You gotta try them in their natural habitats. My first one was in Puerto Rico visiting family, the second time was when I was in Peru. Cherimoya spoils like avocado, fast, so mail order cherimoya is prob the equivalent of a mailed avocado without the pit hahaha
You gotta try them in their natural habitats. My first one was in Puerto Rico visiting family, the second time was when I was in Peru. Cherimoya spoils like avocado, fast, so mail order cherimoya is prob the equivalent of a mailed avocado without the pit hahaha
Yeah... getting them in the states was a bad idea. I did eat them in tropical climates though and yes, they do taste better.
I'm sorry you paid so much for an unripe chirimoya. It's fragrant, soft, creamy, and sweet.
Cherimoya is Annona cherimola.
Custard apple is Annona reticulata.
You probably tried th worst cherimoya on earth
This is the nastiest and worst example I’ve ever seen of this fruit.
The fact that you weren’t in ecstasy means that it was a bad one.