HDMI 1080p Encoder UHE265-1L Unboxing and Menu Exploration

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Kamoi69
    @Kamoi69 2 роки тому +1

    How do you use this with a cable set top box as a sling player replacement?

  • @gabaknegocios
    @gabaknegocios 8 місяців тому

    how long has this company in business? are they frecuent firmware updas? how is the tech support?

  • @gabakusa
    @gabakusa 3 роки тому +2

    can you have multiple profiles to change YT channels? so you can switch back and forth between them without having to enter everything manually?

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому

      Hello GabakUSA, yes, you can utilize substream-1 for your alternate CDN parameters and enable/disable when needed.

    @CHEF_ALMERIA 2 роки тому

    could i play that stream from outside de lan?

    @DVBIPTV 2 роки тому

    Install a playback card on the computer to output HDMI, and then encode the program source through a high-definition encoder, such as H265/H264. Output IP; it is recommended to use the high-definition encoder produced by us, and many such scenarios have been applied

  • @WeeWalks
    @WeeWalks 2 роки тому +1

    Hi, is it possible to send video to this device from my pc via my router and then have the device stream the video to twitch?

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  2 роки тому

      Hello Wee Walks, not exactly, you will require additional components if you want to do it that way. This box only processes content from the HDMI input, it cannot ingest IP protocol based content. You can connect your extended monitor thru this box and have it stream your extended monitor output to Twitch along with your HDMI audio, if not there is analog audio input if you want to split your stereo mini out from pc. Let me know your overall situation and goal and maybe I can make some other suggestions.

  • @cjsutoob
    @cjsutoob 3 роки тому +1

    How does this box do with handling a 1920x1080@60fps HDMI source?
    Can the encoder keep up or does it do any scaling or framerate tricks to avoid dropping frames? Very interested in a black box solution that can smoothly handle 1920x1080@60fps for sports web streaming.

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому +2

      Hello cjsutoob, the encoder does not do any scaling tricks, it actually pushes out at 60fps 1080p when you set it that way. Take note that not all streaming providers will accept 60fps@1080p as this will double their processing consumption per incoming stream and may lead to your stream being dropped all together. Check with your streaming provider to see what they will accept to be safe.

    • @cjsutoob
      @cjsutoob 3 роки тому

      @@phoenixmanhattanproject8599 I have done extensive testing and updated the firmware, and my UHE265-1L can't stream 60fps with H.264 to UA-cam without some frame stuttering/skipping. It's not related to the bitrate but rather looks like an encoder error. 30fps is perfectly fine.
      You can see the effect here, watch 10 secs in, I'm just using a same youtube video as a stream but have everything set for 1080P 60fps: ua-cam.com/video/IgAKK2SCZ1w/v-deo.html

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому

      @@cjsutoob I see what you mean with the frame drops in the link, that is very odd as my box doesn't do that. I would be interested in seeing a video of your stream settings. GOP/key should be twice your frame rate [120], if not, play around with a GOP that value gets rid of that. I have observed some streaming IP cameras behaving weird if the GOP is not in a sweet spot similar to your video.

    • @colinstuckless9209
      @colinstuckless9209 3 роки тому +1

      @@phoenixmanhattanproject8599 I thought GOP was half of frame rate? By default for 30fps the GOP was set to 15. I tried 15 and 30 GOP for 60fps framerate. I will test higher values and report back.

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому

      Cool. Some other encoders by the way measure this function by 'seconds' and refer to it as 'Keyframe Frequency'; so let's say you are streaming at 60fps, Keyframe Frequency should be 2 seconds minimum (which is the equivalent to 120 GOP). If this setting is not of the right size, they may not fit and align properly in other protocols and create other anomalies.

  • @yonasmulugetaasfaw
    @yonasmulugetaasfaw 3 роки тому +3

    Is it possible to send video from a pc to the UHE265-1L encoder to livestream? Can OBS studio be used to send raw video to the HDMI port of the pc, pick it up with this encoder and send it to a multistream service(restream).

    • @smitty-2447
      @smitty-2447 3 роки тому +1

      I'm trying to figure out how to push my program feed from OBS to the encoder. Hoping to push streams from that instead of directly from my pc.

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому +2

      Hello freedom, Absolutely, you can send an extended or duplicate monitor signal to the UHE265-1L encoder. And yes, OBS studio can be used to produce content and push its program feed to your extended monitor output where the UHE265-1L ingests and streams it to a CDN. I will upload a video later today on this.

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому +1

      @@smitty-2447 , For sure, I'll upload a video later today on how to do what you're asking. Let me know if you have any questions after and I'll be happy to help.

    • @smitty-2447
      @smitty-2447 3 роки тому

      @@phoenixmanhattanproject8599 awesome!!! That would be huge! I was trying to struggle through it the other night, but couldn’t figure out how to push my program to the other monitor.

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому

      @@smitty-2447 Here is the video, let me know if you have any questions: ua-cam.com/video/fw_gOIyru1k/v-deo.html

  • @m.araujo
    @m.araujo 3 роки тому +1

    Bom dia, gostaria de saber se você sabe como fazer para receber o sinal via srt, já fiz tudo e não consigo, habilitei, mudei de IP e nada, para o facebook já consegui, mais quero poder assistir em um telão em outro local na mesma rede, por isso comprei esse equipamento para desafogar meu notebook, abraços desde já, obrigado.

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому

      Olá Miguel, com certeza. Deixe-me fazer um vídeo rápido sobre como usar SRT com essas unidades. Postarei o link em breve. Qual decodificador você está usando para visualizar o feed SRT na outra extremidade? É um decodificador de hardware do mesmo fabricante ou é baseado em software como o VLC?

    • @m.araujo
      @m.araujo 3 роки тому +1

      @@phoenixmanhattanproject8599 Obrigado pelo retorno, irei usar o vmix, Obs e o VLC, vai depender do que tiver disponível na hora, mais sempre será software.

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому +1

      @@m.araujo Olá Miguel, aqui está um link para um vídeo que fiz sobre como configurar o SRT entre a caixa do codificador Uraytech e VMIX / VLC. Deixe-me saber como foi sua configuração. ua-cam.com/video/oWlIUj9P_gg/v-deo.html

    • @m.araujo
      @m.araujo 3 роки тому

      @@phoenixmanhattanproject8599 muito obrigado, irei fazer as configurações e testar, abraços.

  • @TranHoangTech
    @TranHoangTech 3 роки тому +1

    How is the quality of the product?
    Is the product durable?

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому +1

      Hello Cong, yes, the product seems durable, all metal construction and I have one I've been using for 1 year now for security surveillance streaming and it still works.

  • @davtomas4070
    @davtomas4070 3 роки тому +1

    how do i use this with vmix

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  3 роки тому +1

      Hello Deverton, here is a link to get you started with vmix in a LAN: ua-cam.com/video/oWlIUj9P_gg/v-deo.html
      Let me know if you have any troubles getting it to work.

  • @EurekaNumbers
    @EurekaNumbers 4 роки тому

    Is it possible to insert a RTSP URL and have it push it to RTMP so you can stream it on UA-cam? I thought it was possible but I don't get it to work..

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  4 роки тому +1

      Hello Live Birds, This encoder by itself does not allow RTSP injection for forwarding directly to UA-cam. Below are 3 suggestions for achieving what you are looking for:
      #1 - You will need a software solution like Vmix where you take an RTSP video source and stream it out directly to UA-cam.
      #2 - Use Wowza cloud based service to ingest an RTSP stream and forward it to UA-cam.
      #3 - Use a UHCVD265-1 Decoder ( ua-cam.com/video/yodQcvmMzzw/v-deo.html ) to decode an RTSP video source and feed it into the UHE265-1 Encoder via HDMI, from there you can stream directly to UA-cam's RTMP.
      Hope that helps a bit, let me know if you have any more streaming questions.

  • @willardesmith
    @willardesmith 2 роки тому

    can I stream to both youtube and facebook simultaneously?

    • @phoenixmanhattanproject8599
      @phoenixmanhattanproject8599  2 роки тому

      Hello Willard Smith, the box does provide for 4 different destinations using 1 Main stream and 3 sub streams. However, for Facebook, I am not sure if a special token is required to add the box as a trusted device, it's been a while since I streamed anything to FB. I'll have to test this out. Otherwise, the box works fine with standard RTMP or RTMPS parameters to multiple destinations.