I just want to give a huge thanks to ecto and my brother for this. It seemed like an impossible task getting this. It started off screen recording a blocked washed out version of this on my phone, PC. And trying to color fix it but all failed. Then 2 weeks ago we discovered google takeout, which kept an archive of the raw footage I uploaded in April. we exported it onto the phone in imovie and disabled HDR, which brought back the original color and higher bitrate. This is the real video as filmed on the morning of April 8th 2024. Theres a slight chance Ill make a video myself on why iphones with HDR is a bad idea with these. All I will say on my own behalf is that, it is 100% impossible to correct HDR video from iphone to SDR computers. No LUT or grading you apply to it will fix it as much as just simply disabling the feature will. I also want to give a shoutout to these awesome people too who also put a lot of effort into making videos too www.youtube.com/@mathwizard534 www.youtube.com/@compdude100 www.youtube.com/@Freewayjim www.youtube.com/@RoadAdventure
i am glad this video has finally been completed. u guys worked so hard 😅
Its my directors cut version :) shown as it was filmed.
This is one of the best dash cam videos on youtube, im glad to have helped restored the footage to its formal beauty.
Insane how we put this all together, am very happy on being part of this project.
I just want to give a huge thanks to ecto and my brother for this. It seemed like an impossible task getting this. It started off screen recording a blocked washed out version of this on my phone, PC. And trying to color fix it but all failed. Then 2 weeks ago we discovered google takeout, which kept an archive of the raw footage I uploaded in April. we exported it onto the phone in imovie and disabled HDR, which brought back the original color and higher bitrate. This is the real video as filmed on the morning of April 8th 2024.
Theres a slight chance Ill make a video myself on why iphones with HDR is a bad idea with these. All I will say on my own behalf is that, it is 100% impossible to correct HDR video from iphone to SDR computers. No LUT or grading you apply to it will fix it as much as just simply disabling the feature will.
I also want to give a shoutout to these awesome people too who also put a lot of effort into making videos too
Music needs deleted.. Best viewed quietly.
no 👍
Nobody's stopping you from hitting the mute button 😂
@@roadtripsam Thats what I thought mate. I never seen your channel before, ill have to check it out! Thanks for stopping in.