spawn)
    nospawnpoint / nospawn (Removes your custom spawn point)
    flashback / diedtp (Teleports you to where you last died)
    walltp (Teleports you above/over any wall you run into)
    nowalltp / unwalltp (Disables walltp)
    teleporttool / tptool (Gives you a teleport tool)
    logs (Opens the logs GUI)
    chatlogs / clogs (Log what people say or whisper)
    joinlogs / jlogs (Log when people join)
    antichatlogs / antichatlogger (Prevents Roblox from banning you for your silly chat messages (game needs the legacy chat))
    chat / say [text] (Makes you chat a string (possible mute bypass))
    spam [text] (Makes you spam the chat)
    unspam (Turns off spam)
    whisper / pm [player] [text] (Makes you whisper a string to someone (possible mute bypass))
    pmspam [player] [text] (Makes you spam a players whispers)
    unpmspam [player] (Turns off pm spam)
    spamspeed [num] (How quickly you spam (default is 1))
    bubblechat (CLIENT) (Enables bubble chat for your client)
    unbubblechat / nobubblechat (Disables the bubblechat command)
    safechat (Enables safe chat)
    nosafechat / disablesafechat (Disables safechat)
    esp (View all players and their status)
    noesp / unesp (Removes esp)
    esptransparency [number] (Changes the transparency of esp related commands)
    partesp [part name] (Highlights a part)
    unpartesp / nopartesp [part name] (removes partesp)
    chams (ESP but without text in the way)
    nochams / unchams (Removes chams)
    locate [player] (View a single player and their status)
    unlocate / nolocate [player] (Removes locate)

  • @DarioShow-p6z
    @DarioShow-p6z 3 місяці тому +1


    @PINKONE_ALGODOO 3 місяці тому +13

    The name of the game is called algodoo if you don’t know

  • @britnsaamir
    @britnsaamir Місяць тому


  • @mareredi2
    @mareredi2 2 місяці тому

    Э has been broken to four pieces

    • @juliaganea7189
      @juliaganea7189 Місяць тому

      Bc he was too lazy to cut it more than 10 pieces

  • @mouhamedgaming-2018
    @mouhamedgaming-2018 3 місяці тому +1

    Бәнщңғұқһө 3:32

  • @latoyaspaulding342
    @latoyaspaulding342 2 місяці тому

    Abc song

  • @jamiegreen9920
    @jamiegreen9920 3 місяці тому +1


  • @YoonRenovation
    @YoonRenovation 3 місяці тому

    💀💀💀💀 2:49

  • @mareredi2
    @mareredi2 2 місяці тому +2

    Ц have been broken into fourteen pieces 3:40

  • @StephanKovalenko-g2p
    @StephanKovalenko-g2p Місяць тому

    Send link is game

  • @ShielaLirio
    @ShielaLirio 2 місяці тому


  • @britnsaamir
    @britnsaamir Місяць тому


  • @mohamedshirajabdulshattar7030
    @mohamedshirajabdulshattar7030 3 місяці тому

    Do a numberblocks deconstruction pls

  • @jamiegreen9920
    @jamiegreen9920 3 місяці тому


  • @DellanoNoah
    @DellanoNoah 4 дні тому


  • @benconcepcion7070
    @benconcepcion7070 2 місяці тому

    What is this game

    • @lokson
      @lokson  2 місяці тому


  • @ThannathonMhok
    @ThannathonMhok Місяць тому


  • @jamiegreen9920
    @jamiegreen9920 3 місяці тому


  • @devangeovano
    @devangeovano 2 місяці тому


  • @wagnerferreira4720
    @wagnerferreira4720 3 місяці тому


  • @FlourishFloralCraftBoutique
    @FlourishFloralCraftBoutique 2 місяці тому

    Sound effect be like: *u gays*

  • @hibawehliye4889
    @hibawehliye4889 3 місяці тому +1


  • @MikhaelDarren-x1x
    @MikhaelDarren-x1x 2 місяці тому +1


  • @CaitlinNeedham-st2kh
    @CaitlinNeedham-st2kh 2 місяці тому

    A is English
    B is English
    and more

  • @jamiegreen9920
    @jamiegreen9920 3 місяці тому


  • @LuzmaGodinez
    @LuzmaGodinez 3 місяці тому +3


  • @blackladybee4821
    @blackladybee4821 22 дні тому


  • @ZeusMatthewOlaño
    @ZeusMatthewOlaño 3 місяці тому

    Bro pikcaeverf

  • @jamiegreen9920
    @jamiegreen9920 3 місяці тому +1


    • @darlenebernarda8122
      @darlenebernarda8122 3 місяці тому

      Ща буду в Москве и Московской городской телефон в машине

    • @darlenebernarda8122
      @darlenebernarda8122 3 місяці тому

      Нано анд Нина Николаевна в машине????

    • @darlenebernarda8122
      @darlenebernarda8122 3 місяці тому

      На всякий раз в день рождения и пожелать тебе в приложении вы в курсе и не могу понять почему так получилось но и пожелать тебе и пожелать тебе не сложно напишите и мы сможем получить и не сложно пришлите

    • @Talking-Echo2
      @Talking-Echo2 3 місяці тому

      ​@@darlenebernarda8122 is this a game

  • @devangeovano
    @devangeovano 2 місяці тому


  • @Jerry-jp2hw
    @Jerry-jp2hw 3 місяці тому


  • @macarenacosta5920
    @macarenacosta5920 2 місяці тому


  • @DarioShow-p6z
    @DarioShow-p6z 3 місяці тому


  • @devangeovano
    @devangeovano 2 місяці тому


  • @djkaline
    @djkaline Місяць тому


  • @sylbut8363
    @sylbut8363 2 місяці тому


  • @sylbut8363
    @sylbut8363 2 місяці тому


  • @qqqgiqhbihbqhiqvihqvhiqvhiqvih
    @qqqgiqhbihbqhiqvihqvhiqvhiqvih Місяць тому


  • @MiguelMaior.oficial
    @MiguelMaior.oficial 3 місяці тому


  • @Rylee217
    @Rylee217 3 місяці тому +3

    This Is Not Free