Commander VS S8E3: Bident vs Skysovereign vs Legacy Weapon vs Day of Destiny

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SCGCommander
    @SCGCommander  7 років тому +17

    (Jeremy) Decklists:

    • @garrettdenson95
      @garrettdenson95 7 років тому +2

      how do we submit deck lists? or is there a place to go to, to where we can submit our lists to certain people?

    • @rickehrgaming3330
      @rickehrgaming3330 7 років тому

      I have some great ideas for decklists, but I'd like to know how to submit them to people.

    • @SCGCommander
      @SCGCommander  7 років тому +2

      (Jeremy) You can post tappedout lists on any of our videos, or just tweet at us.

    • @TheTexasDice
      @TheTexasDice 7 років тому +2

      Stephen acquired yet another staple for his mono-white career. Jareth, Leonin Titan joins Rule of Law and Akroan Jailer.

    • @erfunk
      @erfunk 7 років тому

      Texas Dice That leads to an interesting idea: greatest hits. Instead of best prior decks, each player builds a deck around as many cards as possible that have turned the tide of a previous game (for better or worse).

  • @rafaelcastro.01
    @rafaelcastro.01 7 років тому +22

    "I'm running Mengara because I need to remove permanents at legendary speed"
    Just ran into this episode, never watched one before. Yup, gotta watch'em all now

  • @Crimson9578
    @Crimson9578 7 років тому +22

    Flavor Text Steven is why I'm on team Green. Light's champion in the stronghold of darkness.

  • @just2red4u
    @just2red4u 7 років тому +67

    You guys should each play with one of the Swords as your commander (body and mind/feast and famine/etc) and either use the colors they have protection from, or don't use the colors they have. You guys decide.

    • @androsredwolf900
      @androsredwolf900 7 років тому +5

      just2red4u this is an awesome idea. i feel like it would be better to use the other 3 colors so your buff spells arent useless

    • @androsredwolf900
      @androsredwolf900 7 років тому +4

      and damage from any equipped creature counts as commander damage

    • @just2red4u
      @just2red4u 7 років тому +1

      Yeah that would definitely make more sense to use the other colors available.

    • @santaclauseking
      @santaclauseking 7 років тому +2

      That is an awesome idea

    • @thatguy3669
      @thatguy3669 3 роки тому

      This needs to be noticed by them!

  • @RoxyGotMoxy.
    @RoxyGotMoxy. 4 роки тому +2

    Jon's deck reminded me of an Atraxa build I put together a while back whose sole goal was to make, charge and utilise as many copies of Lux Cannon per turn as possible in this gigantic orbital laser array. Stuff like imprinting Lux Cannon onto a Prototype Portal with a Doubling Season and Unwinding Clock in play and a bunch of mana rocks etc.
    It didnt really work sadly as it was too slow and far too fragile, but the mental imagery was great.
    "Commander Atraxa."
    "Yes Ma'am?"
    "See that woodland down there that belongs to the rebel elven nation?"
    "I do ma'am."
    "I don't want to."
    "Understood ma'am."
    *Pew! pewpew! pew! pew! pew!*

  • @vennom14
    @vennom14 7 років тому +6

    This episode was one of the funniest I have ever watched. The puggernaut sleeve 'altercation' was hilarious. Jeremy's face was the best. Justin: "But Kyle told me: whoever kills Jeremy first gets the puggernaut sleeves for the rest of the time." Jeremy: "WHAT!?!" - Also, I was familiar with the tootsie pop legend, though the one I heard went 1 step further: The Kid shooting the star was 1 point, and the kid playing football was 2 points. - I am again going to recommend Chainer, Dementia Master.

  • @sofer2230
    @sofer2230 7 років тому +11

    Munetsugu Takeno (who was already like 80 by the end of the Kami War) died protecting his lord Konda when O-Kagachi broke through Eiganjo Castle. It was a pretty gruesome death, but, man, if anyone deserves to have Day of Destiny's flavour text attribute to them, it's General Takeno.

  • @SCGCommander
    @SCGCommander  7 років тому +52

    (Jeremy) We're breaking the rules again on Commander VS! Legendary Non-Creatures? What!?

    • @treasureberry7154
      @treasureberry7154 7 років тому


    • @wayanc1880
      @wayanc1880 7 років тому +3

      Star City Games I just turned from neutral to a Stephen fan in the new season. Hey Stephen!

    • @malakbigs1563
      @malakbigs1563 7 років тому +5

      Star City Games the furor over the puggernaut was great! Best line was Jeremy's indignation, "Director Kyle you realize I'm your boss right?!"

    • @jackramer
      @jackramer 7 років тому +10

      Star City Games "Wait, WHAT? You know I'm your boss, right?!" - Jeremy Noell, 2017

    • @ChristFollower00
      @ChristFollower00 7 років тому

      Nice game guys!

  • @Baby_boodle
    @Baby_boodle 7 років тому +1

    37:08 - "I respond... and gain one life." That made me giggle really hard.

  • @2Saturos
    @2Saturos 7 років тому +1

    This is one of the best games you guys have had! I think you finally earned my subscribition

  • @blueeyedenvy9715
    @blueeyedenvy9715 7 років тому +2

    This was one of my fave episodes ever! Keep up the good work guys!

  • @spencersonnier1
    @spencersonnier1 7 років тому +10

    It was so satisfying to see him kill Jonathan and put an end to that legacy weapon BS.

  • @wikisome
    @wikisome 7 років тому +2

    Stephen getting out of the lock with Jareth felt so good. The death by one thousand cuts was like going through the Doldrums.

  • @IncredulousPasserby
    @IncredulousPasserby 7 років тому +2

    Yeah I was totally down for this absurdity. On all levels. Cheers for doing this :D

  • @Marionettetc
    @Marionettetc 7 років тому

    I'm commenting 2 minutes into the video and this is already up there with the mystery deck episodes as my favorites! Thanks guys, I love weird themes and abstract generals is amazing!

  • @TheNutcase109
    @TheNutcase109 7 років тому +1

    I wasn't expecting to hear the "first blood" from DotA from out of the blue but it's a welcome addition in my eyes.

  • @greed0and0fear
    @greed0and0fear 7 років тому +1

    CALLED IT! That ending, yes please finally!

  • @astrid_257
    @astrid_257 7 років тому +1

    This was a fantastic and entertaining video, and I absolutely loved it! I have heard of the tootsie pop star wrappers before; Jeremy and Stephen are not crazy.

  • @bosstsuna114
    @bosstsuna114 7 років тому +19

    "Want to see my graveyard?" 🖕
    -Stephen Green

  • @hubbardsjm
    @hubbardsjm 7 років тому

    Best episode I've seen! Really enjoyed this one. Liked the theme and found it fun to watch, looking forward to the next one.

  • @AmbianceXBL
    @AmbianceXBL 7 років тому +1

    This episode lasted so long, but I laughed throughout the whole thing! Awesome job as always guys :)

  • @aaronatkinson7018
    @aaronatkinson7018 7 років тому +2

    Hey guys,
    Wednesday is one of my favorite days of the week because of your videos! Thank you.

  • @ryanthebuilder3255
    @ryanthebuilder3255 3 роки тому +1

    Amazing episode. So creative.

  • @nickjoeb
    @nickjoeb 7 років тому +1

    That three doors down joke was perfection!

  • @bosstsuna114
    @bosstsuna114 7 років тому +4

    "If you would have chosen him you would have gotten nothing, you would have gotten sheep because he wouldn't let you have mutton."
    -Stephen Green

  • @loganvanoostrum4245
    @loganvanoostrum4245 7 років тому +111

    You should do an episode where you only play decks constructed by Wes Wise.

    • @alexmccastles4639
      @alexmccastles4639 7 років тому +15

      Yeah, I've been waiting for the Wes Wise Tribute for a long time! #TeamWes #NeverForget

    • @inqui5ition
      @inqui5ition 7 років тому +22

      They would have to buy more cryptic commands.

    • @shawnaustin1037
      @shawnaustin1037 7 років тому +4

      So that Teferi deck that just have cryptic commands that wasn't played (Sea 2 Ep5)?

    • @TheKitsunefire
      @TheKitsunefire 7 років тому +1


    • @like17badgers
      @like17badgers 7 років тому

      Wes had contacted me and said he was going to play a deck I suggested(Tomorrow) for the season finale, but then he moved and couldn't film that final episode. so if they do a Wes Tribute episode I hope somebody plays the final Wes deck that never got played.

  • @robintarket6844
    @robintarket6844 7 років тому

    That was, by far, the FUNNIEST episode of Commander Vs. Ever.

  • @travisdbrinkley
    @travisdbrinkley 7 років тому +1

    Stephen's face when he said you're dead was priceless

  • @matthugenberg8869
    @matthugenberg8869 7 років тому +2

    Dear Stephen:
    The most fun and interesting way I have seen a ronas deck built is mono green control using fight cards and lures to let you wipe boards with ronas because death touch and indestructible are a good combo. PLEASE DO THIS!
    Dear Justin:
    I'm sorry for your loss of getting mono red. Enough said.
    Dear Jon:
    Tokens? I guess? Or you can go Voltron. She does have double strike.
    Dear Jeremy:
    Scorpion god is really fun. It's a great control commander that gives the color combination great source of card draw.
    Dear director Kyle:
    I didn't want you to be left out, so here you go. :D

  • @andrewsowl8696
    @andrewsowl8696 7 років тому

    The Tootse Pop one was valid at the corner gas stations up here in Mpls. MN.
    BTW, I love these vids!!! Please keep them coming! You guys rock

  • @ryclotfelter7060
    @ryclotfelter7060 7 років тому

    One of my favorite commander versus episodes ever

  • @neverclever0
    @neverclever0 7 років тому +1

    Interesting episode. One of my friends down at my LGS actually has a Legacy Weapon deck, except he built it as the Weatherlight and its crew. It's actually pretty decent, since Captain Sisay can grab a lot of potent cards and the Weapon itself is a good backup for when you have mana to burn later in the game. He also has a book tribal deck which is actually pretty effective.
    Justin's deck was really interesting to watch. Overextension be damned, lol

  • @Demon1990146
    @Demon1990146 7 років тому +2

    Jarreth is my favorite card. Glad to see him come in clutch.

    @I-ONLY-BUILD-MECHS-AND-DUSTERS 7 років тому +3

    Stephen rocking all those cards from Magic's best block ever: Kamigawa.

  • @jkoon78076
    @jkoon78076 7 років тому +1

    Tootsie pops are great. We thought we had extra stuff inside.

  • @DraconisMarchVII
    @DraconisMarchVII 6 років тому +2

    Jeremy was sitting on a Strip Mine the whole time Justin was sitting there with 20 cards in his hand.

  • @DimT670
    @DimT670 4 роки тому +1

    Justin is crazy literally the best part of kamigawa is the names and the flavour text

  • @pur3music
    @pur3music 7 років тому

    best way to come home from work. see a new commander vs :)

  • @Gamerdad2008
    @Gamerdad2008 7 років тому +1

    This is one of the best episodes every. "YOU'RE DEAD!" Was great

  • @lostindasauce1775
    @lostindasauce1775 7 років тому +2

    Always a great episode when TeamGreen wins

  • @nik700
    @nik700 4 роки тому +1

    Worthy of your "best of" moments

  • @highelf6556
    @highelf6556 7 років тому

    Great show as usual. Love it Suarez, what an awesome deck.

  • @nicksakowski2450
    @nicksakowski2450 7 років тому

    I have been watching this series since Mcdarby and West, but man, that legacy weapon was sweet. I think this was the best episode I have ever seen from this channel.

  • @TheHuier
    @TheHuier 7 років тому +2

    "it's me. I've been hiding my intentions this whole time!" Hahahahahahaha

  • @tadeumf
    @tadeumf 7 років тому +28

    "You know I'm your boss, right?"

  • @BPrez94
    @BPrez94 7 років тому +1

    "You know I'm your boss, right?" I'M DYING!!!

  • @The1TrueCRACKER
    @The1TrueCRACKER 7 років тому

    Y'all keep up these games I love watching them and look forward to them to come out keep up the great content

  • @joseleal703
    @joseleal703 7 років тому

    Oh god this is the best episode ever it had me on the edge of my seat because of the Legacy Weapon and the Door to Nothingness

  • @Mostimpressiveindeed
    @Mostimpressiveindeed 7 років тому +1

    I would love to see the following for the season finale
    Justin: Toshiro Umezawa
    Jon: Sidar Kondo/Tymna the Weaver hate bears
    Stephen: The Scarab God
    Jeremy: Archangel Avacyn

  • @Duquette33
    @Duquette33 7 років тому +3

    1:09:07 the ajani should techincally be tapped since he tapped it for that board whipe :p

  • @ameliagearhearte7875
    @ameliagearhearte7875 7 років тому +19

    This is amazing. I wish this was legal in non casual environments. THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES.
    Also, go Jonathan Suarez! Justin, you may be really pretty, but Jonathan has my inner fangirl.

    • @Raven-gl5gm
      @Raven-gl5gm 7 років тому +2

      ikr jonathan is so hawt... :D hes just perfect for my fangirling "transgender havent changed name of youtube yet..."

  • @doulosdphi
    @doulosdphi 7 років тому

    Man, I love watching John play and stuff, but I'm not upset he got knocked out that turn. If he hadn't we would've watched another whole hour of him exiling peoples lands and stuff...great video loved it guys!

  • @djtw34k85
    @djtw34k85 3 роки тому

    18:20 Small thing but Jeremy didn't utilize his unwinding clock the very first turn he cast it. Why not swing with the copter for damage and loot? He said he liked his hand but cards in the graveyard are still added value in EDH.

  • @cadenglass1387
    @cadenglass1387 7 років тому +1

    F**k yes!!! Best idea ever! I love when you go weird like this!

  • @DaddyBearPlays
    @DaddyBearPlays 7 років тому

    Cool concept! Fun game, but grindy as hell. lol Can't wait for next week's episode!

  • @sorret
    @sorret 7 років тому

    Poor Jeremy. They straight up said no ulamog for you ever. This episode was great, didn't not expect the outcome that happened.

  • @shawnaustin1037
    @shawnaustin1037 7 років тому

    U know when I was at work today I was thinking that it would be cool if u guys did like an all enchantment or artifact that are noncreatures as commanders. Thx for this!! Just finished it and loved it!!! Do it again!!

  • @DrCliche
    @DrCliche 7 років тому

    Great game lads. Keep up the amazing work!

  • @primetime8439
    @primetime8439 7 років тому

    This is the only content I like from you guys

  • @joshuabraska1028
    @joshuabraska1028 4 роки тому +1

    Justin has retaken the lead in points overall. 170.3. Stephen 168.5, Jonathan 140.5, Jeremy 114.

  • @Spartan_Mello
    @Spartan_Mello 7 років тому +1

    "You know I'm your boss, right?"
    Jeremy is spitting 🔥🔥🔥

    • @egarran
      @egarran 7 років тому +1

      Don't think he would be there otherwise. And thus he illustrates a fundamental problem with bosses.

  • @eric81757
    @eric81757 7 років тому +3

    I am 28 and I totally heard that Tootsie Pop rumor as well. Can't quite remember what I'd win, but I was sure I'd win something.

  • @santaclauseking
    @santaclauseking 7 років тому

    I love your how you did your hair Stephen. As a side the idea of non creature commanders is interesting and my favorite was the legacy weapon

  • @aravs48
    @aravs48 6 років тому

    I've watched every commander vs episode and the jareth into the salon is my favorite play, and why I'm a member of team green!=)

  • @brandenvideon2430
    @brandenvideon2430 7 років тому

    After seeing many a commander VS through the years, I'd honestly love to see you guys play your favourite card in magic as your commander, maybe it's okay for Meren to make her third appearance if she really needs to.
    I love seeing Jeremy's decks, but I feel like you're not as threatening as you can be, got a bit land starved but I saw the cards in hand towards the end with the camera, all gas :(
    Big fan of the show though, keep it going fellas.

  • @MrPimpifyer
    @MrPimpifyer 7 років тому +3

    This is a fun concept

  • @caedonzube8194
    @caedonzube8194 7 років тому

    Definitely my favorite episode so far. Made me laugh too many times to count! #TeamGreen

  • @bosstsuna114
    @bosstsuna114 7 років тому +3

    "The Temple of white... only"
    -Justin Parnell

  • @wardog995
    @wardog995 7 років тому

    Justin P with the greatest EDH deck in the history of the show. Well done sir well done.

  • @Bcdeano
    @Bcdeano 7 років тому

    Laughed pretty hard from this vid. Commentary is hilarious

  • @A3woodworks
    @A3woodworks 7 років тому

    Remember Tiny Leaders? Our playgroup came up with an idea somewhat based on that: Fat F***s: every spell must cost 5 mana or more! We played it a few times and it's hilarious.

  • @like17badgers
    @like17badgers 7 років тому +1

    you know a Commander game is good when Salón del Señor de los bandidos is a deciding factor, especially when it's letting you do a Trench Run to take down a Death Star.
    anyhow, same old, same old from me, someone play Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar. Steven you seem to have found another way to troll by using Kamigawa cards, and mono blue puts you into a relyable color to play mill as well.

  • @angeldevil4239
    @angeldevil4239 7 років тому +1

    The four of you should play commanders that let you use other peoples' decks as your own (Jelava, Sen Triplets, Memnarch, Wrexial, Play Villainous Wealth, etc) and all use Shared Fate to play the others' decks. Would also be best if you didn't share decklists with each other until after recording. Keep up the quality content.

  • @egarran
    @egarran 7 років тому

    First I thought Jeremy was bad. Then I thought he was a genius. In the end I'm not sure.
    Great video!

  • @canaansmith7447
    @canaansmith7447 7 років тому

    1:20:40 has me laughing so hard. I envied Jon's spot this week. Showing them the door!!

  • @samyakjain777
    @samyakjain777 7 років тому

    Where can we submit requests for commanders to play? I'd like to see Sakiko, Mother of Summer as a commander. I've seen a budget Sakiko deck be explosive, creating a bunch of massive creatures in single turns.

  • @CaptCozy
    @CaptCozy 7 років тому

    charging up a Legacy Weapon has now become my favorite Commander Versus bit, along with Jeremy's Hamilton references (RIP).

  • @CalderaWolf
    @CalderaWolf 7 років тому

    30:34 I may have been taught incorrectly, but I was taught that an X spell retains a CMC of 0 at all times, or the X itself will always count as 0, I know when searching for a card by CMC the ballista counts as a 0, but I thought that it also counted as a 0 when on the stack and being paid for

    • @ChrisWalter0517
      @ChrisWalter0517 7 років тому

      alex richman Not on the stack, it will retain the cmc for which he paid

  • @sandman423
    @sandman423 7 років тому

    Hi Steven Green
    Tootsie pop was a real thing. We got free suckers at the public pool when we turned in a Wrapper with Star on it.

  • @joshuagannon6566
    @joshuagannon6566 7 років тому +1

    I've always been of the mindset that Legendary Vehicles should be allowed as Commanders since they can become creatures. Was nice to see a deck with Skysovereign at the helm. Really it should have been Skysovereign vs Heart of Kiran vs Predator Flagship vs Skyship Weatherlight.

  • @CanadianBigmoose
    @CanadianBigmoose 7 років тому

    That was a great game. Cool with the non-creature legends. You should play Un-cards for commanders in the final.

  • @alexsiopiolosz1956
    @alexsiopiolosz1956 7 років тому

    lol When Steven, stops searching then, searched again just to lose a point. Steven for Life, That was Legendary. XD

  • @jessewieman6226
    @jessewieman6226 7 років тому +1

    How about playing EKH (Eldar Keyword Highlander)? Every card in you decks has to have at least one Keyword (like flying or trample or cycling) without repeating a single Keyword. It is really fun to build. And who ever plays the most unique keywords throughout the game gets a point.

  • @Takermania70
    @Takermania70 7 років тому +2

    This game had me cracking up way more than usual

  • @TheHuier
    @TheHuier 7 років тому

    First blood sound was so satisfying! Lol

  • @revengedealer
    @revengedealer 7 років тому

    (Before game starts but after intro and points and stuff) That was hilarious! Jeremy - "What is this nonsense? You know I'm your boss right?" Give Director Kyle a promotion man. It takes cohones to mess your boss like that XD

    • @revengedealer
      @revengedealer 7 років тому

      I would love this to be revisited. Great concept and there are plenty of crazy Legendarys out there.

  • @dylanmaurstad5025
    @dylanmaurstad5025 7 років тому

    i have a mono black zombie home brew that id love to see one of you guys play. itll need more meat on it, not quite at the 100 card mark, but i think itd be cool to see how you guys fill it.

  • @MetalSnakeBoogy
    @MetalSnakeBoogy 7 років тому

    The star of the show was really jon. He did more work removing cards and holding down the board. Legacy Weapon is beast. Wish i still had one. Wish i could play my Para Navigator deck against you guys.

  • @joshdonaher8043
    @joshdonaher8043 7 років тому

    Doesn't scrap trawler trigger once unwinding clock hits the graveyard ?

  • @IHaveChosenAUserName
    @IHaveChosenAUserName 7 років тому

    I don't know if you guys take recommend ideas but I notice that there are a lot of different elves commanders. Noticeably there are a green- white, green-black, green-red and green-blue legendary elves such as Nath, Rhys, and "Mina and Denn"... it goes on. Maybe for a future duel Battle you can see who it the better dual color elf commander?

  • @ethansouza5457
    @ethansouza5457 7 років тому

    But will you get the puggernaut sleeves?

  • @autofigure00
    @autofigure00 7 років тому

    This looks like a really fun idea to do

  • @totalcoward
    @totalcoward 7 років тому

    Uhhh... you guys made it very clear that we should like, comment, share, and subscribe, but my friends and I are all subscribed already so I'm not sure who I'd share this with.... I'll just like and comment.

    • @JParnell1
      @JParnell1 7 років тому

      Are your friend's parents/siblings/children subscribed?

  • @RagnarokSol
    @RagnarokSol 7 років тому +3

    This makes me want to make a deck based on winning with door and legacy weapon :)

    • @kingfuzzy2
      @kingfuzzy2 3 роки тому +2

      There is a deck I've seen that forces the opponent to lose to door of nothingness by a few combos with liches mirror.

  • @achnoeroes
    @achnoeroes 6 років тому

    jezus stephen is like the ultimate joker of every game hats of to you man

  • @Twiztedpenguin
    @Twiztedpenguin 7 років тому

    another great one, lotsa fun

  • @7MukuroRealm
    @7MukuroRealm 7 років тому

    Oh dang. They used my idea for the Randharmonicon. Awesome.

  • @orkan69
    @orkan69 7 років тому

    The Jareth kill of Jon out of nowhere was amazing. #TeamGreen

  • @jawesomenw
    @jawesomenw 7 років тому +3

    Leave it to Jeremy to have unwinding clock out and still not attack with his artifacts. :\

  • @forgottenartificer
    @forgottenartificer 7 років тому

    11:03 "What is this non-sense? You know I'm your boss right!?"