Allah Has Blessed This Sheikh With Wisdom And Insight To Understand The Quran . May Allah Place Him In Jannat With The Righteous People Of The Old . Ameeen
The Shiekh opens up the knowledge from the Quran and Sunnah like it's being heard for the first time. We have abandoned most of the teachings of Islam, and only by going back to those teachings can we be saved in this world and the next. Interest, debt, alcohol, drugs, formication, adultery, lies, corruption, tyranny, killings, abortion, etc. are today's norm, yet we complain about the state of the world. May Allah guide us, ameen.
Our ulama are just reciting to us and interpreting without explanation. For them one eye=one eye. No one has never actually explained what that means until praise be to Allah I found sheikh Imran Hosein. May you leave longer sheikh. Ameen
Great scholar of Islam in this time of deception, clarity is what the youth need, me I find that here, May Allah grant you more strength and long life ya Sheikh Imran Hossein, Aamin ya Rabb
May the Almighty elevate you (Sheikh IN Hosein) amongst the Generous ones and those endowed with Enlightenment accompanied by unfailing wisdom! We find in you to be a humble gifted Scholar and you are always stimulating our reasoning.
Masha Allah. Sheikh Imran Really explained the Hadith well. Indeed. If DajaLL was 1 eye man how come Tamim Darri didn't say so. That means internal blindness . JesakAllah kheir Sheikh Imran . May Allah bless you and give you good health . Ameen. 🙌
Yes, dear Sheikh, i am a young albanian and i feel that way that serbians are deceited by shejtan s pawns and they are at fault at kosovo killings, i always felt like they dont want us to get along with each other but didnt understand why, now Praise To Allah i know better, its because they dont want an end time aleance between albanian muslims and orthodox serbs and greeks.. Its so clear to me, Praise to Allah!!
شيخنا الفاضل عمران حسين حفضك الله وجعلك من المعمرين في ألا رض تلاميذك في كل العالم يتابعونك بكل شغف كلمة بكلمة كلامك اغلبيته تحقق إنشاء الله يرزقنا من نور بصيرة منهجيتك في رؤية الدين الحق مذهب الإحسان في هذا الشهر رأيت إثنان رؤى صادقة عن الحرب الأهلية وراية أخرى عن الحرب العالمية بفضل منهجية مجمع البحرين فراسة المؤمن فءنه ينضر بنور الله إنشاء الله خير على المسلمين
I like to say, HE put the TRUTH in our Hearts (humans), and now we have "plasic people", Me not knowing the great gift, the Koran. You are a wise man, wich I say not often, its alredy 2021.Only one who bows, Allah can make up-right. You use the same words as I do, you have climded the mountainmy Brother! Blessed You are, i say to :do your homework, now!, but they prefer sleeping, I could go on and on, .....
😂😂👏, Absolutely you could go on & on & on &.............infinity..................., they said[could there be zombies?] YES!!! and its you all, you ARE a walking zombies u dumb dumbs yet you dont even realise that!!! may God Allah the Everlasting one The Everlasting Love bless you my Dutch brother. keep going giving dahwa to EVEN THE BORN Muslims. subhaan'Allah
I thankfull to you sir for describing such secrets or acording you islamc escothlogy which i do not know before and convince me and make sens. i am greatfull to you.appreciated
KIND CORRECTION, gog & Magog are lineage of KHAZARIAN EMPIRE, the 13 royal bloodlines which control world from behind the walls, white pope + black pope + grey pope are leaders that manage world governments
syaikh, can you make a lecture or a discussion about ISRAEL - RUSSIA relationships , history etc regarding to islamic escatalogy? muslims all over the world wants to know all about ISRAEL RUSSIA relatioships, affairs, histories etc from your knowledge and from islamic escatalogy perspective?. i am mohd wari bin mohd rais, your passionate distant learner. i'm from malaysia. i'm 55 yrs old.
I used to appreciate Shaykh and he used to sharpen my intellect and give me interest to have discussion with my local shaykhs about his view but the way shaykh translated the three shadow is about to change me to not not admire him anymore if I do not get clarification...may Almighty Allah guide us... Aamiin
الاية ( حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها سترا ) Until , when he came to the rising of the sun ( the east), he found it rising on a people for whom We had not made aginst it any shield) I think that : 👉 thou Alqarnayen Passed by a people living without night. The only thing that can hide the sun is the Night But there are lands on earth which have a 24 hour sun they say the ice land in the north has no night. والله اعلى واعلم.
Would GOD hold them responsible if they have no mind of their own? No. And no humans knew the life of the prophet Muhammed better than his own family. All worship be to ALLAH and may His peace and blessings be upon Muhammed and the family of Muhammed.
Who are you fed up with ! . You told this story many time's good story. For me religion is to complicated. All I know is right from wrong, that's as far as I want to go it's safer and simple. I'm Irish and love a good yarn. ☘️
TAFSEER (ENGLISH) Tafseer ibn Katheer Tafseer ibn Katheer (Intro) The driving of the Criminals to their Final Abode in Hell and how it will be done Allah informs about the disbelievers who deny the final abode, the recompense, Paradise, and the Hellfire. On the Day of Judgement it will be said to them: انطَلِقُوا إِلَى مَا كُنتُم بِهِ تُكَذِّبُونَ ﴿٢٩﴾ انطَلِقُوا إِلَى ظِلٍّ ذِي ثَلَاثِ شُعَبٍ ﴿٣٠﴾ Depart you to that which you used to deny! Depart you to a shadow in three columns, meaning, a flame of fire when it rises and ascends with smoke. So due to its severity and strength, it will have three columns. TAFSEER (ARABI Tafseer Jalalai Tafseer Qurtubi يعني لهب النار إذا ارتفع وصعد معه دخان فمن شدته وقوته أن له ثلاث شعب . I
To me for Dajjal's first day like year, second day like a month and resst of the days like our days Refers to periods of time As in Arabic yauom means days like ours and periods too. As Allah says in Holly Quran that He make the universe in six days ie six periods (scientists agree to this). If we consider his first day to our days then sun ☀ must keep shining for years. Logically Earth 🌎 must stop it's rotation for years which may not happen. To my understanding Dajjal's first day (period) of deception (as we see fitna everywhere) is over. Dajjal's second day is going on as Jerusalem is recognized as a state of Israel. Third day will be when, when Dajjal will appear in his real form and in our space and time. Dajjal will come after Imam Mahdi and appearance of Imam Mahdi looks very near. Wallaho Aalam.
سبحان اللّه......That three shadow is about the punishment in here after....please continue reading the following verses make meaning very clear....واللّه أعلم
Please muslims read for yourselfs the quran. Do not be misled. Ayah 77:30 is talking about Judgement day and hell and not what the sheikh is talking about. Mistranslating the Quran is a grave sin.
Does anyone have to point the Jews to Ezra of the Bible, before they would break down to read the 17th surah of Qur'an as Aqeedah ? Or it Is too much to ask of them for Hima ?
Nabbi of Allah Ezikeel 38:19 For bin my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day cthere shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 dThe fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the people who are on the face of the earth, eshall quake at my presence. And fthe mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. 21 gI will summon a sword against Gog4 on all my mountains, declares the YHWH God. hEvery man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 With pestilence and bloodshed iI will enter into judgment with him, and jI will rain upon him and khis hordes and the many peoples who are with him ltorrential rains and hailstones, mfire and sulfur. 23 So I will show my greatness and my nholiness and omake myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then pthey will know that I am YHWH.
The Zulqernain was Cyrus the Great کوروش کبیر who built a wall between Caspian Sea and Black Sea. He had a crown of horns. In the 7th century a nation from the Yajooj Majoojs converted to Jewism. They are the most powerful Jews who are controlling the world's economy. British and Americans are not the Gog Magog but they were behind these powers and are till now and controlling them to achieve their objectives with their money and Media etc. You should study the history of World War 1 and the Balfoure Declaration.
@@sackosaleh1966 That means God or Allah words have no authority in government conduct and dealings. The main purpose is to make society anti religion. if there is no religion then there is no god. Once you accept there is no God then you do whatever you want to do as you have no fear for supreme power. As you can observe in western societies the young generation is anti religion and you will find increasing numbers of athiest.
Dajjal wants everyone to forget religion & religious way of life so he can bring only the Jews to have a religious way of life. Thus they can rule the world.
The first 30 minutes of this video is echoed in the opening 3 paragraphs of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light and Daniel 11:40-45. See, also: Michael
Sura Al Anbiya confirms the false "Jews" (converts who Isa / "Jesus" a.s. already announced in the Gospel... ), who "invade" a place from all heights, which ALLAH forbade the (previous) residents to come back . This place can then only be Jerusalem. In the Sura Kahf, ALLAH subhana wa ta ala (details that were only confirmed in this end time... Diocese inscription from the tomb of the first king of Media and Persia, Darius..) confirms the prophecies of Dul Kiffl / Ezekiel, and the Gog and Magog at the end times. Isa a.s confirms in the Gospel the Gog and Magog prophecy (at the end times - since his time) of Ezekiel / Dul Kifl, and the last messenger and prophet Muhamad s.a.w.s mentions (in the hadiths) the Gog and Magog in his time, and shortly after his time (Turkish people attack the Muslims / Baghdad...), and the opening of the wall, after which the Gog and Magog opened the wall (after they "in sha ALLAH" "GOD willing - so conversely recognized GOD .. the pagan peoples of Gog and Magog were all idolaters and believed in demons until then.. ), and converted to the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and also Islam). The resolution comes through the final prophecy, the Qur'an and the Hadiths of Muhamad s.a.w. ALLAH subhana wa ta ala, describes the peoples since their origin, and therefore Gog and later Magog can be found in the Torah (Peoples Table / Creation Table - Gog the son of Japhet and grandson of Noah a.s., the first people after the flood and after which tribes later became peoples and ultimately nations). If you look closely, these are the peoples of Eurasia (Northern Hemisphere of the Earth), who have always brought unrest to humanity ❗ They are the ancestors of all peoples and tribes (today's nations), from the European colonized America to Japan (and the Asians with the small eyes, Mongolian Asian origin) as Gog ❗ They are together with the Magog peoples of Europe and the steppes of Russia ect (Angels/Saxons, Slavs ect). While at the end time exactly this origin with the converted Jews (Turk - European origin), who reached the messages of GOD of the Torah, Gospel to power over humanity, and always used them in history to rule over people (while at the same time being godless , see Roman Catholic Church, or Chabad Lubovitch who took over Judaism.... for example). THE final answer, however, is: In the Torah, the Gog and Magog are located as Turks, Russians, Arabs, etc. peoples at the end times - and that's true ❗ In the Gospel they are approached as the converts (Jews/Christianity peoples), i.e. today's "Jews" and their patrons of (mostly) "Western" Christianity origin - and that is also true ❗ BUT in the last revelation of the Qur'an (and the ahadith sayings of Muhamad s.a.w), ALLAH subhana va ta'ala confirmed that ultimately all of humanity, even if coming from the descendants of Japhet (beginning), follow these descendants of Gog and Magog in their ungodliness ❗❗❗ And SO is the decisive clue, the hadiths where ALLAH ta ala am Yeaumal Queyama, Adam a.s. calls to call out (sort out) 999 out of 1000 of his descendants (humanity) for the world of fire ❗ Allah subhana wa ta ala says in the Qur'an: Whoever behaves like the unbelievers is one of them ❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗ And of course ALLAH, the RULER of all existence, knows best ❗
As honourable Shaikh you said Hazrat Tamimdari was Christian and converted to Islam in the presence of Nabi peace be upon him ,then today's Christians should have to accept Islam .Please guide
In my opinion, Sahil Adeem's interpretation of Gog Magog, Dajjal and ashab-e-kahaf in Surah Kahaf series (15 parts) makes way more sense. He doesn't label Caucasians or a system as "Gog Magog". Would recommend everyone to listen to it once to look at all of it from a different perspective.
Shaykh Imran Hosein his Islamic Eschatological analysis and explanations are based on the Holy Quran and Sahih Ahadith that are in harmony with the Holy Quran. Whether you agree or disagree with him that is irrelevant.
Half a million people watched this video... Only 700 likes??? If you watch & agree then it is your duty to like & subscribe to help spread the message. I'm truly disgusted (ROAR & GROWL)
What a load of rubbish and fairytales. These imams are seriously delusional. It's funny when his interpretation of current events turns out to be nothing, people should follow up on his previous statement and hold him to account.
If you actually have been studying sheikhs lectures you will clearly see his interpretations to be correct. Everyone makes mistakes however atleast sheikh INH is sharing his interpretations. He also states do not beleive him unless you are convinced that he is correct. Show some respect to our respected sheikh
Mr Imran i sincerly belive that you are a beliver a good person wishing others good. But sadley i have to say but i've seen some of your videos.You talk and talk and talk and talk puting everyone to sleep about the coming of dajjal.But not saying what to do when its here .And Who really Who has Sent him and for thousands of years now. So tell people the truth allah has made a portion of mankind for hell and a portion for hell.So he is arhamul rahimen may he help up through his tests. He gives us a load to carry but also a help to carry it. Dont worry dajjal is only a example for unbelivers a produkt of their unbelife and a wrath from god for his long patience with unbelivers.
How can the wonderful shaykh dare to translate the three shadow simply like that while the other verses after it make the meaning clear...that is about the punishment in hereafter....With my humble knowledge...I strongly disagree with that point...سبحان اللّه
The greatest scholar of our generation. May Allah bless you sheikh Hussein . Your interpretation of the Quran is the best.
The best sheikh who remains for our generation. Alhamdulillah
May Allah prolonge his life
@@MoulikaMorou-t5u Amine
Subhan Allah!! Such wisdom!! All praise to Allah!! Allahu Akbar!!
Allah Has Blessed This Sheikh With Wisdom And Insight To Understand The Quran . May Allah Place Him In Jannat With The Righteous People Of The Old . Ameeen
The Shiekh opens up the knowledge from the Quran and Sunnah like it's being heard for the first time. We have abandoned most of the teachings of Islam, and only by going back to those teachings can we be saved in this world and the next. Interest, debt, alcohol, drugs, formication, adultery, lies, corruption, tyranny, killings, abortion, etc. are today's norm, yet we complain about the state of the world. May Allah guide us, ameen.
Our ulama are just reciting to us and interpreting without explanation. For them one eye=one eye. No one has never actually explained what that means until praise be to Allah I found sheikh Imran Hosein. May you leave longer sheikh. Ameen
Great scholar of Islam in this time of deception, clarity is what the youth need, me I find that here, May Allah grant you more strength and long life ya Sheikh Imran Hossein, Aamin ya Rabb
May the Almighty elevate you (Sheikh IN Hosein) amongst the Generous ones and those endowed with Enlightenment accompanied by unfailing wisdom! We find in you to be a humble gifted Scholar and you are always stimulating our reasoning.
Mashallah Sheikh i believe what you say in this truthful lecture and learn more and more from you Alhumdulillah
Love You from Pakistan
Masha Allah. Sheikh Imran Really explained the Hadith well. Indeed. If DajaLL was 1 eye man how come Tamim Darri didn't say so. That means internal blindness . JesakAllah kheir Sheikh Imran . May Allah bless you and give you good health . Ameen. 🙌
Mashallah tabaruk allah, may Allah swt grant you a very high level of jannah
The khidr of this age ..... May Allah bless him
Jazak Allah sheikh. This lecture was an eye opener. 👍
I love you sheikh
Very good lecture and q&a , as usual !!!
Very much true what you said is very important so people can know the truth about Islam not the false teachings of the Nation of Islam
I was always skeptical about this subject finally see the clarity and understanding
Of course our great Sheikh keep teatching us
Till you past a way also may Allah SWT will forgive and
Keep you in JANNAH tul firdaws forever Aameen !!!
MashAllah TabarakAllah , shukran sheikh Imran greetings from Mombasa Kenya
Subhanallah, this is very important information, crucial information walah
Biggest dajjal and bullshiter !!!
He even lies on Allah , verse don't say " such"
@@islamaroc 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 stop eating your little brain cells' its made for THINKING LIKE ALLAH SAID IN THE QURAN!! 🤣🤣you 🤡🤡🤡
@@salmaa2871 u will see in the day of judgement
Who is real Muslim and who is indirect KGB agent
this kind detailers new knowledge I think... thank for sharing
Love u sheikh........u r very blessed by ALLAH.....MAY ALLAH REWARD U💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗😘🤲
Ma Shaa Allah Sheik, May Allah swt reward you for delivering this knowledge & reward you for your efforts in obtaining this to convey to us, Ameen.
Yes, dear Sheikh, i am a young albanian and i feel that way that serbians are deceited by shejtan s pawns and they are at fault at kosovo killings, i always felt like they dont want us to get along with each other but didnt understand why, now Praise To Allah i know better, its because they dont want an end time aleance between albanian muslims and orthodox serbs and greeks.. Its so clear to me, Praise to Allah!!
شيخنا الفاضل عمران حسين حفضك الله وجعلك من المعمرين في ألا رض تلاميذك في كل العالم يتابعونك بكل شغف كلمة بكلمة كلامك اغلبيته تحقق إنشاء الله يرزقنا من نور بصيرة منهجيتك في رؤية الدين الحق مذهب الإحسان في هذا الشهر رأيت إثنان رؤى صادقة عن الحرب الأهلية وراية أخرى عن الحرب العالمية بفضل منهجية مجمع البحرين فراسة المؤمن فءنه ينضر بنور الله إنشاء الله خير على المسلمين
another amazing lecture from the great molana.
I like to say, HE put the TRUTH in our Hearts (humans), and now we have "plasic people", Me not knowing the great gift, the Koran. You are a wise man, wich I say not often, its alredy 2021.Only one who bows, Allah can make up-right. You use the same words as I do, you have climded the mountainmy Brother! Blessed You are, i say to :do your homework, now!, but they prefer sleeping, I could go on and on, .....
😂😂👏, Absolutely you could go on & on & on &.............infinity..................., they said[could there be zombies?] YES!!! and its you all, you ARE a walking zombies u dumb dumbs yet you dont even realise that!!! may God Allah the Everlasting one The Everlasting Love bless you my Dutch brother. keep going giving dahwa to EVEN THE BORN Muslims. subhaan'Allah
I thankfull to you sir for describing such secrets or acording you islamc escothlogy which i do not know before and convince me and make sens.
i am greatfull to you.appreciated
JZK sheikh ASALAAMU ALAY KUM 💓💓 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Asalam waalakum
In my humble opinion, based on the Sheikh's analysis and supporting verses from the Quran, Gog and Magog are Britain and the US
KIND CORRECTION, gog & Magog are lineage of KHAZARIAN EMPIRE, the 13 royal bloodlines which control world from behind the walls, white pope + black pope + grey pope are leaders that manage world governments
I think on a safe side it is better to say western civilization.
@@xy5393 thank you for the kind correction
@@haroonjaved6262 yes, agrees
real islam sheikh
Allah save us
MashaAllah ❤❤❤
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu ❤❤🇨🇦🇨🇦
Big connection of Gog MAGOG with the arrival of False messiah big big big connection
Surah Al Imran ayat 55
syaikh, can you make a lecture or a discussion about ISRAEL - RUSSIA relationships , history etc regarding to islamic escatalogy? muslims all over the world wants to know all about ISRAEL RUSSIA relatioships, affairs, histories etc from your knowledge and from islamic escatalogy perspective?. i am mohd wari bin mohd rais, your passionate distant learner. i'm from malaysia. i'm 55 yrs old.
No we dont want to be the schoolboy who eat biriyani and go home then sleep...thank you syaikh..
I used to appreciate Shaykh and he used to sharpen my intellect and give me interest to have discussion with my local shaykhs about his view but the way shaykh translated the three shadow is about to change me to not not admire him anymore if I do not get clarification...may Almighty Allah guide us... Aamiin
Yes that verse is about kiyamah and hell fire.. Not at all about Mutashabihat.. Allah knows best..
Open your channel and teach us please.
( حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها سترا )
Until , when he came to the rising of the sun ( the east), he found it rising on a people for whom We had not made aginst it any shield)
I think that :
👉 thou Alqarnayen
Passed by a people living without night.
The only thing that can hide the sun is the
But there are lands on earth which have a 24 hour sun
they say the ice land in the north has no night.
والله اعلى واعلم.
Would GOD hold them responsible if they have no mind of their own? No. And no humans knew the life of the prophet Muhammed better than his own family. All worship be to ALLAH and may His peace and blessings be upon Muhammed and the family of Muhammed.
I hope someone can translate in indonesian league, semoga sehat dan selalu mendapatkan rahmat Allah SWTb syeikh salam dari indonesia 🤗🤗🤗
have you ever thought about how gog and magog
they live now until they break through the barrier
Who are you fed up with ! . You told this story many time's good story. For me religion is to complicated. All I know is right from wrong, that's as far as I want to go it's safer and simple. I'm Irish and love a good yarn. ☘️
He went on a Serbian TV and denied Serbian crimes in Srebrenica and did not call it a genocide.
@D u - Is that comment necessary? Show some respect
𝗛𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻𝘀
Intellectual dissonance at its best from you. Illiteracy is eating you.
Tafseer ibn Katheer
Tafseer ibn Katheer (Intro)
The driving of the Criminals to their Final Abode in Hell and how it will be done
Allah informs about the disbelievers who deny the final abode, the recompense, Paradise, and the Hellfire. On the Day of Judgement it will be said to them:
انطَلِقُوا إِلَى مَا كُنتُم بِهِ تُكَذِّبُونَ ﴿٢٩﴾
انطَلِقُوا إِلَى ظِلٍّ ذِي ثَلَاثِ شُعَبٍ ﴿٣٠﴾
Depart you to that which you used to deny!
Depart you to a shadow in three columns,
meaning, a flame of fire when it rises and ascends with smoke. So due to its severity and strength, it will have three columns.
Tafseer Jalalai
Tafseer Qurtubi
يعني لهب النار إذا ارتفع وصعد معه دخان فمن شدته وقوته أن له ثلاث شعب .
To me for Dajjal's first day like year, second day like a month and resst of the days like our days
Refers to periods of time
As in Arabic yauom means days like ours and periods too.
As Allah says in Holly Quran that He make the universe in six days ie six periods (scientists agree to this).
If we consider his first day to our days then sun ☀ must keep shining for years. Logically Earth 🌎 must stop it's rotation for years which may not happen.
To my understanding Dajjal's first day (period) of deception (as we see fitna everywhere) is over.
Dajjal's second day is going on as Jerusalem is recognized as a state of Israel.
Third day will be when, when Dajjal will appear in his real form and in our space and time.
Dajjal will come after Imam Mahdi and appearance of Imam Mahdi looks very near.
Wallaho Aalam.
Naseem Ahmad any references please?
Assalamualykum brother
Well you should look Holly Quran
1. chapter 7 verse 54
2. chapter 50 verse 38
as reference.
Interesting, but what about the remaining 37 days that would be like our days? How do you explain that?
what is the first book of history?
Thank you excellent lecture. Dhu Al Qarnayn it appears is actually Yusuf Dhu Nawas of the Himyarite Kings.
It said dhu nawas massacred Christians though and committed suicide from what I researched
He's not wrong.
سبحان اللّه......That three shadow is about the punishment in here after....please continue reading the following verses make meaning very clear....واللّه أعلم
Wrong. Hellfire is 7 stages, not 3.
Please muslims read for yourselfs the quran. Do not be misled. Ayah 77:30 is talking about Judgement day and hell and not what the sheikh is talking about. Mistranslating the Quran is a grave sin.
Salam a3laykoum, its possible to translate in french please ?
Sheikh in Japan also some children make sajda to their parents for respect.
Does anyone have to point the Jews to Ezra of the Bible, before they would break down to read the 17th surah of Qur'an as Aqeedah ? Or it Is too much to ask of them for Hima ?
Nabbi of Allah Ezikeel 38:19 For bin my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day cthere shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 dThe
fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the
field and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the
people who are on the face of the earth, eshall quake at my presence. And fthe mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. 21 gI will summon a sword against Gog4 on all my mountains, declares the YHWH God. hEvery man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 With pestilence and bloodshed iI will enter into judgment with him, and jI will rain upon him and khis hordes and the many peoples who are with him ltorrential rains and hailstones, mfire and sulfur. 23 So I will show my greatness and my nholiness and omake myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then pthey will know that I am YHWH.
The Zulqernain was Cyrus the Great کوروش کبیر who built a wall between Caspian Sea and Black Sea. He had a crown of horns. In the 7th century a nation from the Yajooj Majoojs converted to Jewism. They are the most powerful Jews who are controlling the world's economy. British and Americans are not the Gog Magog but they were behind these powers and are till now and controlling them to achieve their objectives with their money and Media etc. You should study the history of World War 1 and the Balfoure Declaration.
makes sense
Reggie RAHMAN MALCOLM Mohammed
I dont understand him, he says one of his video that gog and magog not a Human being, after he says that GOG and magog are Human beings.
Why dajjal wanted secular state?
Yes,please our sheikh continue to repeat and
Teach until you pass away and Get JANNAH tul firdaws as reward
secularism is a form of govt in which allah is longer al_ hakam got it
@@sackosaleh1966 That means God or Allah words have no authority in government conduct and dealings. The main purpose is to make society anti religion. if there is no religion then there is no god. Once you accept there is no God then you do whatever you want to do as you have no fear for supreme power. As you can observe in western societies the young generation is anti religion and you will find increasing numbers of athiest.
Dajjal wants everyone to forget religion & religious way of life so he can bring only the Jews to have a religious way of life.
Thus they can rule the world.
I, Robot
The first 30 minutes of this video is echoed in the opening 3 paragraphs of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light and Daniel 11:40-45. See, also: Michael
Sura Al Anbiya confirms the false "Jews" (converts who Isa / "Jesus" a.s. already announced in the Gospel... ), who "invade" a place from all heights, which ALLAH forbade the (previous) residents to come back . This place can then only be Jerusalem.
In the Sura Kahf, ALLAH subhana wa ta ala (details that were only confirmed in this end time... Diocese inscription from the tomb of the first king of Media and Persia, Darius..) confirms the prophecies of Dul Kiffl / Ezekiel, and the Gog and Magog at the end times.
Isa a.s confirms in the Gospel the Gog and Magog prophecy (at the end times - since his time) of Ezekiel / Dul Kifl, and the last messenger and prophet Muhamad s.a.w.s mentions (in the hadiths) the Gog and Magog in his time, and shortly after his time (Turkish people attack the Muslims / Baghdad...), and the opening of the wall, after which the Gog and Magog opened the wall (after they "in sha ALLAH" "GOD willing - so conversely recognized GOD .. the pagan peoples of Gog and Magog were all idolaters and believed in demons until then.. ), and converted to the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and also Islam).
The resolution comes through the final prophecy, the Qur'an and the Hadiths of Muhamad s.a.w.
ALLAH subhana wa ta ala, describes the peoples since their origin, and therefore Gog and later Magog can be found in the Torah (Peoples Table / Creation Table - Gog the son of Japhet and grandson of Noah a.s., the first people after the flood and after which tribes later became peoples and ultimately nations).
If you look closely, these are the peoples of Eurasia (Northern Hemisphere of the Earth), who have always brought unrest to humanity ❗
They are the ancestors of all peoples and tribes (today's nations), from the European colonized America to Japan (and the Asians with the small eyes, Mongolian Asian origin) as Gog ❗
They are together with the Magog peoples of Europe and the steppes of Russia ect (Angels/Saxons, Slavs ect).
While at the end time exactly this origin with the converted Jews (Turk - European origin), who reached the messages of GOD of the Torah, Gospel to power over humanity, and always used them in history to rule over people (while at the same time being godless , see Roman Catholic Church, or Chabad Lubovitch who took over Judaism.... for example).
THE final answer, however, is:
In the Torah, the Gog and Magog are located as Turks, Russians, Arabs, etc. peoples at the end times - and that's true ❗
In the Gospel they are approached as the converts (Jews/Christianity peoples), i.e. today's "Jews" and their patrons of (mostly) "Western" Christianity origin - and that is also true ❗
BUT in the last revelation of the Qur'an (and the ahadith sayings of Muhamad s.a.w), ALLAH subhana va ta'ala confirmed that ultimately all of humanity, even if coming from the descendants of Japhet (beginning), follow these descendants of Gog and Magog in their ungodliness ❗❗❗
And SO is the decisive clue, the hadiths where ALLAH ta ala am Yeaumal Queyama, Adam a.s. calls to call out (sort out) 999 out of 1000 of his descendants (humanity) for the world of fire ❗
Allah subhana wa ta ala says in the Qur'an: Whoever behaves like the unbelievers is one of them ❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗
And of course ALLAH, the RULER of all existence, knows best ❗
Tell them where Jesus deals with Dajjal. You know the gate.
Judo_ Christian alliance= Gog and Magog.
As honourable Shaikh you said Hazrat Tamimdari was Christian and converted to Islam in the presence of Nabi peace be upon him ,then today's Christians should have to accept Islam .Please guide
Final exam.
In my opinion, Sahil Adeem's interpretation of Gog Magog, Dajjal and ashab-e-kahaf in Surah Kahaf series (15 parts) makes way more sense. He doesn't label Caucasians or a system as "Gog Magog". Would recommend everyone to listen to it once to look at all of it from a different perspective.
Shaykh Imran Hosein his Islamic Eschatological analysis and explanations are based on the Holy Quran and Sahih Ahadith that are in harmony with the Holy Quran.
Whether you agree or disagree with him that is irrelevant.
Half a million people watched this video... Only 700 likes???
If you watch & agree then it is your duty to like & subscribe to help spread the message.
I'm truly disgusted (ROAR & GROWL)
Under the Jewish hat is 666
What a load of rubbish and fairytales. These imams are seriously delusional. It's funny when his interpretation of current events turns out to be nothing, people should follow up on his previous statement and hold him to account.
If you actually have been studying sheikhs lectures you will clearly see his interpretations to be correct. Everyone makes mistakes however atleast sheikh INH is sharing his interpretations. He also states do not beleive him unless you are convinced that he is correct. Show some respect to our respected sheikh
keep on drooling...
Sheikh Imran hossein has not abused your intelligence. Respect your intelligence.
Ancient Middle Eastern myths, nothing more.
Mr Imran i sincerly belive that you are a beliver a good person wishing others good.
But sadley i have to say but i've seen some of your videos.You talk and talk and talk and talk puting everyone to sleep about the coming of dajjal.But not saying what to do when its here .And Who really Who has Sent him and for thousands of years now.
So tell people the truth allah
has made a portion of mankind for hell and a portion for hell.So he is arhamul rahimen may he help up through his tests.
He gives us a load to carry but also a help to carry it.
Dont worry dajjal is only a example for unbelivers a produkt of their unbelife and a wrath from god for his long patience with unbelivers.
Keep your videos shorter.
dont ask for people and sit around to listen to you its allah whom we worship not mankind.
How can the wonderful shaykh dare to translate the three shadow simply like that while the other verses after it make the meaning clear...that is about the punishment in hereafter....With my humble knowledge...I strongly disagree with that point...سبحان اللّه
Indeed the prophets had a lot of work. Even after explaining your head cannot understand?
Surah An Nur ayat 55