My boys on the force are gonna take you out. And as long as that vanity plate says Swift, Sweetie will ALWAYS be my car, no matter HOW much you drive her.
Kamran Williams oh Molly... every off-road racer is out to crush you... the entire police force is out for your blood.... you are just another loser standing in my way... and you’re about to Run out of luck.
My boys on the force are gonna take you out. And as long as that vanity plate says Swift, Sweetie will ALWAYS be my car, no matter HOW much you drive her.
Swift Miller I've escape the police force you lost
Fine. But Sweetie Will NEVER belong to you. And Navarro will take you out for me.
Swift Miller try me!
Kamran Williams BRING IT ON!!!!
Kamran Williams oh Molly... every off-road racer is out to crush you... the entire police force is out for your blood.... you are just another loser standing in my way... and you’re about to Run out of luck.