Non-Trinitarian Cults: With Jeff Durbin

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Non-Trinitarian Cults: With Jeff Durbin
    The words "cult, heretic and heresy" are thrown around all the time, but what do they mean, and are we using them correctly? Jeff Durban from Apologia Studios will be with us to discuss "non-Trinitarian Cults" we will discuss Mormonism, Jehovah's witnesses, and maybe even touch on some UPC stuff. We are super excited to interview Jeff and look forward to picking his brain on non-trinitarian cults.
    Josh Lewis' Church Kings Fellowship Church
    Michael Miller's Church Reclamation Church


  • @GodSaveYourPeople
    @GodSaveYourPeople 5 місяців тому +2

    I grew up a JW and around the time I was graduating from high school, my mother stopped making me go to the Kingdom Hall. For years of my adult life I lived and identified as a pagan and lived a same sex lifestyle (lesbian). I’m 35 now, and have been redeemed and saved and baptized in the name of Jesus for about 3 years. Pastor Jeff’s sermons were a gate way for me and I appreciate this man more than words can express. I no longer desire the flesh of women, I read my Bible vigorously and I love going to Church and learning Christian history. I can’t wait to start my BU program on his ministries website. Praise the Almighty. He is good and he is powerful beyond comprehension ❤🙌🏼🙏🏼

  • @FromJosephtoJesus
    @FromJosephtoJesus 3 роки тому +25

    I am very appreciative of the work that James White and Jeff Durbin have done in regards to Mormonism.
    I have benefited from both of them in my own efforts to share the biblical Gospel and the biblical Christ with the LDS, after coming to a saving faith in Jesus after being raised in Mormonism.
    Thank you, great interview!

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому +1

      Sister, just because Joseph Smith was a false prophet doesn’t mean by default that the doctrine of the Trinity is true.

    • @FromJosephtoJesus
      @FromJosephtoJesus 3 роки тому +5

      @@Mikha335 That’s a rather strange equivalency you came up with there, as I don’t think I compared the fact of Smith being a false prophet with that being proof positive of the doctrine of the Trinity being sound.
      The doctrine of the Trinity is a reflection of what the Bible itself states about the eternal Persons of God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit.
      That fact exists completely apart from Smith, or any other false teacher, and has been so way before he ever came into the scene.

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому +1

      From Joseph to Jesus
      I said it because of your comment about coming out of Mormonism to true Christianity

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому

      From Joseph to Jesus
      .... And by your applaud for the authors of this video about “non Trinitarian cults”

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому

      From Joseph to Jesus
      The idea of a Triune God is foreign to the Bible, and foreign to Christianity until the late fourth century.
      Statements from earlier Christians (pre Nicene) about Jesus being “God” were made in a completely different context which they clearly explain.
      Setting the Gnostics aside, there were three main Christological views in the 2nd century. By the time of the Nicene Council, the earliest of these (the Jewish human Christology) had been all but forgotten. Of the two remaining, Sabellist Modalism had already lost. The controversy at Nicea was a battle was fought within only the winner of the other two views. That view was the Logos christology. Both sides of the Nicene debate were of this perspective. Both believed that Jesus was a distinct and subordinate being from the Father. Both believed that “all things” were created through the agency of the Son. The contention was solely over whether Jesus was “eternally begotten” or whether he had come into being at some point in time and whether he was “homousious” (of the same substance) with the Father. Again all of this disagreement was from within the framework of a subordinationist perspective. No Triune God. The Nicene creed starts out with:
      “We believe in one God the Father almighty.”
      Jesus here is not “almighty”, not equal to, and not the “One God”
      The Trinity is a doctrine that required a team of philosophers and theologians to “iron out all the kinks” from about 381 through the next several centuries.
      Isn’t the truth of God worth more than all the traditions of men?

  • @poik247
    @poik247 3 роки тому +23

    The video hasnt even come out yet and people angry in the comments section! Excited to hear what Jeff has to say, the trinity will remain controversial until Jesus returns. People want to simplify God, but the trinity shows God in the complexity that he truly has.

    • @poik247
      @poik247 3 роки тому +2

      @Porter Maxwell I only push back because I believe that since trinitarian theology was only put into theological words later in Christian history (emphasis on put into words) I believe - people can believe in the deity of Christ, the deity of the holy spirit, and God but not "like" or "affirm" the trinity. I'm convinced these people are confused and mislead by false doctrine (the bible says believers can believe and be deceived by false doctrine) not necessarily unsaved. And believing false doctrine effects the substance of ones life with God.

    • @poik247
      @poik247 3 роки тому +2

      these people are usually modalists and other "trinity but not quiet right" groups. I think these people can be saved.

    • @rockkstah2550
      @rockkstah2550 3 роки тому +1

      @Porter Maxwell those who worship more than one god is in idolatry, trinity is three . Isaiah 9:6 He is a child, a boy, a man, a Ruler, wonderful counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty GOD, Everlasting Father. It is speaking of ONE BEING.
      Isaiah 44:8, 45:5-6, 45:21,47:8, 47:10, Hosea 13:4, Zephaniah 2:15 all these scripture say that THERE IS NO GOD BESIDES ME..

    • @jeremyjohnson4106
      @jeremyjohnson4106 3 роки тому +3

      @@rockkstah2550 you’re slandering trinitarians and the Bible when you say trinitarians believe in 3 Gods. It’s Simply not true and a misconception of the word that is easily misconstrued due to the fact that natural man cannot comprehend spiritual things. 1corin2. The trinity is one being 3 persons. Because the being and persons are talked about in 2 different senses, this is by no means a contradiction

  • @DrJordanBCooper
    @DrJordanBCooper 3 роки тому +31

    Hey, where's the "who has a better beard" poll?

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  3 роки тому +3

      Ill Do it Right now!!!

    • @robertoarriola-bustamante9169
      @robertoarriola-bustamante9169 3 роки тому +4

      @@TheRemnantRadio it's Al vanity

    • @VeryBasicBible
      @VeryBasicBible 3 роки тому +1

      I think Jeff ahead by a pretty good piece, though

    • @justinbirkelo6806
      @justinbirkelo6806 3 роки тому +3

      I'm inclined to vote for Dr. Cooper, if for no other reason than the fact that his beard stems from an even more orthodox Christian perspective ;)

    • @Henriette-van-der-Ende
      @Henriette-van-der-Ende 3 роки тому +1

      I'm just thinking what if people do this on the Hair style of women?....

  • @storyofscripture
    @storyofscripture 3 роки тому +5

    This channel rocks, I like Jeff and James' content it was encouraging to me as well. When I first became a believer.

  • @dylanmilks
    @dylanmilks 3 роки тому +2

    Wow! What a great interview! I really was blessed by Jeff's closing statements about how our eschatology impacts how we behave in this world.

  • @KimberlyOfTheRoyalPriesthood
    @KimberlyOfTheRoyalPriesthood 3 роки тому +20

    Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost 🙏❤️

    • @Miguel-yc7qp
      @Miguel-yc7qp 3 роки тому

      Include a coma or you are a heretic

    • @Disciple-ofChrist
      @Disciple-ofChrist 3 роки тому +3

      DON'T misspell a word when you're correcting someone!

    • @Miguel-yc7qp
      @Miguel-yc7qp 3 роки тому +1

      @@Disciple-ofChrist lol TRVE but da korrection is a zeological joke. Modalism is the heresy

    • @squarepeg6983
      @squarepeg6983 3 роки тому

      The Father is the Federal Government, The Son is a Legal Fiction sent by God (Established by The Fedreal Government to have ultimate power and control to print it's own currency within its own Sovereign Territory aka Jurisdiction, to lay and collect taxes, to sue and be sued, ultimately to relieve us from Liability and or personal responsibility for any damages from any may being claim aginst us) last but definitely not the least The Holy Ghost is the Authority of God the Father spoken through us directing the servants of the Kingdom to come to our need and it's how we hear the preyers of others in need of our assistance We all are the Beneficiaries of The Kingdom of Heaven we must enforce all rights and privileges that are bestowed on the Son (Jesus Christ aka Ourselves for the benefit to use property to serve each other through The Trust Agreement its beautiful We are completely wrapped in the Love of God all our wants and needs have been prepaid for and by The Trinity aka Trust aka In God We Trust. All we need to do is Speak our Kingdom of Heaven into existence one reservation at a time

    • @KimberlyOfTheRoyalPriesthood
      @KimberlyOfTheRoyalPriesthood 3 роки тому

      @@Disciple-ofChrist lol 😂

  • @Henriette-van-der-Ende
    @Henriette-van-der-Ende 3 роки тому +3

    Yippee, Holly, Steven, Sam comming up! I'm staying tuned!

  • @Aquines
    @Aquines 3 роки тому +3

    Great to hear Jeff I remember seeing Jeff at the very Guinness store in Dublin some years ago thanks for the Great interview Brian fro Dublin Ireland

  • @GigiRocks1969
    @GigiRocks1969 2 роки тому +9

    QUESTION: Have you ever looked at the Oneness Apostolic Faith: better known as the UPCI? I believe they also have their own Bible that’s recently been publicized. I believe it was published through Word Aflame. This is a cult as well, and is devastating to families.

    • @Romans--pe4yh
      @Romans--pe4yh 2 роки тому +5

      No they published their own study Bible not long ago. It’s based on the KJV. (Speaking from experience. I became trinitarian a couple of weeks ago). It is a shame that they aren’t pressed as hard as a lot of apologists push other cults. It is a complicated scenario though. From my experience, a lot of us love the lord and confess Jesus as lord, but lack A LOT of teaching.

    • @carlosreira2189
      @carlosreira2189 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah, Oneness is something like Modalism. Really embarassing. But at least they put Jesus above everything else. If you exalt "Jehovah" God you're still left without Jesus.

  • @wendyraptureready
    @wendyraptureready 3 роки тому +7

    Not everything is to our understanding. God is who He says He is, not who we say He is.

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому +2

      Exactly! That is why He is the NOT the Trinity. There is only one God - YHWH (the Father)

    • @Medacapop
      @Medacapop 3 роки тому +1

      @@Mikha335 This not an argument against the trinity, I don't think you understand the Trinitarian doctrine. God, YHWH, is triune. One God (being or essence), that has revealed Himself three distinct persons (Father, Son, Spirit). Unitarianism or modalism are really undefendable, so I really urge you to repent of this heresy. The trinity is so obviously biblical but because it is hard to understand you have heresies pop up, but with the trinity we are talking about God who is always hard to understand (Romans 11:33-36). So please repent, if you reject the trinity, I really urge you to repent and examine yourself

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому

      Connor Pence
      If you were right, I would repent; but you are wrong.
      Show me one verse that teaches YHWH is triune. I can show you 8,000+
      singular personal pronouns that show otherwise.
      According to the scriptures, YHWH is the Father only.

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому

      Thoska Brah
      The anointed son of YHWH

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому

      Thoska Brah
      That’s what YHWH revealed to Peter, and it’s still true.

  • @Window4503
    @Window4503 3 роки тому +13

    It’s sad. I thought we solved the Trinity issue centuries ago. There are hundreds of writings from early Christians about the implications of denying the Trinity, and hundreds more of clearly apostate Christians who not only denied God’s true nature as three in one but made many other ridiculous claims as well. If the Spirit is not God, you are neither alive in Christ nor is God with you. If Christ is not God, your sin is not paid for and you don’t exist. If the Father is not God...well, God help you. If they are only one person, then Jesus is a liar. I could go on, but Athanasius wrote an entire work on this. And if you hate him and his work, then you might as well stop reading the New Testament too because he was the first in officially identifying all 27 canonical books.

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому

      The "solving" of trinity took over three hundred years, and a large injection of Platonic philosophy to accomplish. And even so, after 1500 years, it cannot be adequately explained, and has to be accepted as an "impenetrable mystery," and accepted on blind faith, as taught by human tradition.
      I flatly deny the doctrine of God being a triunity, and nobody who read the scriptures, without having been "coached" by trinitarians, would EVER come to the conclusion that God is three persons stacked into one being. Reading the whole of the Old Testament negates the option of the Yahweh being in some combination with other beings.
      And keep your "Let us make man in our image" argument. I've heard it a thousand times, and it doesn't mean what trinitarians have been programmed to believe.

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 3 роки тому

      So what’s the point of replying to me if none of what you’ve spouted is productive and you’ve already assumed that I’m going to use a tired argument? Do you distrust the New Testament then? And if so, then why believe any miracles of God recorded in Scripture if these too are impenetrable mysteries? Consistency, man. Consistency.

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому

      Window4503 I apologize for assuming your argument, that was indeed uncalled for.

    • @krazzykracker2564
      @krazzykracker2564 2 роки тому +1

      You kinda just condemned all the early church fathers and apostles to hell. None where trinitarians even trinitarian scholars admit this. They say it was a later revelation.

    • @tookie36
      @tookie36 6 місяців тому

      Yeah the Catholic Church really figured out quiet a bit

  • @binren3984
    @binren3984 3 роки тому +8

    Remnant Radio with Pastor Jeff
    Who's Charged Up Besides Me ?

  • @DillonJan
    @DillonJan 3 роки тому +4

    Great content! Next im interested with you guys making a video on debunking Unitarian.

  • @debbiegagne4593
    @debbiegagne4593 3 роки тому +2

    That "polygamy palace" Jeff spoke of reminds me of that show Sister Wives lol!!

  • @BrockDouglas
    @BrockDouglas 3 роки тому +2

    So good. Durbin can really talk.

  • @mrshmanckles1463
    @mrshmanckles1463 3 роки тому +1

    Wow awesome show and when it airs it will be even better.

  • @ronsirard
    @ronsirard 2 роки тому +1

    Love Jeff Durbin!!!

  • @DerekGillette
    @DerekGillette Рік тому

    "Everything for the glory of God...down to my thinking."

  • @anthonybianchini2373
    @anthonybianchini2373 3 роки тому +7

    Can you guys do Oneness Pentacostalism? It is cultish but accepted as just another denomination. It is ghastly.

  • @Lillaloppan
    @Lillaloppan Рік тому

    Thank you so very much from Sweden💛. Love the show😊!

  • @mattbaldwin247
    @mattbaldwin247 3 роки тому +1

    Micheal you asked the other day what the difference between seven mountain and historical post-mil was, this man would be my go to for that answer

    • @michaelrowntree2005
      @michaelrowntree2005 3 роки тому +4

      I dug a little more into the hyper charismatic version. Seems like their view relates to sending marketplace apostles into the “seven mountains” to do spiritual warfare and remove principalities so that the other members of the fivefold can make progress for the Gospel. 🤦good point.... pretty sure Durbin’s expression of post mill looks different than that lol 😂

  • @brendaboykin3281
    @brendaboykin3281 2 роки тому +1

    Thanx, Gentlemen 🌹🌲🌹

  • @andyayala5639
    @andyayala5639 2 роки тому +2

    No one gets to redefine God, except Trinitarian’s…

  • @antonio42695
    @antonio42695 2 роки тому +2

    I must be weird.. I love Bethel and Jeff Durbin and James white...I try to hear from Gods servants across the whole body!

  • @LeopardKing-im4bm
    @LeopardKing-im4bm 4 місяці тому

    I want to define modalism. It is basically one person or substance undergoing changes to assume another identity or take on another role. It is a contextual identity. Based on where a person or thing is, and what is being done, it or he is categorically different. Now let me render that into plain English. It's one thing turning into another thing based on a shift of focus or task. A man can be a father before his daughter, a husband before his wife, and an employer before his employee. This is why the old example of water being a liquid, ice, or gas is not really an apt depiction of the trinity. That is modalism. The trinity is more like length, width, and height. These are distinct measurements. Yet they all agree in the concept of extension. When you shake my hand, you are not shaking three things. You are shaking one thing with three distinct dimensions that coalesce in one reality. That is a trinitarian understanding. At no point does length turn into width. Yet they can not be separated.
    This is why no one should be afraid of Isaiah. It is not teaching modalism. However, we can not run from scripture.
    Isaiah 9:6
    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace.
    One of the titles of Jesus is EVERLASTING FATHER. Why? They are one in substantive union, but not in functional union.
    John 14:9
    Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? HE THAT HATH SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FATHER; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
    This looks like modalism on the surface, however a deeper dive will reveal it is what I am talking about, union.
    John 5:31-3
    If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.
    There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true.
    Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth.
    But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved.
    He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.
    But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.
    So Jesus is saying that you need TWO witnesses to establish testimony based on the law.
    Deuteronomy 17:6
    At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
    Jesus says he testifies of himself, and John the Baptist testifies of him also. That is two. However, he disqualifies John's testimony by saying he does not accept the testimony of man. Now we are back to ONE. Then He adds the Father that sent him making it a tally of TWO persons again. So when we hear Jesus say that he and the Father are one, we should not be afraid of that verse.
    John 10:30
    I and my Father are one.
    That is true, but it is not modalism. Another example is that we have ONE government with THREE co-equal branches: judicial, legislative, and executive. We do not have three governments. Those three are one. Yet they are functionally distinct.
    The word trinity is not in the bible, but the word Godhead is in the bible. It's the same difference between the rapture and the catching away. The non-biblical term caught fire, but that does not mean the concept itself is non-biblical.
    Colosians 2:8-9
    Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the GODHEAD bodily.
    One more proof of the distinct personages of the trinity. If modalism is true, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit should apply to all three holy persons.
    Luke 12:10
    And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.
    It modalism is true, and you have a Superman/Clark Kent situation, the same rule should apply to both, but it does not. They are distinct persons with unity of substance, name, glory, and attribution.

  • @Born1976
    @Born1976 3 роки тому +2

    I am going to copy Jeff's gel'd back hair... whooyeah... sound doctrine... gel'd hair... BooM

  • @Culture-and
    @Culture-and 3 роки тому +2

    Have you all done a video on biblical justice? Would love that. I haven't heard much teaching on it in my years in the church.

    • @matthewfrey6006
      @matthewfrey6006 3 роки тому

      Hey Anthony! I was reading comments and saw this. I don't know if it would be helpful, but I help pastor a church and we taught a class on race, immigration, and justice last week! I don't know if it would be helpful for you but I feel like we were fairly balanced and you're more than welcome to take a look:
      (The justice part is near the end. The Bible Project also has a solid theme video on justice that I used in prepping that class and handout.)

    • @Culture-and
      @Culture-and 3 роки тому

      @@matthewfrey6006 I will take a look. Thank you!

    • @matthewfrey6006
      @matthewfrey6006 3 роки тому

      @@Culture-and My pleasure! Feel free to check out any more of the content on there as well. We're doing a class working through some of the more hot button issues in our cultural/political moment. God bless!

    • @carlosreira2189
      @carlosreira2189 2 роки тому

      Well, we know one thing. "Mercy triumphs over justice."

  • @403punk3
    @403punk3 3 роки тому +1

    Jeff is right on!

  • @longstreet2740
    @longstreet2740 3 роки тому +1

    All I care for, 1st of all is my Personal Salvation from Hell through the Grace of JESUS CHRIST ( 1 Cor 15, Rom 4:5, 5:9 ) , the the promise of Eternal Security which is to sole reason for my rejoicing and hope.
    I'm neither a Catholic, Calvinist nor Charismatic.
    My Eternal Security was challenged by most preachers .
    Never felt Guilty for Believing in the GODHEAD ( Trinity ) ,GOD IN 3 Persons, ever since my conversion , until I was confronted by UPCI and Campbellite groups who Teach that the efficacy of Blood of Christ can only be mystically received in Water Baptism . Such Teaching Disturbs me today and puts doubt, confusion, depression and despair . I Still hold to Simple Faith in the Blood of Christ , without any works, whatsoever, secures individual Salvation Forever, no matter how messed up a person many fall subsequently

    • @yaruqadishi8326
      @yaruqadishi8326 3 роки тому

      Theres no "hell" its death or destruction end of existence.

  • @Catherine-wd9qt
    @Catherine-wd9qt 3 роки тому +1

    A note to trinitarians: Jesus said to go out and baptize in the NAME of the father, son, and Holy Ghost. Then look in the book of acts how the disciples baptized. They all baptized in the NAME of JESUS. that should clear up the controversy. Were the disciples are wrong? Praise God I was baptized in the NAME of Jesus. Father, son, and Holy Ghost are NOT names. They are functions. Please, just research where the trinity doctrine came from. It came from paganism and brought to the church by Constantine in 325 AD. The early church knew who Jesus WAS. and is, and is to come!

  • @GabrielMartinez-su8di
    @GabrielMartinez-su8di 3 роки тому +2

    Great stuff as always!

  • @tonn333
    @tonn333 3 роки тому +2

    I would like to see J. White or J. Durbin debate L. Flowers on provisionism vs Calvinism.

    • @easternmcg
      @easternmcg 3 роки тому

      Already happened, check out White vs Flowers debate.

    • @tonn333
      @tonn333 3 роки тому +2

      @@easternmcg It was awhile ago. White avoids it now and Flowers has invited him many times.

    • @danbrown586
      @danbrown586 3 роки тому +1

      @@tonn333 What would be the point of repeating the debate? They had a debate that was supposed to be on Romans 9. White exegeted Romans 9; Flowers did not.

    • @tonn333
      @tonn333 3 роки тому +1

      @@danbrown586 have you listened this?

    • @krazzykracker2564
      @krazzykracker2564 2 роки тому

      @@danbrown586 not true. White has been running from Flowers every since because he know he is wrong.

  • @michelhaineault6654
    @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому +6

    Who sent Jesus ?? look at this extraordinary revelation of Yahweh Himsel be ready for a shock trinitarians!
    Isaiah35:3 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
    4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you. (Yahweh is the Messiah who will come to saves is peoples)
    5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
    6 Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.
    Yahweh is Jesus IN BODILY FORM

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому

      Yeshua is YHWH‘a agent

    • @beegee1313
      @beegee1313 3 роки тому

      💯👉John 10:30 period EASY

    • @beegee1313
      @beegee1313 3 роки тому

      @@Mikha335 ......If the son comes in His FATHERS name (which is YAHuah) the son's name is YAHusha.
      👉Psalm 68:4
      All love
      May the Creator's face (The son's real face is the same) shine upon you!

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому

      Bee Gee
      “Coming in his father’s name” is referring to him as YHWH’s authorized agent and has nothing to do with how you how you pronounce his name. Consider:
      “I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” (John 5:43)
      Yeshua’s point is that they would receive false prophets who come on their own presumed authority, but reject him, who had truly been commissioned by YHWH.

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      @@Mikha335 Jesus said me and the Father are ONE (not two) and this was a revolutionnary teaching among the Jews they understand that Jesus was making himself equal with the Father by the Spirit not by the flesh. acts16:6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. 8 So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. (The SPIRIT OF JESUS WOULD NOT ALLOW THEM) the Holy Spirit mean Yahweh Spirit and Jesus is this Spirit being the one Spirit the Father who came as the sacrificial Lamb for to saves is peoples.

  • @claudiozanella256
    @claudiozanella256 2 роки тому

    A painful situation: trying to defend a conventional doctrine manifestly nonsensical and unbiblical for MANY reasons. Here you can even see the "smoking gun"!!! "But, of the day and the hour, no man knows, no, not the angels in heaven or the Son, but the Father only knows.". i.e. NEITHER THE SON NOR THE HOLY SPIRIT (the "Lord giver of life") KNOWS THE FUTURE. CONTRARY to Jesus' words, the doctrine claims that both the Son and Holy Spirit DO KNOW the future. Thus, either Jesus or the doctrine must be telling a lie...I believe in Jesus and conclude that the doctrine of the trinity tells a lie. But the Church doesn't care of all evidence and hold tight that falsehood inside her...
    God is a DUALITY, as crystal clear stated by Jesus : "I am not ALONE because the Father is with me". Without the Father Jesus IS ALONE! Thus, God is just made by the Son and by the Father, period. Jesus further states that the Father is here in the form of a spirit "God is a spirit". Of course "God who is a spirit" is simply called the"Spirit of God", AKA the "Holy Spirit".
    Jesus confirms that the HOLY SPIRIT inside Him IS THE FATHER: “The words I say to you, I say not on my own but from the FATHER who DWELLS IN ME.” Jesus of course hasn't got TWO SPIRITS "talking" inside Him (the Father + the Holy Spirit) but ONLY ONE SPIRIT ! Confusion arises because Jesus has the "Father who is a spirit" and calls Him sometimes the "FATHER" (generally when Himself is concerned), sometimes the "SPIRIT" (of God, Holy, of the Father...) when other people are concerned. But they are just TWO NAMES for the SAME ONE SPIRIT, i.e. no further "omnipotent spirit Lord who gives life" exists.
    Thus, "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" is SYNONYM of "blasphemy against the Father". No one has been FORGOTTEN there: just TWO blasphemies are possible, one against the Father and one against the Son!
    "Only the Father knows": also here the Holy Spirit hasn't been forgotten, because the Father = the Holy Spirit. I.e. the Father knows the future whilst the Son does NOT, that's all.

  • @saludanite
    @saludanite 3 роки тому

    Jesus told the "Jews"
    “You know neither Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also.”
    The Enemy has worked overtime to destroy the Jewish nation, to remove the testimony of the Scriptures
    concerning the coming of Messiah, and to hide these same things by replacing the Septuagint and set us
    at odds with the heritage of Abraham. It's a BIG battle! That's why he sent us the Holy Spirit.

  • @frednobles2485
    @frednobles2485 3 роки тому +5

    God's not a person he is almighty God

    • @garyboulton7524
      @garyboulton7524 3 роки тому +11

      Person does not mean Human.

    • @eddiemirtille9294
      @eddiemirtille9294 3 роки тому

      @@garyboulton7524 ???

    • @garyboulton7524
      @garyboulton7524 3 роки тому

      @@eddiemirtille9294 The original commenter said that God is not a person but that He is almighty God. And I was just adding that those two things are not exclusive. Because when Christian's say God is a person or in fact a trinity of persons who share the same nature and essence. By person/persons, we do not mean human persons. But instead a being that is personal, having a will and ability to act and interact on a personal level. For example, to say an angel is a person is not wrong. It is true. Angel's are persons, they are just not human persons.

    • @eddiemirtille9294
      @eddiemirtille9294 3 роки тому

      @@garyboulton7524thanks for your explanations.
      I don t beleive in the trinity doctrine as a prophet of God.
      My God is Jesus Christ and he is One.
      I beleive God ( Jésus Christ ) is a Spirit(One Spirit) made flesh ( Man)
      The only person of the invisible God is Christ .
      God is One not a trinity of persons in One.
      That trinity is a men made doctrine of fake teachers

    • @eddiemirtille9294
      @eddiemirtille9294 3 роки тому

      @@garyboulton7524 God is a Spirit : the Holy Spirit : 2 cor 3 v 17
      The Person of God is Christ man
      1 tim 2
      5For there is one God ( Spirit) , and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
      John 4:24
      New International Version
      24 God is spirit,(A) and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
      Basically a person is a human
      Angels are Spirits or celestial beings
      I hope you understand

  • @zachtrix8428
    @zachtrix8428 3 роки тому +2

    Heck. Yes.

  • @csouthland
    @csouthland 3 роки тому

    Why ask a Trinitarian to tell you what non-Trinitarians believe? Why not ask a non-Trinitarian? Here are three good books.
    The Trinity: Christianity’s Self-Inflicted Wound by Anthony Buzzard
    One God and One Lord by Lynn, Schoenheit, and Graeser
    When Jesus Became God by Rubenstein

  • @oscarespinoza6160
    @oscarespinoza6160 3 роки тому +1

    Have you all ever interviewed Paul washer ?

  • @user-bz7hw4gx5n
    @user-bz7hw4gx5n 4 місяці тому

    Durbin is a Calvinist, meaning he believes these people were pre determined before creation to believe these heresies, so what’s the point? Calvinism is dangerous

  • @saludanite
    @saludanite 3 роки тому

    The JWs and LDS exist and thrive because of structural cracks passed on in the foundational understanding of the faith that comes through Christ. Denominational wars keep us weak but refusing to go all the way back to Jesus and Pentecost has been the root cause - all the way thru the RCC and the Reformation. As long as somebody allows "men" to define for them what is "gospel," and not asking God Himself for personal instruction, we'll keep getting victimized.

  • @keithherrera1038
    @keithherrera1038 3 роки тому +2

    The Father it's very well stated he is God.
    The son it's very well stated he is the SON of God our personal savior and clearly a different person from God the father. The Holy Spirit it's very clear this is a separate person. NONE OF THAT IS DEBATED. The scripture that supports the Trinity is vague and can be interpreted a few different ways. Why didn't Paul teach the Romans about the Trinity? The Bible doesn't mention the Trinity so why would it be important? It's man made let's stick to what we know not what we think we know.

    • @RKay-ku1ni
      @RKay-ku1ni 3 місяці тому

      The Bible clearly states that Jesus is YHWH AND! the Son of the Father. Don't argue on anything you apparently don't have a clue about!

    • @RKay-ku1ni
      @RKay-ku1ni 3 місяці тому

      Btw the word Bible is also not in the Bible. Why do you call it bible?
      Sometimes there are words needed to explain something because of people teaching heresies and so that with just one word one can express something that the whole bible states in more than one word.

    • @keithherrera1038
      @keithherrera1038 3 місяці тому

      @@RKay-ku1ni That's ridiculous. Read Paul's letters. Paul repeatedly refers to the father as GOD and to Jesus as the SON of God our savior. If it was important in his letters to make this distinction its important for us to make this distinction.

    • @keithherrera1038
      @keithherrera1038 3 місяці тому

      @@RKay-ku1ni Read Paul's letters. He refers to Jesus as the son of God our savior and he refers to the father as God. The rest of the new testament also does this so why would we refer to Jesus as God when the new testament is referring to the father when God is mentioned? It makes no sense.

    • @RKay-ku1ni
      @RKay-ku1ni 3 місяці тому

      @@keithherrera1038 read the whole bible. Jesus is the Son of YHWH and he IS YHWH. Just as the Father is the Father and YHWH. And oh surprise surprise, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father AND the Spirit of the Son AND He is YHWH, too.

  • @ericsakrisson4879
    @ericsakrisson4879 3 роки тому +1

    God / Jesus....Same nature? Co equal? Jesus had a human nature? Jesus was made lower than the angeles? God is not a man? Numbers 23:19

  • @bigbapester
    @bigbapester 3 роки тому +1

    There is one LORD God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's not stay with a cursed mind of confusion. We have the Spirit of a sound mind. No blasphemy will get us into heaven. God is not a man and never will be one.

  • @KingdomWithinU
    @KingdomWithinU 3 роки тому

    This was a great video, but can you bring him back on to talk about the use of foul language in his sermons and street outreaches? (P.S. I don't see Martin Luther as an excuse)

    • @KingdomWithinU
      @KingdomWithinU 3 роки тому

      @@markwhite5926 Jeff Drubin has recently been under a lot of fire to his use of foul language in his speaking engagements and street ministry.
      Here is a clip:

  • @andyayala5639
    @andyayala5639 2 роки тому

    “Scripture is the absolute standard”… but as a Trinitarian he goes beyond scripture to define God. Love Durbin and appreciate him so much. I wish he could see the contradiction 😔

    • @carlosreira2189
      @carlosreira2189 2 роки тому

      Not exactly. The Holy Spirit is the standard. Christ Himself is the standard. He is still alive, just not visible. The written word is holy and reliable, but it's a dead letter without the Lord. Don't soil yourself with sola scriptura. The Church predates the NT.

    • @duriuswulkins4324
      @duriuswulkins4324 Рік тому

      How would you describe God? You see, the Trinity came about by loads of work analyzing various parts of Scripture and understand what they say. We do this with other ideas which aren’t found directly in Scripture.
      “God is omniscient” this word isn’t found in Scripture but is compiled by what God reveals in Scripture
      “God is omnipresent” this word isn’t found in Scripture but is compiled by what God reveals in Scripture

    • @andyayala5639
      @andyayala5639 Рік тому

      @carlosreira2189 scripture puts us in the position to accept scripture as authority, or call the apostles liars. Paul in many ways at different times says he himself doesn’t go beyond what is written, and to not go beyond what is written. Either scripture is good for teaching and correcting, or it’s not. So scripture is either a lie, or authoritative. The scripture isn’t a dead book, but some look with dead eyes. If the spirit is in you, you see it’s reflection in the word.

    • @andyayala5639
      @andyayala5639 Рік тому

      @duriuswulkins4324 we can “describe” God as “cool” or “dope”. Descriptions aren’t the problem. “Defining” God should be biblical.
      “Omni” simply means “all”. So when we call God, “Almighty”, we are saying “Omni-God”. Also, lots of scripture say that God “fills all things”, “sees all things”, “knows all”… etc. So the definition is also in scripture.
      The problem with:
      “Three different persons that eternally coequally existed as God”
      The problem is that neither the word or definition is biblical. And there has to be a blatant rejection of scripture to arrive at such a conclusion.
      The more strict we are with scripture being authoritative, the worse a Trinitarian’s position gets. Watch…
      Let’s define God only how scripture does. I’ll go first. “The Lord your God is One”. Your turn.

    • @duriuswulkins4324
      @duriuswulkins4324 Рік тому

      @@andyayala5639 Okay, Biblical basis for the Three Persons:
      The Father:
      2 Peter 1:17 “For He received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to Him from the excellent glory, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
      The Son
      John 5:17-18 “But Jesus answered them, ‘My Father is working until now, and I am working.’ This was why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.”
      The Holy Spirit
      John 17:16-17 “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”
      Also Matthew 28:19, Matthew 12:30-32, John 10:30, etc.

  • @GigiRocks1969
    @GigiRocks1969 3 роки тому +2

    Do you know anything about the Apostolic Study Bible by Word Aflame publishers?
    It’s been given to my boys as a gift via an oneness apostolic church and I’m concerned it, like the Book of Mormon and Jehovahs Witness “Bible”, may have been changed. Or, is it just a compilation of different Cristian Bibles but filled with their explanations of their doctrine? Either way, I’m concerned,

    • @danbrown586
      @danbrown586 3 роки тому +2

      A typical study Bible will have the text from some translation unaltered, with study notes added by the editors. From what I see with a quick search online, the text of this one is KJV, which is pretty common since it's in the public domain--you don't have to pay royalties to Lockman/Zondervan/Crossway. Since it's public domain, it's possible it could have been changed, but I'd doubt it--changes from the KJV would be pretty obvious. Not what I'd recommend for children to start reading (I'd probably suggest NIV), but nothing really wrong with it. The concern would be with the study notes. Since Word Aflame is an imprint of Pentecostal Publishing House, you can expect those notes to have a very charismatic bent. It's not clear to me if they're anti-trinitarian; I'd be concerned about that given who gave them, but even aside from that question I'd be concerned.
      If you're not Pentecostal yourself, I wouldn't think this is the study Bible you want your kids using. If you *are* Pentecostal, you might not mind it, but I'd encourage you to seriously study the treatment of the gifts since the apostolic era.

    • @shaunbutler238
      @shaunbutler238 Рік тому +2

      It's KJV

  • @sranney1
    @sranney1 3 роки тому +3

    What about the oneness group

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  3 роки тому +2

      Oneness Pentecostals deny the trinity, and thus are outside of the Orthodox Christian Faith.

    • @Catherine-wd9qt
      @Catherine-wd9qt 3 роки тому +1

      There is only One God. What’s the problem? Isaiah 9:6 says the Son will be called the Father. Are there two fathers? Pray about this. It will be the most exciting revelation to you when you realize WHO the son is.

    • @eddiemirtille9294
      @eddiemirtille9294 3 роки тому

      @@TheRemnantRadio I understand why you are erasing my posts now...

    • @shaunbutler238
      @shaunbutler238 Рік тому

      @@TheRemnantRadio Oneness Pentecostals believe Jesus is God in flesh. They believe in the hypostatic union just as trinitarians do.
      If anything, they believe closer to the late Walter Martin, who didn't believe in a pre-existing Sonship either, though he called himself trinitarian.
      You being an ex-AG, I get you would see them as outside the faith.

  • @rhondarockhound622
    @rhondarockhound622 3 роки тому

    Can you guys have Paul young, Bryan zahnd, Richard Rohr. On. I’m having trouble discerning their message. It sounds so appealing and such good news. Is there anything we could learn from them? Basically they are saying the church is teaching dualism which is wrong. They are Christian Universalists. Meaning Jesus died for all and saves all. All are saved through Jesus eventually. God’s will will be done. We are the ones who separate ourselves from God. The trinity is present within us. We just can’t see them. This part is true- I was always taught God was up there, and I had to do the right things to get myself up there.

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  3 роки тому +2

      I might have Brian‘s on on for a debate but I think his content is way too dangerous to Interview.
      I am aware of Richard roar but I’ve never actually read any of his stuff.

  • @justinsmitley7619
    @justinsmitley7619 3 роки тому +1

    Yeah but isn't the holy Spirit God's literal breath / wind? Like God is the only one that can speak things into existence but you cannot speak without wind or breath.. like when God "breathed" into Adam and on the day of Pentecost the holy Spirit came upon them like a rushing mighty "wind".. Or in Christ spoke to Lazarus to come forth he spoke the words with his breath/wind. In Greek and in Hebrew spirit means breath/wind. ghost actually means to be expired like when Christ gave up the ghost he breathed his last breath.. it's not a pagan Greek understanding of what a spirit or ghost actually is it just is what the text says.. remember the Bible says God alone has immortality but for some reason we all think we have immortality. The Bible says when we die we sleep in the grave of waiting for the Lord's return. we don't have a spirit when we die because we're dead. we don't have the breath in us any longer although when we believe in Christ we will one day receive the breath again.

    • @smalltimer4370
      @smalltimer4370 3 роки тому

      Where is the word "breath" or "spirit" used in the account of Lazarus' resurrection?
      With that said, and if we accept what Jesus said regarding the miracles he performed, then we cannot attribute that it was His "breath/wind/spirit" that brought him back to life, otherwise, that would result in Jesus taking that which belongs to GOD for Himself.

    • @justinsmitley7619
      @justinsmitley7619 3 роки тому

      @@smalltimer4370 That made my brain hurt LOL. To my understanding, the father breathed into him the breath of Life.

    • @smalltimer4370
      @smalltimer4370 3 роки тому

      Assuming we are talking about Lazarus, then I'd agree - though in your previous comment, it would appear that you were saying Jesus was the one who breathed life into Lazarus;
      _Or in Christ spoke to Lazarus to come forth he spoke the words with his breath/wind._

    • @justinsmitley7619
      @justinsmitley7619 3 роки тому

      @@smalltimer4370 Yes correct, him and the father are won but two but still one LOL

    • @smalltimer4370
      @smalltimer4370 3 роки тому

      The question I would now ask is who's breath/wind/spirit was spoken in that particular account - Jesus the man, or GOD the Father's?

  • @racevanandros2916
    @racevanandros2916 3 роки тому

    Why celebrate easter, ishtar, astarte, and saturnalia, winter solstice. Christ was born in the fall, perhaps 9/11. What about saturn death cult black cube?

    • @yaruqadishi8326
      @yaruqadishi8326 3 роки тому

      Ishtar astarte is not holiday

    • @jenjohnson2222
      @jenjohnson2222 Рік тому

      ​​@@yaruqadishi8326 he's linking Easter to Ishtar. The holiday Easter derives from the Pagan Germanic (Anglo Saxon, yes, believe it or not, English is a Germanic language) goddess Eoster/Ostara of spring and fertility, also known as "the Lady" (Freija). Like Ishtar, Eoster/Freija had a cloak of wings or feathers. The Germanic peoples originated as an offshoot of the Scythian groups, themselves originating from the northern regions of what is now known as eastern Iran or Persia.

    • @yaruqadishi8326
      @yaruqadishi8326 Рік тому

      @@jenjohnson2222 wowowo Germanic peoples come from Germany lands max northern Europe not Scythians.
      No and no freija is not like Ishtar two very different Gods. one is from Europe Northern the other ones from the Middle East Iraq area two completely alien alien worlds to each other and more alienated.

    • @yaruqadishi8326
      @yaruqadishi8326 Рік тому

      @@jenjohnson2222 and the Germanic is actually from that area and nothing to do with the Middle East so he's not linking anything you just making stuff up out at random out of pure flat ignorance.

  • @jacobdiscipleofjesusforeve419
    @jacobdiscipleofjesusforeve419 3 роки тому +1

    my question is why do we need to use a man made term to define God thats not found in the bible?

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 3 роки тому

      The Bible already uses man made terms and expressions; the Hebrew language was around long before Moses and the other writers wrote it down. The message communicated through those words is divine. There are a lot of terms we use that aren’t directly found in Scripture that are useful tools for understanding biblical concepts that are clearly taught in Scripture. The Bible already defines God. The term “Trinity” is simply a label for what is already taught in the Bible. I mean, the Bible doesn’t even refer to itself as the Bible nor do any of the books list the other books of the Bible, so the criteria kinda falls apart there.

    • @jacobdiscipleofjesusforeve419
      @jacobdiscipleofjesusforeve419 3 роки тому +1

      @@Window4503 you didn't answer my question.
      when we invent words to describe God that He doesn't use to describe Himself we put God in a doctrinal box. and give massive room for manmade traditions. we know what Jesus said about the Pharisees of His day when they created traditions and doctrines and attached Gods name to them. Jesus said theyre traditions make the word of powerless in thyere lives.

    • @sevensickszero6112
      @sevensickszero6112 3 роки тому

      Just because a word isn't found in the bible , it doesn't mean that the bible doesn't teach it, there's plenty of verses that imply plurality within the Godhead , like gen. 1:26, gen .19:24 which mentions two Yahwehs.......your comment is a man made comment so should we not take it seriously?

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому

      Jacob, you keep on keeping on. Trinity is the heresy, not the monotheism of Abraham. Only Yahweh is God. This is a human tradition, nothing more.

    • @sevensickszero6112
      @sevensickszero6112 3 роки тому

      @@texassmokingmonkey you havent done your homework , read genesis 19:24 and tell me how many Yahwehs you see in that verse.....

  • @marcusanthony488
    @marcusanthony488 3 місяці тому

    Can you say the cult of Calvin

  • @texassmokingmonkey
    @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому +2

    Oneness theology is drawn from the same clouded waters as trinitarianism. Only Yahweh is God, and creator.

  • @csouthland
    @csouthland 3 роки тому

    There are endless books, articles, teachers, churches, etc that have been explaining the trinity for a long, long time. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to have yet another person on to explain what has already been explained to death. If you wanted to break new ground you would find someone who is thoroughly versed in the non-trinitarian view point, so they could explain this position.
    Also, equating Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses with being a biblical Unitarian is a nonstarter. Many people are biblical Unitarians who are not Mormons or JW.

    • @SmalltimR
      @SmalltimR 3 роки тому

      Or we could just stick to the Bible and stop preaching lies right?

    • @csouthland
      @csouthland 3 роки тому

      Yes, exactly...always assume that your position is the correct one. Hang onto that assumption so tenaciously that you don't even try to take an honest look at what others think.

    • @carlosreira2189
      @carlosreira2189 2 роки тому

      Good points there. We could trace Unitarianism all the way back to the Reformation. It tended to take root in the hinterlands, not in the heart of Europe, but places like Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, even Spain, possibly, well probably, due to Muslim influence.
      Mormonism and JW's can be both placed in the Restorationist fervor of romantic 19th century America. So there are some parallels.
      The connection between Calvinism and Unitarianism is hardly ever talked about. But just as in those places I mentioned, they tended to morph together. By the time of the American Founding Fathers, Unitarianism was right alongside Congregationalism. There might be some good reasons for this. Calvin downplayed the necessity of Jesus being God if his atonement wasn't universal. Covenantal Theology tended to place Church on the foundation of Israel, not a new one. What else? Up-playing the role of the law also tended to invalidate a lot of Christian doctrine in the long run. Lots of paradox.

  • @Indorm
    @Indorm 2 роки тому

    I think this is the guy who adopted a spina bifida baby who almost got aborted and then saw a miracle happen?

  • @carlosreira2189
    @carlosreira2189 2 роки тому

    SPOILER ALERT/SPOILER ALERT111---I know, if you're anything like me, you're wondering, "whatever happened to Louis Farrakhan?" Nope, not that. He's still alive. Nope. He's still in charge of the Nation. Nope. Malcolm Xs people didn't get revenge. You'll never guess in a thousand years, and here it is--spoiler alert!!!
    He became a Scientologist.

  • @thebiblerefutesheretics2054
    @thebiblerefutesheretics2054 3 роки тому +1

    If you think we (Oneness Pentecostals) are heretics, than debate Pastor Roger Perkins. He would give you Trinitarian heretics a wake up call. Jesus is Lord. Amen. ✝️

    • @InterFīnumRērum
      @InterFīnumRērum 3 роки тому +4

      Oneness pentecostals deny salvation by faith so you all are double heretics.

    • @thebiblerefutesheretics2054
      @thebiblerefutesheretics2054 3 роки тому

      @@zachlehkyi9951 A blind man would say that.

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому +1

      Oneness doctrine is trinitarianism turned inside out. Jesus is not Yahweh, nor the Holy Spirit.
      Your doctrine is barely a hundred years old, in spite of what the Pentecostal hierarchy claims. Trinitarians make the same claim, that trinity was always the belief of Jesus' ecclesia.
      Only Yahweh is GOD, and he will not share his glory with anyone. Jesus was his son, a human being like us, tempted like us, subject to the frailties of human flesh, and he died. God does not die.

    • @SLVBULL
      @SLVBULL 3 роки тому

      Can you please change your sign because this sign represents the true Christians who are orthodox and not heretics of catholism and Protestantism.

    • @zachnunya8749
      @zachnunya8749 5 місяців тому

      You’re right. No one knew the truth until a hundred years ago and the entire church for 1900 years was lost and went to hell

  • @mr.d.c.1914.1
    @mr.d.c.1914.1 3 роки тому +1

    John 4:22
    You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews.
    Jesus Included himself IN WORSHIPPING THE FATHER. GOD does not worship himself, ONLY HIS CREATION WILL WORSHIP GOD
    Both GOD and the lamb are saviors, Rev 7:9-10, even Jesus needed to be saved by the Father from death as the Father is the SOURCE OF LIFE AND SALVATION , Hebrews 5:7 & John 5:26 - THE FATHER GAVE THE SON LIFE.
    JESUS is the Messiah and a CREATION BY GOD! He is called “BORN OF/FROM GOD”. (1 JOHN 5:18) Hebrews 1:5 showed that Jesus was MADE (orig Greek-gennaw). Also it says "he will become my son" Notice, FUTURE TENSE, WILL, so before that the SON DID NOT EXIST. If you are BORN AND MADE then you are a creation. , Hebrews 1:5 mentions I WILL BECOME HIS FATHER, so Jesus relationship with the Father has a BEGINNING, When ? it was TODAY. When was TODAY and When did Jesus become SON? Even before Jesus became human he is called SON , Prov 30:4
    He is called the firstborn and beginning of the CREATION BY GOD (COL 1, REVelation ) Also john 5:26 mentions that the FATHER GAVE JESUS LIFE. If Jesus is given LIFE OR EVEN ETERNAL LIFE, then Jesus does not have life or eternal life before those were given to him. JESUS was MADE LORD (ACTS 2:36) therefore WAS MADE, HEBREWS mentioned "TODAY" he became a SON , so has a beginning. John 1:1 mentions the WORD WAS IN THE BEGINNING, so Jesus was LIMITED "IN THE BEGINNING" Unlike GOD who is FROM FOREVER (Psalms 90:2). NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD and if they see GOD's face THEY WILL DIE. Jesus was seen by many and they didn't DIE so Jesus Is Not The Almighty God. JOHN 6:57 - Jesus Said “ I LIVE BEC OF THE FATHER” SO JESUS’ LIFE was dependent on the Father and his SOURCE OF LIFE/Eternal Life IS THE FATHER as John 5:26 states as well. Jesus is called SON even before coming to earth as human. See PROV 30:4. If the LIFE that is given to Jesus means eternal life, then Jesus the SON does not eternal life before the Father gave that life to him. John 5:26
    1john 5:1 - Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born from God,+ and everyone who loves the one who caused to be born loves him who has been born from that one . who is this that HAS BEEN BORN from that one? That is Jesus! 1 John 5:18 - Jesus is called BORN FROM GOD JESUS IS BORN FROM GOD, 1 JOHN 5:18 - We know that everyone who has been born from God does not practice sin, but the one born from God* watches him, and the wicked one cannot take hold of him . WHO is the ONE BORN FROM GOD that watches us and protect us and who does not sin? JESUS CHRIST!
    Sahidic Coptic translation uses an indefinite article with the word “god” in the final part of John 1:1.
    The Greek used in the BIble does not have an indefinite article "a" so that's why you don't see the "a" in John 1:1, The Sahidic Coptic translation uses an indefinite article with the word “god” in the final part of John 1:1. again, john 1:1 about theos - Strong's Concordance theos: God, a god , so "a god" is a valid translation. "The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon" defines theos as "a god" as well. so it is a valid translation. Also Thayer's Greek Lexicon also defines theos as "a god" so it is a valid translation
    Jesus is the SON. Jehovah is Our FATHER (Isa 63:16). Even the trinity doctrine states the SON IS NOT THE FATHER, so Jesus is NOT JEHOVAH
    God said " I am God Almighty", The use of I am, means GOD is ONE PERSON. Do you use I am, me, myself, me alone for ONE LITERAL PERSON or THREE PERSONS? You only use those phrases for ONE literal person and NEVER FOR THREE PERSONS.
    HEBREWS 1 :5 - the original greek word used there for begotten/born also means MAKE. so Jesus, the SON was MADE. Word: gennaw Pronounce: ghen-nah'-o Strongs Number: G1080 Orig: from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate:--bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring. G1085. Also it says "he will become my son" notice, FUTURE TENSE, WILL, so before that the SON DID NOT EXIST. He was MADE and then he became the SON. Jesus is called SON even before coming to earth as human. See Prov 30:4.
    Rev 22:16 - 16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David+ and the bright morning star.’”+ JESUS IS THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR, Angels are also called morning stars in Job 38:7, so Jesus is the BRIGHT OR CHIEF OF THE ANGELS (archangel) as 1 Thessalonians 4:​16 mentions
    So depending on the context the firstborn can be the chief, principal, or first in time or place or rank. Still though, when you use the firstborn with an OF, “firstborn OF”, because of the OF , that means the firstborn BELONGS TO THE GROUP, just like when you say firstborn of the sheep. The firstborn is a sheep. So Jesus belongs to the group of creation, firstborn of all creation.
    In Exodus 3, GOD is called I WILL BECOME (not I am) and does not correlate with John 8:58
    Word: DID Pronounce: haw-yaw Use: TWOT-491 Verb
    1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out

    JESUS IS NOT JEHOVAH. Jesus is the SON and JEhovah is OUR FATHER (Isa 63:16). Even acc to the Trinity, the SON IS NOT THE FATHER, so JESUS IS NOT JEHOVAH.
    John 1:1 about theos - Strong's Concordance theos: God, a god , so "a god" is a valid translation. "The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon" defines theos as "a god" as well. so it is a valid translation. Also Thayer's Greek Lexicon also defines theos as "a god" so it is a valid translation
    Jehovah is called GOD of gods, who are these gods? if you say that those are all false gods, then you are saying that GOD is like Satan as he is God of all false gods. Those gods exist, just like King of kings, those kings exist.
    Strong's No.: H3068 Hebrew: יְהֹוָה Transliteration: Yᵉhôvâh Phonetic: yeh-ho-vaw'" and even the BIBLE mentions the God's followers containing his name. Jehoshaphat, jehu, etc. With all Jehovah, the God of the Bible. Yes. Jehovah is God in the Bible, the Our Father (JEHOVAH) ISA 63 AND WHO IS JAH , JEHOVAH that is WORTHY OF PRAISE AND GLORY! ISA 26:4 - 4 Trust in Jehovah forever,h For Jah* Jehovah is the eternal Rock.
    JEHOSHAPHAT(MATTHEW 1 :8) - Easton's Bible Dictionary Jehovah-judged. Easton's Bible Dictionary Jehovah-judged. Smith's Bible Dictionary Jehoshaphat - (whom Jehovah judges.) Yup, JEHOVAH is the name of GOD IN THE BIBLE as his followers have the name of Jehovah in their name.
    Notice the TWO WORDS translated as By/Through in Col 1:16 - 1. En - a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively),.. Notice it says INSTRUMENTALITY 2. Dia - a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act Notice it says CHANNEL OF AN ACT So Colossians 1:16 simply mentions that Jesus is USED BY GOD AS A CHANNEL OF AN ACT, AN INSTRUMENT in the Creation. Compare that to GOD in 1 Cor 8:6 , notice for God the Father he uses the word EK - or ex ex a primary preposition denoting ORIGIN (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote):- Notice GOD the Father is the ORIGIN/FROM ,THE SOURCE FROM WHOM ALL THINGS are created. BIG DIFFERENCE. So the FATHER IS the ORIGIN of all things. For JEsus, it didn;t use the word Origin but "THrough" which in the Original Greek word also means "a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act". So God the Father is like the WRITER, he used his Son as a channel of a act to write (like a pen). So the only writer is the Father, the Son was used as a channel and NOT THE ORIGIN of creation. This is confirmed by Jesus in John 5:19 - " Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, the Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he sees the Father doing.+" JESUS CANNOT DO A SINGLE THING , his FATHER always guide him.
    All things came into existence through him,e and apart from him not even one thing came into existence. - Jesus is first BORN/MADE (Heb 1:5, 1 JOhn 5:18) by GOD directly , only begotten by GOD, the Father , ALL things (which does not include of course Jesus and his Father and the holy spirit) came into existence THROUGH him (Jesus). the word through (DIA in Greek means - a primary preposition denoting the CHANNEL of an act; ) So Jesus was used as the CHANNEL in the creation. The source is the Father. . Compare that to GOD in 1 Cor 8:6 , notice for God the Father he uses the word EK - or ex ex a primary preposition denoting ORIGIN (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote):- Notice GOD the Father is the ORIGIN/FROM ,THE SOURCE FROM WHOM ALL THINGS are created. BIG DIFFERENCE. So the FATHER IS the ORIGIN of all things. For JEsus, it didn;t use the word Origin but "THrough" which in the Original Greek word also means "a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act". So God the Father is like the WRITER, he used his Son as a channel of a act to write (like a pen). So the only writer is the Father, the Son was used as a channel and NOT THE ORIGIN of creation. This is confirmed by Jesus in John 5:19 - " Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, the Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he sees the Father doing.+" JESUS CANNOT DO A SINGLE THING , his FATHER always guide him.
    Salvation is from GOD and the Lamb! Rev 7:9-10

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому

      Dude, i agree with the true monotheism of Abraham, and stand agaianst trinitarianism. And i know that there is no short answer in rebuke of 1500+ years of the catholic triune model of God's nature.
      But wow, this is just too long, brother! Not a rebuke, just maybe a recommendation to get a conversation started, then make your case over the course of a discussion, rather than trying to lay it out all at once. Ya know?
      Either way, praises to the Most High God! And to his holy offspring Yeshua, through whom we are given life, and adoption into the house of the Living God! Such a wonderful blessing to know our God, AND our Lord.

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 2 місяці тому

      The same Greek word for "worship" used in John 4:22 is also found in John 9:38 in reference to Jesus.

  • @michaelhagerman7829
    @michaelhagerman7829 7 місяців тому


  • @judithtaylor6713
    @judithtaylor6713 3 роки тому

    Achtung! Don’t mess with Mormons. I don’t think you know that much about them.

  • @jasonweatherly9956
    @jasonweatherly9956 9 місяців тому

    It's sad that as intellectual as you guys are that you would even broad-brush in your description the UPC with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. It's totally apples to oranges. JW's deny Christ deity whereas UPC exalts His deity. Mormons have their own Bible, whereas the UPC uses the same standard translations as you guys. Robert Graves (AG Trinitarian) even referred to Oneness Pentecostals as "the most Christ-centered sect in the history of Christendom" (Praying in the Spirit, p. 51). Also, it is interesting that several leading Trinitarian scholars, such as Barth, Rahner, & Erickson, prefer non-trinitarian language like "modes of being" rather than "persons. So, "cult" and "heresy" are very strong words. Wish you guys would actually have a legit conversation with Oneness Pentecostals - maybe one day...

  • @phillipwash2670
    @phillipwash2670 3 роки тому

    quite candidly speaking, nowhere,...not only in the New Testament..but the Old Testment... is the doctrine of the Trinity mentioned by the apostles themselves, and clearly by their silence ... they were unaware of such a teaching--- as was the basically Jewish Cristians during the frist three centuries. but according to Andrew Hislop in his book "the two babylons" this was from the beginng a wholly pagan teaching. which was later taken up by the Roman Catholic Church and this is the real source of the heretical teaching of there being God, the Fsther and God the Son and God the holy Spirit"
    but we know from the bible that while its taught that the Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father, but nowhere does it say that either the Father or the son was said to love the Holy Spirit. the Greet text does not call the Holy Spirit a he. but essentlally the Holy Spirit is called an it..

  • @AkumaSOS
    @AkumaSOS 3 роки тому

    My Dad holds a Doctorate in Biblical Studies. And I been reading scripture since 5 years old now 13 almost. The Bible teaches different glories and the protestant view of heaven and hell many of the modern teachers ideas fall short. Nowhere does the letters of Paul teach against polygamy though it is forbidden for Bishops and Deacons. The New heaven and earth are not the same. The Bible teaches the spiritual are not the same as the immature believers in the New heaven and earth. And we believe in the Orthodox view of these ideas not the modern protestant views though we are protestant in soteriology and scriptural revelation.

  • @michelhaineault6654
    @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

    Jesus is NOT co-equal this is another trinitarians lies Jesus is in submission to the Father.The trinity is a myth nowhere teach in the bible . Don't tell me that Jesus ignore the true God ???? He call Is God THE FATHER not a trinity. The only God of the bible is the Father and He came as the sacrificial Lamb to saves is peoples.The trinity it's the heart of the roman catholic church.
    1John5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

  • @FrankHajek
    @FrankHajek 2 роки тому

    Jesus has dethroned the vengefull angry jellaous worship and blood demending ethnocentric local god and nailed his law to the cross.

  • @racevanandros2916
    @racevanandros2916 3 роки тому


  • @yaruqadishi8326
    @yaruqadishi8326 3 роки тому

    Ones autotheism "poly"-autotheism other is flawed montheism with jesus as an angel.

  • @racevanandros2916
    @racevanandros2916 3 роки тому

    Believe has a lie in it.

  • @goldenremnant2610
    @goldenremnant2610 3 роки тому

    Listen, this doesn’t have to be so complicated. Let me suggest to you a simple analogy that prevents further criticisms on the “Trinity”. While He has three parts, I would steer clear of that word “Trinity” and instead use “Godhead”, which is Biblical to boot.
    The Trinitarian concept is pagan, namely because the enemy of God, in anticipation of the Son coming to earth to reclaim what is rightfully His, established his own trinity FIRST - the father (HaSatan), the son (Lucifer/Osiris/Appollo/etc who is the sun-god with many names) and the mother, Isis (aka Ishtar, Easter -YES, Easter is PAGAN)
    And so anyone learned in Scripture knows that the Trinitarian false deity was established probably pre-flood or certainly long before Christians adopted the concept into their own religion. There is a mountain of information on this topic that seminary school simply refuses to teach. Atheists and other religious groups can clearly see the disingenuous nature of the Christian trinitarian viewpoint.
    So stay away from that word - instead consider Godhead. But here is the really helpful analogy that will help people understand more clearly:
    Think of a pale of water at room temperature. For the sake of my point, let’s say this pale of water is the Father.
    Water = Father (but not the pale)
    And take that water and split it into thirds. Let’s say you have three pales of water.
    So now three parts each at room temperature.
    Now freeze one (Jesus)
    Warm the other up to a gaseous state (Holy Spirit)
    And leave the third as is, liquid (Father)
    Same water. Three different forms and three different functions of use. God gave us something to understand His nature after all!
    It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than this folks. Move on!

  • @csouthland
    @csouthland 3 роки тому

    If the word 'father' means what we all know it means, then all of us also know that you cannot be your own father.
    If the word 'dead' means what we all know it means, then all of us also know that you cannot raise yourself from the dead.
    According to the trinity Jesus was pre-existent in the Old Testament before he existed in the New Testament. To exist means 'to be.' Then to pre-exist means to 'to be" before you 'be.' You cannot exist before you exist. You either are or you are not.
    See what's going on here? You have to deny that language has any logical meaning to even discuss the trinity.

  • @rocketmanshawn
    @rocketmanshawn 3 роки тому

    Based on his idols and gods position I'm gonna guess Durbin isn't a fan of Michael Heiser 🤔

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      Michael Heiser is a false doctor believing that the falling angels became men and reproduce with the women of men and created giants ????? Falling angels are SPIRIT and Spirit do not reproduce..... also he reject the election doctrine and many many others truth.

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 3 роки тому

      @@michelhaineault6654 I don’t think you’ve read his work then. Remember when those two angels and God visited Abraham and they all looked like men and even ate what Sarah cooked for them? Considering that the angels who reproduced were fallen, it isn’t a stretch to the imagination that they’d be able to. The Bible says the angels don’t marry. It says nothing about angels not being able to have sex outside of marriage, especially since the angels that did so were already enemies of God. Again, Heiser has some very good points. If you’re going to disagree, at least present his side fairly.

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      @@Window4503 ahahah angels are not always spirit because angel mean ''messenger'' the bible say more than what you say about them and here what Jesus teach us about angels (spirits) = Luke 24:36 Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” 37 But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. 38 And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      and to confirm what am saying= Heb.1:14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      @@Window4503 also the text is saying THE SONS OF GOD (Ben Elohim) sons of God ARE NOT FALLING ANGELS !!!!!!!!!

  • @SmalltimR
    @SmalltimR 3 роки тому +1

    This is hilarious - let's talk about imposing that which is not taught in the Bible and attacking those adhering to the true doctrine of Christ!
    With that said, nowhere is Satan's hand at work as apparent than with such behavior, this, and yet, millions of would-be Christians take it upon themselves to do Satan's dirty work.

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому

      Hi brother, Joel here. Are you an advocate of oneness theology by any chance?

    • @SmalltimR
      @SmalltimR 3 роки тому +1

      Hi, and thanks for the question.
      With that being said, I prefer to try and avoid ascribing to such things personally, as it is the doctrine of Christ in the Bible that we must conform-to, that is to say; the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Holy Scriptures

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому +1

      SmalltimR I'm afraid I'm not clear on your answer--sorry! I'm not trying to be difficult! I only ask because people can be non-trinitarian, but still differ on the nature of God, and the relationship between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
      I personally believe in the One God, Yahweh, as the only true God and Creator. I believe Jesus is his human son (now glorified, of course), and that the Holy Spirit proceeds from God.
      I don't accept trinity or oneness theologies.

    • @SmalltimR
      @SmalltimR 3 роки тому +1

      I understand, and thanks for taking the time to clarify your question
      With that being said, here's a brief summary of what I believe-in, in accordance with the teachings of the Hebrew and Greek text;
      YHWH is alone and by Himself as the source of all things known and unknown - which would include, though not limited-to His word
      Whereas GOD's word who was in heaven with GOD prior-to the beginning spoken of in Genesis, comes from GOD and does as GOD commands it to do.
      Jesus who was revealed to be the son of GOD on earth, sent by GOD to save us from the sin and death brought into the world by Adam
      And finally, the Holy Spirit, which also comes from GOD, is GOD's active will being done over creation(heaven and earth)
      Therefore and with that being said, I do not ascribe to the belief that there is more than one GOD alone who is doing all things, and that, that GOD is the GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth - YHWH, the same GOD Jesus identified as His GOD and our GOD, the only true GOD, who is over all, through all and in us all...
      - hope this helps

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому +1

      SmalltimR Thanks for taking the time to lay this out for me so clearly.
      I agree with almost everything you have stated here, absolutely. There is just one word i would change to conform it to my understanding, and i'm by no means suggesting that you should do so, just that this is my belief.
      It is where you say, "Whereas GOD's word who was in heaven with GOD prior-to the beginning spoken of in Genesis." I would say "GOD's word WHICH was in heaven with GOD," instead of "who," because it is not my belief that Jesus was a pre-existent being before his birth. I believe he was in the mind of God, in his plan, similar to what is spoken about Jesus in 1 Peter 1:20 ("foreknown indeed before [the] foundation of [the] world, but who has been manifested at the end of times for your sakes), Romans 8:29 (For whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son), and Ephesians 1:4 (even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and without blemish before him in love).
      So i believe Jesus was foreknown before the world began, to be born by the power of God's word, or as the embodiment of his word, or logos. Looking at John 1:1, "word" (logos) can mean spoken word, thought, motive, or intent. But it is never used to describe a person. "The word became flesh" means exactly that.
      The interpretation of John's prologue in John 1 that "word" means "Jesus" is a vestige of trinitarianism, which requires Jesus to have existed for as long as Yahweh, so he can be co-eternal and co-equal, but this is just human doctrine, and a twisting of scripture.
      Of course, not everyone sees it that way. 😃 (to put it mildly!)

  • @scottbrownawell6551
    @scottbrownawell6551 3 роки тому

    A CyBerean Unification Theoretical Quantum Eschatological,.. A non-trinitarian cult as opposed to the trinitarian cult,..

  • @cruebaldwin2394
    @cruebaldwin2394 3 роки тому +1

    Be careful Jeff, don’t get to close to these “sons of perdition”

  • @garyboulton7524
    @garyboulton7524 3 роки тому +1

    Is Jesus God?

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  3 роки тому +8


    • @garyboulton7524
      @garyboulton7524 3 роки тому +4

      @@TheRemnantRadio Oh yeah I know. I'm just trying to make a point to non-trinitarians but thank you bro. It all starts when they reject the divinity of Christ

    • @suej9329
      @suej9329 3 роки тому +3

      John 1:1, ‘In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD; v14: and the WORD BECAME FLESH (JESUS) and dwelt amongst us.

    • @garyboulton7524
      @garyboulton7524 3 роки тому +1

      @@suej9329 For sure sister, look at my response to remnant radio. I affirm Jesus is God. My question was intended to make a point to non-trinitarians.

    • @suej9329
      @suej9329 3 роки тому +1

      Yes, I get that and I pray it does. I simply added the verse for scriptural support.

  • @manumac100
    @manumac100 3 роки тому

    Don't tell about others, talk about why are you believing in Bible.

  • @chasewiser1551
    @chasewiser1551 11 місяців тому

    Jeff is more concerned about winning nuanced points than being Christian

  • @michelhaineault6654
    @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

    The bible cannot be more clear Eph.4.4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
    One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
    6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
    One God and Father and not one God of three differents persons (this is nowhere teach in all the bible) !!!!
    God = Father trinity= pagan religion

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      And we know that the Son of God has come (Jesus)
      and has given us an understanding, (Jesus)
      that we may know Him who is true; (Jesus)
      and we are in Him who is true,(Jesus)
      in His Son Jesus Christ. (Jesus)
      This is the true God and eternal life.(JESUS)1john5:20

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      you do not hear my voice because you are not my sheep

    • @Mikha335
      @Mikha335 3 роки тому

      Yeshua is NOT the Father, or another person of God, but the human son of the Father.

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      @@Mikha335 this is not what 1John 5 is saying neither Eph.4:4

    • @texassmokingmonkey
      @texassmokingmonkey 3 роки тому +1

      Mikha'El ? Amen to that!

  • @trapperkcmo3460
    @trapperkcmo3460 3 роки тому +1

    you guys are missing it big time. see ya in the apocalypse

  • @csouthland
    @csouthland 3 роки тому +1

    Check out the following books:
    1) One God and One Lord: Reconsidering the Cornerstone of the Christian Faith by Schoenheit, Graeser, and Lynn
    2) The Trinity: Christianity’s Self-Inflicted Wound by Anthony Buzzard
    3) Letters Addressed to Relatives and Friends by Mary Dana Shindler
    4) When Jesus Became God by Richard Rubenstein

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 2 місяці тому

      Jesus is Lord in that He is YHWH (Romans 10:13).

    • @csouthland
      @csouthland Місяць тому

      @@kardiognostesministries8150 So, you obviously didn't read any of the books I listed.
      You know, in over 20 years of being a believer, not one trinitarian I have ever offered books to actually read one of them.

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 Місяць тому

      @@csouthland I have read enough articles and seen plenty of videos by John Schoenheit as well as Anthony Buzzard to know their theological positions.
      You dodged Romans 10:13 because it refutes your false doctrine.

    • @csouthland
      @csouthland Місяць тому

      @@kardiognostesministries8150 If you had actually done that, then you would have rejected the trinity.

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 Місяць тому

      @@csouthland Romans 10:13 (which you continually dodge) refutes Unitarian heresy.

  • @HalLeath
    @HalLeath 3 роки тому

    If Jesus is Fully Man and Fully God, as most Theologians believe, what part of God, (Deity) is not Jesus??
    None!!! He is fully God, and fully Man!
    He is the Almighty Alpha & Omega! The Almighty! But He is also the Fully Human Son of Man!
    If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
    John 14:7-9 -
    Does God have blood??? Yes, He certainly does!! The Blood of His Son is actually the BLOOD OF GOD! Ever since the Incarnation God has blood!!
    Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
    Acts 20:28 -
    Jesus was and is Fully God and Fully Man!!! The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are all One!! The Bible uses the Words as personal pronouns, so many believe there are 3 separate persons in the Godhead. So I concur, but are these Persons comparable to Human Persons? No! Why not? Because a “Person” as we know a person, is not Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent!! So we must realize the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are not typically PERSONS, But Persons in a Greater Sense.
    So this next verse means so much!!!.....
    And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: and they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
    Revelation 22:3-4
    PLEASE NOTICE THAT in the REVELATION OF JESUS, God and the Lamb have ONE THRONE, ONE singular FACE, and ONE NAME!
    So yes the doctrine of the Trinity tries to explain the Godhead, but the Truth is that there seems to be more than meets the eye.
    I do understand that there are 3 distinct Persons in the Godhead, but are they persons as we understand, or something much more powerful, ONE TRUE GOD?

  • @sranney1
    @sranney1 3 роки тому

    The beast is joe biden 😜

  • @langreeves6419
    @langreeves6419 3 роки тому

    I was hoping for biblical information, not an evil tirade against women's reproductive rights. If you're against abortion, make legislation and societal changes to make it easier for women to care for children, and make birth control more available.

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 3 роки тому +1

      Isn’t that itself biblical? What about the rights of the child whom God made? What about the abstinence and self-control spoken about in the Epistles? The early Christians lived in a society where abortions took place and young children were sometimes abandoned because they were unwanted, so it’s not like they’re unfamiliar with our modern “solutions.”

  • @michelhaineault6654
    @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому +1

    the trinity is a myth invented by apostated men in 325 ad Only one God THE FATHER who came as the sacrificial Lamb.

    • @Iffmeister
      @Iffmeister 3 роки тому

      Lol so why did Tertullian who lived in the 200s coin the term Trinity and explained it the same way as Nicaea? So did jesus fail and the gates of hell prevailed against his church?

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому +2

      @@Iffmeister tertulian is not the bible nor the truth. The trinity was bring by the pagans when they convert but you wil never never never find ONE VERSE in all the bible about God being three different persons. Jesus is the Father in flesh .I
      John14:9 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
      8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, SHOW US THE FATHER (the quyestion cannot be more clear) and it sufficeth us.
      9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

    • @Iffmeister
      @Iffmeister 3 роки тому +3

      @@michelhaineault6654 yeah that's pretty terrible considering the Father spoke to Jesus in Matthew 3, he prayed to the Father in John 17, and he is interceding before the Father in Hebrews 7:25.
      Jesus reveals who the Father is but he is NOT the father. John 10:30 is in the neuter in the Greek, which means he is saying he and the Father are the same thing, not that they are the same person.
      And that's not even my point. You said "the Trinity was invented at Nicaea". So I was refuting you and saying no, we have people using the word "Trinity" and meaning what Christians believe TODAY (one God three persons) way before Nicaea. You can't just say "Tertullian is not the Bible". That wasnt the debate! You were saying a false opinion about history and I was correcting you. All the church fathers believed in the Trinity. Just read Origen for goodness sake, and he came over 100 years before Nicaea!

    • @Iffmeister
      @Iffmeister 3 роки тому

      @@pateunuchity884 they did lol. But yes it's in the Bible.

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 3 роки тому

      @@Iffmeister you always PRESUME BUT NEVER PROVE. Look at this WORD OF GOD (not of men) Rom.9:5 Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised!Amen. JESUS IS GOD OVER ALL !!! Not another God not another person but God who is the Father OVER ALL... and in Isaiah9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace JESUS WILL BE CALL '' EVERLASTING FATHER '' Do you love the truth ?