432Hz (慢版) 南無阿彌陀佛 梵文 1 小時/ 432Hz (Slow pace) Namo Amitābha Sanskrit 1 hour

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • 432Hz (慢板) 南無阿彌陀佛 梵文 1 小時/ 432Hz (Slow pace) Namo Amitābha Sanskrit 1 hour
    念佛之人,阿彌陀佛常住其頂,日夜擁護,不令冤家而得其便,現生常得安穩,臨終順意往生。 念佛,念念之中都在消除我們八十億劫生死的業障;念念之中,都在增長我們八十億劫的功德、福報;念念之中,阿彌陀佛的光明都在照耀我們;念念之中,阿彌陀佛都在我們頂上保護我們,十方諸佛、觀世音、大勢至菩薩及天神地祇也都在我們周圍,護持我們。
    For those who recite the Amitābha Buddha's name, Amitabha Buddha will always stay on top of their heads, supporting them day and night, and not allowing their enemies to get them in trouble. They will always be safe in this life, and will be reborn to the pure realm as they wish at the end of their lives. When we recite the name of Amitābha Buddha, the karmic obstacles of our eight billion kalpas of life and death are eliminated; when we think about , our merits and blessings for eight billion kalpas are increased; when we think about Amitabha Buddha, the light of Amitabha Buddha is shining on us; While we are thinking, Amitabha Buddha is on top of us to protect us, and the Buddhas of the ten directions, Avalokitesvara, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, and gods and earth entities are also around us to protect us.