This was the year where I was at my first part time job. Saturday nights was my busiest so I didn’t watch too much cartoons then. Recommend this to young ones of today. If you’re getting a part time job, have Fridays and Saturdays off. Those are the best days to hang with friends or for yourself
This was the year where I was at my first part time job. Saturday nights was my busiest so I didn’t watch too much cartoons then. Recommend this to young ones of today. If you’re getting a part time job, have Fridays and Saturdays off. Those are the best days to hang with friends or for yourself
Two days till my 6th birthday on Monday, June 13th 2005
yo this was the day after I was born
wow it’s the 11th lucky
Do you have anymore from 2005?
Cartoon Network 🇺🇲
WarnerMedia (NYSE: T.)
Pre-covid stuff.😎
This was in 2005 though.
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